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File: 164 KB, 400x260, Midwest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6894378 No.6894378 [Reply] [Original]

You guys know that the Midwest invented chicken fried steak, right? And American beer in general? And has Wisconsin on their side? Why all the hate?

>> No.6894386

Because it's awfully boring

>> No.6894387

Because it's a worthless region filled with worthless people? Anywhere landlocked is less than a full step up from a razed wasteland full of nuclear waste.

>> No.6894388

Because California thinks the world revolves them

>> No.6894390

Spoken like a true flyover. Also, before you accuse me of being from California (as if that's an insult) I'm not.

>> No.6894398

point proven>>6894388

The Coasts are arrogant stupid pricks who reek to high hell of pretentiousness. The Midwest is full of mostly kind people, it isn't boring, and it's one of the last places left in America where you actually have freedom from being spied on 24/7 and get to keep your guns

>> No.6894417

This is the funniest post I've ever read. Your region is garbage. So is mine, but yours is exponentially worse. Also, there's nowhere in the US it's illegal to own a gun you fucking retard.

>> No.6894424

Nope. I've never met friendlier people after I left Wisconsin. Washington is one of the nicest places I've ever been.

California can burn in hell, though. Fags.

>> No.6894431

Ding dong doe hibly dibly Min-ee-soteh dibly bibly boo

>> No.6894435

>You guys know that the Midwest invented chicken fried steak, right?
>And American beer in general?
>And has Wisconsin on their side?
>Why all the hate?
No one thinks of you enough to hate you.

You're like the quiet between tracks in a music album: though necessary and important, no one thinks of you. Ever. As such, you're entirely uninfluential.
That, more than anything else, is what it means to be 'flyover.'

>> No.6894446

lel, we didn't invent chicken fried steak

texas had a large batch of german immigrants in the 1850s and chicken fried steak almost definitely came from them.

>> No.6894450

So what about the Glide-About states? (that's what I call the popular ones.) Because you're important enough to fly in planes.

>> No.6894458

>fly in planes
>not flapping your arms

>> No.6894460

Sasuga flyovers

>> No.6894464

>not full of buttfucking liberal atheists
>not full of cousin fucking hilljacks

Sounds good to me.

>> No.6894472

Isn't it past your hospital appointed bedtime, old man?

>> No.6894473


>> No.6894481

Wow, shitting on one of the best states in the Union over something dumb. Asscuck.

>> No.6894483

Whatever, caribou fucker.

>> No.6894501

Shut it manlet.

>> No.6894505

That... That hit a little too close to home, if I'm being fair. Good call on that one, honestly.

>> No.6894513

Well I'm also a manlet and I know how bad it feels so, that's why I said it. Try it sometime, just reply to someone calling them a manlet, you get a rush after the fact for some reason.

>> No.6894514

>avocado avocado give me some water avocado
fuck california to be honest in my opinion family

>> No.6894520

Why do people care about others being nice? I mean I know it's nice but it doesn't make any difference to the quality of life. And a lot of niceness is only surface level.

>> No.6894540


lmao this thread

all your food is garbage.
1. thai
2. french
3. japanese
4. Indian
5. turkish
6. Italian
7. mexican
8. indonesian
9. korean
10. chinese
99. american "food"

>> No.6894557

You're funny. We have all of that here

>> No.6895462

Upper midwest is cool

lower midwest is basically the south

>> No.6895469

>at least we're not the south
not this shit again

>> No.6895473

Only redeemable quality is probably Chicago since people there are open minded and have decent taste in food and arts, unlike the rest of the garbage near them.

>> No.6895477

How is me saying the southern half of the Midwest is no better than the south saying what you are saying that I am saying. Little bit of a stretch

>> No.6895488

>not this shit again
Says the guy who manages to post that repeatedly in every single marginally related thread.

>> No.6895511


>You guys know that the German immigrants invented chicken fried steak, right? And American beer in general? And has Wisconsin on their side? And is just a shittier watered down version of german cuisine. Why all the hate?

>> No.6895558
File: 95 KB, 850x567, mule-deer-buck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never would I care to live in a region where people are afraid of guns and refuse to eat actual game. Have fun with your magically appearing supermarket food, coasties.

>being less capable of sustaining your own life than a small Midwestern child

>> No.6895855

Why is it usually the non-Californians that start hating on California instead of the other way around?

Why are people so obsessed with us.

>> No.6895862

You fatties survive off Wal-Mart more than anything.

