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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6883951 No.6883951 [Reply] [Original]

What's the longest you've ever gone without eating, /ck/?

>> No.6883961


one time it took my mom almost twenty minutes to go through the drive thru.

>> No.6883969

literally 7 or 8 days. I was on a drug spree for a few days after that I was sick for a few more days. It took about a week to get back to my normal eating behaviour.

>> No.6883974

3 days. I was waiting for my student loan to come through and spent the loose change I had on tobacco.

>> No.6884128

How did you feel? I can't imagine that, I'd have to find a way to eat.

>> No.6884130

my mom didn't cook dinner for me until midnight one time
it was pretty bad

>> No.6884140

Speed pill spree, about 3 days. I had alcohol and water.

Although I could barely keep water down once I was de buzzing. I was also back at work, longest shift of my life.
8 hours felt like 800.

>> No.6884167


This. Opiates are brutal.

>> No.6884186

2 days. I got lost in the woods in Washington state about 12 years ago.

>> No.6884195

First 2 days were fine. 3rd day I was spending a lot of time on wikipedia looking at articles on food I've never tried.

>> No.6884261

5 days, was actually penniless is a foreign city.

shit was rough.

I also haven't eaten in almost 2 days atm.

no real reason, just haven't.

>> No.6884273
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3-4 days, I was stressed over something stupid and had zero appetite.

When I was finally hungry again I was ravenous. Ate a big meal which triggered a gallbladder attack and a month of doctor visits, procedures, and surgeries to remove it. But I got to keep my gallstones and they gave me pictures!

>> No.6884292

3 days. I don't like food.

>> No.6884305

That's a qt looking gall bladder

>> No.6884308

I wished you'd stayed there and starved faggot

>> No.6884309

Several years ago I went 9 months without eating; I was waiting until my birthday

>> No.6884318

About 4 days, it was after big surgery and i was sleeping or pushing button for more synth.morphine the whole time.
Other than that probably 1 day.

>> No.6884403

12 days. I was in a bad place in my life, homeless, broke and 2000 miles from home

>> No.6884416

About 4 years

>> No.6884462

a week

>> No.6884559


this guy lasted a year

>> No.6884590

About 4 days I think. After my gf broke up with me. I just wasn't hungry at all.

>> No.6884607

5 days... didn't feel like eating for some reason, so i told myself I wouldn't. I broke down after my parents served me steak... sometimes I randomly go a day without eating, but make up for it the next week or so.

>> No.6884728

3 weeks. had some weird stomach problem that meant I couldn't keep anything but water and very thin soup down

>> No.6884752

3 days

>> No.6884771

3 days without any real food during conscription once. Ate a few crabapples, some blurberries and stuff like that, but nothing substantial.

>> No.6884799

6 days. It would have been longer but a friend came by and wanted to hang out. I barely ate for the rest of the summer after that.

>> No.6884812

I went for a week without food while stranded on an island after getting kidnapped.

>> No.6884831

4 days, only alcohol, no water.

>> No.6884839


4 days

Amphetamine, went from 180 pounds to 155
Devoured water, cigarettes and assorted pills.

>> No.6884841

On day 9 of a water fast right now.

>> No.6884898

3 days. I have clinical depression, and when I get into a depressed state, I lose my appetite. A few years ago, I went thought a really bad period and would go pretty long periods of time not eating, or only eating with my family to get them to stop telling me to eat. I got dangerously thin, and almost never feel hungry anymore. I think my body shut that reflex down.

>> No.6884934

7 days.

I was going through methadone withdrawal in county jail.

I nearly died.

>> No.6884939

I seriously recommend you try medical marijuana for appetite stimulation. It really helped me.

>> No.6884974
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~5 days, going through alcohol withdrawal on my own.

Not recommended

>> No.6885040

About two days during military survival training, followed by two more on nothing but roots, berries and pine needles.