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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6915374 No.6915374 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to get real food in the USA? Like if there are specific chains that sell European-style food

Because I will be staying in the US for a while and am not too thrilled about the lack of fresh food products.

I looked into having my food and water shipped from Europe, but the cost alone would be higher than my rent

>> No.6915375

7/10, /ck/ will respond seriously, but not because we believe you're being serious but rather because we like to be angry at fictional idiocy.

>> No.6915380

>I looked into having my food and water shipped from Europe, but the cost alone would be higher than my rent

I really hope you're a troll because otherwise id pray you get punched in the jaw and im European myself

>> No.6915389

You can easily get fresh food in America by going to the grocery store. If you are worried about not getting your European water fix there is Perrier.

>> No.6915395

There are more organic locally grown options north of Boston then there are shit tier food stores. Not to mention the NYC dining scene.

Fucking Marketbasket and Trade Joes dominate, and its basically home grown honey, locally caught scallops, and organic certified vegan hummus. Im a stay at home dad, and most of the moms im friends with dont buy food with chemical preservatives in them, or food that hasnt been grown within 100 miles.

Of course, I cant speak for the black community.

>> No.6915406

>I looked into having my food and water shipped from Europe, but the cost alone would be higher than my rent
Have you looked into co-hiring a container on a freight ship or similar?

That could deliver months worth of food

>> No.6915411

Why are Yuropoors so obsessed with trying to troll Americans bros?

>> No.6915417

I dont know about hispanic or black areas, but every city you visit in the US has a vibrant food culture. The big cities like NYC and Los Angeles have whole quarters where you may as well be in Seoul or Morocco, and smaller cities like Portland, ME or Miami have amazing local food scenes. Fuck, if you arent a pleb you can use the James Beard site, rip the award winners for best chef (and runners up) for every region, and eat like a king for years without having to venture out to yelp.

>> No.6915418

>that last sentence

What the fuck?

>> No.6915425

I think anon is saying that American Blacks eat like shit no matter what. Which is true. Basically every criticism of American food culture you see can be almost universally applied to the black community (except maybe nigerians/ethiopians)

>> No.6915427

>work with large group of Black Executives in sales
>extremely well spoken, educated, conservative men
>never wile out
>eat popeyes and gas station fried food on a stick with rice and beans

>> No.6915429

To be fair you'll find most European food in the USA.
The notable exceptions are probably real cheese and chocolate which are impossible to find.
In assuming you're not trolling.

>> No.6915433

Might be a reference to the food desert situation in black communities.

>> No.6915435

Just avoid the big fast food franchises. They're the ones ten to use ingredients of questionable freshness.

Even dirty-looking hole in the wall type places use fresh ingredients.

>> No.6915436

Is that the conspiracy theory that supermarkets dont promote healthy eating in black communities because they can make a bigger profit on shit food

>> No.6915439

Is the lion bar real chocolate? I don't think it is made in America and can be found at Super Stop and Shop

>> No.6915441

No there are certain communities who have no supermarket particularly black and maybe rural ones. The blacks end up depending on convenience stores.

>> No.6915450
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I feel bad now

>> No.6915454

Actually I should say it is kind of like what you are talking about. There is an unavailability of particularly produce because no supermarkets only convenience stores. Some ghettos have taken to growing their own produce as a solution.

>> No.6915465

>NYC and Los Angeles in the same sentence
Fuck off LA, we're not your special friend

>> No.6915479

Wait... You need a car to go 1 mile (1.6 kilometers)?

Even 80 year olds walk that distance daily here

That distance is like half of the average distance toddlers have to walk to get to kindergarten

>> No.6915486

If you are buying for a family and there are hills of any kind, you basically need a car or cart or something. You are bringing back loads of food.

>> No.6915508

Obviously made by a city mouse spoiled by their corner grocery stores.

>> No.6915511
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In many parts of America having a cage is still considered a great status symbol, like owning a television, or being able to afford meat. Needless to say, in these places, using the cage even when it is not necessary is de rigueur, along with having televisions in all restaurants and other public areas, activated and displaying bright colors for all to enjoy. And eating vegetable matter? Forget that, it is unamerican and if you have so much as thought about leafy greens for even a minute you have America and obviously have never even set foot here, you traitor.

