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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 1200x675, l_tap-water-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6907115 No.6907115 [Reply] [Original]

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
>If not what are the alternatives?

>> No.6907128
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>Your country
US of A, baby.
>Could you drink it?
Fuck yeah.
>Do you drink it?
You bet your sweet ass I do. Get hydrated like a motherfucker.
>If not what are the alternatives?
The blood of commies.

>> No.6907130

It's all drinkable
We drink filtered but I don't mind drinking tap

>> No.6907139

>USA (Oregon specifically)
>yes, we have some of the best tap water in the country

>> No.6907144

Isn't Californian tap water literally poison?

>> No.6907150

Not sure about poison, tastes like ass tho

>> No.6907151

Didnt oregon pass a law recently the prevents flurine to be put in your tap water?

Enjoy your rotting teeth.

>> No.6907153

Yeah, but I don't live there.

Texas, man.

Commiefornia can get fucked.

>> No.6907155

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
Yes, the water here is great. But even in places where it doesn't taste as good (like when I lived in Canada), it just takes some getting use to. I also drink a lot of milk though because I'm a snownigger

>> No.6907163

There's flouride in toothpaste and mouthwash. It's unnecessary to put it in the water.

>> No.6907167
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>> No.6907177

American water varies a lot by municipality. Not even state to state. Counties matter.
The best seems mostly reliant on either: an amazing local watershed with a strong aquafer or a municipality which spent a fortune on top flight water plants.
Santa Ana has a strong aquafer and great quality. St. Louis spent a fortune on municipal water plants. Both have great water.

>> No.6907178

the united states of southern california
>Could i drink it?
i could
>Do you?
im not a nigger so no
spend like five dollars for a months worth of clean water for everyone in my house (7 people)

>> No.6907180

>Your country
>Could you drink it ?
>Do you drink it ?

>> No.6907190

I even use these DIY carbonizers. Enjoy your PETaids

>> No.6907193


>> No.6907198

No you don't stupid. Stats show that NYC has the cleanest water because we aren't redneck lumberjacks like you fucking Oregon faggots.

Kill yourself

>> No.6907219
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>> No.6907222
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>> No.6907231

Yes I have great tap water

>> No.6907237

>Could you drink it?
Yes, it's actually of better quality than literally any bottled water you can buy anywhere in the world. The only thing that could have a negative influence on quality and taste is if you live in a house with very old pipes.
>Do you drink it?
Almost exclusively tap water.
>If not what are the alternatives?
No better alternative in quality, by far(!!) no competition in price.

>> No.6907241

bottled water a shit

>> No.6907243

Stay mad dingus.

>> No.6907247

Not really sure how that applies to what I said. If I want flouride I'll get toothpaste with flouride if I don't then I won't. I enjoy the freedom of choice in that matter. Enjoy your nanny state.

>> No.6907253

>>Your country
USA - Central California
>>Could you drink it?
>>Do you drink it?
>>If not what are the alternatives?
Added a filtration system at kitchen sink that fills 5 gallon jugs that go on a water cooler/dispenser

>> No.6907258

We're not all redneck lumberjacks. We're hippies and racists too

>> No.6907267

>Your country
USA, Florida

>Could you drink it?
Sure, it wouldn't kill me

>Do you drink it?
Fuck no, I'm anal about water. If I want minerals and flouride in my water like some kind of barbarian I'd drink tap.

>If not what are the alternatives?
Distilled water. Pure h2o bitch. Buy it in gallons (cheap as hell) but I'm gonna get a small distiller to save even more cash.

>> No.6907268

Yes I drink it because it's way better tasting and easier to get than bottled water. Don't know how people survive on that shit tbh

>> No.6907269

>implying nyc is not a rat infested shit hole, overpopulated with uncultured trash

>> No.6907285

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
>If not what are the alternatives?
Free spring water from a brewery

>> No.6907287

Flyover please

>> No.6907293

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
>If not what are the alternatives?

