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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 743x1000, 150917-doritos-rainbow-frito-lay-mn-1320_a67708be5e49bcbe33bc5f5f01010fd5_nbcnews-ux-2880-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6892830 No.6892830 [Reply] [Original]

Have you tried them yet, kek?

>> No.6892843
File: 97 KB, 344x512, doritos-fiery-habanero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone miss these Doritos? They had a great balance of heat and that unhealthy Dorito flavor

Apparently, too many white people found it too hot

>> No.6892855
File: 168 KB, 336x500, doritos-late-night-jalapeno-popper-47277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss these

>> No.6892856


You have to fucking donate to get these.

>> No.6892860

Once upon a time I said hell no to purple and green ketchup. I will sure as shit be saying that to these

>> No.6892865

Riveting tale, old bean.

>> No.6892870
File: 38 KB, 386x500, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a discontinued Doritos thread.

I loved these.

>> No.6892872

donate to wat/whom
i really want these

>> No.6892876

Fuck yes these were awesome. Maybe now that spice is a food meme they'll bring it back.

>> No.6892882

They are officially 20% cooler (ranch).

>> No.6892890
File: 19 KB, 208x210, 1388255897762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never buying doritos again tbh.

>> No.6892891

Real and gay.

>> No.6892892

That's right. White people have the final say on everything, better get used to it fuck face

>> No.6892894

Who remembers the taco doritos that actually tasted like fucking tacos? Lettuce and everything.

>> No.6892897

Your tastebuds sound absolutely ravaged.

>> No.6892913

i post this bag every chance i get to on this board. I miss them so much!

>> No.6892921

>Premade fake cheese bullshit
>Now with inexpensive artificial colored irritants and toxicant.

Fuck off and die, satan.

>> No.6892924


>> No.6892931
File: 84 KB, 390x312, doritos-x-13d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who remember?

>> No.6892932

Not me. What be the dealio wif deese sumbitches?

>> No.6892933


>> No.6892934
File: 10 KB, 200x200, tmp_29415-doritos-ds-corn-snacks-30501-1838360044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6892938

they tasted like a cheeseburger. were great

>> No.6892950
File: 31 KB, 443x254, 1353368519690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd they stop making them?

>> No.6893039


DUDE remember the hamburger chips?

They did not taste like hamburgers but they tasted like pickles which is even better.

Oh man...

>> No.6893046


some literal fag charity no doubt

>> No.6893048


More like a suicide prevention organization you sad, cynical person.

>> No.6893049

It's so sad to see a strong brand get all gimmicky and shit. Just continue making a good product and occasionally come out with some new fucking flavors.

>> No.6893052


Pretty good. I laughed.

>> No.6893054

Surely not, and don't call me kek.

>> No.6893057


Don't call me surely haha

>> No.6893068

What would rainbow even taste like?

>> No.6893070

No idea
They were my favorite chip as a kid

>> No.6893071

Salty milk and coins.

>> No.6893081
File: 221 KB, 334x483, jacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these exist, go get them while they're hot.

>> No.6893087

>black pepper jack

>> No.6893090



>> No.6893116

They're very spicy

>> No.6893219

I got some taco flavored doritos yesterday, The bag looks old as fuck but they taste good. The copyright date on them is 'doritos 2010' rofl so I dunno if they are from way back then and still ok to eat or not but wtvs, Giant selling them so bought em.

>> No.6893227

There has never been a "hot" dorito chip. Shit is for plebs.

>> No.6893259 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 400x400, 1434934570263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6893267

>2 week shipping

Damn, I feel bad for the dumb faggots that fall for this.

>> No.6893277

Why are people always trying to push the gay agenda.

>> No.6893279


fuck off, randy

>> No.6893281

nigga what? there have been several varieties of hot doritos as well as the new roulette ones which i only saw for like 2 weeks.

>> No.6893327

'oh no trannies are killing themselves'

because they are literally insane

who gives a shit

>> No.6893369

I don't understand what this flavor is trying to portray

>> No.6893371

Spice has always been a "food meme"

It's not going to be hot either way so who gives a fuck? You'll get 10x more spice just chewing on a basic jalepeno than you would a handful of doritos.

>> No.6893429
File: 56 KB, 520x671, quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6893439


Came here to post this. Tasted like a McDonalds burger which blew my mind at the time.

>> No.6893440


wish i could just try one

also this out of morbid curiosity >>6893429

>> No.6893445

If gay had a flavor, this would be it. The taste of sweaty, salty balls and precum.

>> No.6893468

Here. You need to donate 10 dollars. https://secure.itgetsbetter.org/page/-/doritos/doritosrainbows.html

>> No.6893484

theyre gone now

i just want to know the flavour

>> No.6893489

Apparently it just tastes like original nacho cheese

>> No.6893492


>> No.6893496

Take some spray cheese and poke a hole into these and fill it.

>> No.6893497

Why do people call pepper "spice" it's so annoying.

>> No.6893503

Frig off Randy!

>> No.6893640


>> No.6893642
File: 24 KB, 400x300, thumbnail_1992608045960713568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gay as fuck and that shit looks wholly disgusting.
Can't fucking stand cheese dust.

