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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6891571 No.6891571 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6891573
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>> No.6891582
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>> No.6891588
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>> No.6891596
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>> No.6891598

damn this looks really good

>> No.6891601
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>> No.6891605
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>> No.6891606

hmm didnt like the patty too much. onions look good.

special sauce ftw

continue you horrendous lgbt

>> No.6891607


>> No.6891608


>> No.6891611

I hate round baseball burgers. Do it over

>> No.6891612

looks alright but too many onions holy shit

gonna taste like beef and onion

>> No.6891613
File: 538 KB, 2448x3264, IMG_2194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c'est fin

wa la

bone appetite

>> No.6891615

>No cheese

>> No.6891623

no tomatoe. this is why the pope will accept gays and islam

>> No.6891626


>tfw dad actually did leave me

i didn't have any cheese

>> No.6891635

looks great

i like thinner patties tho i got a tiny mouth

>> No.6891640

This thread made me catch communism.

>> No.6891652

I bought some kangaroo burgers today. Can anyone suggest any good toppings that'd work?

>> No.6891655


srs tho, maybe hot mustard

>> No.6891657

barbie shrimp

>> No.6891662



>> No.6891665

not my idea of toppings but thank your for non-shitposting oc op

>> No.6891667


Dingo Butter

>> No.6891668

Haha I'll stick it on my shopping list

>> No.6891747

>never tasted a caramelized onion

>> No.6891756

What's the green shit, salad? If so, then great idea.

>> No.6891767


real talk it's hard to say without knowing how the burger is made. can you read the label and tell us the fat content? in general the lean meat is quite funky and it goes well with sweet, sour and bitter flavours. mushroom ketchup and rocket, lime pickle and coriander, dried tomatoes and basil, stuff like that.

>> No.6891784

Thanks for the tips anon. A few pickles would go down a treat actually.

>> No.6891786

I don't want Bruce's relish on my burger.

>> No.6891799

there was no tomato on this burger, it upset me more than I expected.

>> No.6891802

>no cheese
>paper thin pickle slices
>wrong kind of greens
5/10 cause i like the bread to meat ratio

>> No.6891814


thar was more pickle in the sauce m8. what's the right kind of greens?

>> No.6891828

iceberg brah, thats the freshest greens

>> No.6891854

>already ate
>mouth watering anyway

fuck you, OP

>> No.6891882

>see thru pickles

>> No.6891892


What's the point of making a burger this tall? How the fuck are you supposed to eat it? Do you guys have anaconda-like jaws or something? Why not just have the same mass of burger but flattened?

>> No.6891903

Thread ruined. You were so close.

>> No.6892109


>> No.6892247


it's not that tall you bellend and it's plainly compressible. it fit comfortably in my average sized mouth.

>> No.6892321
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>> No.6892324

>mfw it actually looks more delicious now

>> No.6892327
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Hi where are the burger?

>> No.6892328
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way too tall

Pub-style burgers always have this pitfall.

I like the greens even if they're unusual.

Tone everything down by 25% and I think you'd have a great looking sandwich

IMO of course

>> No.6893506


that's what she said lol

>> No.6893526



>> No.6893556

I don't mind tall pub-style burgers. You press them down and a bunch of shit falls out of the sides but after you eat it you have like a burger-salad that you can eat with your fork.

>> No.6893589

Sauce on bun makes bun soggy

Onions need a bit more heat. Fried onions and mushrooms are overrated anyway, as they offer little in terms of taste. It's only the flavor of the charcoal that's nice.

Thinly sliced dill pickles - absolutely terrible. The main point is to give your burger some crunch.

Too much lettuce and not on the base of the burger. It should also NOT be shredded. The point of lettuce is to stop the bun from going soggy and also to give crunch.

Patty is too thick, and should be slightly wider. It also looks like it's either been dipped in honey or has been swimming in oil. I don't see any chopped onion bits in the patty either, which is a disappointment.

