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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6911476 No.6911476 [Reply] [Original]

OC thread coming through!

It's my birthday this weekend, plus fall is around the corner. So, I decided to treat myself and make one of my all-time favorites...
Chicken Pot Pie!



Fennel Bulb

White Wine
Chicken Stock

Bay Leaves
Mustard Seed

not pictured: garlic, butter, flour.

Follow along, it's gonna be a lotta posts...

>> No.6911489

this is relevant to my interests

>> No.6911496

Yay for OC!

>> No.6911511
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Chop up your fennel, celeriac, potatoes, and bacon.
You might want to chop up your celeriac a bit finer. It's pretty tough and mostly for flavor, it should eventually dissolve into the broth.

>> No.6911513
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>> No.6911515
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rendering dat maple smoked bacon

>> No.6911519

fuck you shaq, go shove a tube of icyhot up your dumb black ass

>> No.6911524

Bacon rendered, toss in your celeriac and sautee on HIGH heat for a couple minutes. Toss in the potatoes and fennel and keep frying it for another 5 minutes or so, stirring and stirring.

Reduce heat, pour in a little white wine and scrape all that brown shit off the bottom.

Add just enough water to cover everything, bring to a boil for about 10 minutes, and then reduce to a low simmer.

>> No.6911525

>posting non-animated gifs


>> No.6911526
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forgot pic

>> No.6911527

Oh yeah, there is a bundle of thyme, rosemary, and bay leaves in there as well. Put it in right after you add the water. Also, salt and pepper.

Sorry guys, I'm a leaning a bit on the tipsy side tonight.

>> No.6911533
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Tip harder, birthday boy. It's a good night to drink

>> No.6911548
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Not quite my birthday yet! I got a whole weekend ahead of me... ill probably start hitting the whiskey up tomorrow, I don't want to shit my pants before Sunday.

have an album:

While that is going on, in a separate pan, start browning your mushrooms in some butter. You might want to do this in two batches, to leave room for the moisture to evaporate.

>> No.6911553
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Mushrooms all nice and brown. Bonus beer shot.
Keep stirring that pot occasionally. If the water level is below the vegetable mix, replace it with a half cup of chicken broth.

>> No.6911554

Having done it OP - use a frozen crust. Your first 7 times doing pastry will suck, and pot pie doesn't feature it enough to make scratch worth it.

>> No.6911558
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Check out these DDs. I didnt realize how big they were. Local farmers must have a penthouse coop.

>> No.6911575
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I used a frozen puff pastry. It really is the best. As you will see later, I should have bought 2 packages.
I fucking love puff pastry. It wouldn't be chicken pot pie without it, imho.

So I only used one pair of boobs; it clocked in at 1.7 pounds so I'm pretty sure it was sufficient. Pound it out 'til it's like grandma's chest.

>> No.6911585
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Once again, HIGH heat, add some light oil and wait until its almost smoking, then throw in your tits.

>> No.6911587
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swapped pics sorry

>> No.6911590

>pastry sheets
Jesus just make some dough you daft incompetent cunt

>> No.6911592

Dont fuck with it. Let it sit there and juice out, it doesnt matter if it burns, we will take care of that later.

>> No.6911601

Retard who doesn't know how much time and effort needs to go into a puff pastry and how incredibly easy it i to fuck it up. Most of the time puff pastry is often better made in a very mechanical environment than a normal kitchen.

>> No.6911606


This. Made my own puff 20+ times, it is NOT worth the effort. Unless you're a pastry chef for life, you're better off with frozen.

>> No.6911631
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I prefer to leave that to the professionals.

Moving on, while your boobs are juicing, finish chopping up your veggies. I apologize about the shitty carrots, I wasn't responsible for half of the shopping. Please, don't buy baby carrots, they are silly.

>> No.6911639

if you dont have something constructive to say fuck off. this is a good thread

>> No.6911642
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Chicken is done. Looks a bit undercooked on this side, but it turned out not to be the case. If that is the case, it's not a big deal. Cut it up anyway and it will be boiled and baked later on.

