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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 853x960, 8OwMVYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6896082 No.6896082 [Reply] [Original]

Memewhile in America...

>> No.6896084

>inb4 nice risotto

>> No.6896086

Americans put their forks on the left side. This is some other bullshit country.

>> No.6896089

>american cheese

>> No.6896094

American don't have table manners and don't follow etiquette at all

>> No.6896098

>thought some 'straya kid actually ordered kraft singles just so he could shitpost on /ck/
>turns out it's an image that 's been posted dozens of times, and op is just being lazy

>> No.6896103

"Turns out us shitty americucks put american cheese on rice after all"

>> No.6896110


Except that nobody does that, and you should stop forcing a completely unbelievable meme...

>> No.6896128
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>> No.6896129
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>> No.6896131
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>> No.6896132
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>> No.6896134
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>> No.6896136
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>> No.6896138
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>> No.6896143
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>> No.6896145
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>> No.6896146

This is clearly

troll cooking.

>> No.6896149
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>> No.6896151
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>> No.6896153

This one is acceptable. If the white stuff is eggs.

I don't fucking even

>> No.6896155
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I defy you to look at this and believe it could be made with anything but the most heartfelt sincerity

>> No.6896157
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>> No.6896159
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>> No.6896160
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>> No.6896162
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>> No.6896166
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>> No.6896168
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>> No.6896171
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>> No.6896173
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>> No.6896174
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>> No.6896175
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>> No.6896177
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>> No.6896180
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>> No.6896181
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>> No.6896184
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>> No.6896187
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>> No.6896190
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>> No.6896193
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>> No.6896196
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>> No.6896197
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This is italian pizza margherita

>> No.6896198
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>> No.6896199
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>> No.6896202

Does craft shingles even melt?

>> No.6896206

They melt, but not into liquid cream.

>> No.6896207

Thats a nice one.
At the least it looks like its covered like smorbrod would be.

This one is also nice, even if it lacks the butter.

>> No.6896211

I mean like, if you heated the pasta, and mixed it with enough shingles, could you mix it into something that resembles what you do with actual cheese?

>> No.6896215
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>> No.6896218
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>> No.6896219

is that fucking banana bread?

>> No.6896220

Why are you in denial of OP's picture?

>> No.6896221

I'm not sure what you mean. Kraft singles melt consistently but they aren't liquid like velveeta. They are meant to stay in one piece when they melt because they are designed for use on burgers and grilled cheese.

>> No.6896225
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>> No.6896227

Yeah, but if you tried to mix it with the pasta, would you get clear pieces just laying there, or very small pieces sticking to the pasta sorta like eggs can do when mixed in wrong?

>> No.6896230
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>> No.6896233
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guys... I'm out of american cheese creations

feel free to post your own, or ones you've seen
I'm always looking to expand my collection.

>> No.6896238
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How disgusting

>> No.6896246

go be a slav somewhere else

>> No.6896270

I'm kind of amazed that a country as rich and powerful as the USA doesn't have a good quality cheese industry. I mean it's coming along with reasonable "craft" beer over the mass produced piss and I believe that some American beef is top class.
What gives?

>> No.6896278

I'm sure they make perfectly serviceable cheese of all sorts all over america, but the market for exporting that shit just isn't there because if you're paying for imports people are probably just going to go for european cheeses or domestic

that's the case with canada anyways
there's assloads of canadian cheeses, esp. from quebec, but I would assume they never see the light of day in any other country because why would they—zero market presence.

>> No.6896281

You dont think the nigga could have been right handed maybe?

>> No.6896283

wa la!

>> No.6896291


>> No.6896301

No one does that here.
Maybe some flyover.

>> No.6896306

The second one. Little sticky bits like when you mess up carbonara.

It's harder to compete with imported cheese. Beer is easy to make, easy to improve, and expensive to ship. Cheese is medium difficulty to make, very hard to improve, and easy to ship.

>> No.6896309

Maybe but I've been to the USA several times and you just don't see quality cheese. Just industrial cheese "product" stuff.

>> No.6896311

>american cheese


>> No.6896316

They don't keep the fake cheese anywhere NEAR the real cheese in good supermarkets.

If you went to walmart, then that's your own fault.

>> No.6896330

America confirmed for cheese-less wasteland?

>> No.6896339
File: 638 KB, 3504x2336, WFM_Specialty_Cheese_Counter_Front_1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, kid.

>> No.6896345

>specialty cheese
or as the rest of the world calls it, "cheese".

>> No.6896348
File: 125 KB, 335x500, 20140614Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry about it.

>> No.6896361

is gouda seen as something special in america? curious dutchie here

>> No.6896363

That's all imported ya' moron.

>> No.6896371

No shit.
Show me the cheese section in your supermarket.

>> No.6896373

And no, it's common.

>> No.6896381
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I don't shop in supermarkets.
Supermarkets are for working class people.

>> No.6896382

Then show me the cheese you collect from your grandmother's hooch.

>> No.6896396

>this level of maturity
You're a fucking idiot, son.

>> No.6896419
File: 124 KB, 952x656, seriously-strong-extra-mature-cheddar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That strength

Cheddar is king

>> No.6896422

>Made in Scotland
bloody porridge-wogs.

