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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.45 MB, 3216x2136, salad-nicoise-served.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6893377 No.6893377 [Reply] [Original]

Stop being a fat fuck and dump some healthy/low calorie recipes.

>side note, what is the best salad recipe and why is it salad Nicoise?

>> No.6893379
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dubs of truth, any asshole can make something taste good with butter, but it takes a real artist to make whole unprocessed food delicious.

>greek salad number 2 best salad.

>> No.6893386



>> No.6893396
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>healthy/low calorie recipes, anything goes.

/fit/ wonders, do you guys have any suggestions to make chicken, broccoli and rice better?

>> No.6893397
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>30% Carrots
>60% Quinoa
>10% Raisins (plump them is recommended)
>Olive oil or whatever roasting oil

Cook your quinoa, while that happens do the following step.

Chop carrots, douse in your roasting Oil and sprinkle with cumin and minced garlic. Roast until tender

Chuck seasoned roasted carrots into quinoa, along with plumped raisins.. flavoursome, nutritious and filling.

>> No.6893401

sounds sweet and salty.

>> No.6893403

Salt, cheese sauce, honey soy

>> No.6893409

Maple and bacon, honey and soy, chicken and mango..


Shave some raw red cabbage, make a basic vinegarette for it and roast some walnuts in the oven doused in honey.
I think a lot of salads do nice with an odd sweet element, these sweet/sour/savory recipes just inspired me lately.

Serve that with a more substantial thing, maybe some steak or something.

>> No.6893412
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Oh, add a few flakes of parmasen to that too.

>> No.6893443
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ill dump a few tbh smh jdisma fam tbqh(to be quite honest) lit af atm hg

>> No.6893444

lucky you

>> No.6893446
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i cant think of anymore shit acronyms to shitpost with, so yeh

>> No.6893447

Cooked rice is about 200 calories per cup (150g).
Raw broccoli is under 40 calories per 100g. That's about a cup.
Raw chicken breasticles is about 100 calories per 100g.

That's around 350 calories for lunch if you steam or boil your food. Add a flavourful, low-cal sauce, such as kattasambol, which is chillie and garlic pounded into a paste with salt then lime juice, smoked fish flakes (bonito flakes/katsuobushi, though Sri Lankan "Maldives" fish flakes are traditional) or smoked seaweed flakes and a pinch of sugar mixed in.
That'd raise the amount of calories to about 400.
If you do this, I recommend making sticky rice instead of long grain and roll the rice into several palmable balls rather than as a glop on a plate. That way, you can grab a rice ball, flatten it, put chicken, broccoli and kattasambol on it, then close it up and eat. Basically, Sri Lankan jelly donuts.

>> No.6893448
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>> No.6893450
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b-beer fits my macros, im sure, just another 7...it wont hurt..

>> No.6893454
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Sing to me Rod Stewart you glorious bastard

>> No.6893457

Fry the rice and broccoli with onion, carrot and/or peppers, and use a good combination of spices. Curry powder will do the job too.
Add in apple or pineapple if you want it extra juicy.
Throw in the chicken in the end to achieve the desired amount of doneness.
Use thighs instead of breasts.

>> No.6893458
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is anyone lurking?

>> No.6893462
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>> No.6893463

That's not /fit/. You're dumb and I hate you.

>> No.6893465

I am thank you anon youre awesome everyone likes you

>> No.6893466

When I was cutting weight, most of my carbs came from sweet potatoes. Obviously there are much better ways of cooking them, but microwaving them is actually a decent option. I would just zap them for around 3 minutes per side, cut them in half, salt and pepper them, then add low-fat cream cheese or sour cream with a pinch of mustard and chives.

For chicken, I actually can't get tired of just salt and pepper.

>> No.6893470

that sounds amazing ty

>> No.6893471

Those sound terrible. Almost as if the recipies are designed only with high brotein in mind, without paying mind to any other nutrients or even taste.

>> No.6893472
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pet my ego more please

>> No.6893473
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>> No.6893475


Frying once in a while won't do jack shit to your health fam. The problem is when your breakfast, lunch and dinner comes from deep-fried coke. I'll concede that when you need to go low on the fat macro frying is probably not the best idea.

>> No.6893479
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Only two left after this one, thought i saved a lot more. I was wrong

>> No.6893480

how about baking the rice with a table spoon of good olive oil>? Has anyone tried this? you could bake the chicken with it to get the fat in that there rice, and dry heat on veges is always amazing.

>> No.6893483
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>> No.6893485


The bulking one is not a problem. If you're bulking, you have to try really hard to be deficient in nutrients (since you're eating a lot).

What is the problem with the fisherman's eggs or the beans, rice, broccoli, chicken?

>> No.6893486

ditch the mayo and sour cream for greek yogurt and you got a recipe.

>> No.6893487

You can boil it too if you're that buttflustered about a spoonful of vegetable oil.

>> No.6893488


You actually don't need oil to cook rice. You can cook it in water and salt only, or infuse it with something like cardamom.

