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6924499 No.6924499 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you an alcoholic yet?

>> No.6924532

The better question is why don't I have health insurance, despite Obama care, and daily pains and disorientation.

The answer is because I drink too much.

>> No.6924543

Hangovers, plus I still like my life a little, so I want to avoid being hungover or doing stupid shit when drunk. I'd love to drink lots of alcohol though if I could just avoid those two things.

It's tougher when you appreciate the various flavors of good alcohol, not just the feeling. It'd be easier if I just loved alcohol way more than life, or loved life way more than alcohol. oh well, I suppose I'll manage.

>> No.6924552


I don't think you understand what alcoholism is.

>> No.6924602

Cust most alcohols taste like taking a fireball to the face.

>> No.6924609

I think I do sort of. I've flirted with it. 2-3 day binges. Not full blown, though, admittedly, but i've read about and known people who drink far more than me.

But I think I have a "first-hand understanding" of why people love to drink, and similarly do drugs. And I know what it is by definition/intellectually, but that's completely different from temptation, euphoria, and the range of other things that you experience.

>> No.6924629

But I am. Have shit graveyard job, single hardly any friends. Only escape is through the can.

>> No.6924630

Don't think my mom will let me drink alcohol tbh

>> No.6924639

I already was one pretty much, but not anymore because I'm managing to fill the emptiness with other things

>> No.6924644

You definitely have no clue.

>> No.6924646


>temptation, euphoria, and the range of other things that you experience

Alcoholism is a physical fucking dependence.

It's years of 7 day "binges", every week, and has nothing to do with temptation or euphoria.

It's when drinking makes you feel terrible, and like you're probably going to die, yet not drinking is 10 times worse. It's when you lose your friends and family, job and hobbies, because drinking is the only thing that you can think about.

Despite the bodily pain that only gets worse when you drink, you drink to get rid of the mental pain, and shakes, and disorientation, and just to get to sleep at night knowing you're going to wake up feeling even worse than you did today.

>> No.6924649

I feel like you, like I wouldn't mind being drunk all the time but the hangover kinda kills it for me, and I kinda can't be drunk all the time for work reasons.
Plus I really do love the flavor of all kinds of alcohol, I mostly drink it straight.
Wouldn't call myself an alcoholic when I look at others though, the kind of people who are alcoholics kinda drink cheap liquor every day just to get drunk.

>> No.6924656

shit fams, you've set me straight. I guess I'm just a fag who drinks too much occasionally.

>> No.6924658


Alcoholics don't get hangovers, they get used to feeling like shit all the time.

Alcoholics usually really enjoy good alcohol as well, but buy cheep shit because they go through it so quickly.

Alcoholics don't drink cheap beer, malt liquor, or boxed wine - they drink plastic handles of vodka.

>> No.6924659

Taking Warfarin.

Drinking large amounts of alcohol causes internal bleeding and death.

I'm not interested in bleeding to death for the sake of alcohol.

>> No.6924674

My gf (we live together, but sleep in separate beds) woke me up around noon today, and got really pissed off when I blurted out that I wanted to get some lithium, thinking I was just wanting to get into harder drugs than she knew about.

I barely remembered it, but realized it might have been something I read about while passed out drunk as a way to counter dt's.

>> No.6924680

If I have about 4 shots of vodka every night is that bad? Like am I killing my liver or does it take more than that?

>> No.6924681

Yeah, I know most of this, thus why I wouldn't call myself one just for drinking a lot (though other people sometimes get concerned over it). Didn't know about the hangover thing though, but it makes sense.
Alcohol seems like an easy thing to get addicted to though.

>> No.6924684

In general I'd say it takes more than that, but it doesn't hurt to check up on it just to make sure. I mean it's all individual how much your liver can handle.

