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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6910222 No.6910222 [Reply] [Original]

What is top tier NEET food that an incompetent man child could prepare?
My mom's having to get treatment done at the hospital so for at least some months I'll need to be feeding myself. I can't do take out because money and talking to people.
I would do ramen but mom said no and that I'd hurt myself eating it too much.
Is this good?

>> No.6910225

frozen mac n cheese
frozen pizza
peanut butter and jelly sandwich

>> No.6910229

Why don't you learn how to make some simply dishes and give them to your mom when she is better?

>> No.6910237

All good. Any recommended frozen pizzas?
My current favorite is Trader Joe's Margherita but I probably get tired of that after weeks.

I don't know how to cook at all :\
and she obviously can't teach me.
Big milestone 6 months ago was her teaching me how to boil pasta, but I'm tired of eating it plain

>> No.6910241

quesadillas don't even require any cleaningl.

>> No.6910242

i like the red baron 4 cheese classic crust pizza. its pretty cheap too as far as frozen pizzas go.

>> No.6910245

Who's going to buy your groceries? I've gone days without eating because I couldn't make myself go to the store, when I went it took all day to get ready.

>> No.6910249

just suck it up and eat pasta you fat fuck

>> No.6910253

frozen junk
cheap cold cuts

>> No.6910257

>Big milestone 6 months ago was her teaching me how to boil pasta, but I'm tired of eating it plain
Nigga. You're posting on an image board and you're telling me that you just learned how to fucking boil pasta? Seriously? Man the fuck up and accept that when you're learning how to cook you'll come across some failures but the success will be so much better.

I bet you're just too lazy to clean up after your mess if you make any mistakes but seriously you fat fuck? Learn how to make food. It doesn't take much effort and it's actually really fulfilling. Did you learn how to boil water for the first time last year? You're disgusting.

Work on not being disgusting.

>> No.6910262
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Thanks for advice.

My mom stocked up extra before hand to prepare but I'll probably have to shop, I'll just motivate when the time comes I guess.

Jeez okay. I'm actually not fat at all which is why my mom was worried I would not eat and lose more weight.

>> No.6910266

Grilled cheese: put a slice of cheese between two slices of bread, heat it and don't fucking burn it.

If you're afraid of burning it, then use low heat, be patient, and watch it like a hawk.

Want more flavor? Smear the bread slices with a little bit of "buttery spread." You can use actual butter, but it doesn't have as much give and you have to heat it a bit.

>> No.6910273
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>I'm actually not fat at all

>> No.6910274
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>Man the fuck up

>> No.6910278

If you want to pretend you're eating mostly meat and dont mind a few eyeballs and hormones, hot dogs and appropriate breading is cheap. A good way to mix up the pasta, rice and beans with some mostly-meat.

>> No.6910279

I have 18.6 bmi
>tfw spooky skeleton
>tfw don't know how to make food

>> No.6910281

Get a slow cooker and try stuff like this

You literally just chop shit up, leave it for 8 hours, eat (or freeze).

>> No.6910283


You're skinny fat at best

>> No.6910294

Are you saying that he could be fat?

>> No.6910307

Skinnyfat = skinny but with high fat % and low muscle mass because they don't do any sort of exercise.
They look healthy from afar, but that's just because they barely eat anything.

>> No.6910310

I'm saying he probably doesn't look skinny

>> No.6910313

His mom said no ramen.

She's gone for months but he obeys her directions and doesn't eat any Ramen.

Let that sink in.

>> No.6910328

Oh okay.

If he 6' then he's ~136 lbs that would look skinny I imagine.

>> No.6910334

me and u both OP. me= eat a box of dry plain cherrios with no milk. bread with water. if i am feeling adventurous, ill break out the honey nut cherrios :( no milk, just dry. that plus chewable vitamin. and im good. for protein. I eat my own cum while doing the daily fap.

>> No.6910337

He good boy.

>> No.6910347

But those are relatively expensive, you fucking toolbox.

Rice, beans, frankfurters, vegetables, pasta and cheap pasta sauce jars. My dead ex-wife can cook them and they cost less than it did to kill her.

>> No.6910348

>tfw can't cook and mommy never cooks real food

it's rough fam

>> No.6910351

WTF man, even dogs have a fucking need to sustain themselves.

>> No.6910362

You should probably mention to OP that you need to butter the pan for grilled cheese. I could definitely see this fuck toasting his bread too fast.

>> No.6910364

>didn't even comment on the fact that the guy eats his cum every day

>> No.6910376

>he doesn't recycle

>> No.6910380

I block things out at this point.

>> No.6910381
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>Putting raw meat into slow cooker

>> No.6910385

Yes, butter or non-stick spray.

Successfully cooking grilled cheese was my gateway into cooking.

>> No.6910390

>recommended frozen pizzas
I don't know where you are so I don't know if these are available near you, but:

Dr. Oetker Ristorante pizzas are the best, especially the Funghi and the Pizza Mozzarella. Goodfellas deep pan frozen pizzas are good too.

Pot noodles can be prepared by monkeys. Dunno if you can get them but different varieties of that sort of thing are common. Take lid off. Add boiling water. Stir. Cover. Wait. Wa la.

There's no way you can fuck up a canned ready meal like soup or chili. Pour it in a saucepan, put on lowest possible heat, stir it with a wooden spoon every now and then for 5 minutes, pour it into a bowl. Wa la. Toast bread, break it into pieces and put it in your soup. Or spoon chili/curry/whatever onto a slice of bread (untoasted), fold it and it's like a poor man's sloppy joe.

You might also check online to see if you can get groceries delivered. You have to spend a minimum amount but the delivery fee is usually cheaper than taking the bus and there's a good selection. It also makes things easier if you struggle to face the world, as I do.

