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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6882198 No.6882198 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been feeding my dog mcdonalds. I didn't even intend to do this but one day me and my friend jokingly held a fry in front of his face and he ate it. I didn't think he would. So now everytime I go to mcdonalds I get an extra burger and fries for him.
Is this bad?

>> No.6882204

I used to get my dog a burger from McDonald's every once in awhile as a treat.

>> No.6882209

I do it too tbh fam

>> No.6882214

Yes, you're literally killing your dog to do this. It may be some misguided attempt at affection but your dog will wind up with pancreatitis and die.

I know this because a friend of mine's father did the same thing and their dog got pancreatitis and died. Dogs should not be eating processed garbage like McDonald's. If you want to feed him real food then boil some chicken and carrots and sprinkle some bonemeal on top.

>> No.6882215

Feeding your dog one slice of bacon is about like you eating a pound and a half in one sitting, health-wise.

>> No.6882246

Of course it is you fucking retard. You couldn't just settle for eating shit yourself but you have to feed your dog with the same, didn't you?

But seriously. It's not a proper diet for a dog and you'd give him proper food if you cared for him.

>> No.6882252

So that's why every time I give my dog a huge bone filled with fatty marrow it dies. Who knew

>> No.6882277

This bait would probably go over better on /an/

Sincerely, funposting freddy

>> No.6882282

negative nancys

>> No.6882338

That's different

>> No.6882908

op asked for opinions
Don't enable bad behavior just because you might do the same

>> No.6882911

mcdonalds is fine for dogs. i just feed my dogs garbage and they are fine

>> No.6882914

Guys I fed my gerbil burger king is he gonna die?

>> No.6882915

YES. dogs aren't meant to eat all the fat and preservatives we humans normally consume. you are basically cutting your dogs lifespan in half. keep this shit up and expect it to die from pancreatitis or other gastro-intestinal diseases

>> No.6882933

Vet here. You are so full of shit it isn't even funny.

>> No.6882936

You're not a vet. If you were you wouldn't be encouraging OP to kill his dog.

>> No.6882942

So feeding a mcdonalds hamburger will cut its lifespan in half? In FUCKING half? You're a retard if you believe it's that severe.

>> No.6882944

I feed my dog McDonald's and it still hasn't died

>> No.6882947

don't be autistic. one won't kill it, but getting in the habit of feeding your dog shit and thinking OK definitely will. i can tell you this from experience, i used to feed my dog of my plate all the time, thinking it was no big deal. then she started getting sick and vomiting all the time. $4000 of vet bills wasn't enough to save her. pancreatitis was too far gone and she was only 6 fucking years old. i miss her everyday.

>> No.6882949

You know what I meant idiot. Feeding it McDonald's even once a week would not cut its lifespan in half. That's it is a total fuckin exaggeration. You're a completely uninformed retard.

>> No.6882953

you want your dog to live a long healthy lifestyle or not? you want a pal to stick around 15-20 years? then don't feed it any shit PERIOD. don't get into the habit and it won't be an issue.

>> No.6882955

i didn't even eat mcdonalds that often fucktard. but it was simply the act of thinking it was OK for my dog to eat human food that ultimately proved fatal. don't make my mistake.

>> No.6882983


>processed garbage
>real food

Man, in one post you managed to say the two things that evoke my ultimate autism rage.

Never use those terms again, please.

>> No.6882991

What do you think dogs have been eating before kibble?

food scraps

>> No.6882996

thats like saying I keep poking myself with needles but i still haven't bled out yet!

>> No.6883000

except people used to it actual food back then

>> No.6883006

Not really.

>> No.6883095

>I smoke tobacco and still haven't got any diseases, therefore cigarettes must not harm me

>> No.6883191

Vet here. As long as they eat McD's in moderation it'll be fine. Make sure they eat lots of Purina to make up for it.

>> No.6883198 [DELETED] 

>Vet here
How long did it take you before you realized black people shouldn't be allowed to own animals?

I'm not even racist, but after watching a bunch of that animal cops show at 3 am, jesus christ.

>> No.6883205

What kind of vet would allow someone to feed a dog that shit?
Aren't onions straight up poisonous to dogs?

>> No.6883217

holy shit

>> No.6883220

yes they are

>> No.6883221

when I kept rats I threw a mcnugget (it fell on the floor) into the cage. They ripped it to shreds then a fight broke out.

>> No.6883230

How healthy were the dogs back then and for how long did they live?
You might as well say people should eat raw meat straight off the animal because they used to.

>> No.6883256
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It's probably fine but dogs can't eat certain shit like onions and mustard

>> No.6883273

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, but onions are highly nutritious.

>> No.6883281

>dog food is healthy
If dog food is so healthy, why don't you eat it. If eating food scraps from people is unhealthy for dogs, why didn't dogs use to die within a year because cavemen didn't have any kibbles so they abused the poor dogs with food not in the form of salty rocks?

>> No.6883287

It's because humans and dogs aren't the same.
Grapes and onions are fine for people but potentially deadly for dogs.
Dog food is made to be safe and nutritious for dogs but might not have what humans need to live.

Cavement used to live to the ripe old age of 30 themselves. Their dogs were probably better suited for the diet than they were. They weren't having cheeseburgers, though, were they?


>> No.6883288

What ingredients in cheeseburgers are harmful to dogs?

>> No.6883295

McDonald's cheeseburgers where I live have chopped onion.
Apart from that the rest of the thing contains simple carbohydrates, fat, and salt. Cheeseburgers are not even good for humans and you know it.

>> No.6883307


there isn't enough onion in a cheeseburger to harm a dog dude.

>> No.6883319

There isn't enough tar in a cigarette to give a person lung cancer either.

>> No.6883331

Most human food is way too salty to give to a dog, nevermind Mc fucking Donald's.

>> No.6883332

They are so like people it's creepy.

>> No.6883343

>simple carbohydrates, fat,
Dogs can eat both. Our anatomy is virtually identical.

>and salt.
Ever tasted dog food?

> Cheeseburgers are not even good for humans and you know it.
They are fine for humans if that's not all you eat.

>> No.6883381

>Our anatomy is virtually identical.
That's where I stopped reading.

It's perfectly fine that you have accepted being an idiot but please don't try to convert others.

>> No.6884024

Not really.

>> No.6884028
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>> No.6886172

>hold thing in front of dog's face
>surprised when he eats it

>> No.6886202
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>> No.6886214

I'd guess that's way more salt than a dog can handle. Humans eat fish, crabs, shellfish all the time, but canines evolved inland.

>> No.6886218

>i used to feed my dog of my plate all the time, thinking it was no big deal.

you are a fucking moron.

kill yourself, stupid bitch.

>> No.6886223

I just gave my snake a caramel thick-shake will he be okay?

>> No.6886236

I did birthday parties for my rat once.
Then this fucking brown kid from next door killed it with a boot. I fucking hate spics now

>> No.6886886

Depends. Is it a cute snek?

>> No.6886907
File: 830 KB, 1195x1920, tumblr_ntn1ebi0YM1sgi24yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snekfaggotry on /ck/

tumblr pls stay

>> No.6886912

Did you find his house and smash his pet/family members back?

>> No.6886921

snek is clearly from [s4s]

>> No.6886931

You are way too fucking aggressive. Dude is speaking about his old buddy who passed away and trying to pass on some advice. I know 4chan has never been the friendliest place, but honestly, take a moment and look at your fucking self. You are a mess. You are shit. Reflect and improve. Your life sucks and it's because of choices you've made. No need to go on the internet and hurl your negativity at anyone you can. If you're hurting that badly, see a professional.