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6923101 No.6923101 [Reply] [Original]

Which cuisine has America's best food?

And you can't just say something like "Southern food" (since "Southern" food comprises many cuisines: Creole, Western, Appalachian, the rice-centric diets of South Carolina and the Hispanic inspired Floridian food).

I'm specifically talking about the United States but if you believe an area of Canada or Central and South America has better cuisine feel free to post it.

Pic related, I love Brazilian cuisine. I never would have guessed a country of HUEHUEs could produce such good food. Pic is of moqueca, seafood in a coconut stew with rice. I'm partial to lobster moqueca but shrimp is fuckin god tier too

>> No.6923111

And as a note, while I said you can't just say "Southern food" because it comprises so many regional cuisines, you can cover a large area if most of the cuisine in the region is the same. For example, throughout most of the Midwest, you'll find a pretty consistent cuisine. Whereas in New York you will find all kinds of different cuisines depending on where you are

>> No.6923169

>southern food
Your being an ass. Southern food reefers to food that is traditionally tied to the south. It's a blanket term. All this west Appalachian horseshit is OCD turned up to lv.10. Fried Chicken,mashed potatoes, biscuts & gravy.That is what is meant by the term. It's like calling an Arab, Asian because it's part of Asia. Or a Russian, calling them Asian. Yeah they are from there, but they aren't refereed to as Asian.
And there is no special food paradise. Your question is stupid. Every city has the same shit. The regional cuisine,the "weird" place,a sushi joint and a bunch of pizza,and chinese places

>> No.6923225

Texas BBQ

>that brisket
>that sausage
>that sauce that's not sweet or vinegary

>> No.6923235

>Every city has the same shit. The regional cuisine,the "weird" place,a sushi joint and a bunch of pizza,and chinese places

> I think one stoplight towns are cities

>> No.6923236


>sauce on Texas BBQ


>> No.6923252

So your including south america I take it?

>> No.6923254

Leave the house every now and then. It's healthy.

>> No.6923278

Louisiana food ^.^

The only reason we stay in this miserable state is because of the food.

>tfw the most boring city I ever lived in (Lake Charles) has some of the tastiest cajun food ever

I'll kind of miss that. If you ever pass through on a road trip, go to Mr. Bills NOT Steamboat Bills. Try their stuffed shrimp and boudin balls. They're top tier restaurant quality items in a sketchy old dive xD

>> No.6923283
File: 1.88 MB, 1600x1066, boudinballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post this pic with my post

>> No.6923292

>implying good bbq needs sauce

>> No.6923310

Yeah I'm including South America. If I had to pick my favorite type of cuisine from the US it would definitely be Texan food. A perfect blend of Western smoky and sweet food with Mexican spice

>> No.6923311

If that's the case then Mexican (which is technically part of North America) is the best, all the regions. Unlike USA there is no Mexican region were food is bad unlike the USA flyovers.

>> No.6923315

This is what every town is like. Some towns have more places but it's the same shit everywhere. Are you fucking kidding me? I've been up and down this country many times. The format is Malls-mini malls,shopping plazas,and mini marts. In between them is fast food joints. And scattered about are diners, restaurants etc.So how bout you go outside? 7/10.

>> No.6923323


Quick hint - when it's just mini malls and strip chains, you're in the suburbs, not a city. The fact that you've given lots of truckers blowjobs on I-95 doesn't make you an expert.

How about you go someplace that isn't just a parking lot for fat flyovers, and then spout off?

>> No.6923335

You're an idiot. Try going to actual local restaurants and not pizzerias and chains. And if you look at what the families down there cook, it is definitely distinct. In South Carolina there's tons of rice because it grows there like a weed. You'll find rice in a lot of recipes where you would normally find corn. In Appalachia you find what people consider traditional "Southern" food. Fried chicken, okra, pork belly, sorghum, etc. Florida has a lot of Hispanic influence and Texas is TexMex.

Fuck off retard. Going to a thousand strip malls and judging a region's food based off of that is pants on head retarded.

>> No.6923374

You fags straight lawst. lmao

>> No.6923384

Yea you really showed us. Well done.

>> No.6923386

>meme defence
You are the one lawst, anon.

>> No.6923387

nigger shit isn't even the same across county lines round here
and I live in fucking new england

>> No.6923938


>> No.6924265
File: 25 KB, 466x467, fishboil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Door County Wisconsin

>> No.6924269

California Asian Fusion

>> No.6924648

pennsylvania dutch win this no fucking contest.

>> No.6924683

Second. I am texan, and cajun food is the ultimate of the USA, if not the Americas.

>> No.6924698
File: 259 KB, 700x530, rice_and_gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pictured typical cajun food.

cajun and creole food is 95% shit.