I know you find it hard bro but you really should go visit your mom in the hospital as much as possible and stay in contact via phone/Skype. I fucked up when my grandma went into hospital. She recovered, but I didn't visit her because crippling social anxiety, and people remember that shit forever and generally don't accept lame excuses.

>> No.6910391

Because who does do that?

>> No.6910395

I cook whole chickens in mine all the time, works fine.

>> No.6910396

>Dr. Oetker Ristorante pizzas
Oh my god the pollo ones.

I dont even know what pollo means but holy nippleshit those are good.

It's like every single oven pizza is cardboard topped with disappointment, and this is a completely different foodstuff brought down by bearded cherubs.

If you can afford it, oetker every fucking time.

>> No.6910399

>he doesn't know

>> No.6910401

pollo is mexican for chicken

>> No.6910411

>I dont even know what pollo means

>> No.6910412

We dont have mexicans in teabong, I know chicken is poulet in french so that makes up for it.

>> No.6910416

>mexican for chicken


>> No.6910421

>he doesn't even speak american

>> No.6910473

Just fucking learn how to cook, it is easy, healthy, you will make food that is A LOT better than frozen shit, and girls will love you for life if you can cook them good stuff. Basically, if you can cook a good meal, you can get laid. And it's something that once you start to get good at, you become addicted to doing.

Rice is easy as fuck to cook, especially asian rice but all types really. Just add a cup of asian rice (rinsed) and a cup of water to a pan over medium heat and turn the heat off when the water evaporates thoroughly.

Learn to use a pan and do basic stuff like frying an egg or bacon. Learn to stir fry veggies too, this is basic stuff for pretty much any recipe. If you fry the bacon first, you can remove it and use the bacon fat to cook other things, makes everything even more delicious.

Basically vegetables that have a lot of water can take more heat, like onions, carrots, etc. Things with less water like leaves or garlic will burn quickly, so add them later than other stuff and turn the heat down for them.

Steak is easy to fry, just coat with some salt and pepper, put some oil in a heated pan and fry one side at a time, turn once when and don't press the meat.

Hamburgers are really easy too, literally just grab some ground beef, shape it into a hamburger then treat it like it's a steak. If it has enough fat mixed in, you don't even need to add oil.

The thing with cooking is that it is not as hard as it seems. The basic skill set for most dishes is pretty much similar, so once you can cook one thing well, you learn other stuff pretty quickly.

Don't forget the salt or anything can taste like shit.

Youtube is a great place for picking up recipes and tips. With just some basic skills and common ingredients you can make a wide variety of dishes.

>> No.6910481

I'm not OP but the problem with cooking is that it often takes more than 3 ingredients which puts me off

2-3 ingredient dishes that doesn't take more than 10 minutes from start to food on plate and I would cook but I can't really find such recipes

>> No.6910502

That's doable for a lot of recipes, but only if you like to eat unseasoned food. The extra ingredients in a recipe are what makes the food taste really good.

>> No.6910507

Eggs are absolute treasures for learning how to cook. Learn how to make scrambled eggs and once you have that down graduate to omelets and quiches.

Since you know how to prepare pasta, you can go out and get pretty much any kind of powdered sauce and it'll be delicious. Personal favorites for me are pesto sauce and alfredo sauce.

>> No.6910514

Plus most of the time all you really need to do with most of the ingredients is throw it all together, a lot of stuff don't even need to be worked on.

>> No.6910520

Most often during the normal week I just eat because I have to

>> No.6910527

There are lots of stuff you can cook in big batches and freeze for eating later.

>> No.6910536

Nigga,use them ball of yours and boil some veggies,meat till they're not raw boil some more pasta it's not that fuckin hard.. faggot

>> No.6910537

>The extra ingredients in a recipe are what makes the food taste really good.

Yeah, that's one way to do it but if you have good ingredients they can stand on their own with very little else. The problem is that a lot of the ingredients in the supermarket are bred for color, fast growth, and durability during shipping rather than flavor. A really good garden-fresh tomato tastes amazing with nothing on it. On the other hand it takes effort to make supermarket tomatoes taste good.

One of my favorite dishes is to take some really good shrimp, cut them in half lengthwise, put some crushed garlic on top and grill them. It's only two ingredients: shrimp and garlic, and the preparation is easy as hell. On the other hand the dish fails hard if all you have are headless peeled shrimp from the freezer case at wal-mart.

>> No.6910546

im a neet aswell, all i eat is steak and toast. If i have money i buy chocolate and chips too and soda, plenty of soda

>> No.6910549
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>Man the fuck up

>> No.6910573

> if you have good ingredients they can stand on their own with very little else

Agreed. But good ingredients are for good cooks, not for our friends here who can barely boil water.

>> No.6910574

ok put pan on fire
wait until hot, about 8 minute. Dont touch
paint pan with butter really fast
lay meat on pan
wait until meat is mostly done in the side then flip it
cook for a couple minutes more
you just made steak

>> No.6910604

>wait until meat is mostly done in the side then flip it
No idea how to tell.

>> No.6910607
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I see you're unfamiliar with depression

>> No.6910620

>tfw lack the will to even read recipe let alone attempt to cook it
It's salted ice for me tonight.

>> No.6910628
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it'll be brown

>> No.6910636

What if it's not brown enough and I get sick?

>> No.6910637

Really depends on how you want it.

For medium rare, just watch as the red becomes brown. It will start on the lower part of the steak of course, and you will see the brown eventually taking over the sides of the meat. I usually flip it when the brown is a little above halfway through. Let the second side cook half the time you did with the first.

For well done, go fuck yourself and learn how to eat meat properly.

>> No.6910640

Is it bad to not eat it alone?
>tfw mom raised me to like ketchup on my steak

>> No.6910653

Former manchild weeaboo neet here(still weeaboo)

Even back in my neet days I could cook, I was a fat fuck who liked to eat good food.

