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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6887060 No.6887060 [Reply] [Original]

>thinks bugs and worms are disgusting
>eat this

White people

>> No.6887065

I eat the heads and tails too

>> No.6887066

Those aren't bugs.
Stay in school.

>> No.6887073

My lawn isn't going to mow itself, paco.

>> No.6887080
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I want the shrimp lobby to leave

>> No.6887091

Sea bugs have meat in them and land bugs don't have meat in them

>> No.6887094

>not being white

If they made bugs that taste like shrimp I would eat them.

>> No.6887099

If I could easily pull a delicious whole piece of meat out of the bugs I'd eat them too

but I can't

>> No.6887100

shrimp and crawfish are completely a black food though

>> No.6887105

Just fry them

>> No.6887150

can I remove the shell?

>> No.6887178

>eating bug thread
>no mention of david gracer

>> No.6887226

couldn't watch it through as I can't watch bugs

Did he explain how we as a culture can ever stop finding bugs gross? Bug eating is never going to happen otherwise

>> No.6887288

he makes a brief point about growing up in a culture where eating bugs is gross and will make the transition to bug eating hard but there are ted talks of him explaining how other cultures eat bugs and why we should be trying to introduce entomophagy into our culture

>> No.6887290

>bix nood

>> No.6887293

>thinks bugs and worms are disgusting

I enjoy them and would eat them if they were more available.
As is, paying 10 bucks for a few ounces of bugs is fucking bullshit.

>> No.6887369

Yea black people really hate skrimps

>> No.6887397

Most of those bugs are associated with poison and disease

>> No.6887410
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>throwing worms in there

I don't think so, Jim

>> No.6887415

yeah won't happen. We find them too gross

>> No.6887431

Shrimps and crayfish is great, stop being a picky eater.

>> No.6887470

Ate a (clean) cockroach once for some cash. Tasted bitter af, shell almost made me gag and it bit me when I put it in my mouth- I gave it a quick death by biting it, though.

The thought of eating a bug that is already dead, deshelled in some way and cooked into a sauce of some sort doesn't even phase me. I'd be fine eating that as an alternative protein source, but that's not feasible in America. Finding and cooking regular meat is much easier.

>> No.6887555

I ate a chocolate covered grasshopper once and fuck me those tiny legs were caught in the back of my throat forr days like little hairs

No thanks m89

>> No.6887590

Sea bugs
>peel / scale
>clean the digestive tube (easy for some, harder for smallest ones, sometime impossible)
>obtain a full piece of flesh
>even the most trash sea bug we usually see taste good to amazing

Earth bugs
>can't peel if raw or just not possible at all
>cook as is
>eat as is
>have to get over the idea of eating head, eyes, guts & all
>sometime have to spit a part out

The earth bugs are sometime good, tasty and all but for most people, the jump is quite harder to make.

>> No.6887605

Where do you get sea bugs?
Can you buy them or do you harvest them from the ocean yourself?

>> No.6888692


They do make those. They're called woodlice or pil-bugs and (while technically not insects) are basically land shrimp.

>> No.6888703
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*pill bug.

>> No.6888717

Fucking loved those guys as a kid. Called them slaters though.

>> No.6888750

I always called them "Armadillo Bugs" lol.

>> No.6888763

are those langoustines????

>> No.6888771

>not eating cicadas

>> No.6888781

they're roly polies

>> No.6888782
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Pic related, a sea arachnid

>> No.6888818

Those loud fuckers are everywhere around my yard right now. Should I eat them? How you prepare?

>> No.6888837

remove wings and legs, bake or pan fry. if you live in the suburbs you're probably gonna be eating roundup though so idk

>> No.6888912

Pizza and flat bread look similar too. They sure as hell don't taste similar

>> No.6888924

This tbh

>> No.6888935

I already get plenty of it in my normal diet so whatevs. Are they not filled with puss and guts?

>> No.6889159

they're full of green slime, i broke one open with a skateboard before

>> No.6889189

But they're both bread, which is the fucking point you knuckle-dragging ape of a human being.

>> No.6889212

>b-but they share the same phylum!
sick of this retarded meme
humans share a phylum with fucking sea squirts

>> No.6889282

>implying white people leave the heads and tails on

Nice try Chinky, I see right through your bullshit!

>> No.6890836

So, they are cute and taste good? When will science make terrier sized armadillo bugs then?

>> No.6892201

That name is way too fucking baddass for rolly pollies

>> No.6892283

Bugs live in the dirt, which is impure.

Shrimps live in the sea, which is pure.

>> No.6892522
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Dirt bug detected

>> No.6892784

nigga that's a crustacean

>> No.6892819

Implying I could ever kill - let alone eat - a rolly polly

>> No.6892840

Yeah, the US tried to go to the metric system at one point too. All that required was teaching the metric system alongside the imperial system for a few generations and then phasing out the imperial system. Guess how that turned out.

