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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6884670 No.6884670 [Reply] [Original]

Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Evening meal - supper or dinner?

Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

Salad with the evening meal?
Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
How do you feel about artificially flavored food?

>> No.6884726

I'm not sure which of the three I am, so I will answer all questions.

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Most of the time.

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Not necessarily.

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?

>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not terribly.

>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Neither, but if I have to pick one, I'd say more a deterrent.

>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?

>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

>Salad with the evening meal?

>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Quite the opposite.

>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
No. My family always had wine at the table.

>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
A week? Really? I eat like... five each year or so.

>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
I don't know. I've never been to Denny's.

>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?

>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
I don't often like the taste of artificially flavoured foods, but I don't think of it enough to have much of any feeling about it.

>> No.6884737

You sound pretty upper middle class to me, at least in terms of your food preferences.

>> No.6884741

>Salad with the evening meal?
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
It's actually the only way to go.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Mixed feelings

>> No.6884753

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
That's a silly question. Judge the food itself, not the label.
>>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
>>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
>>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
>>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
It's not.
>>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
>>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
I hardly ever see the kitchen so I have no idea what the restaurant's cleanliness is.
>>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

>>Salad with the evening meal?
Not always, but sometimes.
>>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
>>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Depends on why it's being drunk. If you like wine, no it's not. If you're drinking it to show off then it could be.
>>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
About twice a month on average
>>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
>>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
>>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
It's shit

>> No.6884754

I'm going to answer poor/middle
>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
no, I don't eat a lot of meat in general
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
I don't go out to eat a lot, but no.
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
dinner, but I don't really eat a lot of "meals"

>Salad with the evening meal?
Salad IS the meal
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
no, but I don't drink at all.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
1 or none
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Delicious. But rare.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?

>> No.6884784

>dinner wtf go back to the UK

>Not very
>sort of

>No wtf I love fish
>Who cares
>Disgusting dennys is shit
>it sucks

>> No.6884800

You sound solidly middle to me. Amirite?
These are pretty similar to the answers my mother would give. She grew up poor, but married into the middle.
I'm guessing middle, possibly just tilting a little toward upper middle?

>> No.6884809
File: 151 KB, 1000x1000, 1439260644528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salad with the evening meal?
Yes please
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Not necessarily
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
No, its delicious
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Honestly could go either way
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Depends if its planned or not
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
I would prefer naturally flavored, but if it tastes good why not.

>> No.6884816

>Salad with the evening meal?
If I feel like washing it, which is rarely. Maybe I'll put some lettuce on a sandwich or spinach in a curry.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Fish is the only meat I eat.
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
see above
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
delicious but I don't eat out anymore
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
I never worried about cost, that ruins the fun. With limits, I suppose. No $500 bottles of wine.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Novelty only.

>> No.6884826

solidly middle?
upper middle?

>> No.6884834

>upper middle

>> No.6884849

Too many questions, tl:dr, not from usa.

>> No.6884862

I'll answer middle and rich because I would say I'm upper middle class

>Salad with the evening meal?
Depends. Usually not, unless it's a light dinner.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Nope. Love fish
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
No? Pretty common practice. I don't usually do it for average weekday meals but for Saturday night dinner or with guests yes.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Ground beef: only when I'm making burgers. Chicken breast: not often. Not because I'm above it, but I don't like cooking it because I get paranoid about it being undercooked and I end up making it dry as fuck.
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Delicious. You're never too rich to enjoy a grand slam and the anal leakage afterwards.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Nope. If anything, when I go to a really nice place (which I consider to be $80+ for two people), I usually want to treat myself to the more expensive stuff and I leave a hefty tip. I would say I probably go to a "fancy restaurant" once a month.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Depends what it is. Rubber chicken breasts with "authentic barbecue" flavor from the freezer? No thanks.


>> No.6884863

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
rarely, maybe once every month or two

>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
not terribly unless i feel like drinking

>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?

>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
fairly, i'd rather not feel like I'm sitting in some filthy 3rd world shithole when i go to dinner

>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
depends on the meal but generally, yes

>Salad with the evening meal?

>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
yes, but that's because i don't care for fish

>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?

>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
one or none

>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?

>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?

>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
meh, would prefer naturally flavored

>> No.6884891

Continuing for the richfag questions. Again, I'm not rich, but I make anywhere from $90,000-$110,000 a year depending on how many months I'm gone.

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
No, not really. And when I do, it's only ever smaller chain restaurants (only several restaurants in the region, for example). I gave up on Olive Garden etc long ago
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not important at all, although I prefer having the option. The only time I ever have any kind of cocktail with dinner is if I go to an upscale South American/Hispanic restaurant. I like trying tropical drinks at these places
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Deterrent. I'd rather have a full course meal and feel satiated than a huge fucking platter of food I can't finish (I'm looking at you, Cheesecake Factory)
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
Very concerned. Cleanliness is one of the number 1 indicators of what kind of a chef the restaurant has.
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
Yeah, I would say so. I consider an entree to almost universally consist of starch-veg-protein so if it lacks any vegetables in the entire meal it better be spectacular without them

>> No.6884900

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
With most foods, yes
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
It's the same thing, sometimes I'll use one or the other. I was raised with supper and my family is upper middle class farmers

>> No.6884937

Poorfag: Raised with 2 other brothers by a single military mother, live in my mother's house (she owns) that she bought when she retired, I'm on food stamps because I'm responsible for feeding myself

>put off by meatless meal
No. That's dumb. Veggies got the vitamins and fruities got the vinerals.

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?

Definitely not. I eat as much organic as I can and make as much of my food from scratch as I can so I can afford more organic food and develop a stockpile through savings and frugality.

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?

Going out to eat is already a wrong move. Food will always ALWAYS be cheaper, faster, and better quality is it is made knowledgeably at home. Plus no tipping the bitch who carries a plate 20 meters and then hovers over you with her fake-ass smile (or worse, actually looks like she deserves more money). Nope.

