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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6911624 No.6911624 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't women cook?

>> No.6911635

lulz OP is EDGY. How's that fedora fitting faggot?

>> No.6911645

you got him

>> No.6911666

he sure did. "Fedora" "Edgy" "faggot"


>> No.6911667

cause when you got a pussy you don't need to learn nuthin

>> No.6911829

99% of girls under 25 can't cook for shit

this isn't edge it's fact

>> No.6911838

They don't want to cook for you, that doesn't mean they can't cook for you.

>> No.6911845

sorry girls but you wont be able to properly cook until you have a child, then your natural instincts will kick in and youll start trying to learn from others

unless youre a dumb cunt who forces other people to eat 'healthy/smart' food

>> No.6911941

Because Gen X never learned to cook. Their parents, the Boomers, were raised on prepared food and taught it was the wave of the future.

Then someone realized that prepared food tasted like the same thing every time: shit. The cooking revival in the 60s was a horrific pastiche of canned-food-with-a-twist for most families.

Gen X, naturally, kept up the tradition of frozen meals and tweaked prepared foods. And they didn't even bother to teach their children that much. And then the economy collapsed, leaving the Millenials, who had been raised on cooking shows and cook books, the figurative window lickers of the new culinary age: aware that there is good food out there, and unable to afford it.

>> No.6912037

the first generation of women who had access to domestic appliances meant women could work as well as men

the next generation had the expectation of finding work, and the abundance of pre-prepared foods, AND the loss of competition in the grocery sector

the third generation's mothers were allways at work, and didn't teach them to cook, so all they ate growing up was easy food and packet shit. as they grw older poor economic conditions meant many couldn't afford healthy food, and didn't know what to do with it even if they could

my grandma cookes everything and was a stay home mom with a thillion cookbooks
my mother worked full time, and despite having the knowledge chose to safe energy by using supermarket shit, now my sisters can't cook
only thing that saved us was that my grandfather, father, and myself all stepped up at home, and refused to eat shite

>> No.6912044

all the best chefs are men. sorry but women are shit cooks

>> No.6912379
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All the girls I know in that age range that can't cook, also can't do anything else for themselves and it's because their mothers did absolutely everything for them growing up, laundry, coking, cleaning every-fucking-thing.

If their mothers were shitty housekeepers then there's a chance they won't be total retards around the house

>> No.6912396


Right, so if the millenials were raised on cooking shows, who were those cooking shows for? Otherwise your synopsis of the boomers is essentially correct.

>> No.6912433

>Millenials, who had been raised on cooking shows and cook books,

It's almost as if you are unaware that cooking shows have existed since the time of radio and cook books have been written for centuries.

>> No.6912440

This. 100% You forgot to say also that people realized that prepared food has a ton of bullshit in it that no sane person would add with their own hand in order to feed themselves. Colors, and artificial flavors, and preservatives, and flavor enahancers. Except that retarded anon who eats beef buillon dust out of the can.

>> No.6912452
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>cook books have been written for centuries

>Implying the 50s and 60s didn't have libraries of cookbooks showing the horrors of canned foods thrown together, aspics, and things like pears stuffed with mayo
>Implying /ck/ hasn't posted several of these things many, many times before

>> No.6912456

It's almost as if you're unaware that "born in the wrong decade" 20something NEETs love to complain about "millennials" and all the problems they cause.

>> No.6912476

shitty excuses don't work here, toots

>> No.6912507

>only thing that saved us was that my grandfather, father, and myself all stepped up at home, and refused to eat shite


>> No.6912524

>Why can't women cook?

Because they are uninterested in cooking
Also because vapid whores with no aspirations beyond makeup, dresses, jewellery and getting a better looking boyfriend than all their friends.

>> No.6912574
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She doesn't seem worried enough for a fire despite wearing only an apron. She might need one of these.

>> No.6912736

>Their parents, the Boomers, were raised on prepared food

this shows how fucking stupid (and obviously young) you are

Boomers were raised in houses where their moms actually fucking cooked and cleaned and kept house....

>> No.6913417


>The cooking revival in the 60s

>Implying everything was eaten raw in previous years

>> No.6913428
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Millennials chicks were raised to be princesses and sorority girls. They have few skills and are much more interested in getting married so they can get fat

>> No.6913440

itt: butthurt

>"my mom/girlfriend can't cook, wtf women amirite"
>"i'm an expert on women and cooking trends throughout the generations!!1! lol dumb cunt women"

so... either learn how to cook or go out and find somebody that does. real difficult

>> No.6913444

it's clear to me from your statement how many females you have actually dated/been around

>> No.6913461

women won't let me fuck them so im bitter about it

>> No.6913470

we all know being a chef is a stressful af job and women are less likely to take that.