>> No.6924687

That's 28 drinks a week which is twice the amount of "recommended" drinks per week for a person

>> No.6924693


>alcohol seems like an easy thing to get addicted to though

It's really not that bad; it's just that if you make a habit of it over the course of a number of years it will sneak up on you, especially if you suddenly find yourself in a shitty situation, and already have a taste/tolerance for it.

>> No.6924700

Your girlfriend is a fucking idiot.

>> No.6924702


A shot isn't an exact amount.

The most common measurement is 1.5 ounces, and according to that I have around 12 shots every night and am still alive, but you shouldn't envy my situation.

>> No.6924705


Might be, but your post didn't really contribute anything.

>> No.6924711

You still live at home?

>> No.6924714


>> No.6924717

so smoke weed

>> No.6924731

because I'm not a flyover

>> No.6924732


>plans to move to a legal state
>plans don't do much when alcoholic
>already hypochondriac due to constant pains
>never really liked weed growing up because of paranoia

Not the anon you replied to, but I fucking wish I could ween myself off vodka with pot, but would probably have a heart/anxiety attack if I tried.

>> No.6924908

Is there a way out? I'm there. I got drunk as shit 7 days a week for years, it isn't about having fun at that point. It's about waking up with the world's worst hangover one day and the only way out is more booze.

>> No.6924986


>is there a way out

There's Detox, AA, and gradually drinking less.

I don't (can't) really leave the house, and sure as fuck am not ready to stand up in a circle of coffee drinkers and make a speech about how I've ruined my life, so I've pretty much been trying out drinking less.

I used to wait till 5pm, even when I was unemployed, but then I just started staying up later and it made no difference.

In any case, going for at least half a day to allow your body to detox makes a huge difference. I can't really give advice, as everyone around me says it's freezing, while I'm sweating and shivering...

>> No.6925011

Does that mean an alcoholic's normal is hungover or that the body just adjusts? I grew up with a mother who would get laughably plastered 7 days a week and always wondered since she seemed fine the next day.

>> No.6925034


>does that mean an alcoholic's normal is hungover or that the body just adjusts

There are up days and down days, but neither really compare to what an average drinker would call a hangover.

I basically can't remember what it's like to feel normal (not hung over), and am pretty out of it when I wake up. The thing is that my abdomen just feels numb in the morning, and I spend a few hours feeling half asleep before I get out of bed... but then I need to hang onto door frames because I feel like I'm going to fall down, and after I go to the bathroom and start drinking water whatever pains I'm feeling that day manifest. Usually a sharp pain somewhere in the abdomen, and a general sour feeling in the belly.

You know drinking more will only make it worse, but you also know you should eat something, yet your hands are shaking so bad you don't even want to go out into the daylight.

The good news is that, despite the nausea, I haven't vomited in over a decade.

>> No.6925039

Because I'm Muslim

>> No.6925040

Yeah, I've never quite understood. For instance, I got laughably plastered a few days ago, and I don't feel like I can drink whiskey for a while and stayed in bed for a day.

I never really got how my alcoholic mother managed to get to work in the morning.

>> No.6925053


There is such a thing as high functioning alcoholics - they just can't keep it up forever...

If you can go for a few days without drinking you should just try to cut it down. Needing to drink every day is one thing, but it's when you need to drink in the morning that it really becomes an issue.

Also you should check out the movie, "smashed"; it's got Mary Elizabeth Winstead and is a pretty decent depiction of how "normal" anons can get fucked over by seemingly innocent booze.

>> No.6925060

I hope this thread is up tomorrow, I'm banned on my laptop. But yea, I hit liter a day rock bottom, went to detox, outpatient rehab, AA, and all that. I'm better than I was, but I still hit that bottle. When I checked in I had a job and supported myself financially. Now I'm living with my mom and don't work. I was pretty sober too, for awhile. I don't even know where to start, but I know what you've been through and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I can't even give a speech in AA no matter how nice they are, I quake with anxiety. Good luck with yourself. If you wanna exchange awful storirs, I wouldn't mind.