The tap water here tastes even better than the bottled one.

>> No.6907298

>Your country
some desolate suburban town in MA of about 15,000 people
>Could you drink it?
yes, it is cleaned and filtered and whatnot.
>Do you drink it?
personally I could not. My water taste clean, but subtle flavors of copper and chlorine make it taste like shit. I only use it to cook.
>If not what are the alternatives?
bottled water, or moving to the next town over. I have tried literally every town next to mine and their water taste clean with no subtle flavorings.

>> No.6907301

Central Minnesota, USA

>> No.6907317

If that's the case it could be your pipes. Try getting a filter for your faucet and see how that works out

>> No.6907323

which you have to pay for lmao

>> No.6907327

>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
>>Do you drink it?
Yes, its really good water, and we have loads
>>If not what are the alternatives?
Irn Bru

>> No.6907332

they dont even have tap water anymore because it all dried up

>> No.6907351
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Oregonbro here. I always thought the tap water here was as pure as an angels tears ....

... until i moved to Portland?

I bought a house in lents and the tap water tastes like used bandaid. disgusting. it's not the pipes, either. I had it all checked

recently i sold the place and bought a house in Fairview and the water here is great, but not as good as it was growing up in the county as a kid

tldr; fuck Portland. even the tap water is California'd now.

>> No.6907352

It didn't dry up, it went to almond and date production instead

>> No.6907367

>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
>>Do you drink it?

>> No.6907375

Agreed. I'm in Salem, our water comes straight from the Santiam so its great. Portland has many great features, water isn't one. It was only recently the river was deemed safe to swim in.
Captcha: rivers

>> No.6907396

>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
>>Do you drink it?
>>If not what are the alternatives?
Mineral water is a big thing here, but having worked for both, the mineral water industry and the tap water utilities, I'd rather have the tap (unless they put chlorine in it. fuck that shit! Tastes like shit, and its a perfect way to tell everyone that you do not have your system under control and have fucked up pipes or an unsafe source)
But in countries where I cant drink tap water, bottled is OK, because compared with third world tap, id rather have the bottle

>> No.6907401

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
It is supposedly cleaner than bottled water
>Do you drink it?

>> No.6907402


>> No.6907472

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
Occasionally, when I run out of other water.
>If not what are the alternatives?
Store-bought water.

>> No.6907481
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>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
Yes since its literately the best tasting water on the planet
>If not what are the alternatives?
Only tourists drink the overpriced bottled water here so tea

>> No.6907486

>uncultured trash

"He posted, from the monster truck rally with his Android phone."

>> No.6907508

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
Nah, stereotypes aside I do drink a lot of tea or mocha
>If not what are the alternatives?
Bottled water?

>> No.6907516

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
Where I live specifically yes, and almost everywhere else
>Do you drink it?
>If not what are the alternatives?
You go to the nearest store and buy some bottles of water

>> No.6907517

>Your country
United States
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
Not by itself, since it's not cold enough for me straight from the tap. I leave a pitcher in the fridge. In other uses like tea, yes.

>> No.6907522

>apple fanboy will buy any piece of garbage they crap out

>> No.6907552

/ck/ is apparently too first world. No fun tap water stories.

>> No.6907560

Most of /ck/ is from America though.

>> No.6907936

>Of course
>On worst case scenarios (very old house plumbing, ..), add a filter .. or go bottled.

>> No.6907969

>>Your country
United States of America
>>Could you drink it?
>>Do you drink it?
>>If not what are the alternatives?
None I am the technician that make my locals water potable.

>> No.6908111

>Your country
United States. Lived in CA. From and reside in HI.
>Could you drink it?
CA-fuck no. I once had a $100 sanitation fee added to my rent because they found sewage in the tap water.
HI-fuck yes
>Do you drink it?
CA drank it anyway (had a filter). Took my share before it dried up.
HI fuck yes.
>If not what are the alternatives?
CA- be a socal basic bitch and make a tumblr post about it
HI- none are needed.