>> No.6893783

People besides lgbtqs kill themselves. You don't see them getting doritos.

I'm all for people fucking whoever they want, but this shit is straight up over representative. Dan Savage (guy behind it gets better) is a massive bitch who tries so hard to come off as accepting but instead alienates all those who don't want sex and sexuality to be their main purpose in life.

Taking sexuality and sex WAY too seriously is what caused repression and bigotry in the first place. Getting too wrapped up in your shit is what causes emotional issues often times (I'm a trauma survivor if you must know). People who get over anxiety disorders and depression without medical aid or through cognitive brain therapy will tell you that you need to learn to stop letting this affect your emotions so much.

Not pay 10 bucks for some fucking rainbow doritos. This is a company PR thing, and only that.

>> No.6893815
File: 47 KB, 600x413, spongebob-pretty-patties-elite-daily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894110

Are we in another 90s with food brands releasing tons of gimmicky limited edition flavors?

>> No.6894138

Pos loads and leather

>> No.6894148

You sound like a fucking wanker

>> No.6894151

Praise the lord.

>> No.6894166

The only doritos i voluntarily bought. Rip in peace, friend.

>> No.6894202

You sound like greasy garbage slime from the bottom of the can.

You going to say anything that actually takes more than a moments thought? Or is effort your enemy.

You're entitled to suck cocks, I'm entitled to shit on Dan Savage.

>> No.6894207

God damnit I miss these so much.

Wash them down with Surge

> I never asked for these feels

>> No.6894210

>4chan posts
Oh golly.

>> No.6894228

the X-13D ones are from years ago, but yeah I suppose that's fairly accurate

>> No.6894252

pig disgusting

i'll take 5 pounds please

>> No.6894259

lol you got blown the fuck out

>> No.6894268

lol same. I've been looking at the bag for a good 5 minutes now and I still don't get it. Is it like, you're suppose to be the last customer who just got to the restaurant in time?

>> No.6894382

They're shit compared to the old Jalapeno Cheddar 3Ds

>> No.6894439
File: 64 KB, 625x600, 1423542006851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw somebody actually says something sensible on our polenisian woodcarving bulletin board

>> No.6894451
File: 526 KB, 1000x1570, 1436838966244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6894459

What's that from?

>> No.6894488
File: 38 KB, 640x434, 1442195918576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is exploiting gays to get money for pesi co its fucking disgusting

>> No.6894494

In that same vein, do you feel that people/children might suffer less long-term trauma if sex wasn't treated as such a taboo subject by society?

>> No.6894516
File: 35 KB, 540x304, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are black peppercorns by category

>> No.6894547

Not him but that's somethign a drawfag on /jp/ made for their monstergirls therad pretty sure

>> No.6894565

The quote is from full metal jacket though.

>> No.6894582
File: 184 KB, 1000x1000, -5167-CHEX-CHIPS-CHEDDAR-JALAPENO-6ct-1.50oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These taste very, very similar to them.

>> No.6894681


>> No.6894779

These are in Canada still, mixed in with guacamole in a limited edition bag. Had some yesterday. So fucking good.

>> No.6894888

I like to cum on them before eating so I can get the full experience.

>> No.6894908

Remember how these used to come in the cool plastic tubes that you could use for other stuff later?

>> No.6894963

Wow, those look awesome.

The best Doritos are Sweet Chili, but I think I'm going to boycott them for awhile for promoting faggotry and AIDS.

>> No.6895158

>posts shitskin faggot

They're the dregs of society

>> No.6895596


Is that purple? Purple is my favourite colour.

>> No.6895697


>> No.6895702

Crank the autism up lads, time to sperg out with the fucking captain himself

>> No.6895704


>> No.6895707

Back to reddit nigger.

>> No.6896001
File: 245 KB, 334x483, doritos-dinamita-fiery-habanero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still have these. They are in a different shape. Same delicious powder.

>> No.6896007
File: 76 KB, 600x450, doritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow they look like shit irl

>> No.6896050


>> No.6896120

I felt like throwing up after eating those. They were really disgusting but I wasn't haunted by familiarity so I ended up having multiple to try to parse out the flavor. Possibly vomit? It was terrible.

>> No.6896165

(to preface, this is an American perspective of the situation)
It's over representative in the face of wide-spread public revulsion and discrimination. Until the last handful of years they've been more or less completely sidelined for anything but jokes or open hatred, and it's not a "sex obsession" thing as much as a "I'd like to not be openly disdained for having a romantic partner and going out in public with them" thing. Facing constant disdain/disowning/violence from family, friends, employers, people on the street, government representatives, etc. in day to day life isn't a single trauma that one has to get over but a series of fresh emotional wounds that gradually wear away at a person.

Claiming it's a personal emotional issue completely ignores the current setup of our society, especially since you seem to be saying that gay people are somehow more sex obsessed than straight people and that's why straight people are bigots toward them, but logically if they're sex-obsessed it's because of openly defying repression caused by bigotry? I don't see any sense in that line of thought.