>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?

See above. i make my own food. Fixing to make an mini-apple pie and use the scraps to start an organic, raw apple cider vinegar ferment. Which will be good in 6 months.

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

Dinner. I think that's regional. I'm a military brat so I've lived in 6 states and moved 10 times by the time I was a high school freshman. As far west as texas and far north as new york.

>> No.6884949

>solidly middle?
I'm probably more on the lower end, but I have a huge medical bill each month that eats up my paycheck.

>> No.6884964

Your conception of middle class seems closer to the average lower class. Unless the situation is different in the US, most middle class men drink wine, aren't picky eaters or would eat at denny's. Actually maybe it is different for americans, your country did have it's cuisine ruined by the prohibition.

>> No.6884985

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
I love eating at fast food chains and I do it all the time. Almost never go to "chain restaurants" like Olive Garden or Applebees though. In college I met people whose idea of a "nice restaurant" was Ruby Tuesday, and I felt pretty sorry for them. It's not that I think I'm too good to eat that kind of food, but that I'd prefer to eat at some divey local place. I'd prefer the sloppy mexican restaurant with salvadoran employees than Chili's; that kind of thing.

>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
I can't think of a restaurant I've been to in the United States that I would consider a "restaurant" (i.e., not fast food/fast casual) that didn't serve alcohol of some kind. Many that only serve beer and wine though. A "nice" restaurant better have a full bar, or a good reason not to. It would seem incomplete otherwise.

>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
The thing about huge portions is that it tends to draw in the obese "3000-Calories-per-meal" crowd, which I'd prefer not to have to look at while I'm eating.

>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
Well, the place better be sanitary. Sometimes "cleanliness" isn't what it appears to be, though. A divey looking place can be a great place to eat if they care about their food and their customers.

>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
Depends on what you're eating, doesn't it? I wouldn't want to have a ton of vegetables in a meal of sushi.

>> No.6885000

poorfag reporting

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?

only if it's supposed to have meat in it normally

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?

yes (exception: eggs)

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?

this doesn't happen outside of nouvelle cuisine

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?


>Evening meal - supper or dinner?


>> No.6885002

>refers to the main as "entrée"
That's a shibboleth of the middle class.

>> No.6885005
File: 39 KB, 400x275, 1439141114477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual sub-poverty line poorfag here.

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
No, I eat them often.

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
If the food was mediocre, yes. If the food was good, no.

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
I don't eat ANYTHING prepared by brown people. If I go into a fast food place and see brown workers, I will leave. I'm 100% adamant about this. I do prepare "foreign" food like curries and stuff on my own, though.

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>> No.6885016

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
No, as long as the health rating is 90 or above.

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>> No.6885018

I mean, he did say "I'm not rich" right in the post you're replying to.

>> No.6885026

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Depends on where I am at
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Am I on the wagon?
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Depends on where I am at
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
>Salad with the evening meal?
Fuck yer
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Sounds great
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Not at all
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
A couple
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
You go there expecting to spend money...
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Like candy? Eh

>> No.6885051

Yes to all except foreign. Love foreign food.

Used to be rich.

Obv it's important, I don't like flies in my food
>no veg
That is usually going to be a strike against it, cant think of a single good meal without veg

Used to be middle too, before i as rich


No, I was in my early twenties. Who eats salad then?




Pretentious no, I just didn't like the taste.

>ground beef or chicken
Probably 3-4.

>Sober @ dennys


>eating out

Guess it depended on where i was at the time. Went from poor family to middle class to rich within about 5 years. So i guess even when rich i didnt like getting ripped off.


I avoid it where I can, and always have.

>> No.6885077

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Pretty sure this isn't actually a thing. Even black people know it is mexicans running every kitchen regardless of restaurant type

>> No.6885082

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Depends if the meal is truly meatless or is based on a 'meat replacement'; I'm not a big fan of soy 'meat'. I've made plenty of dinners that just happened to have no meat, so I wouldn't say I'm put off by the concept.
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Generally, yeah. It depends on the produce in question.
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Depends on how much I spent and the quality of the food. Though, I do return to places with large portions with the intention of taking home leftovers.
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Only "foreign" buffets. Actually, buffets in general. Only time in my life I had food poisoning.
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
Both, interchangeably
>Salad with the evening meal?
Not usually.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Usually. I try it and, if it isn't to my taste, discreetly slip it into my coat pocket to save for my dog.
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
No, but I rather have water.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Maybe 3 or 4, leftovers get recycled into another meal to stretch it out.
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Last resort. Prefer IHOP.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
I already know what it costs before I get my food. Worrying only comes to play if I''m expected to pay for a group.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Some artificial flavors are tasty, some aren't. I'm just sad some of my favorite natural flavors are also carcinogenic.

>> No.6885084

>Salad with the evening meal?
Depends on the meal. Doesn't go with everything.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Disgusting. I'm a bowl of granola with a glass of orange juice kind of guy.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
I enjoy it, but that thought does stay in the back of my mind until the alcohol and conversation start flowing.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?

>> No.6885086

where do all the answers go when 4chan is probed for lifestyle choices?

i see these threads alot

>> No.6885093

The Google mind machine, I hope

>> No.6885117

Since my parents turned into richfags at some point I guess I'll go with that even if I'm personally fairly poor and live by myself-

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
If you're talking about beer or wine, it's really important. And it helps if the staff has learned at least a recommendation for the more common dishes
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
I'd like it to be at a spot where I can leave satisfied from just a main dish on a regular day, but if I'm really hungry I'll know I may need a starter.
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
Not really concerned at all, I trust them to have some common sense in the kitchen.
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
I find a lot of places add some salady stuff almost as an afterthought which they might as well leave out. But a good meal should have some kind of vegetables.
And there had better be some starch almost no matter what you're serving.