>> No.6908115

>typical retard from an island detected

>> No.6908118

>Not directly
>use a ZeroWater Filter

>> No.6908124


>> No.6908184


U Wot m8

>> No.6908529

We are on tank water
Bottled water, beer

>> No.6908535

Northern California tap is pretty good if I say so myself, but Central and Southern California's tap tastes like shit.

>> No.6908551

canada (vancouver)

>> No.6908556

United States (Minnesota)
Yes, with a filter

>> No.6908597

I live in Seattle, USA, and our tap water is cascade mountain glaciermelt straight from the Cedar River. Clean and pure as fuck.

Hell yes I drink that shit.

But I've lived some places where it's not so great. Inland southern california, it tastes pretty nasty, but not so nasty that you can't drink it unfiltered.

In Phoenix, AZ and Socorro, NM, the water straight from the tap is technically safe, but is absolutely nasty unless you filter it. A cheap brita-type filter is usually all you need to make it taste drinkable, though, and that's what most people use.

When I'm traveling to those places, I usually drink bottled. You can get the big 24 packs of water bottles for $2.99 at most grocers, and food stamps will cover water.

>> No.6908610

>drinking something funneled through a pipe that hasn't been cleaned or tended to for probably decades

Yea, real smart.

I charcoal filter rainwater and drink it.

>> No.6908611
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>TFW we have poison dumped in our water so we have to buy bottled

Land of the free, baby.

>> No.6908625

>drinking from charcoal instead of a network of pipes that clean itself by pushing clean water through already clean pipes

lol, retard

>> No.6908636


>> No.6908639

Doesn't surprise me that the same idiot who doesn't realize how harmful rust is to the body also doesn't understand that the only way charcoal can hurt you is if you choke on it.

>> No.6908838

>all metals rust

>> No.6908860

gold doesnt

>> No.6908866

>Your country
USA. Eastern PA.
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
All the time, non-stop.

I've met people that are really weirded out by tap water though. One time I was at work and the water cooler was out so I just filled up at the faucet. My coworker thought I was crazy. Tastes the same to me and I'm not too concerned about whatever they put in it.

>> No.6908867

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.6908869
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>> No.6908870

I love drinking the tap here, you can really feel it going down.

>> No.6908877


my tapwater has a slight chlorine and metal taste to it. I use one of those Pur filters that go on the faucet. They're kinda pricey, so I go to Costco with one of my friends (he's got a membership) and buy a couple of 5-filter packs when they go on sale for like 1/3 the price I'd buy them in regular stores.

no more weird tasting water, and no wasting money on bottled water

>> No.6908889

>I could drink it
>Hell no, they put fluoride in that shit
>I go get spring water or go to a relatives that has (filtered) well water.

>> No.6908910

>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
you shouldn't
>>Do you drink it?
most of the time
>>If not what are the alternatives?
go to earth fare and get some water

>> No.6908913

they put flouride anti depressants and sex hormones in it. no big deal

>> No.6908939

>No, literally a BWA as we speak
>Long Life


>> No.6908946

>Depends on where you are, not very good where I am
>Only filtered
Bones like steel.

>> No.6908954

AZ here, and lived in Seattle and Woodinville
True about AZ water. It's treated very well, but then it goes through concrete canals and picks up minerals of all sorts. Tastes like dust. Seattle water is good, but there are some nasty pipes still around some parts of the city. The apt building I was in had some of those and it sucked.

>> No.6909017

Yes, from the filtered fridge tap and not from the faucet. Where I am, water isn't ever cold in the pipes so this is literally the only way to get cold water.
Alternatives are bottled water that we stock up for during hurricane season.

>> No.6909022

>Your country
Mexico, Mexicali specifically
>Could you drink it?
Fuck no, not unless you want the runs. Though apparently some have adapted to it.
>Do you drink it?
>If not what are the alternatives?
Bottled water or boil it.