Your sauce might be okay, but plain ol' tomato sauce and American mustard is best, despite what any pompous smartass says. The sauce should be in the middle of the burger, preferably between two hot and solid ingredients, such as the patty and bacon - this cools the high temperature and the sauce is less likely to make the bun soggy.

>> No.6893615


all of your opinions

ALL of them

are wrong

>> No.6893633

this. it looked good up until this part

>> No.6893637

I can tell form your post and taste in burgers that
A) you are nto a burger
B) therefore you have no relevance and
C) youre a prissy lil-non-burger European

enjoy your whole in the wall bagged bun cheeseless burger, ya swine

>> No.6893645

Not bad, but it needs tomatoes and some cheese.

>> No.6893656


>sauce on bun makes bun soggy

lol no

what is a gel

even lettuce is more likely to do this

>Onions need a bit more heat


>Fried onions and mushrooms are overrated anyway, as they offer little in terms of taste.

is it opposite day

>Too much lettuce and not on the base of the burger.

putting lettuce on the base is unbelievably retarded, do you want your tongue to have to fight through a clod of lettuce to get to the burger, no

>It should also NOT be shredded


>The point of lettuce is to stop the bun from going soggy

it doesn't do that

>Patty is too thick


> It also looks like it's either been dipped in honey or has been swimming in oil

it was patted dry after frying, what you're seeing is a fucking moist piece of meat

>I don't see any chopped onion bits in the patty either

because your fine dice game is weak

>Your sauce might be okay, but plain ol' tomato sauce and American mustard is best


>> No.6893677

>wa la

>> No.6893686

>Fried onions and mushrooms are overrated anyway, as they offer little in terms of taste


>not knowing the dank newfag meme

>> No.6893694
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you have literally no idea what you're talking about. you have never eaten a burger.

>> No.6893708
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>using watery wet sopping lettuce
>using bland onions for no bite
>thinking fried shit and mushrooms (apparently youre a brit or aussie) is supreme
ok, I admit, lettuce on the bottom is dumb
and shredde dlettuce is supreme
>not knowing that the lettuce ebarrier keeps the chees emixing with tomato for top notch cheesy sauce (except theres no cheese on this meatball
>thinking meat balls are acceptable
>thinking you need any more than Mayo/Catsup/Musturd
I could go on more with why your burger taste is shit, but I digress.
youre one of those fuckers who thinks its acceptable to pile a bunch of shit around a "patty" and call it a burger
you prolly use inch thick buns too.

disgusting. youre exactly what drove me into hating more burgers that people fart out.
I'm sorry, but I don't want to eat a greasy ball of shit with soggy wet shit mashed around it.
ive been makin burgers since before I was 10.
I know for a fact you have shit burger tastes.

>> No.6893716

Next time you make a burger, depress the center of the patty before you cook it. Everything else comes down to taste, but the burger seems like it's torn between going the savory route with the huge amounts of mushroom, or the sweet/sour route with the sauce and pickles. Regardless of what you wanted from the burger, there was probably a cheese that could've helped with that.

>> No.6893727


>seems like it's torn between going the savory route with the huge amounts of mushroom, or the sweet/sour route with the sauce and pickles.

lol what

>> No.6893740


none of the shit in that burger is soggy, cry more you pleb, if you started making burgers at 10 you should've been euthanised at 9.

>> No.6893741

Sorry, big words.
"I don't think mushrooms taste good with pickles and that sauce."

>> No.6893747


it is better because the whole point of putting the sauce and pickles in the burger is to contrast sweet sour and savoury. the burger itself is obviously savoury.

>> No.6893769

i fucking hate cheese on burgers though.

though you are missing some big juicy tomatoes.
also, double onions? the fuck is wrong wit chu?

>> No.6893776

look out, we got a picky eater over here

>> No.6893784


>thinking you need any more than Mayo/Catsup/Musturd

it's clearly big mac sauce you nigga.