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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 591 KB, 888x506, Screen Shot 2015-09-28 at 8.08.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6924095 No.6924095 [Reply] [Original]

Chubby Bunny ;^)


>> No.6924229

what is wrong with these two?

>> No.6924240
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>> No.6924245

>they're so bloated their voices barely change with additional marshmallows

>> No.6924744


What is up with their foreheads? Does that happen when you get super fat?

>> No.6924748

It's like SSJ3 but with obesity

>> No.6924750

what is ssj3?

>> No.6924755
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>> No.6924761

that's ssy3 you dumb mexican

>> No.6924765

>mom! i posted it again!

>> No.6924767
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>being this retarded

>> No.6924822



>> No.6924854

>"I love marshmallows"

No shit.

These two make Simply Sarah look like a health freak.

>> No.6924855

Jesus christ, what a creepy fucking mongoloid. I get the feeling if you bathed it and managed to get all the makeup off, there'd just be a skeleton under there.

>> No.6924870

She's got videos up of herself with no makeup on, and she's a solid 2. Creepy British white girl.
She also eats candy on camera and has a Japanese husband now, who I'm about positive is secretly being held with her against his will. He looks like hes suffering in every video he's featured in, especially when she talks to him in her broken-ass Japanese.

>> No.6924880

The resemblance between the 3 of those ambuloceti is striking.

>> No.6924887

Jesus Christ, how horrifying.

>> No.6924972

I knew it was gonna be her

>> No.6924980

why does she talk like that?

>> No.6926429

holy shit creepy

>> No.6926450
File: 1.20 MB, 1404x1296, Screen Shot 2015-09-29 at 1.36.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this gal is deranged


>> No.6926576

>post yfw fat sister 1 is kill

>> No.6926625

I like the gift videos. The letters are all really insulting and they don't get it.

Also they send gifts like a stick with a keychain on it

>> No.6927233
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>Suoer Saiya-jin 3
>Original Japanese
Yeah, fuck off

>> No.6927619
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>> No.6927843

>not supporting eugenics in 2015

>> No.6927879
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shes married m8


>> No.6928598
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Wait, so she's a britbong (presumably white) that wears heavy makeup (and fake contact lenses?), affects a shitty Japanese accent, embraces nippon culture and dresses like an anime weeb?

So the jokes about being transracial weren't jokes?

>> No.6928600

"booh bye bye booh!"

holy shit what is wrong with that man

>> No.6928610
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Holy fuck I just watched this one:


I wish I knew where she lived so I could mail her photos of the aftermath of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the US flag raised on Iwo Jima captioned with "BEST DAY OF MY LIFE".

>> No.6928750

It's becoming more and more common for me to wish people were dead. I don't know if that's a comment on my growing cynicism or how retarded the average person has become. Or both.

>> No.6928776

why have you done this to me 4chan

>> No.6928794

Ahahaha I'm so fucking glad this thread didn't die and everyone hates Venus as much as I do.

Chick is in her TWENTIES and pulling this shit.

>> No.6928820

She looks alright without all of the makeup

>> No.6928874

Doesn't stop her from sounding or acting like an absolute dipshit.

>> No.6928908 [DELETED] 

well that's just great

now I want to see her nipnong husband get cucked by a big black bull

>> No.6928919

>So the jokes about being transracial weren't jokes?

There is a god damned WHITE FEMALE COLLEGE PROFESSOR who convinced the whole shit that she was black for years (and even wrote a book, called some shit like "How to be Black", cant remember exactly as I am drunk as shit right now, but yes, ITS FUCKING REAL). Its not a fucking joke. Also, not confirmed by me for sure, but another "black" activist, male, who did the same shit.



I cant WAIT to get called out for being white cis whatever the fuck the flavor of the minute is so I can loudly proclaim "CHECK YOUR SOBER PRIVILEGE, YOU CIS-CUNT, I IDENTIFY AS TRANS-ALCOHOL!"

>> No.6928930
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As a fellow alcohol, I await the day our kind will be socially acceptable.

>> No.6928962
File: 1.58 MB, 320x180, skettiandbutter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she puts two bricks of butter in her sketti when she only needs a tablespoon at most

>> No.6928968

they did a study where they had a 400 lb irishman who wanted to lose weight, they gave him nothing but vitamins and water for a year and he lost 200 lbs and was a normal human being

i think these two need a minimum of 2 years on the same regimen, hell i could probably ration just on of their daily meals over a year and not lose weight

>> No.6928997

How do they afford to eat like this? As in dropping an entire stick of butter into every meal, and presumably many other overconsumption habits

>> No.6929838
File: 12 KB, 230x260, ScreenHunter_08 Sep. 30 14.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn these hambeasts are so fat they can barely talk.

>> No.6929849
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This fucking channel.


>> No.6930108
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>> No.6931475

Living off of actual human's tax dollars.
Fucking pathetic that this and autismbux is allowed. People who request that should be shot on sight.

>> No.6932013

god, it's always a horrifying when white women try to be cute.

>> No.6932139

lel that ring on her finger is never coming off

>> No.6932149

I would love to watch her have an eat off challenge with Simply Sara.

>> No.6932384

ma porca puttana no

>> No.6932389

she can't even hold the chopsticks