>> No.6909077

>Your country
South Florida, USA
>Could you drink it?
Yes. It's gradually filtered through the limestone as it travels here from the higher elevations upstate. That, combined with the fact that we get nuclear power and there's very little manufacturing in greater Miami means the water is pretty good.
>Do you drink it?
All the time. Usually with a Brita pitcher.
>If not what are the alternatives?
Bottled water I guess? Zephyr Hills tastes awful though.

>> No.6909108

Mexico City
Depends on the zone and the pipes, but if you have a filter you're cool
Bottles, big jugs or putting some drops of disinfectant in

>> No.6909155

>Sydney, Emu Empire
>Yeh boi
>Yeh boi, I just fill up a jug and have it by my desk/bed unless it's summer then you gotta cool it somehow
>Same as everywhere

>> No.6909489

>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
I can where I live, there are some places where it either tastes like pure bleach or is just not safe to consume
>>Do you drink it?
I do fam
>>If not what are the alternatives?
bottled water, filter

>> No.6909550
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Tulsa, Oklahoma. United States
I could probably.
I don't, because I always thought Tap water tasted funny.
I drink bottled water.

>> No.6909567

South Florida stand up 561

>> No.6909572


>Fill-your-own gallons of spring water for $.37 each

>> No.6909592

Why don't you pop over to the Falklands and get some of their water.
It's delicious.

>> No.6909599

>UK (Scotland specifically, water quality varies around the country)
>why would you ever drink anything else?
I have fucking heavenly tap water, it's just about all I drink

>> No.6909601

>Your country
America, North Carolina, Fayetteville
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
Fuck no. they fluoridate it and chloraminate it
>If not what are the alternatives?
Purified or spring water. >Inb4 bpa I knwo but it better than tap I think

>> No.6909605

For all you people that don't drink your tap water, what is the CHEAPEST way to get fluoride free spring or purified water? I reckon there are places where you can o and fill up jugs of water and pay them but I dont' know what they are called.

>> No.6909607

Only iron rusts. If it's not iron oxide then it's not rust, it's just some other corroded metal.

>> No.6909614


yes it's breddy gud, but I had awfully chalked water in some other parts.



>> No.6909685

Flouride is bad for you to swallow. You can become allergic

>> No.6909815


Drink?: So long its not on the top 10 worst provided tap water, its tends to be good. I have tasted tap water in 2 of the top 10 worst over here(Hessdalen, Roros), and its pretty shit.
Rest of the country is really nice, tap water wise.

Do I think it?
Only if I am home over a vacation, since it tastes better than in the City I live in.

Options? You mean like soda? Bottled water? Milk?

>> No.6909846

>>If not what are the alternatives?

1. Whole-house water filter (uses salt)
2. Under-sink Reverse Osmosis filter w tank
3. Distilled water as drinking water

Worth. The. Money. Clean water is a big deal.

>> No.6909873

>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
I guess???
>>Do you drink it?
No way it tastes like pool water
>>If not what are the alternatives?
I boil water and then leave it to go cold and then I drink it.

>> No.6909875


>Your country
England, Specifically West and North Yorkshire
>Could you drink it?
Yes, we have some of the best tasting tap water in the country. Fuck those filter sucking southerners.
>Do you drink it?
Of course.
>If not what are the alternatives?
The stereotypical tea in the morning/ afternoon, beer in the evening.

>> No.6910675

>Your country
>Could you drink it
>Do you drink it
Fuck yeah country side tap water goes well with the amazing smell of cow shit

>> No.6910691

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
No, I live in the peak district under an old iron quarry and all of our water tastes like blood. You can cook with it but not drink.
>If not what are the alternatives?
I have friends in the nearest town who let us fill up water bottles there.

>> No.6910725
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When I was in Illinois for an exchange program (Germany/USA) I tried the tapwater there. I immediately felt like I was on vacation, because the water tasted and smelled like a fucking pool.
God damnit America, I knew your standards for food were horrible, but that shit was beyond anything I could've imagined. And to make matters worse you want to import your shitty victuals via TTIP.