I learned from fucking google and following recipes, google can teach you to do anything faggot.

Burgers are easy to make, just need to season with salt and pepper

Meat sauce is easy, just stirring browned meat in canned sauce and simmering it, then mixing with your noodles.

Sloppy Joe is easy.


>> No.6910657

steak is fine if it's a little under cooked, but if you're really paranoid, cut in the middle. If it's brown, it;s well-done. A little pink is fine, in fact most people like it better that way.

>in b4 well done steak with ketchup

>> No.6910660

You won't get sick, I've been eating medium-rare and rare steaks my whole fucking life and never got sick from it.

Well, I'm Brazilian, we eat our stakes with just salt and nothing else. But you can use ketchup if you like. A tip is to coat the meat with some ketchup before cooking it, so it works like barbecue sauce caramelizing the whole thing.

>> No.6910668

>muh manly man tough love technique
fuck off autist

>> No.6910670
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I eat this stuff all the time. It's basically hotdogs in a bread bun (with some butter of course) and some noodles along with it. It's easy to make and pretty filling too.

>> No.6910671

Watch Youtube videos of simple recipes and make a few notes.
It's Impossible to fuck that up.

If you're younger than 30 and can't cook decent meals something has gone horribly wrong in your life.

>> No.6910680

Not even that, I'm saying it's embarrassing to barely be able to cook noodles, even as a manchild neet.

Good foodis a universal concept, it's why almost all analogies are food analogies.

It's not hard in the least, literal retards are capable of functioning in fast food kitchens.

Just fucking google it.

>> No.6910681

Why would it be okay if you were older?

>> No.6910690

How old are you exactly, OP?

>> No.6910694


>> No.6910698

Please tell me you know basic cooking skills like frying an egg or using an oven.

>> No.6910707

Evolving gender roles and such, men relying on themselves to cook is a relatively modern thing.

When I visit home my father gets angry because I'm apparently making him look bad.

>> No.6910708

Now is the time to learn eggs.

>> No.6910713

No :(
I mainly done cup ramen, toast, tea, and cereal.
When ambitious I will make plain pasta.
I think I could do the oven for for frozen pizza but moms always done it up till now.

>> No.6910718

Yeah, eggs are an excellent way to start. Its cheap and quick to make so it won't be a problem even if you waste a couple before nailing it down. And you can make them in a variety of ways, fried, scrambled, omelette, pouched eggs, hardboiled, softboiled...

>> No.6910721

Do you like tomato sauce with your pasta?

>> No.6910723

Jesus Chirst, not even a fried egg? Did your mother shelter you your whole life? People naturally learn cooking skills on their own, even shut ins like me.

>> No.6910731

What would be easiest first egg? Hard boiled?

It's alright, I usually don't have it. Just eat it plain or if mom prepares it she'll add butter and some parmesan.

>People naturally learn cooking skills on their own, even shut ins like me.
I guess my mom sheltered me but I've pretty much lived at home for whole life and she never stopped cooking/preparing meals.
Is there some age where parents are supposed to make their kids cook?

>> No.6910734

And don't forget a really important part of cooking: doing dishes afterwards.

Dishes are easier if you do them right away instead of letting it pile up for weeks. Specially because it will start to stink like fuck and you wont want to get anywhere near it anymore.

>> No.6910739

I think fried and hardboiled would be the easiest. Scrambled is easy too.

>> No.6910744

take eggs
put in pot
add enough water to cover them
bring to boil
after your water boils, leave them on for 10 mins or so

congratz, you have cooked eggs

>> No.6910751

I will attempt hardboiled first as it sounds the easiest.
Fired and scrambled I'm worried I will burn or get stuck to the pan or something.

>> No.6910761

>Is there some age where parents are supposed to make their kids cook?
There comes a point where a kid either becomes curious about cooking or is directly taught basic skills by their parents, often times both.
Have you never once been interested about the kitchen, how food is prepared, what you could create on your own, etc? And it sounds like your mother never really taught you much.
Just go on sits like allrecipes and find something that looks easy. This is a good time to catch up on what you should have learned years ago. Surprise your mother with some homemade food when she gets back.

>> No.6910766

I guess I was never too interested and I have anxiety about messing it up.
Hopefully I can make her something more than plain noodles.

>> No.6910769

take eggs
coat pan with a tbsp of oil
turn heat on to low heat
break an egg on top of the oil*
sprinkle some salt on top of egg
cover pan
cook until white part thoroughly stops being translucent up to the top - cook a little more of you dont want a runny yolk
remove with a spatula

congratz, you have fried eggs

*actually I remember breaking an egg correctly was a skill I had to acquire when I started cooking. The ideal is to try and keep the yolk intact, but its ok if it bursts too, you just won't be able to get a runny yolk. Try youtube vids if you're having difficulty.

>> No.6910770

fried egg:
>heat pan on medium heat
>add a little butter/oil
>when pan is hot (put your hand over it to tell. don't actually touch it, obviously) crack egg in
>when one side is done (top will be liquid, bottom will be firm), flip and cook until it's no longer "wet"inside

Scrambled is like above, except you break the egg in a bowl and whisk them with a fork before putting them in. Cook until they're no longer runny (liquid-y looking)

>> No.6910774

If food sticks to the pan, just fill it up with water and heat it for a few minutes, then let cool a bit and clean.

