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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6905727 No.6905727 [Reply] [Original]

Let's play guess what I'm making

>> No.6905728


poor people food

>> No.6905730

Giant Hamburger

>> No.6905731

dog chow

>> No.6905735

Benis cake

>> No.6905738

hamburger helper

>> No.6905739

Bolognese sauce
or Chili
or Cottage Pie


>> No.6905740
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>> No.6905741

flyover slop

>> No.6905745

Bingo, I got all 3.5lbs of that beef for $3

>> No.6905749


>> No.6905753


Yourself and anyone your going to feed sick?

>> No.6905755
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>> No.6905756

Sloppy joes?

>> No.6905764
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>> No.6905765


>> No.6905770


>> No.6905771


>> No.6905775

Beef De La Ketchup

>> No.6905776

And what else?

>> No.6905777


>> No.6905779

Taco salad.

>> No.6905784
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>> No.6905800
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>> No.6905802
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>> No.6905847
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>> No.6905875

I'd eat that slop. Pretty boring thread tbh fam

>> No.6905879

Sloppy Joe's

>> No.6906057
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x1836, 20150922_215350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tacos for days

>> No.6906071

Looks absolutely horrifying. I'd eatt it for a few weeks.

>> No.6906073

Saddest fucking tacos I've ever seen.

>> No.6906094

Nice meatbag

>> No.6906105

Your tacos look alright. Ever step outside the ground beef zone? Try pulling some chicken, pork, or beef and using the same spice profile.

Snobs (autists) on /ck/ would praise the same exact taco spice mixture and flavors, but since you're using pleb beef, you don't deserve to exist on this planet.

>> No.6906124

I was feeling lazy tonight and got all this beef for next to nothing. The tacos were meh, just cheap meals for the week. I usually do chicken or sometimes I'll roast up some carnitas as well.

The guac I made though was fucking great

>> No.6906138

so ronery

>> No.6906178
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Step it up, OP.

>> No.6906300


Those people are retards anyway, does everyone love pork, chicken, steak etc tacos? Duh, but there's literally nothing wrong with ground beef.....you eat it on a bun, you can eat it on a tortilla. A tortilla is not some holy temple not to be desecrated, it's just Mexican bread...make fucking potato tacos for all I care

>> No.6906322

nice meatbag

>> No.6906336

nice meatbag

>> No.6906415

A mistake when dinner starts with frying up ground beef.

>> No.6906731

nice meatbag

>> No.6906865

nice meatbag

>> No.6906866
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How do you even eat those

>> No.6906870


boiled carrots?

>> No.6906872


I'd tee bag your meat sack

>> No.6906876

Pickled, dumbfuck

>> No.6906888

>Let's play guess what I'm making

A really overcrowded pan that's gonna get you nasty gray boiled beef instead of something properly browned?

Lack of browning confirmed.

>> No.6906896

I had to use all the beef before it spoils and didn't wanna use 2 pans.

Don't really care if my "get me through the week" taco meat isn't browned tbh. the fact that I'm using ground beef and taco sauce should have triggered you more.

>> No.6906900


You could have just done it in batches with the same pan you gigantic faggot who hates flavor.

>> No.6906916

>what is time consuming

Let's do a taste test with browned meat and not really browned meat both covered in taco sauce.

>> No.6906920

>>what is time consuming

Irrelevant. If you had time to snap photos with your pocket toy & post online you clearly were not in a rush during this process.

>> No.6906932

>what is posting images while a shit ton of meat is cooking

I wanted to eat, not cook another batch of mediocre taco meat

>> No.6906936

>>what is posting images while a shit ton of meat is cooking

Being silly and not concentrating on the task at hand. You thought it was more important to post silly shit online than it was to cook your food properly.

>> No.6906948

Was it not obvious from the beginning that I was not taking these tacos seriously? If you honestly think not completely browning the meat is the biggest point failure in these tacos then you are a horrible cook.

>> No.6906949


attack of the cooking justice warriors

>> No.6906960


If you don't take posting on the most notorious cook board on the web seriously, why don't you just GTFO

>> No.6906977 [DELETED] 


Don't forget your $3000 dslr and lighting studio

>> No.6906982

>Was it not obvious from the beginning that I was not taking these tacos seriously?

then why expend the effort to photograph the process?

>> No.6906990
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>> No.6907055

What's in that...sauce?

>> No.6907065


sounds just as bad

>> No.6907224

And you sound just as pleb

>> No.6907355
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>> No.6907368
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ahh to be this new

>> No.6907370

you're gonna get the shits just the same

leave op be