I don't foresee the US eating bugs anytime soon.

>> No.6892841

>white people food

I'm trying to think of an ethnic minority that doesn't eat shrimp but I'm coming up empty.

>> No.6892850

So Reagan will rise up from the dead and tell us to stop eating bugs?

>> No.6892864

both are made of dough and are edible, nig

>> No.6892866

Nigga, black people LOVE shrimp.

>> No.6892868

>>thinks bugs and worms are disgusting
I don't think that.

I'm white.

Fuck off, nigger.

>> No.6892871

Don't bother. OP is just pretending to not be white.

>> No.6892873


>> No.6892875

Now I want to watch a zombie Reagan movie.

>> No.6892886

In Norway we call them wrinkle trolls. Directly translated ofcourse.

>> No.6893007
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>Brine shrimp
Sea Monkeys!

>> No.6893013
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>> No.6893018

I thought Jews and Muslims couldn't eat that.

>> No.6893548
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>> No.6894959

Let me give you a hint: if you see a mosquito as big as a lobster, you've left it far too late to run.

>> No.6894964

Luckily biology is on his side and the mosquito swiftly asphyxiates.

>> No.6894988

I would try all of those except the really small ones

>> No.6895101

Why can't white people handle jalapenos?

>> No.6895122

Why can't minorities use google?

>> No.6895574


I eat jalapeños almost every day. I'm white. Why can't retards like you use correct grammar?

Is "ñ" THAT difficult for you to type on your international keyboard? You asked for a fight, you have one right here.

>> No.6895620

>have to push ALT+0241 to get ñ on a US keyboard

Sure is annoying, if nothing else.

>> No.6895677

Are you retarded?

>> No.6895824

>Sure is annoying, if nothing else.
Easier than being racist against a white, English speaking person who is more grammatically correct with you in your own language, while you make a discussion over something you should already be doing but aren't.

>> No.6895853

You're right OP, I do think it's disgusting. But that's because I'm a big pussy.

>> No.6895885

Jews don't eat shrimp, not sure about muslims.
On the other hand, jews are forbidden to wear clothes with blended fabrics.

>> No.6895928


I called them doodle bugs since I'd always hear my grandma call them that when I was growing up.

>> No.6896817

worst bait i have ever seen

>> No.6896829

heh same here, doodle bugs. when i was a child in her windowsill were white rolled up doodle bugs that had bleached from sitting for months in the sun.

i just sat on the floor and stared out the window when i was left there to be babysat.

i remember seeing a swingset in the distance, but never any kids because it was summer break.

im depressed again dammit, time to start drinking :(

>> No.6896842
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>> No.6897192
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>> No.6897205

considerin i've eaten em before. They go better with mayo than imitation cheese

>> No.6897208

>Those eyes
>That necklace
Fucking wife material lads

>> No.6897440

Based on those criteria?
What is wrong with you?
What do you even look for in a woman?

>> No.6897568

Eyeballs and a neck presumably

>> No.6897731

Having "low standards" just took on a new meaning.

>> No.6897885

>blue eyes
>dat eye to face ratio
>dat chin to face ratio
>hip home made jewelry
>eating assorted mussels
>drinking coffee cocktail in the daytime
>taking a picture in a non stereotypical way
>eating at a pretty ritzy place (old white dudes in biking clothes drinking white wine during the day = $$$$)


>> No.6898185

Except humanity always viewed bugs as evil.

Since the dawn of human civilization, insects have been fucking with our crops and also biting us and infecting us with their shitty diseases.

Fuck bug eating.

Also, shrimp and lobster provide far more meat than land insects will.

Waste of money and waste of time.

>> No.6898515

>scorpions as big as lobsters

>> No.6898645

That's a pretty fucking full glass of wine that guy has.

>> No.6898652

best seafood ive ever had. its like a lobster sized prawn tasting thing. so good.

>> No.6898922

its not low standards, these guys are just projecting an incredible personality onto her

>> No.6898930

I'm alright with bugs and worms m8. Had me a earthworm omelette yesterday.

>> No.6898934

I just want to say thank you for sharing this.
I've always wondered but never had the balks to try.

>> No.6898946


"I took my daughter out to my local yacht club to celebrate her getting into a good university and she won't even smile how I want"

>> No.6899086



>> No.6899756

if you are typing in English, even if you are using lonewords, that means you are typing using the English-Latin syllabary, and in this one you are perfectly free to drop modifier symbols

>> No.6899760

i dont think she's sitting with her dad...

...'daddy maybe

>> No.6899829

You're probably right. Still kinda sad, though.

>> No.6900168

scotfag spotted

>> No.6900180

>sambo finds keyboard
>attempts communication