>> No.6910788

Rice is also really easy

>put 1 cup of rice and 1 cup of water in pan
>heat on high and when it boils, bring the heat down to low
>cook until all the water is gone. Read the package for time, but it's usually between 12 and 20 mins

Now you have rice for your eggs

>> No.6910793
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>cut up chicken, broccoli and carrots (or your choice of meat and veg)
>put oil in frying pan and heat it up on 1/3 power
>put meat and veggies in frying pan and cook until chicken is cooked all the way through
>serve with rice, bread, or noodles

That should be idiot-proof enough even if you have no cooking skills

>> No.6910795

Use youtube to help you with recipes. Channels like Food Wishes have relatively easy recipes and preparation guides.


>> No.6910797

Christ that looks completely terrible. Not a SINGLE flake of spice or flavor on that. Do you eat cardboard for breakfast?

>> No.6910799


This is what /fit/ actually eats but probably with brown rice.

>> No.6910800

Must be 18 to post here

>> No.6910801

Time for the master lesson now OP

>cut vegetable in bite-size pieces (any at all)
>put about about 1 inches of water in pot
>boil water. Add veggies, cover pot. Keep water boiling
>Cooking time varies depending on veggie (less then 10mins though), but when they're tender, they're done

Congratz, you now cooked a complete meal for yourself

forgot to add, but you always keep your pot covered for cooking rice

>> No.6910808

All of these recipes are fucking disgusting. I'd rather starve.

>> No.6910815

If your an adult who can't sustain himself without mommy then it's probably for the best

>> No.6910818
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Yes, I'm sure you where born knowing how to cook 5 stars meals and that you've never cooked bland, boring meals

Everyone has to start somewhere and you attitude isn't helping OP

>> No.6910821

Don't forget to add salt to your recipes or everything is gonna taste like it's you who's in hospital instead of your mom.

>> No.6910853

Any food OP prepares with his current lack of cooking knowledge will most likely be worse than hospital food.

>> No.6910860

alright, now for a little tastier recipe, this is improvised bibimbap, a korean rice dish:

cook white rice
cut half a carrot and half a zucchini in little cubes and stir fry with a dash of olive oil (or any other oil or butter), add a sprinkle of salt, remove from pan when everything looks soft and mix in with rice
add about 100g or so of ground beef to the pan with a dash of oil and a sprinkle of salt and cook until all the beef is brown, remove from pan and mix in with rice as well
fry an egg, mix in with rice, if the yolk is soft its better cause it blends in with the rice
add a tbsp of toasted sesame oil
add sriracha to taste
mix everything well

voila, tasty as fuck and easy to make, and apart from the rice, all the rest is made using the same pan.

>> No.6910873

too difficult

>> No.6910876

Nice. Bibimbap is pretty simple to make, and you can even improvise with other vegetables/meats if you're short on stock.
It's just rice, meat, vegetables, oil, and hotsauce fried in one pan.

>> No.6910879

>starting your sentences with nigga
go back to worldstar

>> No.6910881

vague and over complicated recipe
too difficult

>> No.6910899


do you bathe? Or is that also "too difficult"?

>> No.6910905

i shower once every 1 or 2 weeks and it's exhausting

just post simple recipes cunt

>> No.6910919

Not that anon, but this seems pretty simple.

>> No.6910934

Mashed potatoes are a really easy dish to make. Just boil peeled potatoes in water until they become soft, then remove from water and mash them thoroughly. Mix in a chunk of butter (while its still hot of course) and some salt and pepper and you're done.

>> No.6910942
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>Big milestone 6 months ago was her teaching me how to boil pasta, but I'm tired of eating it plain

Maybe you need to hit up the hospital yourself.

>> No.6910949
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Try to get the whole bottle down just to be safe

>> No.6910953

you first

>> No.6911074
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Superior drain cleaner/weapons-grade chemical agent coming through

>> No.6911523

i feel bad for your mother. get some spagetti sauce from the store and pour it in a saucepan and heat it until it bubbles and then turn off the heat and pour the sauce on your pasta.

>> No.6911531

This. Your man child disabilities are burdening your already ailing mother. Time to cut the cord.

>> No.6911544

this is the worst thing i have ever seen

>> No.6911563

Boxed salad and a frozen lasagna or frozen pizza.

Chicken tenders and raw baby carrots

Apple slices and peanut butter.

Wraps with ham, turkey, cheese lettuce and tomato with light mayo.

Can of Chef Boy R D whatever and frozen green beans in a steamable bag.

>> No.6911576

Doctored up spaghetti sauce. Add canned tomatoes, lots of onion because onion is cheap. cheap italian spices. And if you have a big ass box of red wine at that. gets you drunk for cheap and makes recipes taste better. get almadaen. Not the cheapest cheapest shit but the most expensive cheap box.

>> No.6911762

I don't like the taste of alcohol.

>> No.6911767

inb4 OP gets a mouthfull of eggshell.

>> No.6911781
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You don't drink boxed wine for the taste

>> No.6911798

Damn u really a hopeless manchild.

hahahaha I thought the same thing.

>> No.6911830

So OP, what did you make yourself today?

>> No.6911839

It just tastes bad :\
I'll take my juice instead thank you very much.

Some corn chips, a sleeve of ritz crackers, lemon candies, and one pack ramen noodle uncooked.
Tomorrow I'm gonna make a pb&j without tearing the bread when spreading the peanut butter and maybe try to boil eggs.

>> No.6911842

>120 replies
>thread about having no idea about food or cooking, and pretty much being 12

Where do all of these anons come from? There's plenty of boards I don't frequent, but for fuck's sake, this is ridiculous.

>> No.6911851

You're gonna get diabetes at this rate. Where's the vegetables and non artificial food? Fucking hell, you've had a whole thread filled with advice and recipes.

>> No.6911860

I was set to help the OP, until I realised he's a picky manchild with little to no will to do anything for himself. Holy shit I am platinum mad now

>> No.6911861

I know. Today was too much, but tomorrow I'm going to try and use some of the advice and boil eggs.
I hope I don't get diabetes, I don't drink soda at least and usually just water or diluted juice.