>> No.6913486

He's right though, women these days are spoilt brats with zero life skills because cooking is opreshun!

>> No.6913500

I can hear your period from here.

>> No.6913508

oh waow

so new, so creative

>> No.6913511

again, you all want to make it so clear to me

>> No.6913524

I'm glad I didn't miss this gem

>> No.6913526


most people are shit cooks period

the best chefs are men because there are very few women in the industry in comparison to men


too bad that describes everyone of this generation, not just women

We can't hire fucking anyone young at work anymore, we've had numerous dishwashers in the last 2 months walk out on their FIRST day. Everyone in the kitchen is actually really nice to the dishwashers too, they just don't want to fucking work because they're lazy cunts.

>> No.6913531
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buncha foreveralones here thinking bitching about women makes them manly?

I cook better than 99.9% of the population. My girlfriend is a good cook, but I'm better, so I cook. Sorry you manchilds can't find a woman to play mommy for you, since it's obvious that's what you're looking for.

>> No.6913546

>Sorry you manchilds can't find a woman to play mommy for you, since it's obvious that's what you're looking for.
Dam right thats what I want.
A fucking bang maid.

>> No.6913585

I know that you are a woman from your passive aggressiveness, your deluded belief that, that was an "iceburn" and just how mad you are.

You are a joke.

>> No.6913659

Woman confirmed.

>> No.6913666

I'm married but she's not American and grew up poor and therefore was forced to learn life skills. She's a medical doctor now not a useless housewife

I definitely got my dick wet in the past because....wait for it... wait for it.....the chicks sucked at cooking and I can/could make very impressive stuff

Thanks for helping me prove my point

>> No.6913721

You dumb nigger, you really think people with a good work ethic resort to washing dishes in 2015? Hire some Filipinos or something.

>> No.6913734

>improper footwear
>improper clothing
>poor fire supression

She was a hazard before she got into the kitchen.

>> No.6915602


>> No.6915659

>I bought my vietnamese wife from a bridal catalogue on the internet and she's going to divorce me once she gets citizenship.
Ok buddy.

>> No.6916323


My girlfriend can't even make fucking instant ramen without boiling the fucking water over onto the stove.

I mean shit, she puts a wooden spoon over the pot and thinks it will be fine, even though it boils over every time.

>> No.6916359

Oddly enough, where I live, young working women and men are the best cooks. It's mostly simple, quick but tasty dishes. I might be a bit biased or deluded about this because I mostly hang around college students of a similar background/class.

The worst cooks are lower/lower middle class grannies and housewifies. All they cook are some overcooked cabbage or other green veggies based stews that smell like dead bodies, have a same brownish color and taste awful.

>> No.6916362

>I shouldn't have to learn a basic life skill that everyone should have
Literally feminism.

>> No.6916379

Forgot to add that there's no frozen/canned/processed stuff like in USA and fresh fruit/veggies from farmers markets are pretty cheap and avaliable. That might be the reason why young people cook good.

As for the older ladies and housewives, they lived in socialism when everyone was pretty much poor so they probably didn't have the money to cook nice foods. Also, most housewives here are of lower class/white trash and that kind of people can't cook anyway.

>> No.6916392

I wouldn't date somebody like that.

>> No.6916410

It's okay.. I mean, its never to late to learn I guess. Plus It means I do most of the cooking, which im okay with.

>> No.6916438

Honestly, I see a cooking as an indicator of a person's complete peronality. Sorry for bad english(and painkillers making me unable to think coherently) and I know I'm gonna get called for bullshit, but this is how I see it:
Cooking is a basic life skill. If someone can't even perform such a basic activity, then they probably can't do anything important properly. Anecdotal evidence from my environment confirms it. If a man(or a woman) is a sloppy, unenthusiastic cook, they are probably sloppy in some other life aspects. If someone eats overprocessed/greasy junk food all the time, they don't care abot themselves enough and that's not the kind of people I wanna be around of. I'm a good cook, I don't cook anything too complicated, fancy or pretentious, but even my quickest meals are tasty and healthy(mostly). That's what I also expect from a partner I'm gonna be searching for somewhere in the future.

>> No.6916443

Is she a strong independent womyn?

>> No.6916449


they were mexican dude, we already have some filipino dishwashers as well though

>> No.6916452


She was when we first started dating, which was when she was in college... a very shitty liberal college.

She's slowly growing up.

>> No.6916459

Nigga, that has nothing to do with it. I'm a strong independent womyn who absolutely enjoy cooking. I learned to cook when I was 12 because my parents worked long hours and I didn't want to eat chips every day. She's just being childish. No one's asking her to cook for him(le opressive partiarchal man amirite), she's probably eating ready meals,HFCS loaded crap and fucked up ramen noodles when she's alone. That's the kind of person who doesn't care about themselves enough, probably won't care about him or the kids if it gets serious. Don't take it personally dude with that gf. If she's willing to learn from you, than great! If not, nope the fuck out.