>> No.6885121

poorfag reporting:

>i'm a vegetarian for cheapness, health, and ethics
>organic food is a waste of unless its in season and relatively local
>depends on the type/quality of the food. I don't eat out much.
>I love foreign food, if i'm eating food that isn't homemade 9 times out of 10 it's made by brown people

>> No.6885125

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
Depends on chain, but I generally avoid fast casual sitdown places because there's very little point: food is bad, not particularly cheap, and slow

>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not very, unless it's dinner with someone else. Generally I just drink sparkling water.

>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Deterrent tbh. I need to control my caloric intake but I love eating out too much.

>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
Not that much. As long as there's no roaches walking around the floor I'm good. The place I eat my lunch when I'm interning has the most ratched bathroom ever, but the Chinese food there is unbeatable and gets served within three minutes of me sitting down.

>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
Practically? No. None at all? Yes, mostly because I find it hard to serve up a dish without some sort of vegetable side.

>> No.6885145

Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Pretty much
If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Lol no there isn't a kitchen in the world that doesn't have a foreigner
Evening meal - supper or dinner?
Dinner or snack

Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
About once a week
How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not very
Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Enticement if it taste good
How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
Actually a dirty restaurant means laziness and laziness means corners cut. "If you can lean you can clean"
There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
No but I probably won't finish it because the meal would be too heavy.

Salad with the evening meal?
If it's offered
Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Yea, I don't care for fish.
Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
5-6 times mostly chicken, beef is biweekly.
Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Tolerable if company requested it, I'd rather IHOP or a real diner.
When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
No, if I'm here and I enjoyed myself I don't care the cost, I'll spend it anyway.
How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Only thing I have ever had a weakness for that I can say I like is cheap bakery banana pudding with nilla wafers lol. Anything else just kind suck or doesn't get anywhere near what it means to taste like.

>> No.6885146

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?

Depends how you define 'eat'. I buy McDonald's Coffee a couple times a week just for convenience.

>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?

Depends. If i'm just going out with friends, it doesn't matter. If it's something important, it is an absolute requirement.

>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?

Neither. Everything that is served has a right portion too it that creates balance.

>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?


>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

Yes, generally. Meat and vegetables are required to create balance, but I would be more impressed if this balance was created with only meat or only vegetables.

>> No.6885175

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
not at all. id prefer some meat but not having any is okay too.

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
where i am right now, yeah. if i was in a better financial situation i'd consider buying organic.

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
lol, all kitchens are full of foreigners, mexicans cook everything in this country. foreign food kicks ass.

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>> No.6885196

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
who the hell refers to the main evening meal as supper?
Dinner is both the 'polite' answer here and the one that makes the most sense, is supper dialectical?

>> No.6885211

You use the word dialectical, but you can't use the god damned google...

>> No.6885255

Believe it or not, the British upper classes. I know that in America, the lower classes tend to use the word 'supper,' but the odd truth is that American lower classes and British upper classes share a surprisingly similar lexicon.

As far as British upper class English is concerned, dinner is a formal affair while supper is a leisurely and/or intimate meal. One attends/hosts/holds a dinner but has supper, if that distinction makes any sense.

Also, supper is had slightly earlier in the evening, with half seven generally being the latest. Dinners are held at eight or later.

>> No.6885268


>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Mostly, yes

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Not unless it was absurdly expensive

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
No. What looks like a clean kitchen can be nasty, there's very little way of telling. Just enjoy the food unless it's a real dumpster dive.

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>> No.6885406

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
not always. I usually buy the cheapest thing though.
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
maybe if the place seemed like it would be one of those kind of crappy but cheap with large portions kind of places.
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
not at all.
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
not important
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
depends on the kind of food. large portion of something crappy and cheap is gross
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
as much as you probably should be
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
yeah, I like nutritionally balanced meals, or as close to that as I can get

>Salad with the evening meal?
maybe, if the entree doesn't have enough vegetable matter accompanying it
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
maybe 2-3, less so of ground beef though
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
kind of gross. but that's just because I think Dennys and breakfast foods in general are kind of gross.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
If I planned to go there, no. If I go somewhere and it turned out to be more expensive than I expected, maybe.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?

>> No.6885433

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
Probably. Usually have to because traveling frequently.
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not very
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Deterrent, I prefer trying a variety of items on the menu and paying for quality food.
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
As long as there aren't any questionable smells and rotting foods about, I'm good.
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

>> No.6885765

You seem working class as hell, but pragmatic and smart.
You seem to have answered the right question block. If you're not rich you're far enough into the upper middle class that you can guess the right responses to sound like you are.
You're a poor food nerd? And nice trips.
Is the fact that it's called dinner and not supper a big deal in your family? Because your racism suggests a recent step off the farm or ranch.
Middle as fuck?
If you liked wine you'd be me.
Lower class, but probably living better tan many middle class fags.
Solidly middle, fantasizes about becoming upper middle?
Even if you don't have money atm you have richfag taste.
Poorfag who either wasn't stigmatized by poorfag culture in the US, or actively rejected it.
Richfag or upper middle class aspiring very well.
Lower middle?
Solidly middle?
Maybe not rich, just upper middle?

>> No.6885780

Middle. Almost poor, but probably middle.

Two or three
Only when I'm ordering. After I've committed myself, I stop thinking about it
Snacky junk

>> No.6885786

I'll answer the poor questions just in case. And because I'm bored.

No, but it's a luxury for those who can afford it
Only if I was going there for a meal rather than as an outing

>> No.6885787

I think stigmatized might not be the word you're looking for. Either way, I was raised without much money, but with plenty of concern for health and wellbeing.

