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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 190 KB, 1024x768, Ploughmans_lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6904791 No.6904791 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ why is the Ploughmans so based?

>> No.6904797

Is it 1864?

>> No.6904804

I should pickle some onions.

>> No.6905216

Gotta have me some meat on there. I'm more of a fan of the Winzervesper (gooooogle it)

Not bad, though. Sometimes keeping it simple is best. Would eat

>> No.6905228


that's a pretty sad ploughman's there OP.

Where's the meat?
Why is that just plain ol' onion instead of a pickled onion?
The bread looks extra shitty too.

>> No.6905238


no ploughman's is a sad ploughman's. the mere existence of cheese, bread and beer, wherever you are, is a sign that you are somewhere worth being in.

>> No.6905243


sure. But if there's no meat it ain't a ploughman's. I'd also go so far as to say that shit in OP doesn't even qualify as proper bread.

>> No.6905247


>A ploughman's lunch (abbrev. to ploughman's) is an English cold meal which consists of cheese, pickle, and bread.[1] Additional items such as boiled eggs, ham, and pickled onions may be added.

> I'd also go so far as to say that shit in OP doesn't even qualify as proper bread.

what the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.6905252
File: 834 KB, 1440x1080, BXSP01H_ploughmans-lunch_s4x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get some good ploughman's lunches going in this thread.

>> No.6905276

This is literally something a hipster would eat.

>> No.6905278


every pub I've ever been to serves a ploughmans' with some roast beef, a banger, some ham or the like

As for the bread, the stuff in OP's photo looks like some kind of presliced crap from the supermarket. Get some nice crusty country-style bread in there.

>> No.6905280


it doesn't look like supermarket bread at all ffs. stop shitting on everything you see on the internet, you're overextending yourself.

>> No.6905284


why on earth is it so perfectly square then? the sort of bread I'd expect to see with a ploughman's would be more of a round (boule) shape, would be crusty as fuck and have a very coarse crumb.

>> No.6905297


it isn't perfectly square. it's just a tightly crumbed sandwich loaf. you realise it is perfectly possible to make these at home right? just use a fucking square tin. i see you know nothing about bread and only buy the most oblong grey floury stuff with as many giant holes as you can see, because then you KNOW it's homemade.

>> No.6905319
File: 46 KB, 312x312, 1442369060448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagininjg biting into an onion and then taking a sip of black coffee

>> No.6905320

>it's just a tightly crumbed sandwich loaf

I get that. Why would you choose that sort of bread for a ploughman's? It makes perfect sense for a sandwich, but it does not make sense for a ploughman's.

For a sandwich you want a relatively soft bread with a very consistent crumb so that it's easy to eat when you bite into it. You don't want the firmness of the bread to force the filling out of the sandwich, etc. But a ploughman's isn't a sandwich. Those concerns are totally moot since you're simply picking up a hunk of bread and biting off a piece (perhaps with some butter). It's the perfect application for a heartier bread that has some good texture and bite to it.

>> No.6905324


Who thought of this?

>> No.6905326

Ploughmen, genius

>> No.6905327


so you've changed from 'it's not even bread, it looks like it came from a supermarket, ewwwww' to 'it's not the optimal choice of bread for the occasion'.

you know what, i don't fucking care. it's a ploughman's. you get what you're given. now fuck off.

>> No.6905336
File: 24 KB, 300x300, ploughmans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ck/ why is the Ploughmans so based?

not sure why, but it sure is

>> No.6905340


No changing at all bro. My point was always that the bread wasn't good enough for a ploughman's.

>> No.6905342

Were they retarded?

>> No.6905345


you even admitted just then it didn't look shit, it just looked like sandwich bread rather than bread and butter bread. i fucking hate 4chan some times. full of absolute berks.

>> No.6905349


Christ bro, how dense are you?
The bread doesn't look like shit in general. It looks like shit for a Ploughman's. Which is what this fucking thread is about.

>> No.6905370


yes, so you've backpedalled. and i disagree, i think it looks perfectly fucking good.

>> No.6905378


More like repeating myself until you finally get the point that the bread in OP is barely bread at all, let alone good enough for a ploughman's.

There's been no backpedaling at all-- just the constant repetition that bread isn't good enough.

>> No.6905395


it's bread. it is firmly, definitively bread. there is nothing wrong with it. fucking kill yourself.

>> No.6905423
File: 75 KB, 550x412, ploughmans-lunch-550x412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple, yet delicious.

>> No.6905772

Beauty in simplicity, it's all stuff you could get from your farm so it's self-sufficient

>> No.6907199

add some bockwurst and some gobbagool

>> No.6907383
