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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6908976 No.6908976 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any foods you're afraid of?

I'm afraid of quesadillas. They're just so... cheesy...

>> No.6908986

I'm afraid of tortilla chips that don't have that classic restaurant temperature.

>> No.6908989

then put less cheese on them then you fat assed fat ass

>> No.6908990

Anything I don't grow and cook myself. I don't trust Hispanics.

>> No.6908995

Well, I have prepared seared foie gras for myself before.

I never fucked it up but you can and will fuck it up if you -breathe- wrong. So while I love eating it I hate (And am afraid of) preparing it.

>> No.6909020


You need to head over to /biz/ then, you're in luck

>> No.6909043

Anything delicious and fatty. I'm fat enough as it is and there are so many places that just would kill me softly with delicious food

>> No.6909147

Quesadillas go great with chimicherrychangas for dessert

>> No.6909148
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Accept your fate you fat fuck.

>> No.6909156

But it is just a grilled cheese sandwich basically.

>> No.6909161

/mlp/, is that you?

>> No.6909165

wasabi peas

they're nice and crunchy with just the right amount of forehead-sweating heat, and then all of a sudden you get a bad one and your nose is on fire

>> No.6909170

Lemongrass, i legit have nightmares about being forced to eat it

>> No.6909179

Animal products

>> No.6909181

In English m8

>> No.6909219

old russet potatoes, or eggs

the russets can be surprise stink bombs, then the eggs may have an unlucky chick inside

>not sticking cabbage, onions, and bell peppers in your quesadillas

>> No.6909272

Anything that looks moldy. I get freaked out when seeing flour leftovers on the bread that was cooked yesterday because it looks like white mold

>> No.6909279

Cabbage, it just turns me off entirely. I think it's because one of my Grandmother's recipes which I absolutely hated was Beef wrapped in Cabbage and it was so mushy and waterly and yuck.

I'm not a baby who refuses to eat Cabbage (and Sauerkraut doesn't count) but if I see Cabbage on an item in a restaurant I'll look at another food.

I guess I'm just not very Irish, I don't like Guinness either. But man Corned Beef is to die for.

>> No.6909290

Sliced lotus and coconut flakes look like dandruff.

>> No.6909538

Fast food creeps me out. The idea of something just sitting under a heat lamp for hours upon hours before someone would eat it just makes me nauseous.

>> No.6909584

I've got my pressure cooker on the stove at the moment, gotta admit I'm a little nervous.

>> No.6909589

Sugar. Makes me break out

>> No.6909602

Usually fastfood doesn't just sit around and is made to order.

>> No.6909733

Mustard, it looks like delicious cheese sauce but it's not

>> No.6909768

Dijon mustard is delicious.

>> No.6909770

Horsefucker pls. There is time and place for ponies and this is neither of those.

Im not really afraid of any food but spam does bring up some bad memories about family fights and other shit.

>> No.6909783


You mean re-heated or "assembled" to order. The components are cooked long ahead of time.

>> No.6909831

>assembled to order
Most restaurants work to some degree like that kid.

>> No.6909835

plain milk creeps me the fuck out, dont mind cereal though

>> No.6909847


Indeed. If you order a prime rib they're not going to make you wait the 2 hours it takes to cook from scratch. But in the case of something simple like a burger or other fast food sort of meals there's no excuse for not cooking that to order.

>> No.6909858

>no excuse
what is profitability

>> No.6909866

You have terrible sentence structure.

I'm afraid of walnuts. I'm allergic to pecans, and walnuts are just too similar. I can never trust them.

>> No.6909909

The sentence structure was fine.

>> No.6909917

Fried foods aren't typically cooked to order in fast food but in recent years I haven't seen a burger waiting under a heat lamp. I think that was more of a practice perhaps in the 80's and maybe 90's.

>> No.6909944


The whole burger under a heat lamp? No. But the patties (pre-cooked in a factory 1000 miles away) are sitting in a steam tray or under a heat lamp.

>> No.6909954

I went to Outback not too long ago and got a burger. It seemed like it was hand made and it was okay, but sadly I thought the burgers at Sonic were better.

>> No.6909974

No it wasn't, it sounded like shit. Learn how to make yo shit flow nigga

>> No.6909977
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>> No.6909979

maybe at mcdonalds but places like five guys and in and out and shake shack cook the meat once you order

>> No.6909980

Oh you wanted poetry but grammatically it is fine.

>> No.6909994
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>> No.6910259

I'm terrified of bread. I almost suffocated on a loaf when I was 7. Can't even walk down the bakery aisle at the supermarket.

>> No.6910263

Would you say they're


>> No.6910264

Iktf, my father use to beat my mother with baguettes.
I have to cross the street when I see a bakery.

>> No.6910267

Of course not.

>> No.6910394

being able to eat that stuff was an experience I am grateful to have had, but I am fine never eating it again.

>> No.6910635

Stealth thread of undetermined origin.

>> No.6910641

I know that feel, anon

>> No.6910642

Worm infested chocolate.

When I was a kid, my grandma had some old chocolate bars she fed to my cousins. When they bit into them, they had worms in 'em.

>> No.6910659

On two occasions I've had a worm in my box of rasins. Still alive and shit too.

First time I was too young and thought it was just some weird rasin so I ate it. Didn't like the taste but I bared no mind. I can still remember that taste though.

Happened again when I was older only this time I saw it move and I realised what it was.

Come to think about it, would it have been a maggot? I mean it was completely white.

>> No.6910686

I can't stand sugarcubes myself, I mean what are you supposed to do with a cube of sugar? Sugarcube~

>> No.6911787

No foods especially, Im just afraid of that mandolin I got on sale a while ago after slicing my hand on it

>> No.6911814

>being a Barneyfag
Please kill yourself, you disgusting degenerate.

>> No.6911836

put a drop of lsd on it

>> No.6911923

put butter on it
then it's not a quesadilla

>> No.6911977

I really don't understand durian. If it tastes so bad, maybe it is a fruit that we just shouldn't be eating. Do animals eat durian?