>> No.6885788

>Salad with the evening meal?
Depends on the meal
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
I love seafood more than anything
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Depends on the meal
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Chicken breast a few times a week, ground beef a couple times a month
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Average unless they fucked something up really badly
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Not until afterwards when I realize I have to skip a meal or two because of it
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
It can be anywhere between tasty and disgusting, I don't really have an absolute opinion on it in general.

>> No.6885790

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
No as there is enough non-meat I could live on mashed potatoes.
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
No. Although I wish I could afford it, I acknowledge all of the benefits behind it.
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
How evening are we talking? Before 5PM = Dinner, After 5PM Supper.

>> No.6885799

>Salad with the evening meal?
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Generally no but it depends on the person who is cooking the meal.
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
I'd say 2 times a week
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Kicking back and enjoying food and company
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Serves its purpose but not something I would seek out or hold in high regard

>> No.6885884

yes, don't care for fish
nope, nothing wrong with that
>beef and chicken
2-4 or so? I don't eat just plain baked chicken breast though. either chicken schnitzel or pulled chicken breast
never had. if it's like perkins it'd be fine, if it's like ihop then no thanks
>expensive place
bit of both honestly. don't eat at expensive places too frequently, but I don't usually worry since I just get a water to drink so that saves a decent amount of money
tend to avoid, but I try to avoid overly processed things in general.

will answer poorfag as well

not so much. I can have oatmeal with peanut butter and be satisfied. meals with pasta and eggs are also often meatless for me
it sometimes is. I'd rather buy produce at my farmer's market or get it from friends than buy organic from the store
only if it's not priced well. I have no problems with not having leftovers or not having my stomach explode after a meal
mexican restaurants are really the only foreign restaurants here, so not really
supper. don't really use dinner, but if I do I feel like that's what I call going out for a meal. but it's breakfast, lunch and supper.

>> No.6885916

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Not entirely
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
No but if it costs extra I don't care for it
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
What the fuck? No
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>> No.6885923

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
If I had a choice I'd have meat, but I won't automatically dismiss a meal because of the absence of meat

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Yes, there is no benefit really

If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Yes, I feel this way about Outback Steakhouse

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
No, I'm always willing to try something new

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>> No.6885924

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Depends, I think organic fruit usually tastes better.
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Not if it's good.
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not very
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
More enticing, but if the food is good then size won't matter.
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
Just enough
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
>Salad with the evening meal?
Rather have a small soup
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
No, it's very normal
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Ground beef-maybe once a month
Chicken breast-2/3 a week
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Neither really. Better I make it at home
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
I'll keep it in mind, but I won't let that ruin a good time
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
i don't like artificial fruit especially strawberry

>> No.6885928

>all these people answering more than one set of questions

>> No.6885929

All the time, at least 4 times a week
Extremely important
Meh, don't care.
Not at all, I've never gotten sick from food, maybe I'm just lucky.
Usually yes, depends what I ordered.

>> No.6885934

You sure do have a lot of questions... How about just -one- for you; What exactly are you up to here?

>> No.6885950

>You seem working class as hell, but pragmatic and smart.

>> No.6885952
File: 19 KB, 480x360, embarassedchopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic. Here you go.

>> No.6886007

just gonna answer all

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Not at all.

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Nope. I can taste a difference in flavor.

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Depends on the type of restaurant. I've grown accustomed to large portions at cheap Asian restaurants and smaller portions at fine dining establishments.

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Not foreign food in particular. I'll judge the fuck out of any restaurant kitchen I get to see into though.

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?

>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not essential, but I prefer the option

>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Starting to be a deterrent unless I'm at a place with a takeout option. I will eat everything because I hate seeing waste, but I usually don't need all of the food provided.

>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
Cleanliness means a lot to me since I'm a chef. That cleanliness extends to the staff as well as the space.

>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
Depends on the dish, but mostly yes.

>Salad with the evening meal?
Enjoy it but don't often have it.

>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
I love fish. I'm a sushi chef.

>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Not if you drink something half decent.

>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?

>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?

>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Twice. When I look at the menu and when I pay.

>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?

>> No.6886014

middlefag here

>Salad with the evening meal?
no, salad is for plebs
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
not at all
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
two or three
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
absolutely disguting
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
depends on how much money I have at the moment

>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
ideally would not like to eat it, but I end up eating it anyways

>> No.6886279

Salad with the evening meal?
>sometimes, its nice but i could do without just fine
Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
>no, fish is fine
Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
>nope, not sure how that works, wine goes really well with protien
How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
>1-2. normally i get/eat chicken legs/thighs and not breasts. if you count that then maybe 6?
Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
>fucking revolting no matter what state of mind im in
When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
>somewhat. i like good meats so i end up ordering what is usually the most expensive thing on the menu. i enjoy the fuck out of it but at the same time i have that little bit of nagging at the back of my head telling me "this is going to be so fucking expensive..."
How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
>dont like it too much, some of it tastes good for cheap. i think its bad for you and lacks energy. i could eat it if i had to but id rather not.

>> No.6886312

not the guy you replied to, but i look down on people that dont admit to being at least somewhat racist. come from a family of scientists and did phys/biochem in college. not sure how you link background and racism together.

that being said, in terms of food, i would eat nearly any type of food made by anyone except for street food in india, unless they wear gloves. you can see the feces under their fingernails sometimes. its fucking vile.

>> No.6886319


Not at all, I don't drink
Neither, it's more about the food than how much
Depends on what I'm expecting

Depends on the meal itself, common with pizza or a soup
No, I love fish
No, it depends on the meal itself.
Probably 3.
I've never eaten at Dennys
Usually tastes bad.

>> No.6886379

>How about just -one- for you; What exactly are you up to here?

Sounds like somebody is writing their first college paper. Or Chipotle is conducting a survey on us.