>> No.6911654
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What a mess! Time for another smoke break, if you were like me and had one after the mushrooms. Turn the heat off the pan but keep that pot bubbling softly.

>> No.6911673
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Turn the pan back on medium, toss in a slab of butter, the rest of your onions, and half of your garlic (about 3 cloves). Sautee it down.

>> No.6911677
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Chop up your chicken, tear it up if that's your thing. Sorry boobs, I love you.

>> No.6911680

After you cooked down the onions a bit, pour in about a quarter bottle of wine (or less, I like it though), throw the mushrooms back in, and scrape all that shit off the bottom once more.

>> No.6911682

That's not done.

>> No.6911684
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nigga burnt his taters, oh lawdy

>> No.6911685
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The camera in addition to the yellow light gave everything a more pinkish hue, but I assure you, it was done. Other wise, refer to>>6911642

>> No.6911695
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quality stuff so far

>> No.6911699
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Around and throughout this time, you should be tasting your pot and adding salt, pepper, and judging the herb level. It should be fucking delicious. Take out the herb bundle, dispose, pour in your fond mixture, add in the carrots and celery (if you wanted it) too. Keep simmering. Add broth if necessary.

Addendum: don't put in the top stalks of the fennel. Just the root, please. The stalks will be too overpowering.

>> No.6911718
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Time for the roux! I had a picture of the butter knob somewhere back there, but I used about three tablespoons of butter and flour each. In hindsight, I could have made it four. As a general rule of thumb, you use an equal amount of tablespoons of flour to butter, to cups of liquid. I'm eyeballing everything though, so bear with me.

>> No.6911723
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If your keen, now's the time to crush up and toast your mustard and coriander. Or earlier, but it should be crushed up by now. Toast it stirring constantly on medium heat for 5 minutes or so, until it smells like god's toejam.

>> No.6911732
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Just when your roux smells like it's turning into flour that shouldn't be burning, pour in some milk and stir like crazy (or whisk if you have it). Add in your toasted spices, bring it to a simmer and slowly reduce the heat.

>> No.6911739
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pour that into your still simmering pot, and don't forget your peas! pour those in too. Chicken as well.

Also forgot, if there were any chicken juices laying around, pour that into the roux with the butter.

>> No.6911752

Bring to one last boil, turning the mix as it goes, reduce heat to a low simmer until you reach your desired consistency.

At the end, chop up and throw in your parsley, remaining celery leaves, and some thyme if it wasn't enough thyme for you.

>> No.6911757
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turn the heat off, asshole.
Oven should be preheated at 400.

>> No.6911766
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If youre like me, by now you forgot that you had to take the pastry dough out and its still a bit cold, so you threw half of it broken up into the bottom of the pan disregarding aesthetics but you still remembered to grease the pan so it didnt get burned on the bottom

>> No.6911771
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Pour it in.
Like magic, it should always fill exactly to the line you had imagined it would in your wildest drunken fantasy.

>> No.6911774

mushroom+onions+butter is the best.
I can just stop right there, eat it with rice, and call it a meal.

Are you going to eat that all by yourself, anon?
Send some to me.

>> No.6911775
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Lament that you didn't buy two pastry packs, attempt to stretch out the one you have to fit the top of the dish (this kills the dough).

Cut slits to allow steam to escape

>> No.6911777


>> No.6911785

>serving size: feeds a small nation

Looks good OP. Not big on chicken pies myself but I'd eat it.

>> No.6911810
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yeah, you could eat it with rice, but im making chicken pot pie.


Thanks. That's quite the compliment.


400 degrees freedomheit for around 30 minutes...
Wa la! Didn't puff up as much as I wanted because I stretched the fucking dough, but there you have it. In hindsight, buy more dough. If you aren't a Profi, don't make puff pastry. It takes a lot of energy and turns out to half as good of a finished product as what you would buy in store.

>> No.6911817
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damage after 30 minutes. Plan was to have it last the weekend, but my fatass dad took an equal amount to me, my sister, and my mom combined. Should be around 12 servings. Hope you enjoyed the cookalong!

