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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6907395 No.6907395 [Reply] [Original]

What's a quick, healthy, filling, portable, vegetarian (even better vegan) meal for lunch?
I need something that I can make quickly in the morning before heading out. After I stopped eating meat I find that too often I skip lunch because I don't have time to make something. Fruit is not filling enough and I'm fucking tired of sandwiches.
Bonus points for protein rich meal.

>> No.6907405

>What's a quick,
>meal for lunch?
yes, you can eat ME
>protein rich
You bet'cha

>> No.6907407

What about cooking your lunch the evening before?

>> No.6907418

That's the best solution I see right now too, but would be nice to have something that requires less effort and planning.

>> No.6907430

A steak you pasty faggot

>> No.6907434

>Almond meal pancakes with scoop of protein powder in the mix
>Zucchini pasta with veggies
>Protein shake

I don't know much about veganism or whatever but just go low carb and eat lean meats for protein.

>> No.6907442

Rice and beans spiced with cumin seasoned salt (this orangish fifth season thing) and red pepper flakes.

Can be made in large batches and refrigerated

>> No.6907460

>no meat
Thank you! Already using protein shakes and will definitely give zucchini pasta with veggies a try. Not that big a fan of pancakes.
Not a bad idea, although my usual problem is that big batches go bad before I finish them. Maybe I'll try freezing half of it next time.

>> No.6907468
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A fucking empty bun.

>> No.6907489

Any breads, rice/bean/veggie mix, protein bar/shake (they have vegan options), a vegan cookie (see the complete cookie by lenny and larry), a bean-burrito type of thing, pasta, salad, etc.
All of those are easily ate anywhere basically and don't require refrigeration/freezing/heating.

If you really want ideas, as appalling as it may sound, just look up what other vegans eat on youtube.

>> No.6907507

Make hummus or some other chickpea paste and have it with some crackers, corn chips or pita chips.

Watch the salt in the chips.

>> No.6907509

I'm not even on the no-carbs or gluten-free boat, fuck you.
Thank you, most helpful post in thread so far!

>> No.6907541
File: 5 KB, 172x300, 31Sr72BZ6VL._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make rice and vegetarian or vegan curries ahead of time, portion into Tupperware. Mix chick peas and lentils with barbeque sauce ( vegetarian significant other says this reminds them of pulled pork, I thought it was like a more protein rich baked bean dish). For maximum laziness pick up canned vegetarian soups or chili beans and just heat those up at work. Have a waffle maker? I have one of those ridiculous pancake batter tubes along with it ( pic related) and I love filling it up and then making a waffle or two every day for a week. Add protien powder to waffles, cover in peanut butter, sprinkle on nuts and seeds and overload yourself on all that glorious protien. Throw spinach, seeds, cheese, and any salad veggies you like in tupperware and make yourself some salads. Hummus with carrots, crackers, bell pepper slices, etc is a great snack. Get creative man.

>> No.6907550
File: 68 KB, 583x670, salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, although it sounds a bit light.
Awesome, will definitely do this!

I'm out, thank you to everyone who contributed in a helpful manner.

>> No.6907554

Tree bark

>> No.6907555

Get tortilla.
Spread hummus in tortilla
Places vegetables on top of hummus (bell peppers, blanched broccoli, sauteed mushrooms)
Add salt, pepper, any spices you like.
Roll that shit up.

Instant deliciousness. Even nicer if you have a foreman or something to grill it with.

>> No.6907586

A 5 kilo bag of lawn clippings.