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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6902917 No.6902917 [Reply] [Original]

Is it me, or does cutting pizza into rectangles make it look inherently less appetizing?

>> No.6902920


NO, it's clearly your shitty choice in pizza.

>> No.6902923

Maybe you should cut it into cock shapes instead you fucking faggot

>> No.6902926

quit being a 12 year-old faggot

>> No.6902927

You're correct, OP.
The paper plate isn't helping things either.

>> No.6902938


OP I'm in your camp. It's like some dystopian future where food is robotically prepared and precisely portioned out to the populace. Bleep bloop please consume what you are given bleep bloop.

>> No.6903139

I understand where you're coming from. Rectangles are boring. Triangles are awesome.

>> No.6903430


>> No.6904395


>> No.6904399

Its because the plate is trans-symetrical but a rectangle is not. Even if it was a square it would not really live up to the plate's intrinisic symeticisity.

>> No.6904414
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I agree

>> No.6905637

OP, when you're eating from a paper plate, you should be thinking about larger life decisions you should make instead of whether or not your pizza is not as appealing as a rectangle.

>> No.6905646

The triangle shape is intrinsically pleasing to the human eye, more so than rectangles.

>> No.6905648

triangle > diamond > rhombus > square >rectangular

I can only eat "Slab" style pizza when drunk

>> No.6905650

I should cut them to resemble boobs and butts then. Both of those are more appealing than fucking triangles.

>> No.6905665

Steven, get off 4chan right now!

>> No.6905671

I like pizza rectangles

>> No.6905675
File: 76 KB, 395x434, pizzaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a few reasons

It's unusual to the eye. We're conditioned to view pizza as "Oh yeah, a circular thing with triangle slices" unless you're an Imo's fag, but still.

Next, slices that are trianglular have a good starting point to get you into the pizza. A small angle with a small mouthful. From there, it's divided into sort-of triangles from the circular bite... A square slice though is just like... fuck where do I start on this??

Finally, square slices ensure that you're going to have some pieces that don't have any crust to grab hold of, which frankly kinda sucks and is super messy.

TL;DR: triangle pizza is right you square loving freaks

>> No.6905687

The thicker the crust the more I'm okay with it, personally.

Like deep-dish/casserole type. I think it should be in that shape.

>> No.6905691

Agreed, casserole pizzas are good like this

>> No.6905699

rectangular slices remind me of school cafeteria pizza

>> No.6905701

>diamond =/= rhombus

>> No.6905709

Those would just look like two interlocking circles. Not as pleasing as a triangle or a regular circle. Lrn2geometrics.

>> No.6906034
File: 1.25 MB, 2592x1944, Picture 122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this type of pizza wouldn't hold up to a triangle cut

>> No.6907769

It looks like cafeteria food. Fuck rectangular food.

>> No.6908858

I thought i was the only one

>> No.6908884


>> No.6908890

aside from triangles looking more pleasing, good pizza has the shape of a circle and not a rectangle (resulting in the slices being triangles instead of rectangles as a side effect)

the only reason a pizza would ever not be a circle is to fit in a in a standard rectangular baking pan, which is inferior to a stone oven or pizza stone

>> No.6908907

It would if you cut it correctly.

>> No.6909187

>We're conditioned.
Speak for yourself you pleb.

>> No.6909190

You made me smile.

>> No.6909194


>i thought i was the only one

So this is your first day on /ck/ and you somehow missed the - very much still alive - thread covering every angle* about how cutting a sandwich on a bias makes it tastes better?

>> No.6909199

Square pizzas are much more acceptable for fork and knife

>> No.6909209

my bro

>> No.6909210


If you know how to use a fork and knife it makes no difference what shape the pizza is.

>that day when you realized that most westerners are just as bad with a fork and knife as they are, on average, with chopsticks

>> No.6909211

Acceptable, not easier

>> No.6909220

I always end up seeing this at 2 in the morning, and get tempted to microwave some leftover pizza.
Goddamn it, OP.

>> No.6909223
File: 67 KB, 640x434, detroit-s-10-best-pizzas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Square/rectangle cut only makes sense for this kind of pizza, when it's a thin type of pizza it should be triangle