>> No.6924749

There is no such thing as cajun food, there is Creole food that Arcadian descendants eat.

>> No.6924762


>pictured typical cajun food

Aside from Hawaiian food, Cajun is probably the best answer.

However, Cajun/Creole is pretty much the only cuisine where they put the rice on top of the main dish, so your pic is obviously irrelevant.

>> No.6924776

Louisiana consists of about 80% niggers and 15% white trash that eat this shit every fucking day. God fucking help you if you have to feed a pack of these animals and you don't have any fucking rice and gravy.

If any of you ever go to Louisiana stick to well known restaurants in major cities or you will end up very disappointed.

>> No.6924779

That pic related can be pretty awesome if the gravy is made well.

>> No.6924783

It's honestly not bad every now and then but it's every day with these people.

>> No.6924784

What's wrong with eating good food every day? It's better than eating burgers. Are you a jealous flyover or something? ?_?

>> No.6924786


I have no idea how your post was relevant to the post you responded to.

Cajun/Creole fags make a bigger point about putting the scoop of rice on top of the gumbo than trolls do about not putting beans in chili.

You obviously are just shitposting.

>> No.6924833

>Cajun/Creole fags make a bigger point about putting the scoop of rice on top of the gumbo than trolls do about not putting beans in chili.

Naw they really don't. But it's cool that you think all ethnic food is what you see on food network.

>> No.6924838


If you're not trying to make a point about beans in chili you are objectively wrong.

Food Network, the internet, friends and family, travel, having lived and traveled throughout Louisiana...

>> No.6924839

Eh, yeah I imagine that could get old hella fast.

But, such is food, no? (For the most part) Anything gets old when you have it more than twice a week.

>> No.6924853

The Midwest has Wisconsin on their side, an iron clad, rock hard, gem of a state that produces the best cheese in this hemisphere.

>> No.6924872

Most food isn't that great to eat every day and the people that do eat the same stuff everyday only do so because it's what they grew up with. While I lived in LA I just saw so much of it I now absolutely hate it.

>> No.6925072

I know that feel, brah.

I grew up on different kinds of porkchops. It was the only meat we could afford in bulk and my dad had a bunch of great ways to cook it.

...But after so long, I can't stand the smell of 'em cooking. I still like the taste even, just the smell churns my gut something bad.

>> No.6925089


>american cuisine thread

Nobody in America has used that term for well over two decades.

>> No.6925092

Autismo overload.

>> No.6925098


Pretty sure you mean, 'strayan overload.

>> No.6925111

Shut the fuck up brah

>> No.6925683

Hawaiian beef is ridiculously good

>> No.6925727

but its the truth

>> No.6925758

None of them.
Region specific foods rarely get better than an honest to god hamburger (case in point, that thing you posted looks like it's shrimps piled in fat - why don't I just eat a stick of butter, you goddamn mongrel).

I guess if I had to pick one I'd pick new york.

>> No.6925781

California tbh

Traditional Anglo-American
American Chinese

and more

>> No.6925902

>the midwest is a single cuisine!
you can just say it's flyover country so you don't know or care, but no, it's not a single cuisine.
Kansas City and St. Louis are about 200 miles apart, opposite sides of the same state.
Kansas City Barbecue is the best barbecue in the world, smoked for hours in a pit, all that. St. Louis Barbecue is pork steaks cooked by grilling, boiling a pan of thin but potent sauce over a fire grill, or a strong use of pork ribs.
St. Louis pizza is extra thin, loaded with toppings and uses a distinct processed cheese. Chicago, 300 miles away, has that deep dish of pizza soup.
Cincinnati chili uses greek seasoning on spaghetti.
They eat Lutefisk up in Minnesota.
Pork, beef, and chicken all have different levels of prominence in different parts of the region, as do tolerance of spiciness, as do the variety of vegetables and their quantity. Different immigrant populations assimilating at different times explain much of this, but factors like what grows locally makes a difference too.

The distinctions aren't as broad as between Italian food and Mexican, but at least as prominently as between the different styles of Chinese cuisine. which makes sense since the densely populated parts of china which have these cuisines occupy roughly the same area.

>> No.6926000

The one with burgers and steaks.

>> No.6926249

Easy 'der, mate.

If I said "bro" would that have let your sperg pass me by?

Yea verily, am I one to play with the archaic mannerisms of old, for it is the little things that bring some iota of amusement.

So eat a dick, I'mma 'Murrican.

>> No.6926274

Are you saying that Brazilian has no African influence in their cooking? Why bother excluding the Southern States which also has African influence? Are you some kind of shitstain?