>> No.6893490

thats how you make gains anon, oil is very easy to overconsume. a tablespoon is ok though

>> No.6893493

>the flour was to thicken it a bit
Why not just smash the lentils against the side of the bowl? It'll achieve great thickening too.

>> No.6893501
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>> No.6893504

It just seems like a terrible idea in every conceivable way to just throw some ingredients together and store them in separate containers for later microwaving. It's sad, stupid, inefficient, not good tasting and could be done much better much easier.
The fisherman's eggs seem like mixing protein with more protein and calling that a dish. I also don't see how letting something rest five minutes after it's alrady been in the oven would get rid of any salmonella.

>> No.6893507

If even that is too much - cooking rice mixed with vegetables vastly improves its flavor and texture. I guess that was my centrail point.

>> No.6893508

i literally come to /ck/ once every three months and i eat oats, or rice and chicken like 3/4 of my meals

i can't answer any questions about the recipies i saved or whatever

>> No.6893510

I'm just trying to help. Exchange experiences, as it should be done on a cooking board.

>> No.6893512
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> someones being nice near and cooperative near me

>> No.6893517
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Accept it, anon. I know you want it too.

>> No.6893522
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f-fuggen poofta seppos

>> No.6893525


Storing it that way (called 'meal prep' in the fitness world) is actually a good idea for those that have a busy schedule. I've tried meal prep once, and the taste is not as good as a recently cooked meal, but its decent, and it achieves its purpose, which is saving time and portability. It allows you to control your nutrition instead of depending on your college/workplace cafeteria or on what your colleagues/coworkers order.

>> No.6893530

Yeah I get that, but why not just cook a large batch of a meal and then take one portion to work with you each day in a single tupperware box?
That way you don't use up several cubic meters of fridge space and you don't have to clean 30 bowls in the end, but just two.

>> No.6893538

>salad will make me finally Be Healthy
This is what clueless people actually believe

I like salads for the taste but considering most of them are at least 50% raw vegetables, they're not my first choice for feeding my body. Cooking things helps you absorb the nutrients better

Go back to raging about your fellow coronary victims you found in the tumbeler, an actual fit person is here to clear up facts

>> No.6893540


Not a bad idea unless you store it in the freezer. Otherwise, separating frozen food is hard.

>> No.6893555

In that case, saving space is even more important. I'd seal it individually in plasitc bags.

>> No.6893557

I hate the idea of 'macro friendly foods' --- It's always talked about by women, as if they need to eat tons of protein in the first place. They need what? 2 protein shakes and 100-200 grams of some kind of meat and they're basically done with protein. Then can enjoy almost everything else.

Half these meals are shit as well, how can you sit there and pretend that half of it tastes good? You want to cut and look good.

- Follow macros.
- Learn to cook good meals. Slow cooked chicken meals with lots of vegetables in some kind of broth will serve you well. Slow cooked meats, vegetables, and fruits as well.
- Eat a little bit of junk food (like restrict it to 10% of your daily calories.)

You want to bulk? Gallon of milk a day

>> No.6893560
File: 298 KB, 853x1280, jennifer-lawrence-photos-leaked-by-hacker-with-more-to-come.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>healthy and low cal recipes
the salad stuff was just to get the thread started ya dingus

>> No.6893561

>vegetables are icky
Ok /fit/
Also specifically cutting is for the stupid. Just push yourself harder and you'll burn more than you can reasonably eat, as long as you're eating real food and not stuffing your face with moon pies washed down with diet coke

>> No.6893571

it is super simple to eat too much, food is everywhere, and diet is everything.

>> No.6893574

>a tablespoon is okay
>frying isn't that bad
A tablespoon of oil has over three times the calories as a cup of broccoli. Mull that over a minute.

There's a dish where par-cooked rice is layered with chopped, cooked meat and/or sliced boiled egg and various veg before being topped off with curry sauce and baked to finish.
A homemade curry sauce can have as few as 220 calories per cup and you'd only need about a half-to-two-thirds of a cup of it per serving for that rice dish. That means that a cup of rice, 100g of chicken breast and a cup of mixed veg baked with curry sauce would have about... 500-550 calories prepared that way.

>> No.6893580


What are you implying with the broccoli-oil thing?

>> No.6893595

Technically, but if you only eat nutrient dense food you're going to have a hard time overeating especially if you're burning calories like crazy. And even if you happen to inhale an entire loaf of bread instead of meat and cooked vegetables before going to bed, your body will let you know you the next day when you're going all out and your muscles refuse to cooperate.

Training is everything. The food follows naturally from there. Listen to your body, it won't lead you astray.

>> No.6893596

Which isn't that hard, considering fat is the most calorie-dense macro and broccoli has close to no calories at all.
You can burn the energy you get from a spoon of oil by dancing two steps through your kitchen. Or by taking a good crap.

>> No.6893619

>A tablespoon of oil has over three times the calories as a cup of broccoli.
And you only need to use a fraction of that much most of the time; most people use much more oil than they actually need because they never learned better.

>> No.6893666

>burning calories from a spoon of oil is easy!!
A tablespoon of oil has over 130 calories. It takes 20 minutes of cycling to burn 100 calories.