What are easy veggies?

>> No.6911862

I cannot fucking believe you dude. Doritos, crackers and lemon candies? Uncooked ramen srsly? I hope you're just trolling us.

>> No.6911866


>> No.6911870

:\ when was I picky?
There was an anon acting like me in thread and being rude and cranky but that wasn't me. This guy:
I've read all the recipes itt and a lot seem to hard for me right now I'll try and work up to them.

I wish I was :(, weren't Doritos btw just blue tortilla chips. I remembered I also ate a pickle if that counts for veggie.

>> No.6911877


>uncooked ramen srsly

Everything else aside, cooking ramen adds absolutely nothing other than water you could get from just drinking water, and a vehicle to slurp down every last bit of the salt packet (water).

Eating uncooked instant ramen was definitely a thing back when we were 10, but it's pretty much the best things he's mentioned.

>> No.6911883

Yeah I like it and it's a nice snack and crunchy.
In my head I've always thought that it would be healthier since I'm not eating the little seasoning packet which I think is just salt and chemicals etc.

>> No.6911893
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If you're gonna do eggs and vegetables tomorrow, why not make an omelette? Just dice some veggies of your choice, mix with eggs into a bowl, and fry. Maybe add some cheese if you feel like it.
So fucking simple, I've seen ten year olds do it.

>> No.6911896

Yeah come to think of it, you guys are probably right about uncooked noodle probably being better than it cooked with the packet. And I liked it when I was 10 too hahah.

>> No.6911898

same i literally have no clue how to cook anything if my mom didn't cook for me i would die
good luck not dying

>> No.6911901

I'm worried about using pan for stuff and burning things, are you supposed to put oil or butter in it?

When I say eggs I'm just going to try and boil one or two and see how it goes.

I wish I was wealthy and could have a personal chef.

>> No.6911906

Have you thought about ordering delivery online OP? A lot of places offer that. You can even leave a note like "leave food on the step-- I will slide money under the door"

>> No.6911909


Fuck, there's really nothing prettier than an unseasoned carbon steel pan.

>look up the image
>it's fucking ny times cooking

>> No.6911911

You got a crockpot?
if so
>Buy one onion
>buy some carrots
>buy some celery

If not
>buy a crockpot
>buy some garlic
>buy a hamhawk
>buy beans
>put in crockpot
>cook for 8 hours

>> No.6911912

Either will do. Jesus OP, you've intrigued me into how sheltered someone can be, and I thought I was bad. I'm gonna go to bed now, but you better post a picture of your breakfast tomorrow.

>> No.6911916

Seriously speaking now, just fucking open Youtube and you can learn everything you need to know for cooking any simple dish in like 10 minutes tops.

Yes, you never put stuff into the pan without some type of oil, with the exception perhaps of stuff that is already oily, like bacon. Its okay to heat the pan with nothing in it though, not even oil. Just don't leave it on the fire forever, 5 to 10 minutes is the max you would ever need to heat up any common pan.

>> No.6911922


Frying eggs is one of the easiest things to fuck up.

Yeah they're cheap, but if OP is on a budget he's not going to want to do shit (however basic) that requires actual experience.

>> No.6911933

>If not
>>buy a crockpot
That should be at the bottom, everything else goes in.

>> No.6911934

If even genuinely retarded people can cook for themselves, then OP will be fine. Frying an egg is a basic skill, at most he'll just burn the omelette.

>> No.6911937

>Frying eggs is one of the easiest things to fuck up.
How, i honestly cannot understand how you'd fuck up a fried egg.

If op wanted he could just make scrambled eggs, that shit is even easier.

>> No.6911939
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That's why I think frying eggs like this might be the easiest way. Its really hard to fuck up like this, unlike an omelette. Just set the heat to low and spread some oil or butter on the pan beforehand. When you see all the transparent goo has become solid white, means its done.

>> No.6911942

It's easy to burn for one thing, and flipping is an acquired skill.

>> No.6911943

I'll look into it, thanks.

I'm very sheltered I guess, I don't think about it much.
>never made my own food
>never washed dishes
>never did laundry
>never bought clothes
>don't know how to access my bank account, just let mom handle it
Luckily she made me practice using the washing machine and dyer so I can do laundry while she's gone.

>Yes, you never put stuff into the pan without some type of oil
Good to know, I would have guessed the eggs would lubricate themselves or something.

>> No.6911946

>easy veggies
I was actually about to suggest you try making a simple salad. You don't need to touch the cooker, just the basics of making a dressing and washing and slicing vegetables.

An easy but great salad dressing is just 4 parts extra virgin olive oil to one part vinegar (balsamic, wine, cider vinegars are okay - NOT malt). You can easily judge that by eye or just use a shot glass or 8 tablespoons of oil to 2 of vinegar. Add whatever flavours you want (salt + pepper, mustard, honey, garlic, herbs, hot sauce etc) and mix that vigorously in a mug with a fork. Give it a mix right before you drizzle it onto the salad (you can use a spoon for that) because the oil and vinegar will separate if left to stand for too long.

As for the rest of the salad, the following can all be thrown together - Lettuce or leaf spinach is pretty essential though:
Lettuce (washed and then chopped roughly or shredded)
Leaf spinach (same as lettuce)
Bell peppers (separated from the seed pod in the middle and sliced into strips about the size of your pinky finger)
Black olives (drain the jar and throw them in whole)
Boiled eggs (boiled, peeled and sliced in half)
Tuna (not going to tell you how to get tuna out of a can and onto a plate m8)
Cheese (grated)
Green onions (washed and sliced into pieces about the size of a cigarette butt)
Celery (washed and sliced about as thick as your pinky)
Carrot (grated or sliced into little sticks)

There are tons more of course but those are my personal basic salad ingredients.

