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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.13 MB, 2448x3264, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6900990 No.6900990 [Reply] [Original]

Dinner, /ck, you?

>> No.6900995

is that just raw dandelions

>> No.6901001

Also, this isn't OC, just a troll

>> No.6901004


>> No.6901005

Crunchy roast brotatoes, crispy fried chorizo, fresh green and yellow capsicum, feta, sundried tomatoes with a honey mustard balsmaic dressing.

>> No.6901008
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x2448, 1440604870702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6901016

I just ate a whole big bag of jalapeno cheddar cheetos and now I'm dead

>> No.6901018

Looks like arugula. May as well be dandelion though.

Pardon me but this is a repost.

Unless you posted this originally and made the same meal again. But why would you repost an old photo?

Looks fucking tasty. Curious about the cut of meat. And why that potato is so underwhelmingly dressed. The arugla can use a light vinaigrette as well but to each their own you /fit/fag. Hate flavors dont ya'll?

For dinner I myself am having some malt liquor.

>> No.6901023

the fuck is that?

>> No.6901024

mouldy goats cheese me thinksies

>> No.6901026
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>tfw dad ate the only good part of dinner before I got home from work

Who /goingpostal/ here?

>> No.6901044
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>tfw mom won't buy me goose at the store to experiment with

ate a can of spaghetti

>> No.6901072

>living with your parents

18+ only newfriend

>> No.6901105

Cooking up some quinoa ion some chicken broth right now. Then I'm gonna cut up some of my garden veg and make a salad. I'm thinking cucumber, tomatoes, onion, maybe some romaine, parmagianno reggiano, balsamic and some olive oil.

>> No.6901108

Boiled eggs

>> No.6901121

In the salad? I don't have any eggs or I would try it

>> No.6901165

I love boiled eggs in my salads.

>> No.6901378

>trying to fit in this hard

>> No.6901382

damn, for whatever reason I read that as geospatial.

>> No.6901438

had quinoa cooked in beef stock, braised goat leg, kale, and toasted walnuts
quick easy leftovers that all went well together

>> No.6901488
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shin ramyun + steak

8.5/10 tbh

>> No.6901533

Mom! I posted it again!

>> No.6901565
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Also ate some mac n cheese.


>> No.6901572

bacon wrapped stuffed jalapenos, that is top good.

>> No.6901582
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man i gotta plant some jalapeno again

>> No.6901600
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I made this horrible affront to French onion soup. It was delicious.

>> No.6902558
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posting in a meme thread

>> No.6902648
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>> No.6902677
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Not dinner, made this a month or so ago, but I'm proud of this lil guy

So basically it's an egg yolk topped with burnt caramel lace and brown butter maldon salt, served on top of a Brunost butter cake. Alongside that are duck prosciutto crisps, pickled ground cherries, a ground cherry agrodolce with a black pepper mignonette, corn shoots and pea flowers. It tasted amazing all together.

My chef says I should try coming up with dishes and stuff, and while this isn't really Italian enough to go on the menu, it's something I'm really proud to have come up with!

>> No.6902681
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Made kimchi jjigae was 8/10
Pretty good for totally winging it without a recipe

>> No.6902703
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Lunch. Laziest fajitas I've ever made, possibly. Ever since I bought crema fresca mejicana I've been looking for ways to put it on stuff. It's like sour cream but better.

>> No.6902707

Congrats that sounds and looks fucking delish

>> No.6902719

i like it

good to see people here trying new things

>> No.6902726

Does your place have brunch? It seems like it would fit on a brunch menu.

Considering making this to use up the last of my kimchi and tofu.

>> No.6902729

Brunost? You wouldnt happen to be norwegian?

>> No.6902744



>> No.6902783
File: 2.07 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah man I love you nuggets. Here, have a pic of the huge ass ramen I made with slow roasted pork belly and a shit ton of garlic

Thanks m8 :')

Always a fan of trying new shit. Picky eaters physically hurt me

Nah we're a fine dining Italian place so brunch is super out of the question. I am hoping to work at a new American place, but all the places im into also consider themselves too fancy for the whole brunch thing

Born and raised in NJ and I've been working in NYC for over a year. I just really like researching foods and stuff, and when I decided to make this dish, I thought the sorta sweet caramel idea whey cheese would work well with the cake, the egg and the caramel

why u gotta do this 2 me

>> No.6902804

I got a veggie burrito bowl from Chipotle because I didn't feel good enough to cook.

Normally I eat fish with some veggies and beans.

>> No.6902813

Are those baked?

I know we've done them deep fried and grilled before.

Fuck though I bought a "giant jalapeno" plant just for stuffed jalapeños and they're fucking baby jalapenos.

Eh who cares I don't eat meat anymore anyway

>> No.6902998

looks like shit

>> No.6903377