>> No.6926344

Not true. There's a distinct difference between Creole and Cajun food. Creole was the cuisine eaten mostly by the city folk, with a distinctive French influence to it, and ingredients that reflected their access to more markets and ports. Cajun food is bayou, swamp territory, heartier and uses more local ingredients .
They both derived from the same origins, but have devloped into two fairly distinct cuisines, if you know what you're looking for, even if they happen to share some of the basic techniques and dishes.

>> No.6926349

Fucking yyyyeeeeesssssss, OP.
Moqueca is fucking god tier. Ive only made it myself a few times, because I have to order the red palm oil online, can't find it here.

>> No.6926352


KC Barbecue is crap smothered with ketchup.

Barbecue styles by tier are

Texas > Carolina > Arkansas > Memphis > California > Kansas City

And Chicago style is just a bad copy of Kansas City.

>> No.6926389

>And Chicago style is just a bad copy of [...]

What else is new? Isn't their whole cuisine just making a shittier version of other people's food?

>> No.6926460


Touche, good sir.


>> No.6926481

Creoles are not found only in cities. When the Acadians arrived to Louisiana's southern wetlands they were met by creoles of all colors and hues who outnumbered them.

It's revisionist to state we only come from cities, especially given mine and most creoles family trees south of NOLA.

It's frustrating because even Acadians have fallen for the Cajun stupidity as have white Creoles who think they're Cajun yet speak Kreyol.

>> No.6926510

You have poor reading comprehension. I said "mostly", not "only ".

>> No.6926561

You have a poor understanding of history given the fact that you lack key context clues in Louisiana culinary tradition.

>> No.6926754

Granted a good BBQ doesn't NEED sauce, but a well crafted Texas BBQ sauce can make already great BBQ so much better.

>> No.6926782

>Texas at the top of anything other than "shittiest human beings"
objectively wrong.

>> No.6926787

Sorry I'm not swamp trash enough to know who fucked who's cousins.

However, I have read the history of Louisiana and NOLA enough to know that creole cuisine is mainly found around cities and cajun food is more located out in the bayous and swamps, and further west in Louisiana.
Your personal history does not equal that of the entire state.

>> No.6926790

>turned up to lv. 10
>turned up to 11

>> No.6926798

>le buttmad SJW
Stay mad. I'm going to go execute another criminal while I fly my Confederate flag and kick gays out of my bar.

>> No.6926867

> ^.^

>> No.6927079

You still are ignoring the fact that 1. We are not located only in New Orleans and that we a despised from Natchitoches south and 2. Because we lived in the fertile lowlands we too hunted

The reality is that Cajuns aren't even a unified ethnic group but rather a combination of a dozen ethnicities who adopted rural Louisiana Creole culinary traditions.

How stupid do you sound states as if Arcadians were the first to use wild game in food when census records show they were outnumbered 2-to-1 in those regions when they first arrived.

Its cute, I'll give you that. I mean being a Wikipedia scholar I can't really blame you, it's just not factual.

Hell just look at gumbo, the first mention of it on the records was referring to runaway Africans cooking it for sell. Rice wasn't even a staple in Arcadian communities until it was mechanized because before that Africans specifically rice growers from Sengambia were the ones who specialized in processing it.

Before that Congolese and Natives were the ones who taught Arcadians how to process corn.

>> No.6927359

All of it fucking blows.
-A Dane

>> No.6927375

I'm not ignoring any facts, are you fucking retarded? CAN YOU READ? I've never said Creoles were ONLY in cities, just that that was where the main differences between Creole and Cajun cooking were defined, which is even fucking supported by YOUR OWN POST, since you're talking about hunting wild game and shit. Goddamn, you are fucking thick.

>> No.6927399

he reality is that Cajuns aren't even a unified ethnic group but rather a combination of a dozen ethnicities who adopted rural Louisiana Creole culinary traditions.

Ummmm no - legally Cajuns are defined by their dialect of French, unique even in LA because of their Canadian roots. While they intermarried, Cajuns are descended from those exiles, plain and simple.

>> No.6927499

>Iranian cuisine
I, too, enjoy the taste of dust and nuclear missiles.

>> No.6927504
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serving a stew with the shell still on the crawfish


>> No.6927579

Cajun French is not distinct. In fact what constitutes "Cajun French" is merely Louisiana French that is not Creole French.

Not all Creoles speak Creole French many speak French proper, many Arcadian's believe they speak French proper when in fact the are speaking creole which is a separate language.

The word Cajun itself is a derisive term, it was a name that was not proudly utilized by the poor white population of Southern Louisiana. It's actually quite recent, much like the reclaiming of the name "Coonass"

I stated that Arcadian's adopted pre existing rural culinary traditions of Creoles. That does not then make it Cajun, it makes its a subset of Creole cuisine utilized by Arcadians.

It's adopted, but is not distinct from the other Creole communities in the Bayous

>> No.6927605

That's a really long gif

>> No.6927610
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