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File: 108 KB, 640x336, e8c4042b13505436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6915210 No.6915210 [Reply] [Original]

Can we propose a new name for these fucking things?
We can't call them nigger toes for obvious reasons and brazil nuts just sounds stupid. Who wants a fucking nut from brazil, I mean really

>> No.6915213

her nuts

>> No.6915220

>not sticking with nigger toes

>> No.6917184

Fun fact:
If your girl is allergic to nigger toes, and you eat one, your cum can make her have an allergic reaction.

>> No.6917198

>we can't call them nigger toes

Why? Are you gonna be a slave to the sjw's your whole life?

>> No.6917222

>nigger toes
>they aren't shaped like toes at all
>they are not even black, just have a dark skin that is easily peeled exactly like every other nut out there like peanuts

>> No.6917229

So not being racist makes you a slave to SJW?

>> No.6917232

They're basically the worst nut on earth, so who cares what they're called when no one wants to eat them.

>> No.6917235


>> No.6917241

They're just words. Everyone is too sensitive these days. Sorry not changing the way I speak for fear of upsetting someones delicate sensibilities.

>> No.6917286
File: 1.92 MB, 320x240, let's dump water on a dead pig with maggots.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6917292
File: 1002 KB, 655x745, fedora-anonymous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I a real thinking man of the intellect now, m'lord? Which decade were you supposed to have been born in? For me, it would have been one where we still had Jim Crow laws, because I'm a real thinking man of the intellect *tips fedora*

>> No.6918380

Call them paranut like all the other Germanic languages.

>> No.6918540


was gonna suggest that. also OP is a fucking moron

racism is fucking stupid

>> No.6920645

>fuckoff white shit, cumskin

>> No.6920679

My family has always called them "kuhtkurakas"

>> No.6920690

Nice try Rasheed.

>> No.6920717

Pará Nuts, because that's the original name they have here in Brazil.

Germanics got it right from the beginning, but americans apparently can't help themselves but to go the racist way or the obvious way.

>> No.6920719

Cracker thumbs then?

>> No.6920733

Asian Balls or Slant Nuts

>> No.6920747
File: 175 KB, 900x675, DeezNuts?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? You sound like you've never seen an unshelled Brazil nut. Anyway, I propose they be called deez nuts. It's less politically incorrect, yet still inappropriate and humorous. Suck 'em, fuckers.

>> No.6920753


>> No.6920777

I hate that when I buy one of those mixed nut bags there's only like 4 or 5 Brasil Nuts in there.

Cashews, Brasil Nuts and Walnuts are my faves

>> No.6920800

Brazil nuts are shitty just based on the fact that you shouldn't eat more than 2 per day due to their absurdly high selenium content.

>> No.6920806

Yeah this sucks. Also they're like super greasy and if you eat a lot you get crazy zits.

>> No.6920832


>> No.6920865


Yeah - he's too busy avoiding massive amounts of pussy due to the attraction his unique and fearless viewpoint creates to think about what words to use.

>> No.6920880 [DELETED] 

You know, I fucking hate how this shit became so black and white

>If you don't let blacks fuck your wife, you're a racist!
>If you don't call subhuman niggers "niggers" you're a SJW cuck!

Can't both sides of this political cancer spectrum just fuck off. Fuck Tumblr. Fuck /pol/. Fuck both sides.

>> No.6920917

What's funny is that the only people who ever complain about these things are the racist scumbag ones like yourself.

Yeah, this is 2015 and people don't like the way you act, dipshit. Get used to it or fuck off and die.

>> No.6922112

Bolivian tree seeds

>> No.6922133

All hot chicks are nuts and a lot of chicks from Brasil are nuts so it seems ok. I like the term nigger toes, if you don't work for the government or some pc shit company the use of the nigger is quite appropriate. Niggers use the term, why can't you?