>> No.6886423

>Salad with the evening meal?
That'd be lovely
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Depends, I mostly don't like fish, but smoked salmon is fine
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Not at all
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Around 2
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Don't have that in my country
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Yes, unless I'm celebrating something
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
As long as it tastes fine

>> No.6886428

poorfag recently turned middlefag, but good questions...
>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Yes, Vegetables simply don't have enough oomph...
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
It's a damn ripoff, no matter how much money I have, I'll never buy organic
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Depends on how filling the food is... eg. sushi is always small and fancy, but very filling.
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
No, the stranger, the better...
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not at all, but the offer of good wine is always a plus.
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
I come to a restaurant to get full. As I said sushi is a good example of small, but filling, but i'd just as well eat a huge steak.
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
50/50, Restaurants need to be reasonably clean, not have dusty clutter everywhere
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

>Salad with the evening meal?
Depends on what it is, not always...
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
It's anything BUT ruined :D
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Once or twice
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Ain't got a Denny's in Eurofagland
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
If they get the artifical flavor right, it's no problem...

>> No.6886441

Treating people differently based on assumptions made by their physical appearance is not a clever thing to do.

Treat people like people and they'll typically act like people.

If you need to know, I've lived in and around chicago and have never had any race related issues. The south side is notoriously poor and black but if you hold the door for a man and say "let me get that for you sir", they'll be just as civil, and a tad more appreciative, as anyone.

>> No.6886848

>Middle. Almost poor, but probably middle.
Looks like you called it yourself.
Middle, but afraid of falling out of the middle?
Middle living in a rural or semi-rural area?
Living well enough on not a lot of money in Texas?
Might not be as poor as you think, but hate spending money?
Outback Steakhouse is a rip off. And you're living under financial stress in a rural or semi rural place?
Middle leaning toward upper middle?
Either not as rich as you think you are or job involves lots of travel?
Shits and giggles inspired by the pretentious food thread. Want to see if a set of theories I have hold up.
Chef. Which means you're a middle class person with an upper middle or richfag view of food. Very interesting position to be in.
Wishing you were upper middle?
Middle to lower middle, but in no danger of going broke?
You sound middle to upper middle to me.

>> No.6886865


>Salad with the evening meal?
No, I make salads their own meal when I eat salad. Typically for lunch.

>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?

No, it means I'm eating some sustainable seafood and I only eat it a few times a month.

>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?

Not at all

>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?

Chicken is common, but I don't' think I've eaten meat at home in a week or two.

>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?

I'd rather make that food at home. I'm b0ss with pancakes, waffles, and omelets. I bake my own bread. I buy free range eggs for less than store price from an old woman north of town.

>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?

Only if the food isn't worth it. Very few places are worth it to someone like me that can cook just about anything. Typically I go out for sushi, or as a social thing. Rarely eat out cause most of its shit.

>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?

Depends on the definition of artificial, but I tend to buy single ingredient, whole produce kind of stuff and make food at home. I avoid artificially flavored shit mostly because that means its cheap crap.

>> No.6886895
File: 30 KB, 500x339, diabetesbelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i look down on people that dont admit to being at least somewhat racist.
Interesting. I don't think of race as a scientific concept - it's far too imprecise to be meaningful. But there is no doubt different groups of people have different cultures, and can have very different experiences simply by virtue of how they look.

Pretending this isn't true doesn't make it go away because it's ingrained in our history. It's no surprise that the Diabetes Belt pretty much lines up with the distribution of the African-American population. For 400 years these folks did the heavy lifting on a diet of garbage. Now they can throw down a fuckton sugar on top of a diet of garbage, and they jump at the chance.

But that's more an issue of culture and history than science.

>> No.6887155


>> 6886319 here, I'm poor as fuck

>> No.6887221

The lack of a preference for quantity over quality and the dislike for artificial flavors sets you apart from what I expect to hear from poor as fuck people. Also the lack of price anxiety when eating out at a place you consider expensive.

Are you poor as fuck because of student loans, by chance?

>> No.6887249

Well, I've been poor, middle class and rich, so I'll answer all three categories.

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not important to me, might be important to hubby.
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Neither. If there is a lot of food I just take half home with me.
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

>Salad with the evening meal?
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
No, but hubby is allergic, so we wouldn't eat at a strictly seafood dish.
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
No, I don't like wine but I don't think it's pretentious.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Maybe two.
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Never had it.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
I try to avoid it.

>> No.6887271

Richfag here (mommy's money, not mine)
>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
Yeah but only because I'm a degenerate NEET and I'm usually too high to want to cook when I'm home
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not at all. I'm more than happy to drink at a restaurant if it's available, but if not, I don't mind.
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
I see both sides of the argument, and I think both have their place. Small portions of well prepared, fresh food are totally fine, and big portions of fast food slop are fine too. I'd be less than thrilled if it were the other way around though.
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
If I'm in the US, very. If I'm abroad, less so, usually.
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
Depends what you mean. If beans, some kind of starch, and some off-shoot of a vegetable (i.e. a sauce or something) is involved then it's fine. If there's nothing of the sort, I won't eat it.

>> No.6887304

Not that rich but most of the questions are retarded.

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
avoid it unless I'm drunk.
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Very. It should be at least byo. If not you could barely call the place a restaurant.
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Why would that matter? As long as you get what you're promised.
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
My country is pretty good on this, and getting a bad reputation is a death sentence. So pretty blase.
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
So what, just a lump of steak on a plate? As long as the food works well that's fine, but over the course of dinner I'd want at least a few vegetables.

>> No.6887357

Not sure which I am (I grew up upper middle-class but my rich grandmother made damn sure her grandkids picked up formal manners and high standards; however I'm personally poor as shit), so I'll answer all three.

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Simply omitting meat from a meat-centric meal is a losing proposition but meals based around vegetables can be excellent.
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Most of the time, but some organics are worth it.
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Only if the price isn't right for the quality of the food.
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Depends on the foreigners and the establishment; I trust most mainland Chinese and SEAsians about as far as I can throw them
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
Dear god no; chains are awful.
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Depends on the restaurant and their niche.
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

>Salad with the evening meal?
When dining as a group, yes; when dining alone, if I can be bothered.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Not at all.
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Absolutely not.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
The former, then the latter.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Depends on what that flavoring is and the context.

