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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6895774 No.6895774 [Reply] [Original]

How do you like your eggs on the morning?

>> No.6895780

fried or fertilized

>> No.6895782


>> No.6895792


>> No.6895799

I like my eggs how I like my ivory. Poached.

>> No.6895804

>not eating your eggs outside of spacetime

>> No.6895881

made by the stripper that told me i was a guitar god the night before. she was totally right.

>> No.6895886
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Forced to eat an entire bowl after waking up in a fedora man's house

>> No.6895889


>> No.6895896

I make mine exactly like Gordon Ramsay in that youtube video. I even twitch and gesture like he does while doing it, including knocking on the bottom of my sauce pan while saying "the heat is in there" and "on the heat off the heat".

I just wish I had a Mrs. in bed to give it to her ;_;

>> No.6895898
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I like having bastards in the shed, personally.

>> No.6895933

Raw by the dozen. Fuck biotin. Fuck it all.

>> No.6896122

Eggs are a lunch/snack thing for me, but I like them over medium.

When I eat them over medium I add a side of fried potatoes with Anaheim chilis, diced shallots and sausage.

>> No.6896824

soft boiled, with toast and smoked mackerel on the side

>> No.6896827

cocotte but too poor for sheep milk and fresh cream.

>> No.6896857

fried eggs, flipped over, so that the yolk is still a little liquid, on a slice of bread/a bun

idealy with some smoked salmon but im kinda tight on money usually

>> No.6896862

Kek'd and check'd

>> No.6896919

Kek, well done anon

>> No.6896947
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i like mine with a kiss

>> No.6896982
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Like I like my women, runny.

>> No.6896988

Omelette du fromage. Not even may maying

>> No.6896997

3-4 eggs
Tablespoon of sour cream
A few shakes of paprika
A few shakes of pepper
Scrambled together on low heat, then served with a pinch of salt and a little butter

>> No.6897680

Preferably over hard with some corned beef hash

>> No.6897868
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without tfw no gf tbh

>> No.6897890

Fondled and licked.

You see, in German, Eier (eggs) is an euphemism for testicles, hence my preference of them being fondled and licked.

>> No.6897926

Poached with toast or scrambled with white and green onion, red bell peppers, and mushrooms served with fried potatoes/potatoes o'brien

>> No.6897934

bought duck eggs today.
having scrambled with bacon in the morning.

>> No.6897952

hard boiled with salt and hot sauce

>> No.6897965

In a pair, over easy, with runny yolk, a little salt, and plenty of pepper sandwiched with three or four strips of bacon between two slices of bread.

>> No.6898002

Scrambled with lots of butter, small curds, and still a bit runny. Salt and pepper folded in right before they finish cooking. I usually have it with fried ham and a couple pieces of toast.

I always thought I hated eggs as a kid, but it turns out my mom just can't properly cook them

>> No.6898004

A shining example of German humor, everyone.

>> No.6898005


>> No.6898012

well, this morning was
>4 eggs, scrambled dirty with shallots and cheese
>12 oz rare steak
>two slices multigrain bread, toasted with butter
>pulpy OJ

it was pretty great. Filled me for like 14 hours. Just now starting in on a mid-sized bowl of stove top popcorn.

today was a good day.

>> No.6898016
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I prefer them over my hardboiled jewbacabra.

>> No.6898024


>> No.6898085

c'mon man. Germans are pretty bro.
well, Bavarians are, anyway.

Berliners can fuck right off

>> No.6898194

Used to make scrambled during my teenage years but now its just 3-2 hard boiled eggs with salt and pepper served with 2 slices of toast or pita bread

>> No.6898225

Simple, yet that sounds amazing. I have to try that one day.

>> No.6898242

underrated post

>> No.6898275
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On the morning? In the morning? Under the morning. Between the morning.

>> No.6898283

dice up broccoli, blanch in salted water, then stir fry in butter and add eggs, a little sesame oil, lemon juice, chilli and lots of black pepper.

i'm fucking obsessed with this meal i have it like 4 times a week

>> No.6898285

ya i didn't know how to make eggs for shit til I watched that video. now they come out amazing.


>> No.6898411

Scrambled, herbed and covered in ketchup.

>> No.6898420

is bregs

>> No.6898584

Thank you, i'll be here all week.