Gonna give you another easy no-cook recipe for a nice sandwich filler in the next post.

>> No.6911947

Are you really 23 or was that the fake OP?

>> No.6911948


>at most he'll just burn the omelette

I don't know if there's a name for it, but burnt eggs are my phobia.


>if op wanted he could just make scrambled eggs

Every time I try to make scrambled eggs I always end up with an omelette.


But that's burnt, the heat was wrong, the albumin (or whatever the clear part of the white is called) wasn't evenly distributed, and over-easy is much easier, though still daunting to a complete beginner like OP.

>> No.6911949

Anon, for the love of god I hope this is a wake up call for you.

>> No.6911951

This has to be b8

>> No.6911952

He could just make tuna salad.
You don't even have to cook it, just mix

>> No.6911956

>learn how to use oven in college but never learn how to use stove
>move back home after graduating
>mom uses oven to store pots/pans and I can't be assed to take them all out

>> No.6911957

>Every time I try to make scrambled eggs I always end up with an omelette.
I just don't know what to say.

>> No.6911959


>i would have guessed the eggs would lubricate themselves or something

Buy yourself some 80/20 ground beef, season with S&P, shape into patties, and your reasoning will make sense.

If you put the cooked patties on buns with lettuce, tomato, and onions, with condiments, it will make burgers, in case you didn't pick up on that.

>> No.6911961

I doubt it's bait. There's probably lots of people on this board like OP.

>> No.6911963

>implying op won't undercook it and then kill himself by eating raw beef or overcooking it until it's a horrid dry husk that'd make him wish for death

>> No.6911964


Scrambled eggs are honestly just the result of fucking up an omelette, and I don't like fucking up my eggs.

>> No.6911969


Undercooked ground beef is still better than both undercooked and/or burnt eggs.

>> No.6911970

Another recipe about as easy as breathing:
-Mix equal parts vinegar, olive oil, mustard and honey
-Mix well
-Wash some lettuce or cabbage or arugula or rocket or whatever you like the most
-Dip the sauce and eat

Fresh, as easy as raw and the dressing makes it taste good as fuck.

>> No.6911974

Turned 23 two months ago.

Thanks anon. This is probably dumb but when you say wash lettuce etc that just means rinse right?

I'd be happier if it was. Only time I've been not at home was one semester of college, but I went to college near home so I just ate at dining hall and mom would pick me up on weekends and do my laundry. It was pretty embarrassing tbh.

I'm still too worried to try and cook raw meat in pan.

>> No.6911978

What have you cooked before? Have you ever cooked with a pan at all?

>> No.6911979

>wash lettuce etc that just means rinse right?

>> No.6911981


>i'm still too worried to try and cook raw meat in pan


It's fine, even if undercooked a little.

>> No.6911983

Wow, I'm just kind of speechless really. It goes without saying you never washed dishes or done landry, but not even having your own money, not buying your own clothes? Goddamn.

>> No.6912000

Yeah, just run it under a cold tap and shake it dry. Depending on where you get it from - look out for bugs and shit. Easiest to wash it BEFORE chopping/shredding it. The green onions can sometimes have dirt inside the tubular stems so watch out for that. You might also have to wipe a little dirt off the celery.

Okay the sandwich filler:

A can of tuna
3 large tablespoons of mayo
A stick of celery (prepared as in the last post)
Black pepper (as much as you like)
A tablespoon of Mustard (preferably not yellow - haven't tried this with yellow mustard so English, Dijon etc. If it's in a jar then fine)
One or two tablespoons of sweetcorn (straight out of the can)
A splash of lemon juice
A handful of Lettuce/spinach (prepared as above)
Black olives (yes, I have them with everything - slice them in half this time)

Put that lot in a bowl (tuna, mayo and mustard are essential, everything else is optional tbh but the more the merrier). Mix it well with a fork. Wa la.

You can spoon that filler onto a slice of bread, fold it and enjoy. Or put it on a baked potato (also easy to make). Or if you're feeling adventurous, warm up some fajitas and roll it up in a wrap (learn to wrap them properly though or you'll make a mess).

>> No.6912007

Yeah, it doesn't get a lot easier than tuna sandwiches. It was the first thing I ever learned how to make, I must have been like 6 or 7. Just mix everything.

>> No.6912009 [DELETED] 


Is this real life?

>> No.6912013

>A tablespoon of Mustard
Actually, half a tablespoon might be better for normal people. I just love burning my nostrils with mustard. You could leave it out altogether if you want. It's your food, make whatever you want.

Two tablespoons of sweetcorns seems excessive as well. One will do it.

You said you have a microwave? Baked potatoes m8. Piece of piss. Wash it, prick it a few times with a fork, 5 minutes each side on full. Slice it open at the top. CAUTION: it will be hot as hell. Put whatever you want on there. Grate some cheese on there or give it a dollop of sandwich filler or cottage cheese. You can even use butter and ketchup if you're a pervert. But you can totally enjoy a baked potato with just a nice dollop of butter and a dash or two of black pepper.

Bear in mind bigger potatoes take a bit longer, as do multiple potatoes. The above is for one spud about the size of an average orange.

>> No.6912026

>not slathering it with butter and cheese.

>> No.6912033

Butter makes everything delicious. Restaurant food is so good because everything has huge amounts of butter.

>> No.6912035

Okay how about this then:

>bake potato
>cut it in half
>cut into the potato flesh to make grooves for the topping to sink into the spud
>chopped tomatoes and basil in there
>sliced cheese and oregano on top
>back in the microwave for 30 seconds

Wa la, pizza potatoes.

>> No.6912038

Could be good.