>> No.6896436

I don't see the problem here. This is likely delicious

>> No.6896637

Varying state laws on fermentation of milk, and what status it can be in
Varying state laws on what is legal from other states
You can't call some of the copycat cheeses the same as the original due international naming laws(I.E Feta)
Importing cheese is not that hard.

That said, its more about obsession for poor people to buy kraft shingles instead of reel cheese, causing a lot of shit.

>> No.6896674

I want that.

>> No.6896702

Applewood cheddar man

I don't care how pleb anyone thinks this is. I can it eat all day erry day

>> No.6896715
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>tfw I used to use kraft singles in cooking everyday
>ended up using them when I cooked for a date
>she got disgusted with me and now I learnt to stop

Basically I cooked 'cheese wrapped love hearts' where I cooked pieces of processed turkey meat into heart shapes then wrapped them in cheese. It took HOURS to wrap them all while maintaining the heart shape so I thought she would appreciate the effort. I even put a bunch of extra large ones in the fridge so I could feed them to her after we had sex to show how I made her heart grow with my food.

>> No.6896731


>> No.6896753

there is literally nothing wrong with american cheese.

>> No.6896768

fuck you I would eat that
>from Brasilia

>> No.6896773

>I even put a bunch of extra large ones in the fridge so I could feed them to her after we had sex to show how I made her heart grow with my food.
Is this real life? WTF

>> No.6896778

>>mating rituals of the amerilard

>> No.6896779
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>meanwhile in Britain

>> No.6896786

In korea they put american slices in their ramen as well as spam is considered a high class meat

fucking fight me faggot

>> No.6896796


>> No.6896877

You're supposed to have your fork in the left hand, though.

Unless you're eating spaghetti.

>> No.6896980

if that was brie instead of fucking american i'd be down

>> No.6896991
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>> No.6897046


That's obviously Korea.

>> No.6897099

I mean if any one of these dishes replaced the sliced abomination that is american cheese with any other actual type of cheese they'd be improved at the very least

>> No.6897122

>those tags
worse than the food tbh

>> No.6897138

This looks pretty good. I would add a bit more mayo because thick bread

>> No.6897140
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>> No.6897142

This is a fuckin good idea, will try it

>> No.6897157

today I ate a ritz crackers with sliced jalapeño hotdogs, velveeta cheese, ketchup, and mustard on them

wa fuckin la

>> No.6897184

is that fucking shumai and red hots with american cheese in a tortilla

What the fiuck

>> No.6897394

>eating cheese that had to be designed

Enjoy your cancer

>> No.6897629

Honestly this just makes me feel sad for whoever prepared this. This picture looks like a decision between making rent and eating a decent meal

>> No.6898692
File: 319 KB, 1028x685, La_Banquise_Poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile in canada

>> No.6899159

no, it's the internet. no one can lie on the internet.

>> No.6899160

Mmm, looks good.

>> No.6899203

These actually look good

>> No.6899276

Someone, somewhere, actually thinks that this is cheese on a bread.

>> No.6899960

Poutine is food of the gods

>> No.6900063

That's actually an asian thing. Japs and Koreans do that shit with singles slices.

>> No.6900072

So far it's just reposted tumblrs. Not much point, really.

>> No.6900079

I mix kraft singles with milk and elbow pasta and pepper and worster sauce. It melts into liquid and spread through out the pasta evenly as you would expect. If you don't believe me, try it yourself if you can. It still isn't good at all though but the kids ate it one time. They said not to make it again after that. We were out of real cheese.

>> No.6900204

Not "special," just a variety of "real" cheese. In an American supermarket you'll see a cheese counter like the one pictured above (some bigger with more varieties, some smaller with only a few), and somewhere buried in the aisles you'll find the "cheese food product" (kraft singles, shredded cheese, string cheese, that kind of thing). It's a bit like how you'll find a few varieties of tomatoes in the produce section, and cans of Spaghetti O's in the aisles. That doesn't mean tomatoes are "special" to Americans, they're just sold differently than the mass produced packaged food.

>> No.6900405

Damn, I went grocery shopping today and I forgot to get some mozzarella sticks.

>> No.6900905

This is surprisingly good.

One of the only uses for american cheese.

>> No.6901031

99% of these are just throwing shitty prepackaged cheese slices on random shit.

>> No.6901034

Yeah I love how /ck/ thinks this is a standard in America.
We literally only use that shit for burgers and grilled cheese.

>> No.6901055

Get that miracle whip the fuck out of my face. Spam is alright tho

>> No.6901074

why do you make the same shitpost about cheese on rice every fucking day, do you get off on being called a retard.

>> No.6901113

I would eat this if you got rid of the pig disgusting miracle whip

>> No.6901173

dude, the hot dog goes on the bread and the cheese goes on the crackers. this isnt fucking rocket science

>> No.6901182

1/10 ONLY IF the almonds are activated

>> No.6901184

You nasty fuck!

>> No.6901188

Allright cra/ck/ers, show me the ULTIMATE plate of french fries

the kind of fries that you can't help but imagine the crunchyness of, how well they mix with your sause of choice, be it fast food ketchup or expensive restaurant homemade french imported sweet potato fries

just show me what you got

>> No.6901209


all cheese is designed

>> No.6901214
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>> No.6901220
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Ever had "cheesy" eggs from Waffle House? They use two slices of American cheese.

>> No.6901221
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