>> No.6898586

In an avocado.

>> No.6898588
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>> No.6898589

porridge consistency like that faggot ramsay

>> No.6898595

two fried eggs on top of foul madammas with some tomato and parsley
or scrambled with black beans

>> No.6899167

It's toad in a hole.

>> No.6899179

Undisturbed in the fridge because I can't eat shit in the morning.
At 3am though? Poorly scrambled with an irresponsible amount of black pepper and tabasco.

>> No.6899184


>> No.6899192

no it's called a frog in a pocket

>> No.6899255

French Scrambled
Country fresh eggs
Sauté shallot with butter in pan.
Crack eggs into pan reduce to low heat.
Finish with blue cheese crumble and chives

>> No.6899265

Fertilized, oh god I want to be a mother so bad.

>> No.6899269

This is what I call it too.

It is also how I like my eggs if I have eggs.

>> No.6899421
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>> No.6899427

Always gets me

>> No.6899430

Its egg in a basket

>> No.6899432
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>> No.6899441
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>> No.6899449
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i can never boil eggs right. they are either too runny or too solid

>> No.6899461
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Drop medium sized, room temp eggs into boiling water for the number of minutes on the chart to reach desired consistency. Adjust based for different sized eggs.

>> No.6899462

Boil water
Put eggs in
Remove from heat
Wait 11 minutes

You're welcome

>> No.6899481

thanks lads ill have to try both methods. pray for me

>> No.6899837

pretty much like op's pic

>> No.6899871

Got a rice cooker?
Scrambled or not, it's incredibly difficult to fuck up eggs in a rice cooker.

>> No.6899911


>> No.6899927
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>scrambled eggs with cilantro

>> No.6899942

Any quick and easy ways to peel a boiled egg?

>> No.6899947

2 whites, whipped, mix in one yolk, salt, pepper, turmeric, 1tbsp water. Cook as scrambled, serve on buttered toast with hot sauce.

>> No.6899955

Fully evacuated.

>> No.6900102

This blew my tits right off.

>> No.6900147

the way you move yo' hips/
girl it makes me hypnotized

>> No.6901317

Scrambled with some onion, potato and soyrizo then rolled up with cheese into a tasty breakfast burrito.

>> No.6901502
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>> No.6901525


it's called a snook in the snatch you idiot

>> No.6901921

fried / scrambled with pepper and plenty of ketchup
for the record i think runny yolks are gross

>> No.6901927

See a doctor

>> No.6901952
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>> No.6901960

>on the morning
I wish fucking Britain would just explode off the face of the earth.

>> No.6901965


do you just assume every typo ever made is a british dialect?

>> No.6901966

Over easy on a piece of toast with a slice of onion slightly caramelized with hot sauce on top(usually sriracha)

>> No.6901991
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This is my go-to most mornings.

>> No.6901993
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>> No.6902001

Western omelet is best omelet.

>> No.6902136


>> No.6902147
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So elegant.

>> No.6902175

Whats the thing that looks like raw slice of chicken breast?

>> No.6902181


have you never seen smoked salmon in your life

come to think of it have you never seen raw chicken in your life

>> No.6902197

I thought it was raw chicken breast by appearance at first too but figured no one but the weebiest of weebs would eat that. And no I haven't seen smoked salmon but that salmon doesn't look cooked at all

>> No.6902204

>smoked salmon
>doesn't look cooked
welcome to /ck/, how's your first day going?

>> No.6902213

Pretty shit with you here tbh
Just looked up smoked salmon tho lol

>> No.6902233

where are you from? honestly I'm just curious

>> No.6902240

southern California
don't eat fish in general because it's much more expensive than land meat

>> No.6902406

You really are getting buttflustered for no reason, aren't you?

>> No.6902442

i always burn the sourdough bread

>> No.6903016

it's piss in the ocean, m8

>> No.6903051
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>> No.6903118

It's a fetus though

>> No.6903192

If you boil it the right way the shell should come off easily.

Crack shell against a plate or counter all over, and then gently remove. If you do it right there's a little membrane that will come off the egg and take the shell fragments with it.


I like my eggs "medium boiled", like a six here >>6899461

Eat it with toast, fresh veggies (tomatoes, cucumber, sweet peppers, radish or whatever else is around the house) and sometimes sliced ham and cheese.