>> No.6925074


I'd love to continue chatting anon.

>use /ck/ as a substitute aa
>only post in alcohol threads when drunk

Whatever. Get unbanned and tell us about trying to get sober. It feels pretty hopeless, and I'm in a strange situation where I haven't even talked to my mom in nearly a year, and she probably thinks it's just because I don't like her, while it's really that I've just given up on life; or have just become a drunk, failed at life, and the fact that I can't admit it to my family makes it worse, day by day.

>> No.6925096

i can't afford it, i can't get drunk when i want because i live with my mom and i can't be hungover all the time because then i'd fail university

>> No.6925116

I can't afford it either but that shouldn't stop a truly determined alco.

>> No.6925119

I'm not a degenerate without willpower

>> No.6925128


Despite a few attempts, I can't stand the taste of alcohol.

>> No.6925132

le edge

>> No.6925156

Because I don't have a job and can't afford it. And I never drank alcohol for my entire life (22 now), wouldn't know where to start

>> No.6925158

haha aa

>> No.6925161

ey berra, langa smirnoffen

>> No.6925163

haha ja döda tråden

t. sdif

>> No.6925167


Drinking a lot ends up giving me pretty bad LERD. As a side effect I end up coughing a lot and spitting up a lot of gastric overflow. It sucks, but I've tried antacids and stuff like prilosec and other similar products with no relief. So, I have to enjoy in moderation, along with most foods. Kinda sucks really.

>> No.6925172

Because I've spent the better part of the year trying to dry out, this time it's going to stick, I hope.

>> No.6925549

I'm not 21.

>> No.6925563

I drink every day but I don't get drunk every day. I operate heavy machinery at work and get random piss and breath tests.

To be honest I'm glad we do because I wouldn't touch a big machine if my head weren't clear and I work with about 30 other guys and I want us all on the same level.

>> No.6925577

Same age as you. I just drink screwdrivers every night. I just can't develop a taste for alcohol because most of it fucks with my stomach

>> No.6925582
File: 189 KB, 1600x1200, jacksoncrossflow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so much of an alcoholic I built a still.

>> No.6926683

I like driving too much and I am too poor to be doing this.

>> No.6926689


That's the orange juice, not the booze.

>> No.6926702


why the hell can't you people become proper drunks.

You drink homemade vodka with diet 7up chasers. Like a real end stage alcoholic.

>> No.6926708



It's like reading Bukowski if written by a 14 year old.

>> No.6926717


You ever drank 65% alcohol? Or azeotropic 93%? I'm sure you'd take it like a man amirite? I get 65% from my untuned column, and 93 when its tuned. You don't know what either of those things are, do you?

>> No.6926725

I just simply can't afford to be. I'm sure when I become independently wealthy drug addiction might be something I'll have to take good care to avoid, but it seems like everything I've tried so far (*Salvia Divinorum, Tobacco,Cannabis Indica & Sativa, & Alcohol*) I haven't had the misfortune of addiction. There are plenty of other drugs I want to try, most certainly opiates, benzos and tryptamines.

>> No.6926747

not that guy but will check out the movie
thanks anon

>> No.6926751

I had to cut way back because it was probably going to abruptly kill me.

My heart would beat so hard at night I couldn't sleep.

>> No.6926776

>azeotropic 93%

Sure thing bud. You've setup your own distillery to supply yourself with super purified alcohol, which you enjoy drinking . . . but use a chaser for.

Wild Turkey 101 is my go to for sadman drinking - and I don't demand sugarwater to get the icky out of my mouth after. Of course, unlike yourself I'm not trying to drink the aspie away.

>> No.6926812

I want to die from something else.

>> No.6926816
File: 245 KB, 1600x1626, booze3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're sticking with your bravado. I respect that level of childishness. When you try pure ethanol, let me know what you did after that ounce. You can chug everclear, but it's silly to do so. I'm drinking Lagavulin right now. I don't know about you.

