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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 290 KB, 882x588, Kozzi-hot-dog-sandwich-883 X 588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6905763 No.6905763 [Reply] [Original]

Why is ketchup on hotdogs that big of a sin?

>> No.6905767

a little ketchup and some mustard would be good.

>> No.6905778

if you're over 18 years of age

>> No.6905780

actually those worthless buns are a sin, too

>> No.6905783

Nobody cares. Only Shitcago does.

>> No.6905786


People who claim not to use ketchup on hot dogs are mostly pretentious, pseudo-intellectual manchildren, who has to use tomatobased sauce made by a french semi-autist, contains a 12 year old white wine, oregano picked by a 100 year old italian blind nanny and has to cost atleast 50$ for a small jar.

>> No.6905788

>over 18
>still eats hotdogs
I have a feeling you still eat fastfood and soda. Why do you think you're any better for having childish taste in food? Oh sorry, i forgot that you're probably american.

>> No.6905790

it's just a bad mix of flavors. it's like putting hamburger beef into a sushi roll with cucumber

>> No.6905791


You're too good for hot dogs ?

>> No.6905792

There are beef sushi, you know.

>> No.6905797

I have reduced my preferred ketchup:mustard ratio from 2:1 to 1:1

D-do I get to live /ck/?

>> No.6905798


>childish taste in food

Some guy mentioned pretentious, i think that fits you perfectly

>> No.6905811

Next time reduce your idiotic post by just using the term hipster. Most use it when people do things they don't understand.

>> No.6905814

Nope i'm not pretentious. You know that the entire western world is laughing at your food culture? You are on /ck/ so i assume you know your culinary history, but i will reiterate the key points just for you. You, your parents and your parents parents all grew up eating bland, low class food because they were never capable of moving past the simplest an most bland of foods. Just face it kid, your entire country is a culinary disaster, and your post just proves it.

>> No.6905821

doesnt matter my dude it tastes hella good

>> No.6905824

>entire western world

You do realize that the stereotype you're playing up is exclusive to chinese cartoon imageboards, right?

>> No.6905831

ketchup in general is a sin, it's horrible.

>> No.6905835



>> No.6905841

Than why are you implying that people who put ketchup on their hotdogs are just childish? Why do you feel the need to feel superior when you readily admit that you only care for what tastes good for you? You act as if hotdogs are some culinary icon of america in the same way that truffles and japanese bedfs are, and thus it is a disgrace when you adulterate the icon with ketchup, but considering how bland hot dogs are, you're just being pretentious And childish.

>> No.6905874


>no ur a chld 2

shut up nigger

>> No.6905881

wasnt me who said it

>> No.6905889

You tell me, are they? I've lived in europe, south america and travelled throughout asia. You're telling me that the people i met where lying when they expressed their dislike of america? Don't act as if i just don't understand the appeal of your cuisine, i do. I understand why you like what you like, but that isn't always a positive thing. Your cuisine is one dimensional and simplistic and i can't think of any word which better suits it than 'childish'. You act as if 'soul food' is your magical trump card to foreign arrogance and ridicule, i've tried it throughout my trip in america, it's basic, bland food. Again your pride comes from the fact that you only grew up eating that sort of food

>> No.6905913

>'Yeah man, don't call me out for being middlebrow trash, if you do that then your a 'nigger' haha'
You might want to learn what casual racism is you skin head.

>> No.6905922

who the fuck cares, it's a way to get calories. food isn't art, it's survival. someone could lick ketchup off a wall for their nutrition and i wouldn't give a shit because its just calories and none of my business

>> No.6905933

Good than we are mostly in agreement. Food is art though, even ketchup smeared on a wall.

>> No.6905937


go make a bernie thread on pol about you porch money.

I bet you're posting from a public library.

>> No.6905938

>Being this buttblasted about the irrelevance of your shitty little nation
>Projecting your butthurt all over an American website, using a computer that was probably designed and financed in America, while using the internet, which was invented by America
>Trying to compensate by telling us our food is bland and one dimensional

Try harder, euroshit.

>> No.6905943

What a fag

>> No.6905945

Fuck you

>> No.6905948

Nope i'm canadian born and raised. I just feel the need to tell you how inferior your country is to ours. And remember who owns 4chan now , he isnt american anymore :)

>> No.6905949

This is why this board is worse than /pol/

>> No.6905954

Canada, Europe. Same shit. Except Canadians are even more buttblasted because theyve never even been relevant, unlike the U.K. and Germany.