>> No.6916464

>she's slowly growing up
Apologies Anon, I didn't see the reply. You and her should be fine then. I wish I had someone to have fun cooking with. Cheers!

>> No.6916493

>liberal is bad
nice b8 m8
welcome to the 21st century

>> No.6916561

>Why can't women cook?

The same reason they aren't funny. They don't have to in order to get laid; men do.

>> No.6916593

>the best chefs are men because there are very few women in the industry in comparison to men
So basically women are shit cooks because they are shit cooks.

>> No.6916594

mommy issues: the thread

>> No.6916596

roastie: the post

>> No.6916602

Not my fault your mother didn't love you.

>> No.6916607

>heartless roastie detected
In fact, my mother loved me very much but she's dead. She died from cancer.

>> No.6916608

Why did you kill her?

>> No.6916614

>dying from cancer is homicide

Female logic, sluts and gentlemen.

>> No.6916615

This thread is great because it's causing so much anal anguish from women for calling them out. The passive aggressiveness alone is side splitting.

Keep doing the usual claims of virginity or asking why we hate our mothers, those are stale feminist tactics.

>> No.6916619
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Well that went right over your head.
And you're calling others dumb?

>> No.6916622

Struck a nerve? Get over it.

>> No.6916626

>my mommy can't cook, therefore all women are shit cooks
gross mentality tbh

>> No.6916625

Cancers don't have thoughts and feelings, "witty" roastie gurl.

>> No.6916627

Woah so much butthurt from both sides here.

>> No.6916634

My mum was a great cook, literally the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.6916636
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>all this misogyny
Why is it always the flyovers who think like this?
I never hear any bullshit battle of the sexes where I live.

Must be pretty fucking boring living in the middle of buttfuck.

>> No.6916638

>ITT: angry fat virgins

>> No.6916642 [DELETED] 

>Why is it always the flyovers who think like this?
Blindly assuming that everyone is an Americuck like the insular pleb you are. I'm French.

>> No.6916644

Because you don't hear this shit outside of the Internet

No one talks like this

>> No.6916664

god knows mine cant

>> No.6916687

>Boomer detected

>> No.6917152

We were taught that little boys like pies and cookies, and considering none of you grew up, that's what you get : )

Shit baiting aside, I think most women find baking almost foolproof. There's little guess work in the basic recipes and every fatty, male or woman, goes for the dessert. My boyfriend is a better chef, but I'm not too far behind. He reduces everything like a pro, but I'm more adventurous, and meal plan more often. Most of our friends (late 20s), I would say the bad cooking goes both ways. We're the only people that bring homemade stuff to parties that isn't gauc. Neither gender really have the time, and I don't think they know how to season anything well enough to enjoy. Then you have our roommate who does a great job cooking, but deploys heat and spice until it's almost unbearable, but he somehow still has tastebuds. My parents were not good cooks, until my dad had to start doing more of it (mom is sick). SO's dad cannot cook for shit, and his mom pretends to so she can brag about it, but her food is is extremely hit or miss.

I think everyone should know how to cook for themselves, but having someone to do it with is best. Now watched most millenials Grocery shop is a truly horrendous experience.

>> No.6917170

You sound like an obnoxious human being.

I hope you get raped.

>> No.6917192

Seconded, but I mean the kind that really hurts, not the kind that's comprised of second thoughts and hung over regret.

>> No.6917283

If Women suck at cooking, then why does this Women in the kitchen stereotype exist? If no Woman could could, then no man would ever want them in the kitchen.

>> No.6917300
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>> No.6918001
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>> No.6918051

>Sorry you manchilds can't find a woman to play mommy for you
she's going to be one eventually so she might as well start practicing now. at the end of the day all guys want from a woman is a warm hole that will iron their shirts and cook them turkey dinner.

>> No.6918136

Wearing flammable plastics inside her upper torso wasn't a fire-safe judgment call, either.

>> No.6918147

My mother taught me how to cook.

As a guy, you've insulted me.

In fact, most of the top male chefs learned from their mothers. You'd have been better off asking "why can't modern women cook?"

It's probably because they didn't follow their mother around watching what they were doing. They've become shit at it and forgotten that cooking is purely human, and not motivated by gender.

>> No.6918317
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yeah, no. this shit happened in abundance because it was the age before the baby boomers where women had time for learning all that shit, and most of them instead where working part time jobs after the war loosened up corporate attitudes towards women. that combined with the absolute piss poor education standards they had for teaching women how to be house wives women of that generation reached for anything that would help them figure out how to do the stuff society just expected them to be good at, and there is a whole host of advertisements promising to take that mystery away of pleasing the man at home for some dosh.