>> No.6910730


America treats their peasantry like shit. They don't know it, because they don't travel.

>> No.6910738

>not enjoying chlorine enriched water

Maybe stop being so anti-semitic?

>> No.6910743

USA, Southern California
>Could you drink it?
Unhappily since it tastes like ebolaids but it's not toxic
>Do I drink it?
Hell no, I usually don't even cook with it because of the fact that when you do (soups and such) you can taste the fact it's tapwater and not pure
>If not what are the alternatives?
Bottled, filters, etc, etc. Have a filter system that cools the water on-demand in my refrigerator though. (embedded in the door of the freezer)

>tfw independent politically and just want to leave but because I was born here, by default "HURR COMMIEFORNIAN"

Not all of us like it here. I don't.
>shit weather
>shit food (at least in my region)
>everything is dead
>sandy-ass soil so it's a bitch to grow anything
>knowing Spanish is practically mandatory
>people drive like they're waging a war of jihad
>everything is overregulated, God forbid you actually want to do something to your car/house/own a gun
>everything is fucking expensive because people are paid more, but in all reality it's harder to live decently here compared to anywhere else

>> No.6910759
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it calcifies naturally during puberty shitlords, not because der juden flouoridates ur water ;^)

>> No.6910760

>tastes like pool water
Where do you live in Aus?

>> No.6910823
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>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
Yes. Also as younger used to drink well water and take a sip of swamp (bog?) water every time I was in one.
>If not what are the alternatives?
milk / juice???????? honestly anything fam

>> No.6910830
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you are why i browse 4chan...
thnx for the laoff m8

>> No.6910847

Portland residents passed by voting to keep fluoride out of the portland water district, but most districts in Oregon have it. TVWD in Beaverton has had it since 1997.

>> No.6911128

lmao, tru

>> No.6911566

>Your country
corpus christi Tx usa
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
>If not what are the alternatives?
bottled and filterd water but for some reason bottled water taste off to me so i stay away from it

>> No.6911577


Well water masterrace

>> No.6911578

NYC again, not native - best water in the US. Cures fucking hangovers.

>> No.6911582


Cry more flyover.

>> No.6911596

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
In many places, some people say tap water in my town is kinda salty
>Do you drink it?
I use it for infusions. When I want to drink jusy water I sometimes mix tap with bottled just to be certain
>If not what are the alternatives?
Bottled watter

>> No.6911694
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>Your country
USA - Ohio
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
>If not what are the alternatives?

The Columbus water I get is good, but my parents up an hour north have well water
that shit is fucking nectar

>> No.6911721

>USA, in south Florida (954)
>Nope, tastes like ass, although I did regularly drink tap when I lived up in northeast PA (570)
>alternatives are bottled

water quality in the US isn't consistent at all
I'd love to say it's because the nation is fucking huge, but no, it's variable on a county level and occasionally a building level

>> No.6911742

>Your country
USA, but that's like listing a continent, or more than 50 countries.
>Could you drink it?
Technically yes, aside from when extreme weather fucks some areas and they tell you not to or to boil it.
>Do you drink it?
I drank it in several cities in Minnesota, Indiana, and Virginia. Iowa and Illinois water... tastes horrible even though it's supposedly safe. Can't even make coffee with that shit. Can't even boil pasta with it.
>If not what are the alternatives?
On-tap filters, filters that go on big jugs, filters for your entire house, bottled water, plastic kegs of water that's relatively cheap and you just return the jug to the grocer and refill (available in every state). Beer.

>> No.6912699

>>Your country
USA; more specifically in Oregon. I live in the Willamette Valley where the tap water is very clean and refreshing to drink.
>>Could you drink it?
>>Do you drink it?
All the time.
>>If not what are the alternatives?
Whatever the cheapest bottled water is? Bottled water is more of a convenience thing for me. I suppose a filtered pitcher would work nicely.