Also, tell us more about your Canadian "cuisine" so that we can laugh at how shit it is (aside from French food that you have-nothings probably labeled as Canadian out of desperation).

>> No.6905974


Careful with those words: you don't want to make him and his imported asian wife cry for 4 hours

>> No.6905975

Because any decent hot dog has tomatoes, so you don't need fucking ketchup. Of course Chicago, being the sole worthwhile city in the country, is the only place who understands this.

>> No.6905982

Because it's basically HFCS.
You might as well put Aunt Jemima syrup on your dog.

>> No.6905985

We have appropriated the cuisines of a multitude of different cultures true. However i take pride in the fact that we didn't butcher any of them nor dumb them down which is exactly what happened with america. French cuisine is not seen as pretentious in canada unlike america and asian food is eaten not as a novelty but because we genuinally like exploring different cultures. Our poor, especially those in predominantly french speaking regions take their time with ingredients and don't eat trash like they do in america.
I doubt that my black wife would be offended by what some backwards racist children have to say.

>> No.6905987
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>> No.6905988

Oh ,ok. So b8. Gotcha. Have a nice night.

>> No.6905993

Thanks fam, was a good way to spend my time in a boring lecture.

>> No.6905994

because we are real men. we wear flannel, a beard a MANbun, and drink our whiskey neat and our IPAs with more hops than grain and smoke pipes with raw burley tobacco because that's what it means to be a grown up when there's not other distinction between a 30 year old man and an 8 year old boy aside from pubes (which may be waxed)

>> No.6905999


As a Canadian, fuck this guy. Shitty Canadian is what he is. And only children like to shit on USA and say Canada is better.

Sorry /b/ros for having to deal with him.

>> No.6906005

Maybe he isn't real Canadian but French Canadian.

>> No.6906018 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 550x360, 0509-brendan-fraser-getty-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>black wife

how low can you go

did you pick her up from the street or scrape her off of it?

>> No.6906220

Its not. Only literal autists care.

>> No.6906230

What about the figurative autists?

>> No.6906246


It's not, unless you're a fat flyover who honestly cares what other people put on their processed garbage meat tubes because your life is just that empty.

>> No.6906253

Says the fat flyover that slathers his hot dogs in ketchup

>> No.6906257


Seriously though, it's true. You're like the picky toddler of world cuisine.

>> No.6906260


>Implying I eat processed tubes stuffed full of the throwaway parts of 10 different animals
>Implying dumping a full pint of ketchup on one of those things could possibly make it worse than it already is

Flyover man pls

>> No.6906265

>not putting buffalo sauce on your hotdogs
Fucking nerds

>> No.6906613

Are you kidding? I literally wouldn't eat a hotdog ever unless it had at least ketchup on it. Preferably tomato and mustard. And maybe some mushy peas and potato.

>> No.6906644 [DELETED] 

>black wife

>> No.6906661

Shitcago gtfo. I'm a grown ass man and don't need some pretentious faggot manchild from Illi-fucking-nois of all places telling me what I can and can not put on my meat-paste-boiled-in-a-plastic-tube-until-firm-and-put-in-a-piece-of-sugar-bread product. Every time I have the misfortune of traveling to your shitty city, I go out of my fucking way to put ketchup on a hot dog just to piss you waste of spunks off. Fuck you.

>> No.6906676

Because baseball.

>> No.6906683

Also, the cubs suck.

>> No.6906687

yellow mustard, halapenyos and onions and onions on the side with chili on the side from 711 best deal only $2 with a big gulp drink i suggest the mountain dew livewire

>> No.6906695

I put BBQ sauce on mine.

>> No.6906715

roastie rolls fucking kek

>> No.6906726
File: 21 KB, 300x300, costanza_text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people seriously talk down to others over preferences for eating a tube of processed pig assholes

Fucking plebeians

>> No.6906729

They are better than the brewers and it is still hard to get ketchup at miller park.

>> No.6906730


I'm from Illinois and I never understood the "No ketchup on hot dogs" rule, either.

>Onion, banana pepper, tomato, relish, mustard all enhance the taste of the meat tube

And, yes, the Cubs do suck.

