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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 347x700, 1361147113924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6885527 No.6885527 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever tried this? I want to, but it doesn't specify how much exactly a package of yeast is.

>> No.6885532

its like 2 and 1/4 tsp.

>> No.6885539

>get fucked up off of 14% hard cider
>fucked up on 28 proof

What kind of a fucking lightweight made this pic tbj

>> No.6885563

23 liters will fuck anyone up

>> No.6885569

>use the cheapest ingredients you can buy with food stamps
>use the cheapest equipment, with no concern for sanitation

Just fucking look up the basics of home brewing. It's a small investment, but you can actually make something drinkable. That infographic was obviously made by some fourteen year old taking shit from his mom's pantry.

>> No.6885571

>implying I'm not 400lbs of lean muscle mass
>implying I don't chug lab grade ethanol on the daily

>> No.6885574

No one cares

>> No.6885597

Yeah, I did look at some sites and this setup did look primitive. I was just looking for the ratio really.
I did come across this site which seems to have a lot of good info. http://www.howtomakehardcider.com/

>> No.6885600


>op starts a thread about something he doesn't understand
>anons who actually know shit respond
>no one cares

Go back to whatever shit board you came from.

>> No.6885601
File: 77 KB, 850x768, cider bullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the quantities given won't get you any where near 14% ABV.

>> No.6885605

Way to ruin it, you fucking retards.

>> No.6885611

Honestly you're better off following a cider recipe off YouTube. This just won't be very good.

>> No.6885616

You should see what 15 dollars worth of sugar and bread yeast yields. a buck a liter of vodka.

>> No.6885631

Lol this is exactly why I posted it here before actually attempting, as I was skeptical on if that would even work. Deleting the image off my comp now.

>> No.6885643
File: 125 KB, 651x721, 1441743187812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha OP is this a meme thread xD

>> No.6885646



>> No.6885665

You first, grandpa.
You might learn something.

>> No.6885672

Posted here a year ago with that same image with that same question. Are you under 21 too? Look up pat macks brewing caps or here http://e-z-caps.com/
It's worth the investment

>> No.6885778

Not everyone is an alcoholic ya tryhard.

>> No.6885831

Shit is this a jenkem thread

>> No.6886037

>Shaking a 5 gallon jug of liquid filled to the brim with no way to lid it

>> No.6886042