>Multiple correct solutions required - please solve more.
>Multiple correct solutions required - please solve more.
>Multiple correct solutions required - please solve more.
>Multiple correct solutions required - please solve more..
>Multiple correct solutions required - please solve more..
>Multiple correct solutions required - please solve more..

>> No.6912069
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>> No.6912083

and salt and MSG

>> No.6912973

It's a new day OP. Make those eggs yet?

>> No.6912984

OP obviously doesn't work, and doesn't seem to be studying either. What the fuck is it that you do all day that you don't have the time or will to cook simple fucking eggs? Too busy jerking off to hentai?

>> No.6914357

So what did you eat today, OP?

>> No.6914448

I boiled two eggs which were okay, yolks were dry.
Also had cereal and popsicles.

>> No.6914464

Well that's an improvement I guess, congrats for the eggs. If you think the yolks were too dry, just cook it a little less next time. Softboiled are just as easy to make, just turn off the heat as soon as the water starts boiling, then leave the egg for a couple minutes more inside the pot.

>> No.6914470

You think you can try frying an egg now?

>> No.6914477

Okay I'll try that. I think I was worried about undercooking so I probably left them too long.

Still doubtful, not sure about how much butter or oil and when to flip or am I supposed to flip or how to flip. I guess I can try.

>> No.6914493

>how much butter or oil
Enough butter to cover the diameter of a cracked egg. A teaspoon of oil should also do.
>when to flip or am I supposed to flip or how to flip
Depends on what type of egg you're trying to make. For sunnyside up you don't flip, just leave on the pan and cover until the egg white is solid. You should start with that.

Also, it doesn't sound like you eat much in a day. Try get more variety in your diet.

>> No.6914507

My god, you are such a sad fuck.
Learn some basic knife skills first. Cross chopping, tap chopping, and rock chopping will get you through 90% of dishes. Invest a decent chef's knife or sharpen the one your mom already has if it's dull and shitty; a chef's knife will be your primary tool in preparing any dish.

Buy some base ingredients. Onions, carrots, celery, potatoes, garlic, spinach, basil, and coriander will be enough for a good variety of dishes. Look up simple recipes and try them.

Cooking is not hard.

>> No.6914518

Okay thanks. Is canola okay for the oil? I assume it is.

Honestly if I've never fried an egg isn't fancy knife and cutting pointless?
Also I've never bought food, are there guides to tell if veggies are good or bad at the store etc?

>> No.6914522

srsly use this time to experiment, fuck up, and in the process learn to cook.

>> No.6914542
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>4chan being this helpful

>> No.6914572

You need to cut stuff before you can cook it fam

>> No.6914578

Canola is fine.

>> No.6914580
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Trips, nice.

>> No.6914583
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/ck/ is nice board.

>> No.6914597

You don't need a fancy knife, just a decent one, and you need to sharpen it regularly. Believe me, it might sound like it's too much work sharpening the knife, but it will make your life so much easier that it's more than worth it.

Learn how to do this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs8cQ_tjsF8

>> No.6914614

When in doubt, ask other people about the veggies. Ask old ladies, they know their veggies and are always willing to help. But it should be pretty straightforward anyway, just pick the ones that look best, that aren't bruised etc.

>> No.6914618 [DELETED] 

I guess that's true.

Cuckio shoo.

I have no idea how to sharpen a knife, are you supposed to use whetstone? Is it easy to mess up and ruin the blade?
Also do you have recommended knives? I doubt I will get one until my mom's back though.
>tfw his knife is so close to finger while cutting

>talking to people
:0 thanks though, I will try and figure out which don't look messed up.
Is broccoli a good beginner veggie to make?

>> No.6914621

>throw them in boiling water(hueg bubbles and all). Remember to put a tablespoon(large one) of salt in water.
>Post pics here of other stuff you did
45 minutes later
Protip: Remove skin with your hands like a true man that you are
If really don't want to hurt your hands use BLUNT side of the knife and just pass it over skin gently scraping.

If you have any rests left,
>smash them with spoon (leave no large pieces, just puree)
>put them in a ceramic form.
Follow the >>6910801
>remove water,
>add result to smashed potatoes,
>add spices. (pinch of everything you like)
>Put cheese on top for maximum awesome.
>In the oven it goes for 30 minutes on 180°.
>Enjoy eating !

>> No.6914623

Is not using peeler a /ck/ thing or something?

>> No.6914631
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Do it like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBn1i9YqN1k

I suppose your mom must have some knife you can use for now, every mom does. Anything that looks vaguely like the ones in the pic will do. Hell, even a cleaver will do.

>> No.6914632

but that envolves preparing food before cooking and i didn't see if the OP had a peeler

>> No.6914755
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OP, dont listen to these snobbish bullies. I understand exactly how you feel. Cooking is HARD, even with simple recipes. It always takes me a LONG time to get it right, so don't be discouraged

For example, It took me 9 attempts to learn to make my first ham, cheese and lettuce sandwich. I kept track of everything I did wrong on every attempt before eventually getting it

>Attempt 1
Accidentally used out of date ham
>Attempt 2
Destroyed the bottom slice of bread when buttering it due to my excitement
>Attempt 3
Accidentally dropped the ham on the floor then stood on it and slipped over
>Attempt 4
Tried to butter the lettuce to add flavour to the 'wich but accidentally dropped it all over the floor
>Attempt 5
Put dish soap into the butter because my brother told me that it helped clean bacteria from the ham
>Attempt 6
Dropped the sandwich when carrying it to the table
>Attempt 7
Salt shaker broke and salt went all over the sandwich when I salted the cheese
>Attempt 8
Got furstrated and cried on the bread soggying it
>Attempt 9
Got it right

It WILL be satifisying when you finally do it mate

>> No.6914766

jesus christ

>> No.6914771

One sandwich should not take 9 tries to get right.