If you get into the hinterlands you will find people hold very interesting beliefs, like the idea that a pedestrian is a criminal and a cyclist is a threat to the social order and the best thing is to kill him with your cage. Physical activity is exclusively reserved for trained blacks who throw balls around on the television for our amusement. Having ramps and wheelchair access is very important because people with no common sense or self control are considered to be on the same level as an actually handicapped person.

>> No.6915519

I don't think it's real chocolate. It leaves the same, gross, waxy film on my tongue that Oreo "creme" and shitty, third-world "chocolate" does.
Lion bars are fucking awful.

EuropeAnon living in the US here.
The lack of fresh food in the US is greatly exaggerated. Being an European yourself, you're not likely to be anyplace where lack of fresh food will be a problem, namely black neighbourhoods and, ironically enough, farm towns.

I subsist on fresh foods almost exclusively, supplemented with some dry grains and beans from time to time. You'll be fine.
The one problem here, though, is that fresh food of decent quality is ridiculously overpriced and somewhat uncommon compared to prices and relative ease of availability of foods of similar quality in most (all?) of the EU while low-quality pig-feed-tier fresh food is ubiquitous and cheap here.

If you don't mind shelling out beaucoup bucks for good stuff, the US is the place to be for food. If you're a frugal curmudgeon, you'll find yourself frustrated at the criminally low quality fresh foods supermarkets here will sell at you.

>> No.6915531


this post confused the hell out of me until i realised you are just fucking insane.

>> No.6915547

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's some euro who thinks they know what the States are like. If they are American I doubt they've ever left Brooklyn or Portland or whatever hipster refuge they live in.

There is tons of fresh food here, go to farmers markets and buy what's in season. Quality grocery stores will have quality food. Don't expect to get a decent steak at Save-A-Lot, and don't expect to get cheap food at Central Market. There are tons of places in between and I think you'll be delighted with all of the choices you'll have. If you're in central Texas I'll take you hunting or shooting if you like.

>> No.6915579

For what? Mourning doves?

Feral pigs might fun if you're not baiting them.

>> No.6915591

I like morning doves better. They're go-getters. They get up early. They go about their day, full of life and energy.
Mourning doves are just sad all the time. No one wants to eat a depressed bird. And it's no challenge to hunt for them. The crestfallen fucks just shoot themselves.

>> No.6915595
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>Central Market
I've never seen either of those, are you sure you live in the US?

>> No.6915606 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 600x407, 1440629021910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these memes need to be wiped from the face of the earth

I can get fresh fruit, meat, and vegetables just like any Eurocuck can in their local grocer

to imply otherwise is fucking retarded

>> No.6915607

Your joke is cute, but morning doves aren't a thing.

I'll never understand why they're not protected by the migratory bird laws. Texas a shit when it comes to hunting. Nothing fun lives there. You just shoot cute birds and pretend to be manly.

>> No.6915614

Texas has those hogs anyone and everyone can go free game on fool

The infestation has gotten so bad you can kill as many as you want year round, I've gotten paid to just ride around in a 4x4 executing the nasty bastards with a high powered rifle

you can even leave the corpses, buzzards eat them clean in less than 24 hours

>> No.6915622

>morning doves aren't a thing
That's because they were so fun to hunt!
Mourning dove a shit.

While they're not birds even though we were talking about bird, I'd like to go hunting for peccary. We don't have any in my neck of the woods, though, and I don't get enough time off to travel down to Texas to bag any. Have you hunted them? Are they delicious?

Peccaries or razorbacks?
Razorbacks are all over the place, but I wanna eat a peccary and all its friends.

>> No.6915667

Yeah true. They're dangerous if they catch you with their tusks as well.

That's good shooting. I have to drive south to get at them. Deer and bear live to the North. Don't really like shooting things I can't eat though. No trophy hunting for me. Except maybe boars.

You've convinced me. I'll give it a try next season.

>> No.6916108
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>> No.6916111

The quality of b8 has been quite low today

>> No.6916119

My grocery store has thousands of varieties of both cheese and chocolate. If you are American you would know this unless of course you never leave the house and only eat the garbage your disappointed mother feeds you.

>> No.6916369

I didn't think there were any boars in America just pigs.