>> No.6906769

>>durr eyeme fucking retarded
just as much trash food exists in other countries that are modernized. you're like a bunch of fucking ham planet countries laughing because our ham planet is maybe 20 lbs heavier than yours.

There is TONS of GOOD food in america. and there is TONS of crap. just like in every god damn country!

>> No.6906771

because it does? ketchup is offensively sweet, covers the taste of the hot dog, and overpowers the dish, its like drenching your steak in A1.

if you want to put ketchup on your BarS shit go ahead. the kind of people who put ketchup on their dogs aren't likely to buy sausages that ketchup would absolutely ruin the value of anyway.

>> No.6906774
File: 51 KB, 620x300, vienna_beef_violation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too sweet, hot dogs are salty and spicy foods

>> No.6906781
File: 6 KB, 258x195, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A voice of reason..

>> No.6906808

>covers the taste
It's a fucking hot dog, not fois grais. Seriously, get the fuck outta here with your condiment fascism bullshit.

>> No.6906811

>covers the taste
It's a fucking hot dog, not fois grais. Seriously, get the fuck outta here with your condiment fascism bullshit.

>> No.6906821

you arent from chicago... you wouldnt understand...

>> No.6906863

>walking around the neighborhood on the fourth of July with the smell of a million bbqs permiating in the air.
>not wanting to wolf down a couple of your guilty pleasures fallowed by a shitty beer of your choice.

Do you even indulge

>> No.6906875

A small amount is nice if balanced with mustard.

>> No.6906879

Hot dogs are bottom-tier food, adding ketchup to it cant make it any worse.

>> No.6906938


Hey, you really related to the descriptions in that post huh?
Gotta feel bad to know how other people perceive you.

>> No.6907068

Chicagoan here. I never understood the "no ketchup allowed" meme either. Just eat the fucking hot dog.

>Canadians judging American food

>> No.6907134
File: 39 KB, 920x613, turtle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....or they just don't enjoy a tomato based sauce (ketchup) on a hot dog....

I don't use it because I don't like it.

An analogous argument to yours is that someone would claim to not mix ketchup in their coffee because they're a pretentious douchbag. just like you

>> No.6907146

Because you're supposed to grow out of ketchup by the time you're 12.

Makes sense that so many developmentally stunted manchildren here enjoy it still.

>> No.6907148

Says who?

>> No.6907189

Not really. I just have read so many dumbass descriptions like that on this board and they all could have just put "hipster" instead. But keep doing you, gramps

>> No.6907217

no hot dog buns on fridays!

>> No.6907366

You fucks are worse than the douches that get mad when I top my burger with anything sorry it just tastes like 50x better that way.

>> No.6907369

711 hot dogs are way too big how can you even top those things

>> No.6907778

Says a bunch of assblasted shitcago manchildren.

>> No.6907826

While I totally agree with you, the damn relish is just as sweet.

>> No.6907872

Is it? Hot dogs are crappy fast food any way. Ketchup is the perfect accompaniment. The hot dog buns probably have as much sugar as the squirts of ketchup. I normally don't like it when people put ketchup on things with a strong flavour profile of their own but hot dogs aren't one of those things. It's like grilled cheese I love it but most of the time ketchup adds to it rather than take away any nuance.

>> No.6907908
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Why are hotdogs best prepared by boiling them?

>> No.6907921

makes them nice and tender

>> No.6908008

>people have opinions on what condiments are put on pig anuses
>people in this thread right now are freaking out over mustard and ketchup on wieners

>> No.6908009

>eat a pork hotdog

pig disgusting

>> No.6908014



Why do you constantly have to keep shitting up our board with your inferior cooking methods?

>> No.6908046


Your "analogous" argument derails my entire statement.
It isnt about liking ketchup in general, which i would agree isnt an optimal alternative as a condiment at all, but a hot dog without ketchup is basically just a bland sausage in a dry bun. Its basically what gives a primitive taste to a shitty tasting food, making it edible.

>> No.6908059
File: 24 KB, 480x530, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ketchup covers the taste of the hot dog

>> No.6908074


Admit it you love crushed pig assholes

>> No.6908093

I'll use ketchup and spicy brown mustard if peppers and onions aren't available. Relish is fucking gross, though.

>> No.6908097

too sweet

maybe okay if you used a ketchup that wasn't mostly corn-syrup