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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 37 KB, 400x266, Flag-of-India.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6896589 No.6896589 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys feel about indian food?

>> No.6896592

I like it.

>> No.6896594

It gud

>> No.6896602
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 1405117979587[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In all seriousness though, it's p good. Having some later.

>> No.6896663


It's the many sided toilet brush of Vishnu, you insensitive twat.

>> No.6896668

Love the food, fucking love it.
Never want to go there, though.

>> No.6896676
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>Indian toilet brush

>> No.6896682

Deep kek

Love it. Especially Naan, actually.
Favorite flatbread of all time

Probably gonna get some sunday

>> No.6896684

into the loo it goes.

>> No.6896685
File: 32 KB, 638x298, indashit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6896732

First lol of the day.

>> No.6896754

It's also not uncommon to be raped en-route to "designated shitting streets"

>> No.6896758

It's the greatest cuisine in the world, and us brits are eternally grateful to you guys for teaching us how good food can be.

>> No.6896883

Probably the best food for a vegetarian or even a meat eater who wants to "try out" vegetarian food.

Dankest cultural food I've tasted ever but god damn they pack a calorie and filling. Eat once a week else you'll be fucking fat.

>> No.6896885

it's my favourite kind of food ever.



>> No.6896895

Inb4 angry Philip Morris programmer guy being bitter at food because 17 years ago he got replaced by an H1B

>> No.6896900


>> No.6896920

Vindapoo in the loo

>> No.6896924


shut the fuck up

>> No.6896940

Most Indian food isnt calorie dense, at least not in a bad way. Dal is the most commont dish and it's basically one of the healthiest thing you can eat. The veggies are usually sauteed with spices. Not bad either.

The main difference between western food culture and Indian is that daily home cooked meals are all dishes that you'd struggle to find in a restaurant. And restaurant food is stuff that is hard to make at home. I think it used to be the same in the west pre war but now it seems that people eat the same food at home and in restaurants.

>> No.6896948



>> No.6896959


>Most Indian food isnt calorie dense

hahaha what

>> No.6896962

Did you stop reading there

>> No.6896963


most indian food is very calorie dense.

>> No.6896969

it's great, but eating it everyday would fuck me up

>> No.6897012

Best vegetarian cuisine. Best spiced tea.

>> No.6897062

Most Indian take out and dine in is calorie dense. Home cooked dishes aren't greasy at all. Like I said dal, aloo and yogurt is the typical Indian meal in the north. Sometimes the dal is subbed for a saag or kadhi. The potatoes for seasonal veggies. All eaten with a whole wheat roti and/or basmati rice. Southern is big on stews and rice.

But yeah butter chicken Korma or vindaloo are heavy and rarely prepared at home unless it's a special occassion

>> No.6897063

Tastes like there's shit in it.

>> No.6897071


vindaloo isn't actually heavy. it's one of the less heavy indian dishes.

indian food uses a fuckton of cooking fat and their sweets are insane.

>> No.6897087


The most accurate post on 4chan ever... used to fuck with an indian girl, and her mother made the best vegetarian food I've ever had, I was thinking of putting a ring on that, because the food was like a 12 hours veggie Sunday feast every week - I miss those days

>> No.6897130

Have only had vindaloo once in Goa but I know it's popular in the UK. Indian cooking uses a little more fat than continental but that's down to most of the dishes being vegetarian and the ingredients having no fat of their own. I maintain that Indian home cooking is probably one of the healthiest you can eat.

There's no defence I can offer for the sweets though they're beetus fodder. It's the reason all Indians are a little pudgy and diabetes is the only first world epidemic in India. Indians have a massive sweet tooth historically since sugarcane is indiginous to the region. Luckily for me I prefer dark chocolate as the dessert.

>> No.6897143
File: 5 KB, 251x201, belmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most Indian food isn't calorie dense.
Do you reading comprehension issues or are you just a fucking spastic?
It's been posted twice now so maybe you'll understand. If not get your carer to explain it to you, he'll be used to using words of less than two syllables to communicate with you.

>> No.6897144

Coca Cowla tastes like piss.

>> No.6897185


indian cooking is both calorie dense and good for you, they aren't mutually exclusive. as far as the vegetarian thing goes, it really depends on the indian. a lot of them have meat heavy diets. i don't wanna be a massive contrarian i just find the statement that indian food ISN'T calorie dense to be ludicrous. they love dem calories.


shut the fuck up.

>> No.6897194


>If not get your carer to explain it

I don't know why, probably because I've taken an ungodly amount of X and and pain killers that comment had made my weekened

>> No.6897218

My original post did say that it's not calorie dense in a bad way. Something like dal is pretty calorie dense but in the best possible way and packed with nutrients and fiber. Even the meat heavy regions eat a lot of plant based food as well. Not like Germanic cuisine where a lump of meat and a potato is the entire meal.