>> No.6912710
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>Your country
>Could you drink it?
Surprisingly yes
>Do you drink it?
Not at all, I preffer bottled water
>If not what are the alternatives?
Bottled watter, it isn't that expensive

>> No.6912717

>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
Yep. Tastes great.
>>Do you drink it?
>>If not what are the alternatives?
Bottled water, but I never see anyone buy it here. None of my friends do it, but a lot of people do have that sodastream stuff which basically makes tap water sparkly for you, and you can add syrups to it for flavour. Seems nice.

>> No.6912737

>water from store

>> No.6912936

Also South Florida and yes I drink a shit load of tap water

>Zephyr Hills tastes awful
nigger that is some shit taste

>> No.6912965
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>You can become allergic

>> No.6913209

>Used to up until about a year ago when the water turned permanently cloudy with a "sweet" taste
>Bottled Water from the store..?

>> No.6913712

>ma nigaa

Well water tastes like ass to me but I know it's hella better than what us Americans get in our taps, even on the East Coast

>> No.6913755

>Louisville KY, USA
Yes, apparently we have really good tap water. At least that's what i've heard said over and over again.

I use it for making tea only. I know boiling it does fuck all to remove pharmaceutical and pesticide waste but whatever, at least I won't taste it.

For drinking water I buy UV, charcoal, osmosis filtered water in refillable 3 gallon jugs from the hippie store. BPA free jugs even. It's about 75 cents a gallon I think. It tastes really good but I wonder if it's demineralizing me or something.

>> No.6913773

Sounds like there's a leak where air is getting I the line. Do you live in an apartment?

>> No.6913783

This tbh.

>> No.6913970

ayye salem

>> No.6914210


>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
In case of emergency.
>>Do you drink it?
>>If not what are the alternatives?
Filter or the bottled jew.

>> No.6914620

not flurine in water

>> No.6914625

Tap water varies by city m8. I don't think there is any country in the world where water is managed at a federal level and not a municipal one.
My city (Calgary) is great because the fluoride plant that was fluoridating the water broke down years ago the city is too cheap to fix it.
Clean and fantastic.

>> No.6914649


>Not drinking CDC approved Reverse Osmosis Filtered Water Piped in with PEX Pipes

>> No.6914707

Yes, my tap water is flat out delicious, it's better than most of the bottled water you can buy, absolute fact.

it's so pure that one day I detected a change, called the town and subsequently discovered that the state had made a diversion to secondary water sources 60 miles away and I was tasting a noticeable difference.

It's...actually kept me in this shithole, I can't bear the thought of living somewhere the water didn't taste like pure heaven out of the tap

>> No.6914714

>tfw house draws from a nearby well of the most refreshing mountain water ever consumed
>cityfags will never know the joy of living in the mountains of the pacific northwest

>> No.6915137

>Your country
Madrid, Spain
>Could you drink it?
Hell yeah
>Do you drink it?
Of course. Best water in the World
>If not what are the alternatives?
In other parts of the country you buy bottled or use a filter. Bottled is best.

>> No.6915142

Areas with flourinated tap water have an IQ reduction of 7 points with a variance of 15 points compared to areas without flourinated tap water.

>> No.6915233

Ayyyy another Salemfag

I'm this fag >>6912699

>> No.6915236


>Your country
USA, southern oregon fag here

>Could you drink it?
God no, I'd rather be bear grylls and drink my own piss

>Do you drink it?

>If not what are the alternatives?
Bottled water

>> No.6915239

Tastes a little like shrimp shells in San Jose

>> No.6915250

your town /state is legallyobligated to provide drinkable tap water, youre either a whiny bitch or sitting on a gold mine

>> No.6915270
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Taste like pool water, drinkable sure, but not for me.

