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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6920471 No.6920471 [Reply] [Original]

Can anybody tell me what this is?

>> No.6920482

it's an egg dipper

>> No.6920496

How do you use it? For boiling?.... Oooo I think I see how it works.... You boil the water in a pot then use the angle prong piece to hook it to the edge. Right?

>> No.6920558


>> No.6920636

Excellent. Thanks y'all

>> No.6920949


>> No.6921079

I'm so eggstatic!

>> No.6921084

these puns crack me up

>> No.6921085


I was going to say one of those absinthe spoons.

So it's for boiling a single egg?

>> No.6921126

Its for easter eggs

>> No.6921153

Use that to inspect your girlfriend for STDs.

>> No.6921156

So, I can give her an eggsmear?

>> No.6921161

Do you think you could use it to poach an egg?

>> No.6921210

As part of a full eggsamination

>> No.6921309
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Oh you guys

>> No.6921321

why is female humor such shit tier?

>> No.6921337

Because they're all bat shit insane.
The hotter the chick the more bat shit insane she is, that's why prenups were invented.

>> No.6921352

They always harp on the same things, relationships, always, and they flail their arms about instead using English properly. They also try to fall back on being cute instead of again using English properly to effect comedy. Us guys know that we're ugly fucks and use that to our advantage, unless your some fag homo model type, looks don't get you by in reality.

>> No.6921595

please leave, your r9k is showing

>> No.6921625

Looks like a hot pot strainer.

>> No.6921658

Its a yolk separator you autists

>> No.6921825
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 1435935170984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6921941

Is it?!

>> No.6922209
File: 42 KB, 814x500, 5295340+_21dfa813989ac3487f7207aed54c038a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is a yolk separator

what happened to you /ck/

>> No.6922214

Also useful for fishing boiled eggs out of the water.

>> No.6922232

looks way to shallow to be useful for that purpose, small eggs maybe but full size chicken eggs, no way

>> No.6922266

it's a yolk separator you ignorant cunt.

>> No.6922845

Yeah, thanks for that, you eggotistical fuck ;)

>> No.6922884

>implying prenups aren't routinely dismissed in court