>> No.6911822

well done op, when i make chicken pies i make them inside stone bowls with homemade crust. I also use more lemon than most people might with lots of different types of mushrooms and peas.

om nom fucking nom

>> No.6911833
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I'd love to send you some, anon. It doesnt ship well, though. Better you just come over.

Mushrooms, onions, butter are also one of my favorite things. Here's a complementary pic of me cutting up some chantrelles, just for you.

>> No.6911847

I thought about using lemon before, that's why I added the coriander seed. So it works with lemon? I might have to try that. I was afraid to use it and spoil the whole thing.

Also, what do you mean by stone bowl? Like earthenware or I'm picturing like a huge handmade clay pot or something....

>> No.6911876

additional Posh Nosh plug:


>> No.6911892

Daaamn, that's a lot. They're expensive in my area so I'm fucking jelly.

Nice thread, OP! Will remember your thread for when I decide to make chicken pot pie myself. And happy birthday!

>> No.6911904
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works great with lemon, i use just under a third of a cup with my roux but im a filthy heathen when it comes to lemon. I just cant get enough.

as for the bowls, i make single servings (albiet large servings) with glazed stone bowls. holds heat well.

you could also use porcelain or terra cotta too.

>> No.6911907

furthermore, this recipe is what got me to try lemon in pot pies.

never looked back.

cookingforengineers com/recipe/42/Traditional-Chicken-Pot-Pie

>> No.6911988

Yeah, I wish I could get them more as well. That was on a one time visit in the woods in Sweden. I live in Texas now and I can't find any mushrooms around here besides cubensis, although I did find one morel out of 5 years of searching.
I'm glad you enjoyed the thread; it's my first cook along on /ck/ so far. Maybe i'll post some more in the future now!

>> No.6912003

hahaha, I love lemon too but a third of a cup seems dirty even to a gooch like me. I was thinking about using half a lemon in the beginning when i boiled everything, and removing it afterwards. I'm definitely going to give it a shot now, though. Thanks for the tip!

So as far as the bowls go, you bake them in the oven individually? That seems very appropriate, especially if you need to control portion sizes...

>> No.6912010

yup, lemon=love.

and yes, baked individually with my vinegar pie crust. so damn tasty.

>> No.6912040

post your recipe, dammit.

ive clicked throgh about 120 image captchas, i cant take it any more. no more street signs, please

>> No.6912042

i mean your pie crust recipe

>> No.6912057

Beautiful! Looks delicious OP, nicely done. If I ever make that dish, I'll definitely consult this guide.

Happy Birthday for whenever it is and congrats on making the first /ck/ thread that I actually bookmarked in my "Food" bookmarks folder.

Have a birthday song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToaC9-HY4Vg

>> No.6912064
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Happy birthday anon have a great day!

>> No.6912088


Thank you both!! I'm flattered.

If you are in the right hemisphere, check this out:


On Sunday, there will be a BLOODMOON, for the first time in 18 years, go watch it from the sky. OR, better yet, find a local observatory nearby and they will be more than happy to let you look through their telescopes.

I turn 28 Saturday, I take the bloodmoon as my signal. Hopefully I can change things for the better

>> No.6912096

fine. note, this is just one of the recipes i use, pie crusts require tweaking for individual applications.

thepioneerwoman com/cooking/p-p-p-pie_crust_and_its_p-p-p-perfect/

1-1/2 cup vegetable Shortening
3 cups All-purpose Flour
1 whole Egg
5 Tablespoons Cold Water
1 Tablespoon White Vinegar
1 teaspoon Salt

In a large bowl, with a pastry cutter, gradually work the Crisco into the flour for about 3 or 4 minutes until it resembles a coarse meal. In a small bowl, beat an egg with a fork and then pour it into the flour/shortening mixture. Add 5 tablespoons of cold water, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir together gently until all of the ingredients are incorporated.