That said Indian restaurant food and sweets will probably make you fat if eaten daily.

>> No.6897224


>My original post did say that it's not calorie dense in a bad way.

that's true, you did, i'm sorry i missed that.

>> No.6897241


>> No.6897245


>> No.6897246

love the food
hate the people

>> No.6897252


shut the fuck up

>> No.6897265


>> No.6897267
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>> No.6897268
File: 15 KB, 149x209, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a really good curry or baby shit

>> No.6897274


you people are annoying fucking cunts

>> No.6897276

>ranjeep said, satisfied with his harsh takedown. However, due to his diet of grease and spices, he had to shit for the 11th time this day. He quickly ran to his favorite window (his only window) in his 10x7 foot apartment in Bangalangalololololoarashabad, stood on a plastic crate he found floating in the river, and shoved his rear end out the window. Hardly before his sequined pink pants cleared the way, his hairless cheeks parted and jettisoned the leftovers of his mothers saag paneer out onto the street, scalding a 45lb starving 14 year old urchin and desecrating a statue of an effeminate man with a lion face and 8 arms. Ranjeep sighed, and wiped the excess feces from his anus and cleaned his hand with a quick wipe on the inside of the window pane. "Good enough", he thought. Little did he know, the thread he replied to was quickly filling with comments...

>> No.6897398

poo in loo

>> No.6897399


you aren't funny

>> No.6897404

Indian nationalist detected.

How do you feel about Pakis?

>> No.6897405


Pajeet pls, you're not going to wagon wheel your way out of this one.

>> No.6897423

calm down raheed

>> No.6897429


Us brits are the ones responsible for making it good what on earth are you talking about

>> No.6897596

why is there a blue anus in the middle of the flag?

>> No.6897597

I like Indian food but not the eating with the hands thing. People say it tastes better that way but I'm just not comfortable eating "wet" food with hands.

>> No.6897614

reminded me that I read an article a few months back that Disney fired some 200 techs to replace em with H1bs.
Made them train the replacements too lol

>> No.6897627

Good. Whatever it takes to speed along the convergence process. I hope they invest their earnings back home rather than in the US.

>> No.6897631

Most north Indians don't eatbusing their hands either. It's more of a southern thing. It's never wrong to use utensils while eating Indian food the hand thing is just a preference. I have eaten using my hands at a south Indian wedding and after a few meals you get the hang of it and not tasting metal with every bite does alter the experience for the better bit it's too much effort to clean plates after meals as it is. Don't want to add to the mess.

>> No.6897643

>he doesn't appreciate the profundity of the wheel

>> No.6897683

Fuck. You. You piece of shit.

>> No.6897697

You seem a little upset about something. Strange.

>> No.6897702

fish and chips suck.

>> No.6897703

>go to mcdonalds
>see group of indian guys sitting down eating burgers
>without thinking yell "POO IN THE LOO PAJEET"
>everyone looks
>run back out to my mom car and tell her to floor it

>> No.6897708

What the fuck is a "H1b"?

>> No.6897721


Visa given to skilled workers.

>> No.6897722

It's a special type of work visa they give out when lazy white people start acting entitled and threaten to hold a company hostage by creating undocumented software code or system architecture and then milking the company for all the ransom it can pay because when they leave it all falls apart.

Eventually the company, being rightly sick of getting jerked around, brings in third party consultants who suggest rotating out contractors on a fixed short term basis. They are hired on the understanding that their job is temporary so they have no vested interest in creating little babby easter eggs and other means of fucking over their employer.

It's initially a painful transition but like surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, the longer they wait the worse it gets. The dangerous part is when you ask the outgoing lazy white person to train the replacement. Things can get very unpredictable so you may need security standing by to frog march them from the building. Usually though they understand they will need references after getting let go, so they cooperate, bitterly.

>> No.6897729

Meanwhile the H1B1 are so incompetent they don't need to create undocumented work on purpose they do it because they don't know any better.

>and so, the circle of life continues...

>> No.6897742



you are mad now

you must chose path online

do you ignore post and move on

or shit all over your left hand

>> No.6897759
File: 67 KB, 532x517, Indian food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal shit.


>> No.6897762

Please do the needful.

>> No.6897771
File: 502 KB, 485x723, choice_india.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6898249

>he doesn't like memetics
why are you on the internet, to be honest, family?

>> No.6898269
File: 618 KB, 2000x2504, Common_Indian_Cuisine-Shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all poo and has the stench of indians about it.

