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6908695 No.6908695 [Reply] [Original]


British Medical Journal states that American Dietary Guidelines have no basis in science, and ignore the last 35 years of nutritional study.

Time to start eating fat again boys.

>> No.6908700

>Time to start eating fat again boys
When did you stop?
Are you retarded?

>> No.6908707

Well looking at American men and then looking at brittish men, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that America has it right.

>> No.6908710

freedom detected

>> No.6908711

I suppose next they will tell us that dental care is a complete waste of time.

>> No.6908794

I didn't, the metaphorical boys did.
I might be.

>> No.6908807

We know. The World Health Organization did a study that said sugar was the #1 cause of obesity, not fats. Coca Cola "lobbied" (i.e. bribed) them into retracting the study, and saying that fat was the culprit.
This was right around the time that every package in the super market started being labeled "FAT FREE."

>> No.6909003

>retards think dietary fats make you fat
>retards can't into calories
>retards can't into responsibility

>> No.6909200

>thinking calories are accurate measures of dietary need
Our bodies aren't furnaces. We don't burn food. Much of our proteins and fats go into rebuilding and maintaining cells.

>> No.6909205

you can't sideline the guideline, bro!

>> No.6909207

Fat has always been the right thing to eat if it is the right type and quantity. We all know that lard is better for you than butter or margarine.

>> No.6909215

I'm sorry but bigger isn't better.

>> No.6909217
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You would be the experts, rotten tooth.

>> No.6909354
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Dietary Guidelines also said that wheat and grains should be the main portion of the human diet but now it's almost as 1 in 5 with muh Gluten intolerance

>> No.6909380
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>Our bodies aren't furnaces. We don't burn food.

>> No.6909382

what do you think all the oxygen is for

>> No.6909390

Scientists can go fuck themselves. All they do is "prove" some previous study wrong with the same shit the previous study "disproved". Just eat a big variety of unprocessed foods in moderation and exercise. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO DO.

Also calories in = calories out is oversimplified shit that only applies to fatties. Good luck losing weight with that when you're cutting down the last few percent that hide your abs.

>> No.6909460

Exactly this.
Also, the cals in/cals out thing is correct. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.6909468


>Just eat a big variety of unprocessed foods in moderation and exercise. THAT'S ALL YOU NEED TO DO.

all of these things are based on science and could be disproved. maybe exercising is bad for some people for some reason. maybe variety is terrible and we should actually all just be mainlining a protein drip. maybe the more processed the better. who the fuck knows if you don't do science?

>> No.6909471

> I need science to tell me I may or may not get shit on my pants if I don't wipe

>> No.6909477


you don't intuitively understand the workings of your body and it isn't 'common sense' so don't try that shit.

>> No.6909483

Gosh how did we ever survive until now without science telling us how to? LMAO stupid dinosaurs would still be around if they had science!

>> No.6909597

>We don't burn food

Except we do, only at a somewhat slower rate, using enzymes, not combustion

>> No.6909610

>I'm dumb as rocks so you must be too

>> No.6909863

>nearly 4 decayed, missing or filled teeth in the average 12 year old
Get it together Poland.

>> No.6910033

only a portion of our intake is used in the krebs cycle.

>> No.6910178

Science is always beholden to the subjective experience of the scientist. I fucking hate how so much credence is given to scientists these days when in fact it's mostly just kids fresh out of college making assumptions and extrapolations off of a narrow field of study.

"If you disagree you're anti-science needer neener"

"Muh citations"

"Muh scientific majority"

Fucking hate that shit.

>> No.6910233

Shit, I been eating fat. I feel sorry for people who let some other faggot run their life. This faggot runs his own life and he's happy he does.

>> No.6910251

No, but we increase our lifespan, recovery and health by improving our diet.
How to improve it is the least obvious thing, especially since the body needs energy to keep on running.
Vitamin defects is something that takes a long while to run into as well.
On the top of a lifespan of 60-80 years, and "modern" is barely 200 years old.

>> No.6910270
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>literally complaining about science

Hi Abdul.

>> No.6910280


I agree.

jut look at climate change and how no scientists can fucking agree on it, but if you question it you're an "anti-intellectual"

>> No.6910285

>lifespan of 60-80 years

people have been living to 80 for millennia. While modern medicine has reduced infant mortality. and thereby life expectancy, it hasn't extended the human life range by much.

>> No.6910304

People have been breaching 40 in very rare cases before modern medicine.
You are looking at something like 1/200 or some super rare shit. And it gets progressively worse from there.