Separate the dough into thirds. ***Note: Separating it into thirds will result in three thin crusts. If you prefer a more substantial crust, separate it in half.*** Form 3 evenly sized balls of dough and place each dough into a large Ziploc bag. Using a rolling pin, slightly flatten each ball of dough (about ½ inch thick) to make rolling easier later. Seal the bags and place them in the freezer until you need them. (If you will be using it immediately it’s still a good idea to put in the freezer for about 15 to 20 minutes to chill.)

When you are ready to use the dough to make a crust, remove from the freezer and allow to thaw for 15 minutes. On a floured surface roll the dough, starting at the center and working your way out. (Sprinkle some flour over top of the dough if it’s a bit too moist.) If the dough is sticking to the countertop use a metal spatula and carefully scrape it up and flip it over and continue rolling until it’s about ½ inch larger in diameter than your pie pan.

With a spatula, lift the dough carefully from the surface of the counter into the pie pan. Gently press the dough against the corner of the pan. Go around the pie pan pinching and tucking the dough to make a clean edge.

>> No.6912102

Birthday song was sweet. Have an album in return:


>> No.6912109


>> No.6912112

holy fuck this thread is reddit

fuck off forever

>> No.6912118
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ITT: retard op doesn't know what a "pie" is


>pastry sheets

learn to cook faggot

>> No.6912120
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Thank you, it took me about 200 captchas to get through, so i was a bit irritated...

Birthday I might be making a couple of these. keep your eyes peeled on the 26th

>> No.6912156
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here ya go, Tim. ''swedish success''

>> No.6912174

>learn to cook faggot
Just because you eat faggot every day doesn't mean everyone wants a taste.

>> No.6912192


>> No.6912233

I don't think I have the gumption to create a time elapsing excel sheet, but the concept is interesting.

So much of cooking is like this, but at the same time, an idea can't be controlled to this extent... You have to allow some flexibility!
For example, my father is very meticulous and searches out the 'perfect recipe' through different website posts. In the end, he will create 'the perfect hamburger'.... its dry and salty. It's good to use information - but with a lot of things, ESPECIALLY cooking, use your smell... smelly smell...... smell. then taste..
and fucking up too. You cant make it good until you learn why it sucked in the first place, ok? im talking to myself now, HAMBURG

>> No.6912338

Thanks for the recipe OP!

Any chance of getting a vertical out of it?

>> No.6912344

Make it into one yourself if you're a bro.

>> No.6913803

you want to do it? my computer skills are lacking...

>> No.6913820

eh, why not. Got a favorite font or anything you'd like on it?

>> No.6913862

>it's not even a proper chicken pot pie with delicious homemade pie crust surrounding everything
>shitty pepperidge farms pastry sheets
>plus that lopsided vegetable ratio

Shit is Jack Scalfani "Lazy Man's Chicken Pot Pie" tier.


>> No.6913917

Use your best judgement, buddy. Thanks, I really appreciate it!

>> No.6913952

good thread OP happy birthday, mine's on Monday. I just have steaks, champagne, and tons of liquor with my friends.

>> No.6913974

>'just' steaks, champagne, and liquor with friends.
Sounds about perfect to me. Have a good one dude!

>> No.6914004
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thanks m8

>> No.6914912
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I'd love a vertical so I can try this this weekend when it's pouring rain.

>> No.6914996

thats a tasty looking filling in your pie OP, thanks for the thread

happy birthday!

>> No.6915861
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I had to shorten things out... hope this fits the bill!

>> No.6915892

Its his birthday, he's drunk and he'll do whatever he damn wants.

>> No.6916444

It's.... beautiful.

>> No.6916506

so much op samefag ITT...ugh

no one cares about your shit recipe

>> No.6916540

I'm making this tomorrow. Looks delicious as fuck.

Might actually make double the amount so I can eat it in both pie and with rice modes.

>> No.6916899
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Not bad OP
You could and you should have made a real pie.
But great cooking show, I'm sure it was delicious. Nicely delivered on /ck/

>> No.6916916

Nice. I'd eat that. Kind of a bummer that you didn't have enough pastry. I'm sure it was still good though.

>> No.6917267

Too much effort, eat cereal