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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6893157 No.6893157 [Reply] [Original]

>gf tells me she wants to cook for me
>wants to do pasta,cant be hard to fuck up right ?
>puts salt in the water and brings it to boil so far so good
>puts in farfalle
>runs out
>puts in some penne
>penne and farfalle have different cooking times and texture which ruins the dish
>tell her she cant cook
>asks me why
>tell her why
>tells me to get over it

fucking women who ever invented the women belong in the kitchen meme

>> No.6893168

Damn that's wifey material you have here

>> No.6893174

>gf wants to show she appreciates you
>sperge out and criticize her cullinary skills when she just wants to show she loves you.
I don't care how bad she fucked up you could've gotten laid that night.
You're retarded OP

>> No.6893181

>friend's 3 yo daughter wants to color a picture for me
>bitch can't even color in the lines

>> No.6893201

>Eating women's cooking
Enjoy eating period blood

>> No.6893214

Getting laid was never the issue.. jesus go hire a prostitute.

>> No.6893223

lol if you have a gf ur getting laid most nights, virgin

>> No.6893224


Sounds like she owned you. Next time tell her she's a good for nothing and teach her how to cook.

>> No.6893228
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Bitches love when you criticize and tell them they don't measure up to certain expectations. Makes them insecure and want to try harder.

>> No.6893263

Fucking autism

>> No.6893272

>penne and farfalle have different cooking times and texture which ruins the dish

The structure of that line impressed me, but you just haven't gotten enough of the right kind of response for me to give you better than a 4/10.

>> No.6893275
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>> No.6893282

You should just teach her how to cook.

But I agree the "women belong in the kitchen" thing is retarded. That's something I agree with feminist, even if for opposite reasons.

>> No.6893285

Pretty much applies to people in general

>> No.6893302

> Women stop learning how to cook because muh feminism
> I learn how to cook well in order to eat well
> Women think it's so romantic when I cook for them
> I just can't trust their dumb ass in the kitchen

I swear to god, the moment sex robots get invented...

>> No.6893564

My wife is a bad cook but an awesome baker. I taught myself to cook on nothing but a stove out of necessity, she learned to bake from her mom and grandma. It's a good match.

>> No.6893597
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>decide I want to cook for my boyfriend, maybe if I make him some actual food he'll stop eating chicken tenders for literally every meal
>no time to make anything complex because I just got home from work, Anon sat playing video games all day as usual
>decide to make pasta
>start boiling water, throw in farfalle but there isn't enough for Anon's gargantuan appetite
>eh fuck it, I'll just use this penne too, it's all pasta anyway and I'm tired
>serve dinner
>"Uh-- uh---- I----"
>What Anon spit it out
>"The --- the texture isn't--- uh---"
>Look Anon, I just got home from an 8 hour work day, just shut up and eat your pasta. When the hell are you going to get a job anyway?
>"Y-yes dear"
>mfw he runs back to his computer right after dinner to tell his gay internet friends some "green arrow story" or something

>> No.6893603
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>> No.6893608

Wow only 8 hours must be nice

>> No.6893611


It's pretty great not being a wagecuck, yeah absolutely

>> No.6893614

At least I make more than those on salary because I'm paid for when I'm here

>> No.6893617

That's pretty much me and my gf, minus the bitching online.

>> No.6893626


I bet you even go in before noon on Fridays

>> No.6893636
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That's sad regards, sadfrog

>> No.6893643

Well, I work nights, so my week is done Friday morning.

>> No.6893644


This is such a shit meme, why does it keep getting used?

>> No.6893652

>gf offers to cook for me
>never seasons properly
>doesn't understand why her food doesn't taste good
>won't take advice


>> No.6893655

>Making gyros
>"Hon, can you pick me up some plain Greek yogurt"
>"Sure thing"
>Enjoy your vanilla lamb.... Slut.

>> No.6893657
File: 2.97 MB, 4288x2848, 5811483337_02ba35e182_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are the best works of comedic fiction I've ever seen.

>> No.6893659


Nice try OP

>> No.6893660


I'm not the OP, but it's still a shit meme.

>> No.6893663

>Not op
Still a faggot tho.