>> No.6915341

>Your country
Italy (south)
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
>If not what are the alternatives?
buy bottled water, 6x1.50€

>> No.6915361

>Your country
Phoenix, Arizona, USA
>Could you drink it?
It's not impossible
>Do you drink it?
Not when it can be avoided, it tastes like chemicals and ass. When I run out of other water sources, I gulp it down as fast as possible to make the taste last the shortest amount of time possible
>If not what are the alternatives?
I fill up 5 gallon jugs for $1 at reverse-osmosis filtered water dispensers that are outside stores everywhere. Reverse-osmosis filtration tastes the best. And I buy water bottles when I'm too lazy to go fill up.

>> No.6915370

Fuck no
uh fuck no
bottled water

we're on well water and I'm allergic to sulfur (hives). I get freakin' itchy just showering and can't afford a whole home filtration system. shit sucks.

>> No.6915377

>your Country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
If not what are the alternatives?
the blood of the bourgeoisie

>> No.6915383
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>mfw I moved to phoenix from alaska

>> No.6915387


i could drink straight from the creeks and lakes and it'd still be cleaner than amerifat water

>> No.6915388

I have a 650 foot well into a granite hill in central NH. I also use a salt purification system in the winter, and an irrigation system in the summer to keep the lines clean. I def have no problem cooking or drinking with it, but I use my fridges filter for coffee or kids.

>> No.6915403
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Cape Cod, MA, USA

Fuck yes, it is indistinguishable from bottled water.

Beer, Vodka

>> No.6915413

>Capitalist paradise tales of plenty post

>> No.6916284

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
It's well water that has to be filtered
>Do you drink it?
yes, because the alternatives are
>If not what are the alternatives?
paying fucking 5$ a jug for water cooler bottles

>> No.6916293

>Your country
Canada, rural Nova Scotia
>Could you drink it?
It's well water that has to be filtered before it's potable
>Do you drink it?
yes, because the alternatives are
>If not what are the alternatives?
paying fucking 5$ a jug for water cooler bottles

>> No.6916302

>Yes, tastes better than bottled water because it's softer.

Quality of tap water varies a little between different parts of the city, but it's high quality and drinkable in the whole country. Only water I buy is sparkling mineral.

>> No.6916313

>>Your country
chicago, usa
>>Could you drink it?
of course. our city water comes straight out of Lake Michigan
>>Do you drink it?
>>If not what are the alternatives?
bottled water is readily available

>> No.6916331

Hell yes
Yes, it's better than bottled water
9000 types of herbs

>> No.6916790

I live in folsom california and its about 7.5/10.. slight chemical taste.

>> No.6917413

But I'm a good goy!

>> No.6917476

>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
>>Do you drink it?
It depends. Water from the kitchen sink is great, but water from the bathroom sink tastes off.
>>If not what are the alternatives
Drinking the water from the fridge filter, but it takes like 10 seconds to fill a cup and it's too cold.

>> No.6917482

>Your country
USA (SF Bay Area)
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
Nope. My building's plumbing is terrible.
>If not what are the alternatives?
I just have one of those on tap filter things.

>> No.6917934

I'm Australian, I don't know how to gauge the quality of tap water and until it causes a limb to fall off I don't give a fuck. My family buy bottled water and I'm deeply ashamed because it's fucking stupid.

>> No.6918310

>Canada (Vancouver Island)
>Amazing water
>Drink it exclusively
>Alternatives a shit

>> No.6918326

Absolutely yes

>> No.6918366

Local springs and bottled water

>> No.6918377
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>> No.6919080


We truly have the best tap water

>> No.6919107

>Atlanta GA, USA
>Yes of course
>Only sometimes
>I filter most of my drinking water in a water pitcher. Still do cooking etc with tap water though

I used to live in San Diego and while the tap water there tasted significantly better there, the water here isn't undrinkable by any means

>> No.6919108

It's not healthy, I checked it.
Sometimes for tea
Alkaline or whatever.

>> No.6919115
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enjoy your noxious lead, chlorine and fluorine saturated water.

oh, and lets not forget all those funny tasting fracking chemicals in some areas.

usa YEAH!

>> No.6919129


rip in peace.
learn about osmosis.