>> No.6926817

I'd like to stop drinking but I forgot what I like to do instead. Seriously, life seems boring without it.

>> No.6926818
File: 2.85 MB, 1680x702, daf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drink some sierra nevadas to try and like the taste of beer
>try some tripels and stouts
>don't like the taste

I don't think I will ever be able to appreciate beer

>> No.6926821


No you don't. Unless its heroin, and then maybe.

>> No.6926840


awwwwww did I hurt the feelings of the chem student that wants to feel he's a big bad dwunk?

>You can chug everclear, but it's silly to do so
My point exactly, fucktard

>I'm drinking Lagavulin right now
With a diet coke mixer, no doubt

>> No.6926878
File: 213 KB, 1600x2133, still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the reason no one worth a shit spends any time on this board, because this guy chases them away. I make my own vodka and whiskey, but this asshole chases away anyone who knows a goddamn thing.

>> No.6926887
File: 371 KB, 500x375, 1370927771247.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause I dont wanna end like my father

>> No.6926892

I can't afford it so I only mooch off of my brother and father. If I had a job i'd be a functional alcoholic though.

>> No.6926920
File: 78 KB, 900x675, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1438904597307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I smoke pot instead. I'd be an alcoholic otherwise. When I run out, I wind up binge drinking every night until I get more.

>> No.6926938


Did you leave, fuckface? Or do you have something quantitative to add to the conversation?

>> No.6926959

Timestamp then. It is simple.

Anyone can Google a homemade still and get some pics.

>> No.6926967
File: 3.94 MB, 2304x3072, collins+still.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my whiskey still.

>I'm a pro drinker here is my proofs.

>> No.6926976

My name is Collin btw

That's my still

>Proof is in the filename.

>> No.6926993
File: 182 KB, 1600x1200, still2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was me scrolling sept 29th/2015 on my still head. That's a jackson crossflow condenser.

>> No.6926996


Welcome Bro!

>> No.6927014

That would be really degenerate. I'm ok with some drinks, but my goal in life is to be better than others based on society's stupid standards.

Good point

>> No.6927028


Do you know how many people who were alcoholics that were vastly more intelligent than you are and will ever be? You say degenerate, but you include yourself in a very depressing way.

>> No.6927032

>tfw currently undergoing alcohol withdrawals

>> No.6927042

So this entire thread has just gone to shit then? Are all of you people.. young?

>> No.6927055

Because I have drunk alcohol plenty of times, yet don't really feel like it's something I need to have in my life.
That said, I spent more money on guns, video games, books, food and other stuff, while being kind of poor, so I don't really have the money to spend on alcohol.

It's more of an economic thing with me, but even then, I've never really developed a true liking for alcohol. I do like collecting the "good stuff" when I see a sale, but I don't even drink them.

>> No.6927057

>My gf (we live together, but sleep in separate beds)
I was going to make a shitty cuck joke, but why in hell would you sleep in different beds man ?

>> No.6927065

>Why aren't you an alcoholic yet?

I'm trying. But I'll still take a night off because I'm still worn out from the previous night's endeavors.

>> No.6927066

Not the same guy, but it kinda gets messed up during hot and humid days and hard to sleep when the lady friend snores.

>> No.6927072

>buying liquor but not drinking them

>> No.6927074

This has always been a children thread. We won't see adults here, ever.

>> No.6927077

Neat if real. Show the whole thing with a time stamped piece of paper. The pipe markings (metal color)and zip ties don't match in the pics.

Not saying you are lying, just want it to be real.

>> No.6927082

Thanks m8, Name is Collin or @collinstill on twitter and instagram.

>> No.6927099

Fair enough

>> No.6927108

no income
expired id
look too young to pass through the check
no apetite so i probably cant hold it in

mentally i think im on the precipice to become alcoholic, i am depressed and i cant find enjoyment in the little escapism i get.

>> No.6927113

Drinking is degenerate as fuck.