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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6921567 No.6921567 [Reply] [Original]

How does it make you feel?

>> No.6921576

>eating high sodium foods too often has health risks

Imagine that...

>> No.6921578

/ck/ already doesn't trust a tire company's opinion on food, why would anybody care about the opinion of a driver service?

>> No.6921580

I'm an American, son. I ain't 'fraid of no heart disease, high chol, or any of that pussy European shit.

>> No.6921584

100 x zero is still zero.

The baseline chance for heart disease is really low. Make it 2 to 3 or even 10 time bigger doesn't mean a lot. It means something at a population level, but for individuals, it's nothing.

>> No.6921586

did you know that eating increases a person's risk of diabetes?

>> No.6921591

Makes me feel just finnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg...!

>> No.6921644


when I was 16 I would drink like 5 sodas a night. no diabetes. as far as i'm concerned it's just a myth

>> No.6921654

Don't really believe that. I mean that the noodles alone cause heart disease and not coupled with other bad dietary habits like soda drinking and sedentary lifestyle.

I've never known a person who ate instant ramen more than three times a week who wasn't a) a soda drinker and b) ate like shit to begin with.

>> No.6921664

>über is now the exclusive user of the word über

>> No.6921702


>the joke
>your head

>> No.6921705

Simply by breathing at least once per day, you increase your risk of dying.

>> No.6921717

Well, Instant noodles are junk food.
Nobody should seriously eat them as a substitute meal.

>> No.6921744
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>> No.6921854

Are they just shitty noodles, or are all noodles bad?

>> No.6921858

Look at the nutrition facts, dummy. They have way more fat than other noodles and the seasoning packet has your daily sodium intake and then some.

>> No.6921869

I've never really had not cheap asian noodles before, so I wouldn't know what to compare it to

>> No.6921966

Your mum's vaginal discharge.

>> No.6922121

people die if they are killed?

>> No.6922126

I'm probably screwed. I always add about a cup of soy sauce to it as well when I have this about every other day

Or maybe it balances out, I strain the water out, then add the soy. hmmm

>> No.6922129


>> No.6922131

General life rule is if it's tasty and requires little to no preparation compared to the real deal it's packed with sodium.

>> No.6922136

>about a cup of soy sauce
1 Tbsp (recommended serving) of soy sauce contains 920 mg, or approx. 38% DV, of sodium. You're telling me that you add SIXTEEN TIMES as much to your ramen?

How are you still alive?

>> No.6922161

>increase the risk
That's useless information without them telling me how much by, what a shit picture.

>> No.6922225


Usually when I'm hungover and want easy meals I'll have one of these for lunch and dinner. Probably not that great of an idea with the already existing dehyrdation huh

>> No.6922296
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>> No.6922320

i have already lived several years longer than i ever wanted or needed to so i don't give much of a fuck if junk food is what takes me out

>> No.6922322

I just ordered 24 Bombay Bad Boy cup noodles and 10 others

you can not stop me

>> No.6922331

You mean packaged food contains preservatives that are bad for you? Holy shit, somebody should alert the media.

>> No.6922333

Time to quit it, Kohina.

>> No.6923305

meh, when I do 4 a day with the spice packs I get mad headaches though. Also I can't pee.

>Fat person rationalising his reckless disregard for dietary health risks.
>"seems like everything is bad for you these days so why bother, omnomnom"

>> No.6923312

I know that feel, man.

>> No.6923324

>a cup of soy sauce

Your natural alarm bells aren't firing as they should if you can measure up a cup of soy with a straight face.

Do you buy it in a gallon jug?

>> No.6923508
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Instant pasta and rice (or parboiled) has a superHigh glycemic index and therefore will make diabetes more likely. Makes sense, really.

>> No.6923594

We buy 2 that come in sizes similar to this

>> No.6923598
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Point was we strain the water out and then add back about half of what was there in soy sauce. Since we use 2cups water that's about a cup each time

>> No.6923600


I haven't eaten instant ramen since college 12 years ago.

I wouldn't even consider purchasing it to be honest.

>> No.6925201

No shit being poor usually means being unhealthy.

>> No.6925203

as far as im concerned, you are not a doctor, fuck off.

>> No.6925226

Couldn't be bothered actually reading it, huh?

>> No.6925248

Come the fuck on, think for a second. You're like those folks saying "smoking can't cause cancer, my grandfather smoked until he was 90" Do you not know what increased risk means?

>> No.6925265
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>> No.6925372

instant noodles are fucking disgusting

>> No.6925379


That's a shitload of salt even compared to the soup. Have you even looked at the sodium content on soy sauce?

>> No.6925381

how the fuck are you alive