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File: 210 KB, 916x634, LeMemeMeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6904988 No.6904988 [Reply] [Original]

Steak General - You are doing it wrong, here's how edition.

Post your steaks, steak tips, or tritip steaks.
Criticize every single steak you see.
Repost the Gordon Ramsay video.

Pic related, before during and after for a small T-Bone I got to kick off Keto. First steak I ever did on a cast iron pan, after seasoning.
Allright, but after a 3 min sear per side and 4 minutes in the oven, I think it was a bit overdone, but not by much. Shit on top is pansauce.

>> No.6904997

>Repost the Gordon Ramsay video.
so as a noob, please tell me
is this video a ruse or is this genuinely good advice

>> No.6905025

It's fairly good, and a good guide, but just like his scrambled eggs some chose to see his recipe as the end all of recipes.

>> No.6905038
File: 2.85 MB, 3984x2988, 20150704_162534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grilled ribeye, my favorite

>> No.6905054
File: 19 KB, 500x310, asado-argentino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody step back, this is the true and only way of cooking meat.

>> No.6905055
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, skirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And marinated grilled skirt, my second favorite

>> No.6905061
File: 3.52 MB, 3984x2988, 20150704_155218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer grilling to pan sear. Haven't tried meme-vide yet

>> No.6905087
File: 51 KB, 500x358, classic-ron-swanson-a-turf-n-turf..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6905167

I used to work in a restaurant that had the Chef-owner dry age his steaks. He put the steak on a rack with a bunch of salt at the bottom of a pan.

Shit tasted so flame.

Anyone know how to do this shit? I forgot to ask the chef.

>> No.6905196

Thoughts on pork steaks?

I've got some marinating now in the fridge to grill tonight.

>> No.6905202

>eating red meat
enjoy your colon cancer


>> No.6905204

>Anyone know how to do this shit? I forgot to ask the chef.

Sure. Just google dry aging. It's simply a matter of keeping the meat at the proper temperature and humidity for a while.

The tray of salt was probably to maintain the proper humidity. The tray contains water; the salt is added to prevent mold (etc.) from growing in the water.

>> No.6905206

for me, an average size tbone goes two minutes a side and three in the oven, but I like my shit pretty rare

>> No.6905208

>no contraption to turn the spits
shit's gonna be burnt and raw yo

>> No.6905240


>> No.6905273

>what is moderation

>> No.6905292

something that negatively impacts health


>> No.6905416

OP here. I'd like some critique on my steak.

Very nice sear, and even rare-ness


Argentinian asado is not like that anymore. It most often uses coals instead of raw wood, and this shit has spread even to the countryside. Uruguayan asado is similar to your picture, often grilling or roasting with pine, eucalyptus and quebracho. There's a very interesting -and fucking tasty- way of cooking which pretty much involves setting a small lamb, pig or steer in a slanted iron cross. A fire is started under it directly heating the backside of the animal, and even though it is not rotated, a very slow cook (8-9 hours plus for a 10kg animal) gets you a meat that falls apart like barbacue and a very crispy skin.

tl;dr that's not argentinian asado anymore.

looks tender as fuck tbh

>> No.6905425

I ordered a rare 8 oz sirloin tonight
Got a well done 8 oz sirloin

>> No.6905430

For pussies. Eat as much beef as you want and let the curry-niggers bitch about it later

>> No.6905465

I used to like grilled steaks, but much prefer pan-seared (and finished in the oven) steaks now.
I always use a heavy, stainless steel pan because I like to make pan sauces, and I'm afraid that using a cast iron pan will impart unwanted flavors. Is this concern justified?

>> No.6905607

Well I made a pan sauce on a cast iron pan about two hourse ago. No aftertaste

>> No.6905724

Steak looks pretty good OP. Good sear, not overcooked, no ketchup in sight. Overall a good looking keto dinner. 7/10

I'm >>6905038

>> No.6905732

>not being able to soak up those juices and pan sauce with some bread or fries

Must be rough. Hope it does well for you though

>> No.6906174

Well, its a week or two To break a plateau. Getting shredded m8

>> No.6906841

Its good