>> No.6919136

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
Sure, I could.
>Do you drink it?
Hell no, it's hard as fuck and has a terrible aftertaste.
>If not what are the alternatives?
Good quality bottled water. I use distilled water for tea or coffee.

>Enjoy your PETaids
Glass, baby. Glass or GTFO.

Osmosis is shit. It's slow and it's not as thorough as distilling.

>> No.6919151
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>Could you drink it?
Well, yeah.
>Do you drink it?
Not often.
>If not what are the alternatives?
I drink bottled placebo water.

>> No.6919183

>The Netherlands
>We could drink our toilet water if we wanted too
>Fuck yeah
>Bottled water that is less hygienic than our tap (and even toilet) water

>> No.6919250

>>Your country
>>Could you drink it?
>>Do you drink it?
>>If not what are the alternatives?
Buy bottled water from same source

>> No.6919273

RI, USA here. My tap water is delicious. Tastes better than bottled crap that has a slight plastic taste to it.

I fill up a 1.5 liter bottle from the tap every morning to drink at work. It's physical work so I need to stay hydrated.

It boggles my mind that people here actually buy bottled water.

>> No.6919410

more like
>It bottles my mind that people here actually buy bottled water.

>> No.6919420

I'm not poor and stupid, all my water goes through my tank which doubles as a filtration system

so yes I drink my water

>> No.6919647

/ck/ is also 90% female so they don't want to get raped just to try water in a shithole country.

>> No.6919655

>90% female
Uh, there's a lot compared to other boards, but 90%? You're dreaming

>> No.6920029

No, I have a well and when we drilled into the water source we hit a coal vein or something. It's Sulfur water now. It used to be bad but now with a combination of filters and adaptation I can drink it if I had to, but I prefer to buy my water.
My alternative would be sparkling water. mmmm

>> No.6920057

>you're still at a monster truck rally

>> No.6920322

i could
I dont because its shit water from a lake ive seen people piss and dump trash in. My buddy works at a water plant that filters our water-we call him a shitsmith- and he doesn't drink it either.
Bottled water, kill the planet.

Oklahoma btw.

>> No.6920373

>mostly no
>distilled water

>> No.6920445

I'm from cc too have you been having chlorine taste lately?

>> No.6920450

Meant to reply to

>> No.6920547

At home in NYC the tap water tastes great
Up here in upstate NY the tap water is hard as fuck an tastes thick. Getting water to drink is a real struggle.

>> No.6920621

>Your country
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
It's pretty much all I drink.
>If not what are the alternatives?
Liberal tears

>> No.6920764

you got some stats on that?

>> No.6920808
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You can't make a generality about the US. Every municipal system is different, and there are 155,000 separate municipal water systems in the US. These all have basic standards that are regulated by the federal and sometimes the state and local governments.

In addition, some people source their own water using underground pumps.

However, I've found the water in DC to be undrinkable, especially in the 90s, and the water elsewhere in the country to be alright. New York City claims to have the best tap water, but they are known braggarts about everything. One competition gave the top spots to waterworks from Massachusetts, Alaska, and Idaho, respectively.


As for me, the best water I ever tasted was a spring behind an old cabin deep in West Virginia. There was a corked PVC pipe. That was twenty-five years ago, but I can still remember how good it was.

>> No.6920822

>but they are known braggarts about everything

The BEST fucking braggarts, you mook.

>> No.6921685

>Your country
Upstate South Carolina, USA
>Could you drink it?
Fuck yes you can.
>Do you drink it?
Fuck yes I do, it's delicious.
>If not what are the alternatives?
Being more of a fatass and drinking soda or wasting money on bottled water?

>> No.6921731

>Your country
Virginia US
>Could you drink it?
>Do you drink it?
If I'm not at college yes. I hate water that tastes of chlorine
>If not what are the alternatives?
Bottled Water

>> No.6921733

Check out this nerd

>> No.6921738

SC bro, good to see you.