>> No.6895868

>You guys know that the Midwest invented chicken fried steak, right?
Texas isnt in the Midwest

>The precise origins of the dish are unclear, but many sources attribute its development to German and Austrian immigrants to Texas in the 19th century, who brought recipes for Wiener Schnitzel from Europe to the USA.[1] Lamesa, the seat of Dawson County on the Texas South Plains, claims to be the birthplace of chicken fried steak, and hosts an annual celebration accordingly.

>> No.6895872

Well I can't speak for any other states, but I know the people up here in the northwest hate Californians because they move up to our states in fucking DROVES, and they act like assholes. They bitch and complain about how much they hated California, and then they turn around and try to make our laws just like California's laws. They are arrogant assholes, and there are a LOT of them up here.

>> No.6895879

>tfw I'm moving to the PNW
See you soon neighbor, hope you don't get priced out :3

>> No.6895942
File: 846 KB, 473x205, tq4CFLNC4FUxG[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this. Californians are fleeing Cali like it's on fucking fire and shitting up the local laws just like he said. You make traffic horrible and drive up real estate prices like nuts and cause all these terrible apartments and rent-only condos to appear. I fucking hate you stupid pricks. Fuck you.

>> No.6895955

>1. thai
I want this meme to die.

>> No.6895968
File: 891 KB, 325x252, 1407818330930.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it usually the non-Californians that start hating on California instead of the other way around?
>But just ignore the hundreds of threads that end up spawning "lol flyovers amirite?"; totally unrelated!

>> No.6896209

Ann Arbor and Iowa City are pretty nice college towns, and St. Paul is a cute little city. Everything else is unfortunate.

I'm in Vegas and California's negotiating to give us millions for some ridiculous square footage of water. We're in the middle of nowhere and our rainfall is like 2 inches a year, so I feel like we're being dragged into their problem way more than I feel comfortable with and I feel a mass exodus of the west coming, which will drive up prices back east even further. I know the drought was hard to predict, but where the hell is/was all the regulatory legislation for water bottle companies and agriculture? I feel like I'm personally setting a sequoia on fire whenever I pick up a piece of fruit from California.

I hope the taxes those businesses pay from their profits help to cover the cost of whatever massive pipeline they end up creating to take the water from high-flood-rate states (think a massive pipe from Mississippi all the way to California, it'll be nuts), but it'll probably be some paltry amount.

>> No.6896404

exactly this

also, pomegranate seeds and scotch bonnet peppers are now candies because captcha

>> No.6896407

I live in Texas and can confirm. I'm not from here, but people don't hate me as much just because I'm not from California either.

>> No.6896408 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 380x296, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American beer
>chicken fried steak
Tell me why the midwest isn't a shit hole again, anon?

>> No.6896424

disregarding food, michigan has been responsible for some really influential artists and ohio is one of the most important political areas to get votes. I live in cincy and its not terrible. I always thought midwest hating was shitposting since the midwest has too many stereotypes to just label them all as uneducated hicks or something. anyone who claims the midwest is shit either never lived here or had a bad experience in some unknown sketchy town and responsibly blamed the entire midwest based on that experience.

>> No.6896434

Some parts of Europe (thankfully not /my/ country; we nipped that in the bud right quick) have similar problems with Abu Dhabi sand moolies. They wrap their wives in carpets and drag them over to Europe because things were such shit and were on-the-whole quite unsafe in whateverthefuck sand dune they came from, then turn around and try to impose the same shit they escaped from in the EU.


If you want your durkadurka bullshit way of life, complete with your durkadurka bullshit code of conduct, why didn't you stay in your durkadurka bullshit desert? You saw what the ultimate fruits of your durkadurka bullshit is and you escaped from it but you think applying this durkadurka bullshit elsewhere will suddenly work out? It's a broken system. Abandon it. Throw it away. It doesn't work. It's destructive, your culture is destructive and you both need to go back where you came from if you refuse to accept that our cultures and ways of life are superior to yours in every way.


>> No.6896490
File: 158 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best thing to cone out of the mid west is pork tenderloin sandwiches.

>> No.6896525

wisconsin is trash, and the midwest is full of faggots

>> No.6896559

>Flyover states suck ass and have no culture!
>eats at Taco Bell

>> No.6896610

>Californians are fleeing Cali like it's on fucking fire
It is on fire.

>> No.6896616

Every state that doesn't touch the ocean is worthless and should be destroyed.

>> No.6896618

>what is the southern east coast

>> No.6896622


>> No.6896646

Is Wisconsin objectively the best Midwestern state?

>> No.6896655

>coney dogs
>drinking a beer on the lake
Why would you even think of leaving Michigan?

>> No.6896667

In the world of fine dining, is the mcdouble the best item on the mcdonalds dollar menu?

>> No.6896671

What is the beach and summer for 400

>> No.6896690

But Michigan has both of those.