>> No.6914772


But yeah, jokes apart, cooking takes time. Im a good cook now, but I first started making really simple stuff like the aforementioned tuna sandwich filler, simple hot dogs, etc. I remember that on my first time trying to fry an egg I had to discard like 3 or 4 eggs right away because I didn't know how to crack them and they just exploded in my hands making my moms kitchen smell like rotten egg for days. But I eventually got the hang of it and fast forward many years, here I am cooking delicious meals for me and my wife.

>> No.6914778
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>> No.6914788
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>> No.6914852
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>> No.6914870

>Destroyed the bottom slice of bread when buttering it due to my excitement
Maybe this is joke post but this happens to me all the time.
How do people spread shit without tearing holes in the bread? Seriously my pb&j's are like lumps of peanut butter and bare bread because if I spread it tears whole in the bread.
White bread is the worst and I can't even spread jelly so I just put jelly and panut butter on plate and eat scoops of them while taking bites of bread.
Would letting the spreads sit outside of fridge help?

>> No.6914877

>salting cheese
Why !?! WHY would you do it ? What logic leads to adding salt to already salty cheese ?
I can get the rest but why in the name of all gods would you salt cheese ?

>> No.6914881

>I can get the rest
>butter the lettuce

>> No.6914883

Not even joking, use a spoon and spread it with the back of it

>> No.6914888

You don't store pb in the fridge. Just don't press so hard for the other condiments. Locate them in the center of the sandwich and press down locating pressure on the edges of the sandwich.

>> No.6914904

Never bought it myself but doesn't Costco sell 1 year emergency supply of food over the internet on their website?

>> No.6914930

butter is awesome. If you only have lettuce then it is a good enough reason to butter it in a sandwich.

>> No.6914943

But why not just butter the bread?

>> No.6915069


bag of steel cut oats
thing of maple syrup
much milks

apple on the side for no scurvy

>> No.6915075

Just take a stroll down the frozen meal section of your store and grab whatever tickles your fancy.

>> No.6915113

lentils, canned tomatoes, canned mixed beans, spinach. spice if you like

>> No.6915155

I live off of oatmeal and stir fry, living alone or with parents. I think it's actually healthy if a little tiring after three years.

>> No.6915265

dude, that is not normal. Nobody will judge you if you seek help.

>> No.6915369

i was having that problem before, anon. Just change over to audio captchas.

>> No.6915382

dude peanut butter has a shelf life of around 6 months, AFTER it's been opened. Don't keep it in your fridge

>> No.6915398

frozen chicken in a pan with frozen broccolli and canned curry, mebbe with basmati rice. easy as fuck and you wont die from nutrition related illness

>> No.6915431

>I only learned how to boil pasta a few months ago

Put two cups of water and one cup of rice in a pot. Bring it to a boil. Turn the heat down as low as it can go and wait 15 minutes, or until the water is no longer visible above the rice. Do not remove the lid until it is done.

If that sounds like it's above you, buy instant rice and microwave it.

>> No.6916727


Boxed macaroni and cheese cooked in the microwave

>> No.6916735

Banquet pot pies spiced up with tonys.. cooked in the microwave

>> No.6917034
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Hey OP, hope you're doing well. We'll all make it.
Rice is very cheap. Buy some, and if you like it, you might want to invest in a cheap rice cooker to make it as a staple food. Also, look into bags of frozen veggies. If you live near an Aldi, they are great stores for buying cheap, healthy food.
Pic related was my dinner tonight. Rice from my rice cooker, with frozen veggies thrown in a steam basket that came with it. All I have to do is put rice, water, and veggies in the cooker and press a button. You can also put canned beans in with the rice for protein, use stock instead of water and countless other delicious, healthy things that only require the press of a button to make.
Also for dinner I had some marinated tofu that I threw in a pan with garlic and onion. (but you can easily make some meat dishes earlier in the thread once you get comfortable with a frying pan)
This is a very cheap meal that I can eat multiple times a week and not get bored of it.
Hope you keep trying new things to find what you like and can get better at making!

>> No.6917296

Proud of you, OP. Seems like you took a lot of the advice here and learned some things. Keep trying OP and you'll make delicious food by yourself soon enough.

Also, judging by your circumstances, this is only the beginning. It seems there's a lot of other things you need to learn how to do too. Hope your mother's treatment is going well but when she returns you might want to consider depending on her a lot less.

>> No.6917321

Or buy the frozen microwave in the bag rice. It actually comes out pretty well and doesn't taste like as much shit as instant/boil in bag rice.

>> No.6917323
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>> No.6917326


>> No.6917339
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Them good boy points don't come easy

Just but some damn hungryman meals, or in your case some kid cuisine damn manchild

>> No.6917401

wtf is this

>> No.6917442

How's the career been after Children of the Corn, buddy?

>> No.6917461
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mmm eggs

>> No.6919084

Some hobs don't even boil on the lowest setting. Mine have to be at 1/3 heat to even simmer.

>> No.6920656

That was some really sound advice from his mom, even if she's far away OP is probably smart enough to realise this. Try eating instant ramen everyday for half an year and good luck with all the stone kidneys you're going to have.

>> No.6920700

As long as the canola is tasteless it's okay but flavorful oils like corn oil will make eggs taste disgusting. Butter is really the best for eggs.

>> No.6920710

boil in bag brown rice and canned chicken + soy sauce

>> No.6920714

I've never had this problem except when the bread is shitty. Really soft bread like that needs to be sliced thicker.

>> No.6920931

They don't even need to be peeled! At least if they are the red or gold/yellow ones.

>> No.6922585

are you fucking retarded

>> No.6922598

why is it so difficult for you? watch a fuckin youtube vid a child can cook eggs

>> No.6922609

So what did OP eat during the weekend?