I'll grant you that Doritos is exploiting the situation for a profit but that's literally any company that runs purchase-based charity campaigns. And you can shit on Dan Savage, but not because he tries to prevent children from killing themselves, he's just kind of a tool. The point of the "it gets better" campaign is pretty shitty anyway. Trying to fix bullying problems by saying "eh, just fuckin' deal with it, not like your school will do anything. enjoy the next 4-7 years of suffering" is putting a Band-Aid on a dam break.

>> No.6896167

because of course they do

>> No.6896726

This is America, where you'll be shat on for being overly affectionate in public no matter what you look like. There are isolated instances of people hating on biracial couples. People will hate what they want to hate on the Internet and in small towns/isolated communities. Bigotry is mostly not accepted and you'll be singled out as an asshole in larger more densely populated environments.

I live in Chicago where I'll commonly see a transsexual or cross dresser walking about along with the standard hand holding gay couple. It's the norm.

I was talking about Dan Savage with the sexual stuff. I listened to his podcast for years and supported him for a most of them. I wanted to get comfortable and informed with it all.

After a while I couldn't take him and how far he was up his own self important ass. Gay people are just like everyone else in that there are those who don't make a big deal out of it because it really doesn't matter, and those who change the way they speak, dress, and act to fit into a perceived community. Just like anyone else in any other kind of community.

Dan Savage shits on the ones who don't change themselves in order to represent the community at all times. He shits on the emotionally stable who just happen to be gay.

Ex. Someone with a punk style and tattoos but isn't a raging alcoholic or gutter punk druggy. They're both perfectly valid life styles in a free country, but one obviously has their shit together.

And yes, it is a good comparison. There's a whole community of gay drug addicts into hard core shit like like meth. Listened to a great story about that life style recently. They're people just like anyone else, but to Dan Savage they don't exist and aren't a part of the gay community, even though they are by his logic (everyone who identifies as gay is, except the ones he doesn't like. )

Ever heard of poppers? Taking a drug just to get more horny and quickly fit more things into asses? That's ignored by him too.

>> No.6896739

>This is America, where you'll be shat on for being overly affectionate in public no matter what you look like.
This is completely false, unless you mean homosexual displays of affection which are rightly frowned upon.

But most disturbingly, heterosexual same-race couples get away with murder, they can literally be 69ing in the middle of a crowded restaurant and if you have an issue with that, you're a lonely prevert that should mind his own business, who even let the single in here anyway?

The arabs have the right idea, flog the female for being a whore and charge her with adultery unless at least two respected male members of the community swear that it was rape.

I'm sorry to rant, and I'm pretty much disinterested in the internal politics of your alternate lifestyle community, but it's rather strange that vulgar obscenity is tolerated, but only in specific cases.

>> No.6896742

I have to agree (I think). I don't care if you're gay, straight, interracial or what; you're being obnoxious shitbags and kill yourselves.

>> No.6896776

It is true. Kissing in public? You'll get people looking at you. I don't know where you live but outside of bars and clubs you can't do that shit unless you want people feeling awkward. I've never seen the behavior you describe outside of clubs,and then gay people do it too. There's also a shit ton of gay clubs with blow jobs happening in the bathroom. Awkward to walk in on for sure.

I'm not gay btw. It's just hard not to be exposed to homosexuals in Chicago, like any other major city.

Your argument is really weird and extreme, but your last statement is totally correct in that even straight couples have to be careful where they express themselves.

But yeah I'm fighting a hangover. It's nice to have a platform to discuss this and get some more nuanced opinions.

>> No.6896836
File: 32 KB, 500x432, you keep using that word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heterosexual same-race couples get away with murder, they can literally be 69ing in the middle of a crowded restaurant
>literally be 69ing

>> No.6896876


nigger they aren't asking the people affected to pay 10 bucks they're asking you to do it for them. you are a fucking retard. this isn't taking sexuality way too seriously it's taking bullying seriously.

>> No.6896882

Gay Doritos?

>> No.6896904

>how to find a pedophile, example one

>> No.6896921


nah, he's fine


>> No.6898319

Fuckin shit these were good

>> No.6898491
File: 36 KB, 407x391, 1442677820066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually eating industrial waste

>> No.6898536

We already have words that can be used to add emphasis. There's no replacement for literally. Don't encourage its death anon.

>> No.6898583

white boy who misses them so much here

>> No.6898891

I just saw Surge for sale at Wal Mart yesterday. $1 a can.

I bought cans, and I can freely admit that it was an alright purchase.

>> No.6898978

bugger off, randy

>> No.6899008

You know what we need?
>Doritos: Overly mentholated
You just know for a fact stoners would turn it into the best selling product they have.

>> No.6899009


Doritos Rainbows: Frito-Lay Releases Rainbow-Colored Chips to Support LGBT Campaign

>> No.6899015


>> No.6899171

Who woulda thunk

>> No.6899679
File: 62 KB, 226x263, 1439763059621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to eat black pepper doritos again. Why is that such a hard request?

>> No.6899696


No and I'm not going to eat AIDS-flavored chips.

>> No.6900398

tastes like my little pony