>> No.6887365

>Salad with the evening meal?
salad, steamed veg, or homemade pickles
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
no but fish isn't that filling
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
0, maybe once a month at most
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
yes, it reminds me of when my mom was sick and we ran out of food and money for a while
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
it's probably not unhealthier, but it does taste worse. artificial fruit flavorings compared to the real thing is a huge difference.

>> No.6887370

>Salad with the evening meal?
Only if it's this one pizza place. Salad is what I do with leftover grilled meat and burgers

>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Fuck no, I love fish

>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Depends on the meal. I always have a bottle if I'm cooking for others (the one time I did that)

>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
I'm in Turkey for the semester, there is no pork, so a good deal. AT least one of those every day. Today was twice

>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
I usually get it in the evening when I want breakfast. We ate it after an 11 hour recording session and it was incredible

>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Definitely. I don't usually eat out at expensive places on my own dime unless it's a date where I don't think about it, but yeah, I wonder if I'm eating my money's worth other times

>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
I try to avoid them, I know I can't and I don't think it's that huge of a deal

>> No.6888039

I've been all of these at points in my life. I was raised a richfag, was a poorfag in my early adulthood, and am now an upper middlefag. So, I'll answer all of them.

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Not at all, we have meatless meals a few times a week.
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Absolutely not, especially if it's also local.
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
No way, I love trying new foods, new combinations, and purposefully seek out new cuisines and restaurants to try.
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Eh, it depends on why I'm going out to eat. I usually always like a glass of wine with dinner, or an apertif, but for some meals it's not necessary.
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Deterrent, usually.
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
Absolutely 100%. I love my vegetables.

>Salad with the evening meal?
Many times, but not always.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Not at all. I've eaten fish 5 times this week already.
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Of course not.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
None. I have ground beef very occasionally, rarely ever have just chicken breast.
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Enjoying the experience.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Don't approve of it, personally.

>> No.6888100

Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>No. I usually only eat meat on my weekends. Make a treat of it, if you will.

Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
>I see the plus sides, but it is out of my price range

If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
>Only if it's a franchise the likes of Applebees or Olive Garden.
Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>the fuck you think I am? Archie "all working class people are stupid" Bunker?

Evening meal - supper or dinner?
>Trying to cut my intake after 3pm, so let's just call it snack time.

>> No.6888153

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
No. The only times I actually eat at chains is when I'm at the airport and can't be half assed to go to a sit down restaurant.
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Just turned legal, so now it's important to me since I enjoy a glass of wine with my meal.
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
Deterrent. I want to be able to eat at least 2 courses without exploding.
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
Very. I'm eating whatever they're producing after all.
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

>> No.6888298

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Not at all, just made myself pasta parmesan. Simple, cheap, delicious.

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Not ripped off, but not satiated. I like bigger portions.

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Nah. Some of the best food IMHO is foreign. Indian food for one.

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
If it's hearty and filling, dinner. If it's light and only to get some food in your belly, supper.

>> No.6888300

I'll do Poor and middle since I've been both.

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
It is for me, but I kinda want to grow some myself.
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
If it didn't fill me up. then yes.
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Nah, I love foreign food.
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Salad with the evening meal?
I don't eat that rabbit food.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Depends. I love fish unless it's baked. It's possible that I haven't had good baked fish though.
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Nah, I don't enjoy it though. Alcohol tastes bad, and if I'm going to get drunk, I'll do it after dinner.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
All of them. The last time I didn't was when I ate at Red Lobster a few months ago and had fish.
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
It's decent.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Never eaten at an expensive place, but I'd probably enjoy it since there's no going back at that point.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
As long as it tastes good, I don't care.

>> No.6888727

Sounds pretty upper middle to me.
Your sensibilities seem pretty middle to me.
Sounds like you're having fun.
Grandma did a good job. You have some richfag sensibilities along with a middle class view. Did the racism against Chinese come from grandma, too?
Lower end of middle?
Middle, but surprisingly worldly? Are you a brother musician as well?
Sounds like richfag sensibilities to me,
You don't sound that poor.
You sound upper middle as fuck, bordering on richfag.
Are you kind of between poor and middle?
Sounds lower middle to me.

>> No.6888846

>Did the racism against Chinese come from grandma, too?
Nope, personal experience.

>> No.6888868

I definitely am having fun, my man.

>> No.6888919

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Nigga I ain't got money to eat meat every meal. That's ridiculous.
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
I have never been served a too small portion.
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Hell no. I love to eat at foreign places. Variety is the spice of life.
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
When I feel hungry

>> No.6888942


>Salad with the evening meal?
That would be nice.

>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Not at all.

>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Not at all, though I detest wine personally.

>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Almost never. Maybe one of each a month, thereabout.

>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
It would depend on location. Mostly disgusting, but a breakfast at a clean Perkin's is an occasional guilty pleasure.

>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
I wouldn't go unless I could afford it. And I'd only go if I knew the food was good. So far I've never been disappointed at a $$$$-rated restaurant (LOL), but there's a waitress at the Lake Park Bistro in Milwaukee who's turned me off to the place. She thinks she's doing me a favor by very loudly attempting to explain the menu while mispronouncing everything. It's degrading and unnecessary. I've eaten out in Paris more often than I've eaten at Lake Park and don't need some Yooper halfwit pretending she's enlightening me. I put up with it five times before deciding to not return. I'm bummed because there are only three French restaurants in the city and that was the best.

>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
It's all chemistry anyway, but I prefer natural stuff. I get most of my food, even meats, from a CSA. It probably sounds stupid, but I really prefer the taste of Turbinado sugar over refined. But some organics are a ripoff. Too small, etc. I also have a little garden and I grow some herbs, too.