Depending on the dish, that's true. To speak plainly, I don't worry about oil in my food because my portions are seldom large enough to matter how much oil I use in the dish.

I eat well, too. I'm not going to go in depth what I'm planning to eat today (unless you wanna know), but my diet is varied, nutritious and generally low-cal, despite my use of fats and oils and carbs. I just eat sensible portions.

I'm not implying anything. I'm stating plainly that a tablespoon of oil has over three times the calories as a cup of broccoli. By stir-frying a cup of most veg in 1tbsp of oil, you're quadrupling its caloric content. Use a teaspoon. That will only double the amount.

>> No.6893672

Sous vide that chicken breast,

Sear it, sous it with some lemon, thyme, garlic, and some stock.

Broccoli, Make it into a soup, Boil it with stock and blend it.

Rice, Soy sauce? idgaf

>> No.6895000

>I also don't see how letting something rest five minutes after it's alrady been in the oven would get rid of any salmonella.
I second that.

If the eggs are younger than 10 days(!) and unwashed (!), Salmonella sits only on the outside.

Try not to drop eggshells in.

If you hit an internal temperature of 165°F (73°C) it should be fine.

>> No.6895037

holy shit

>> No.6895125

Fry as much as you like. Fat isn't any worse for you than carbs, and it's far more satiating per calorie.

>> No.6895186

4 Bean Salad:

>4 cans of any beans you like (or 2 cups each of any fresh cooked beans or dried cooked beans you like) I usually use green beans, lima beans, cannelini or pinto beans, and chickpeas.
>3 ribs celery, finely chopped
>one small or half a large red onion, finely chopped
>1 red bell pepper, finely chopped
>1/2 cup minced parsley
>1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
>1/4 cup (or less to taste) good olive oil
>salt and pepper to taste
>hot sauce to taste
>1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
>juice and zest of one lemon

Combine everything but the beans in a large mixing bowl, and then add the beans. Toss gently to mix and coat the beans, then refrigerate overnight.
Serve on a bed of green with some tomato and avocado slices, or you could even add some grilled chicken, steak, boiled egg, or tofu on top if you like.
Cheap, easy, and tasty as fuck.

>> No.6895190


>> No.6896425

/Dry/ carbs have four calories per gram. Fat has over double the calories per gram at nine.

As very few carbs are dry (such as table sugar and flour), fat has closer to three-to-four times the calories per gram of most carb-heavy, starchy foods. For example, 75g of dry pasta has about 300 calories. Once cooked, the pasta swells to about double its dry weight, so 150g of cooked pasta only has 300 calories. A simple dish of spaghetti cooked from 75g of dry pasta dressed with garlic fried in 1tbsp of olive oil has about 440 calories, a third of which come from fat.

So no: saying fat and carbs are each no worse than the other is just wrong and stupid. That makes you wrong and stupif. You are wrong and stupid. Also a fucking moron and I hate you.

>> No.6896462

>That's around 350 calories for lunch if you steam or boil your food

And it's more calories when you fry it without oil?

>> No.6896464

>gerund-form verb
>cooking food in hot fat or oil
Ergo, it, by definition, includes fat/oil. Or were you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.6896465


Fair enough.
"Put it in a hot pan" then.

>> No.6896475

The amount of time it takes to cook chicken breast on a directly hot surface would burn it and/or dry it out if you don't use fat/oil or water. The amount of time it takes to cook broccoli that way would turn it into crispy, and not in a good way, unbroccoli.

If you want to cook without fat or water, don't use a cooking method that implements heat as direct and dry as pan-cooking does. Grill/broil, barbecue/grill/fire-roast or bake/roast instead, though the best way to go is moist heat rather than dry, direct heat, especially pan-cooking or barbecuing/grilling..

Broccoli crisps/chips can be made by using a veg peeler and shaving bits of it then crisping the bits in the oven. Without oil, it's not great, but far from bad. Again: moist heat (steaming/boiling/poaching/simmering) is best here, too.

Remember: a tablespoon of fat has about as many calories as 100g/a quarter pound of chicken breast does, so you'd be doubling the caloric content of the meal by sautéing or stir-frying it.

>> No.6896488

Portion control is the biggest reason. Taking pieces of a large meal may give you inconsistent calories, protein etc. And if you are trying to lose weight and already have problems with over eating, its not hard to convince yourself to grab an extra spoonful or two when you are taking a portion. Its minor, but learning what a portion is initially will help form good habits, which is the only true way to lose weight and keep it off.

>> No.6896489

>i literally come to /ck/
Normal porn not doing it for you any more?

>> No.6896801

Letting it rest is because it's hot and still cooking. That's why you take it out of the oven when the white is still slightly undercooked.
Idk why the poster talks about salmonella. A stupid /fit/tizen, for a change.

Unwashed/washed eggs : in Yurop, they are unwashed (and not refrigerated). In the US, they are washed, unless you find specifically unwashed eggs (not in regular supermarkets).
Somehow, salmonella is less scary in Yurop...