>> No.6898337

indians are getting fucking rekt lately

>> No.6898376


>> No.6898380


>> No.6898384


>> No.6898400
File: 30 KB, 388x532, 1430472062426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6898419


>ranjeep said, satisfied with his harsh takedown of the American women. However, due to his diet of grease and spices, he had to shit for the 11th time this day. He quickly ran to his favorite window (his only window) in his 10x7 foot apartment in Bangalangalololololoarashabad, stood on a plastic crate he found floating in the river, and shoved his rear end out the window. Hardly before his sequined pink pants cleared the way, his hairless cheeks parted and jettisoned the leftovers of his mothers saag paneer out onto the street, scalding a 45lb starving 14 year old urchin and desecrating a statue of an effeminate man with a lion face and 8 arms. Ranjeep sighed, and wiped the excess feces from his anus and cleaned his hand with a quick wipe on the inside of the window pane. "Good enough", he thought. Little did he know, the thread he replied to was quickly filling with comments…

>ranjeep was furious! The tears from his eyes were welling, the blur of his vision obscuring the obviously jealous hate from the westerners. He reached into his pile of PhDs he bought from a street vendor and blew his nose on it. It was an engineering one, he noticed. He knew exactly how to calm himself down, and that was with a good ol gang rape. He closed his 2004 era dell laptop and went downstairs, and raped a 9 year old in full view of his parents. Luckily Ranjeep threw down a handful of dry lentils, so they were distracted and ultimately indebted to him.

>> No.6898754
File: 151 KB, 449x442, 1441320695850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw Dilips will defend this.

>> No.6898758

only place I've ever had it at is shiv shagar and it's really good

I don't know what half the stuff on the menu is though because it's all clearly made up words

>> No.6898789

India has one of the world's most diverse cuisine. Everything is great but they put a fuck load of spices which might not be suitable for everyone.

I live in India and i love Indian food in general but i must say almost 70% of the street food is very unhygienic and taste varies a lot. Home made food is amazing. Chicken and other veg dishes with gravy taste amazing with naan and there are just so many different dishes and combinations to explore. And yes, most of the food that you will be calorie dense with the exception of good quality home made food. That is the reason you mostly see skinny or fat as fuck guys.

>> No.6898894

I realize I've probably only had stuff that was watered down for western tastes but I've loved all of it, I really like their spinach dishes.

>> No.6898902

Of course it does, mind if I tussle your hair a bit while you try to confirm yourself?

>> No.6898905

That makes no sense. Peppers and all capsicums are native to the Americas in the first place. The only reason the dirt suckers in india used them was to cover up the stench and taste of their rotting meat.

>> No.6898941

We certainly had an input, but your claim is preposterous, facile and monstrously ignorant.

>> No.6898965
File: 188 KB, 500x334, T7cCP[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preposterous, facile and monstrously ignorant

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.6899040

>h1b1 are so incompetent
The H1B holders in healthcare are the ones with the most proper documentation because they know that one wrong move and it is all over with.

>> No.6899084

I prefer forcing them to work over an alligator pit so I can drop them a little lower whenever they need some encouragement.

>> No.6899090


>> No.6899106


>> No.6899126

The fun thing about h1bs is that they do suck, that keeps the rest of us in business correcting their crappy work and giving us humor trying not to crack up laughing while watching them fuck up and dealing with their goofy accents while their heads bob to and fro.

>> No.6899128

Daddy bought them all kinds of degrees to get them into the USA, masters, phds, all kinds of stuff, sometimes multiple degrees but they really suck at writing professionally or doing anything useful for that matter.

>> No.6899132

>Indians make food from and drink water from this river

>> No.6899136
File: 561 KB, 2000x2504, indian_poo_food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their chicks look it too.

>> No.6899223

I can almost see an Australian flag in that post

>> No.6899232

Remember when every board was not filled with 12 year olds?

>> No.6899236

Black pepper was the reason spice trade even happened in the first place is indiginous to India. When red pepper was introduced it replaced black pepper in a lot of dishes but Indian has been doing spicy food for millennia.

>> No.6899260

Designated shitting streets.

>> No.6900200

that's racist

>> No.6900224

That was part of it, but it was most likely salt because that's necessary for life itself.

>> No.6900253

I've been here for 8 years and no

>> No.6900442

So how's it like to be in your 20's?

>> No.6900485


>> No.6901627

Make it spicy and flavorful, the way it's meant to be. Americanized Indian food is usually not nearly as good as more authentically prepared dishes, though some foods do dissatisfy my American palate more effectively than others, like curried goat.

A new place opened near me lately, and their chicken tikka is amazing, by far the best I've had. It actually made me want to order that dish, which I have not in a long time.

>> No.6901773

Burns on the way in, burns on the way out.

>> No.6901877

>street food
that's what you get, dumbass