Thanks for reading my LiveJournal. It felt good to share, especially to vent about that tard at Lake Park. Fucking humiliate me, you piece of shit? FUCK YOU AND YOUR TIP

>> No.6888961


>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?

The only chain that I go to is Five Guys but american cheese disgusts me so I think I'm done with that place

>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?

Well I guess it's not that important because I can just bring my own in a cooler. In some towns, restaurants are not allowed to serve alcohol past a certain time so we end up bringing our own bottle of wine. I mostly drink beer though and it bums me out if a place doesn't have good beer.

>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?

I'm Italian and I eat a lot of Italian food. My favorite Italian restaurant servers large portions which I enjoy. When I cook for myself at home I usually make a ton food because I eat what I want.

>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?

Extremely concerned. I will never eat at a place again if I get sick from their food.
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

It sort of depends. I mean do vegetables go well with lasagna? I don't think so. I absolutely love all vegetables. If there is a certain meal that is missing vegetables and it goes well with the dish then yes, it has to be a strike. Who doesn't want asaparagus with their filet?

>> No.6888982

socially I'm more of a middlefag, but my life hasn't gone well

poorfag survey:
>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
not at all

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
regulations concerning the labeling on organic food are so relaxed as to be virtually meaningless. if it were actually 'organic' in the way people thing it wouldn't be a waste at all. I couldn't afford it regardless, though.

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
nope. the few small-plate restaurants I've been to have been incredible fucking experiences.

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
Fuck no, I love me some brown people food. Also kitchen work has taught me that no one is clean in the kitchen.

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
dinner, I guess.

>> No.6889057

>Salad with the evening meal?
no, but i try to have a vegetable side
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
since fish is more expensive than other meat where i live, fish dinner is actually a treat
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
pretentious? no. unnecessary? yes.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
in a month, 0% of breakfasts, 0% of lunches and probably about 50% of dinners
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
worried about cost
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
any health concerns regarding them seem like tinfoil-hat-paranoia so i don't really care one way or another. some combinations (like the lays chips) are fun to try but i wouldn't say i eat a lot of "junk food"

>> No.6889101

poorfag here

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
yes, meat is what adds weight to a meal and is what makes you feel full. food without meat isnt a meal to me.
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
yes, 100%. the regulations for the organic label still allow the use of pesticides, so whats the fucking point?
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
yes, eating out is expensive
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
yes, 100%, the chinese can go to hell with their gutter oil.
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
this is regional tbh fam, i say dinner.

>> No.6889115

Where do you live?
Middle as fuck, aspiring to upper middle?
You were raised upper middle, and are just waiting for your parents to die so you can get back to that kind of lifestyle, because you realized you sucked at earning money on your own?
Middle to lower middle?
Definitely poorfag answers.

>> No.6889129

>Are you kind of between poor and middle?

I'd say so.I can afford to go out and eat every once in a while, but usually eat at home

>> No.6889163

dont tell the fbi ok hehehehe

>> No.6889169

>Salad with the evening meal?
sometimes, sometimes not.

>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
I love fish and all seafood.

>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
hell no.

>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
never eat ground beef. chicken breast seldom - I'm a pork and seafood kind of person.

>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
disgusting. they should put a sign outside that says "You must be at least THIS intoxicated to eat this food."

>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
I do worry about money but not to the point that I couldn't enjoy my evening. being frugal and not spending more than you need to is not some event-ruining crisis.

>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
fucking nasty. I don't eat candy at all because I can't stand artificial fruit flavours.

>> No.6889178

Probably the places you can afford to go out to eat at aren't nearly as good as what you can cook at home, if you can cook worth half a damn.

I was raised upper middle class, but with a mother who grew up poor. That was lucky for me because I ended up in a creative career where I've been rich for a few minutes, middle class most of the time and poor as fuck for a chunk of it.

Learning to cook, buying the best ingredients I could afford and taking the time to make them into something good had me eating better than all but the few moments in my life when I had fuck you money.

>> No.6889181

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
no, but I don't want that to be the norm. a cucumber sandwich for lunch never hurt anybody.

>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
I don't keep up on that shit. organic food usually looks worse and is smaller and more expensive, so I never buy it.

>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
depends on what I've paid for it.

>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
nope, idgaf. as long as I don't see any bugs in my food and it tastes good, that's what I'm looking for.

>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>> No.6889185
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I've been middle class but poor as shit now so
>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
Depends, If it's pasta. I'm fine with it.
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
Buying from a food stand makes sense Grocery store organic, seems pretty pointless to me
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
Not at all
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
I'll eat anything once made by anyone has long as it isn't my own mothers cooking(AMIRITE)
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?
>Salad with the evening meal?
Sometimes, not during the winter.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
No, you've just made me ecstatic
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Not at all. Prefer a nice beer though myself
How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Maybe 1
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Rather go to Ihop tbh
When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Not at all. My favorite food is seafood.
How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
to each his own, I can't lie and say I don't enjoy some

>> No.6889207

Salad with the evening meal?
Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
No i love fish and most of it is stuff i caught fishing on the weekend
Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
no but im not a big fan
How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Beef Middlefags:
Salad with the evening meal?
Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
How do you feel about artificially flavored food?1-2
Chicken brest 2-3
I allways have
Chicken brest
Ground beef turkey or chicken
Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
I hate dennys its simple unseasond shit i can make easily with out leaving my home and dealing with people
When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Depends how much money i have
How do you feel about artificially flavored food? Meh i dont mind at all but if i can get the same thing with out them for the same.price or a few cents more i'll get the latter

>> No.6889502

Sort of in-between middle and richfag so I'll fill out both

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
Pretty much never, even for quick work lunches.
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
A deterrent
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
Fairly important, but I'm not above a great immigrant food truck now and again.
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
Fuck yes it is, unless I'm just eating a steak straight up.