That said, you are saying "Milennia". Inb4 you cheat and claim the 3rd milennia which we are 15 years into instead of the actual millennia, which would include a lot of shit deaths and child mortality.

>> No.6910383

Bullshit. Even if the average life expectancy was 40 in year past, then 50% of people were living into their 40s. For every person that died in their 20s there was someone that made it into their 50s, for teens 60s, for children 70s. Every infant mortality, is balanced by someone reaching their 80s.

Life expectancy wasn't 40 because that is when people drop over dead. Its 40 because that is the average age of death.

>> No.6910404

Imagine how frustrating it is to read research where the scientist literally says in his conclusion, "We demonstrated that Population X performs far more of Action Y, and removed all other variables against other populations and found it could have only correlated with the genetic differences of Population X.

However, that would be racist, and racism is wrong, so it must be something else we haven't found yet. Oh well, back to the drawing board!"

>> No.6910408

You forget what child mortality means. Really badly.
It scews the statistics very badly.

Do you even understand what "life expectancy" even means?
It means how far you are likely to get, before you die of a disease or organ failure. Not accidents, war, barfights, and the worse.
A even better point is that the human body has a uniform point of organ decay, which means the point where death is accelerated is also uniform.

For modern times, in a age of antibiotics, you start seeing what you suggest. Because people live to reach the mortality point. But its still very uneven due genetics, diet and exposure to enviroments.
We live in a age where getting a infection is non lethal, versus a age where infections ranges from amputation to death.

>> No.6910444

People have been living to mortality for millennia. Look at the greek philosophers. We know their ages they averaged 68 years before death.

>> No.6911763


what a hilariously pulled out of your arse scenario that is, anon.

>> No.6911764

It's the world we live in now. Logic takes a back seat to political correctness.

>> No.6911802

>retards think your body doesn't burn food

>> No.6912677

>not understanding biology

>> No.6912685

>implying I ever stopped
What else did you let your parents teach you wrong!?

>> No.6912815

They incorrectly taught me how to tie my shoes.

>> No.6912881

Please don't believe this.

>> No.6912887

Southpark made a joke about this, saying how the food pyramid was upside down.

>> No.6912918


Except it's not, as fructose is processed by the liver. It's a completely different metabolic path.

>> No.6912921


Uhhhhh scientists do agree on it. Next.

>> No.6912925


That happens all the time, fucktard. Studies of African Americans and diabetes is an example I saw last week.

What you're complaining about is that studies don't support your own stupid biases about human 'races', and your support of them in spite of lack of evidence being correctly called bigotry.

>> No.6912929

This only happens in epidemiological studies. Because epidemiological studies by their nature rely on stereotyping everyone. Black people this. White women that.

>> No.6913000 [DELETED] 

A Mediterranean diet is were it's at.
Everything else is for cucks


>> No.6913032

I have a huge tinfoil hat about this shit.

It's like corporations come up with new processed food with guaranteed profits and have their "scientists" do some half assed research on why it's good for you then they proceed to line the pockets of politicians to back their research and to push it to be a staple in people's diet.

>> No.6913038


>by 2000 we'll be in an ice age!
>whoops actually the ice caps are melting!
>uh, the icecaps are fine from a couple years ago
>more funding please to settle the science
>I mean, it might not even be humans but we still want more money

shiggydiggy, hippie

>> No.6913043


> tl;dr; I haven't actually read any of the science, but I'll pretend there was consensus about global cooling and the like to ensure I can hold my opinion regardless of actual facts

Fucking retard.

>> No.6913050

Read the article next time

>> No.6913080

Good. Now the healing can begin.

>> No.6913115

>i'm a literal retard

>> No.6913121
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>> No.6914983

why is this board so shit and retarded

>> No.6915025

If you don't believe in 'races,' then you don't have any comprehension of centuries worth of anthropology.

Just because your high school taught you that skull shapes didn't have any value in determining race (which is not at all true -- the fact that skulls differ in fact proves that race is not a social construct; in addition, whether or not brain volume is relevant is irrelevant, and only used to slander the scientists that performed the research because 'muh racism').

Fuck off and die.

>> No.6915029

>said every manlet ever.

>> No.6915697

Poles living in the rural regions of the country have shit hygiene, not gonna lie. And "rural regions" is roughly 1/3 of the country.

>> No.6915722

ITT: science defense force

>muh papers
>muh citations
>muh dogma
>muh inconclusive results
>moar funding plz ^:)