>Salad with the evening meal? Always
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you? Depends on if it's cheap fish (gross) or decent fish (awesome)
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Not unless the wine is overpriced bullshit.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Never for ground beef. Maybe 2 - 3 for chicken breast, it's pretty healthy.
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Literal hell.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Enjoying it.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Honestly for me it depends on the food. I love "natural raspberry flavor" even though I'm pretty sure that comes out of a beaver's anus.

>> No.6889516

>Richfags: Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?

I cook for myself most of the time and eat at restaurants 3-4 times a week (delivery or sit-down).

>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?

It's not necessary, but having an alcohol menu that's obviously had a lot of thought put into it is a big plus (i.e. not just Bud Light + shitty domestics, and on the other end of the scale not just 10000 different kinds of beer and liquors without regards for the dishes/season/local options/etc.)

>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?

It's crass to be served a huge plate of food. I expect reasonable portions.

>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?

Depends. I don't think much if a hole-in-the-wall diner isn't spic and span if the food is great. If it's an upscale restaurant, cleanliness is VERY important.

>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?

Maybe, depending on the dish. I enjoy vegetables so it's definitely not a plus.

>> No.6889519

>Salad with the evening meal?
Of course, every time. Garden veggies practically free.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Nope, fresh caught trout or lakefish is that good shit mang.
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Nah, as long as you aren't an asshole about it.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Better local places, I consider it very standard.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
No, I enjoy eating out so I budget a pretty sizable chunk to it, that way I can enjoy the experience.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Not the best but sometimes it's what you gotta do. My white trash roots still make me love kool aid. And trashy girls that fuck in the trailer while their parents are home.

>> No.6889665

What use is this thread when everyone believes they are in every class?

>> No.6889722
File: 882 KB, 800x927, 39906390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>posts light brown girl.
>>bitches about brown people.
madoka does not approve you little shit.

>> No.6889727

>>come from a family of scientists and did phys/biochem in college.
apperantly they didnt tell you race is a social construct. must not have anyone in anthropology or evolution.

>>not sure how you link background and racism together.
definately no one in anthropology.

>>street food in india.
that depends more on where and when you are. more rural and during a festival? pick that shit the hell up. stay away from city street food.

>> No.6889789

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
A little.
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>Would you say you eat at chain restaurants often?
>How important is it that a restaurant serves alcohol?
Not very.
>Are big portions an enticement or deterrent to you?
>How concerned are you about a restaurant's cleanliness?
It's not something I think about, but I wouldn't go somewhere I thought was unhygienic.
>There's practically no vegetable matter involved in the meal - is that a strike against it?
A small strike.

>Salad with the evening meal?
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
A little.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
Maybe one?
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
Britbong here, I don't know what Denny's is.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
Not a fan.

>> No.6889852


>Salad with the evening meal?
Nope, usually something light or sweet for dinner, lunch is the biggest meal. For lunch yes.
>Dinner is fish, does that mean it's ruined for you?
Lunch* no, I eat it often.
>Is drinking wine with a meal pretentious?
Don't drink, but no.
>How many meals a week do you eat of ground beef or chicken breast?
>Sober breakfast at Denny's: delicious or disgusting?
No thanks.
>When eating out at an expensive place are you thinking what it's going to cost instead of kicking back and enjoying the experience?
Nope, I just enjoy.
>How do you feel about artificially flavored food?
I grew up on home cooked food so I don't like it

>> No.6891545

poor fucks

>> No.6893297


>> No.6893441 [DELETED] 

No, I'm a wagecuck. I just handle my money well and have always been in financially poor situations so I'm used to it

>> No.6893625

>Are you put off by the idea of a meatless meal?
>Do you think organic food is a waste of money?
>If you go out to eat and the portions aren't large do you feel ripped off?
>Do you avoid "foreign" food because you don't trust foreigners to be clean in the kitchen?
>Evening meal - supper or dinner?

>> No.6894278
File: 6 KB, 1137x121, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the government can track your cellphone everywhere you go right? So if you are going to commit crimes, don't bring your phone.
Also ever 4 chains post is logged.

>> No.6894712


Meatless meals are more dependent on what the main portion is.
Organic is a waste of money for 85% of products, and some are worth it every time, some worth for a treat.
Either large portions, or a large amount of freebies (chips+salsa, breadsticks) are preferable if I am spending over $10 for the meal while eating out, but I know what to expect before I order, don't go out without at least looking it up on yelp and seeing some plates.
Why the fuck would I avoid foreign food, and how would their cleanliness affect their recipes?
Why does it need to be either? E=I am in college, I at when hungry in the evening, or don't if I am not hungry.

Still poorfag:
Not in the least.
Depends on the food. taqueria I do not mind, but something like a steakhouse, BBQ joint or chain restaurant I care more.
Depends on the type of meats, and carbs involved. Strike if its unbalanced (multiple carb sides)

Still poor:
Sometimes with, sometimes without, sometimes the entire meal.
Why the fuck would fish ruin a meal? I mean seriously, if it could ruin it I would not order or buy it.
No, why would it be?
Depends on what I plan on. Sometimes it will be 10+ if I make a big pot of chili. I guess average 4 meals a week ground meat (turkey or beef or pork) or chicken breast (thick cut, boneless/skinless, tenders).
Not sure, haven't been to Denny's or Grandy's or anything similar in years.
Thinking on the cost is something that permeates my entire psyche, at some level ., but if I am eating somewhere expensive I am going to enjoy it fully.
Depends on what you consider, but not really, in general. I dislike specific things, like HFCS and have no issue with things like additives in OJ or candies. It being derived from a plant of made in a lab has no real standing on its vlaue. I do seem to prefer candies that are naturally flavored, but thats probably me wanting to taste a difference.