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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, stock-photo-16371789-stolichnaya-vodka_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6880998 No.6880998 [Reply] [Original]

Alcohol general

What you drinking /ck/?

Currently drinking this with some bitter lemon and ice because my life is boring as fuck and I have no friends to go out with

>> No.6881002

Keystone ice
Because I hate myself

>> No.6881007

haven't tried that anon but looks pretty shit

>> No.6881008

Water because I'm an alcoholic

>> No.6881016

Crooked i

>> No.6881023
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Got a minature of this. Going to chill it and drink it straight up.

>> No.6881039

might try that with the Karamel Stoli I've been eyeing up

>> No.6881040

Add a little to your pumpkin spice latte

>> No.6881044

sounds shit, I drink cappucinos and americanos my man

>> No.6881047

aka box wine mixed in a container with juice and some cut up fruit.

gets the job done, cheap as far as liquor goes and tastes delicious without being tryhard.

>> No.6881049

you're drinking that alone?

>> No.6881051

Id never buy it for myself, and I can't imagine I would ever find a way to go through 700ml of it. Certainly not very quickly. But i had been wanting to try it as I typically buy their normal vodka if I want vodka, and someone bought me a pack of 3 miniatures of this and their gin.

>> No.6881056

Would you rather him take it to the park and hand out cups ?

>> No.6881063

Chilled vodka is a great substitute for ice ! Try it in your favorite beverage TODAY ! ! !

>> No.6881064

I'm at work (liquor store) so I'm sipping a water bottle filled with discount blended scotch.

>> No.6881066

just sangria is a party drink is all. that would make me feel even more lonely

>> No.6881070

ITT: girly drinks

>> No.6881074

Whats your manly drink?

>> No.6881076


>> No.6881079

Well, you have a very good point and there is nothing I can say to counter that.

>> No.6881124

with gf, her idea actually and now she's got me into all this fruity shit... that I'm starting to love.

but holy shit cheap wine gives the absolute WORST hangovers. much worse than hard liquor.

>> No.6881343
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>> No.6881350
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Apple juice

>> No.6881358
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I'm a relatively new drinker, anyone have any recommendations for beers? I don't really dislike any of the types of beer I've tried so far.

>> No.6881363

try imperial stout

though you may not be ready yet

>> No.6881368

How is it?

I kind of want to into absinthe but I think it would take me years to get through a bottle. I can't imagine it would be a regular drink.

>> No.6881369


>> No.6881371
File: 1.20 MB, 2448x3264, Photo Sep 14, 5 30 24 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C4 Explosive preworkout mixed with champagne and a splash of lime juice. It's pretty good.

>> No.6881388
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>> No.6881419
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Patrician choice of vodka Anon.

>> No.6881427

If you are the man and are the not faggot, you drink it str8, even better if room temperature

>> No.6881885

gin with ice

saphire to be precised

shit sucks

LCBO was out of Tanq tho

>> No.6881907
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15$ USD for 1.75L, pretty rad deal for me

>> No.6881926

I have gin and I have root beer. Hopefully this ends well.

>> No.6881942

It won't.

>> No.6882143

Very good apple juice.

So some dude started out a list of good and cheap starter drinks category:
Gin - Tanqueray London Dry
Tequila - El Tesoro Reposado
Bourbon - Wild Turkey 101
Whiskey - ?
Scotch - ?
Brandy - ?
Cognac - ?
Rum - ?
Vodka - ?
Maybe Schnapps - ?

Does anyone have anything else that doesn't go over 30 bucks per 750 for the other types of alcohol while still being good?

I made a mistake of getting some Smirnoff Triple Distilled Vodka.

>> No.6882343

What's the best way to drink Southern Comfort?

>> No.6882361

as a female

>> No.6882363

Is being a faggot close enough?

>> No.6882365

day 2 w/o booze.

Letting body recharge.

>> No.6882370
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I keep going back and forth on my opinion of this but I can't give it too much shit given it's a $25 scotch

>> No.6882403
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I'll probably drink this tomorrow night

>> No.6882463
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fucking $16 for a 6-pack but I've been waiting all year for this shit.

plus who dosent have sixteen dollars? i wipe my ass with sixteen dollars.

>> No.6882471

Anybody know anything about Goldschlager? Is it any good?

>> No.6882505
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pic related

>> No.6882516

day 12 here. Couple more weeks and I'll get a blood test to see how fucked my liver etc is

>> No.6882526
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When I was an alcohol it was just under a 26 of this a day, always mixed with diet coke. On day 20 now.

>> No.6882531

It's peppermint schnapps, acceptable only for teenage girls or as shelf filler for bar, not something to get fucked up on.

>> No.6882532

keep it up m8

>> No.6882619

getting a small amount and mixing w/ sugar water does the trick.
If you're feeling ambitious mix in some chopped mint leaves, set in sugar water for a while, then mix with absinth. Gives a fresh taste.
source: alcoholic because want to forget memories of abuse

>> No.6883101

Busnel Fine Calvados is a good brandy, right?

>> No.6883127


>> No.6883173

Why would you want to get fucked up drinking?

>> No.6883229
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nothing because a few days back i went through a bottle of single malt in 2 hours and woke up at 6 am in my parked car.

a day clean.

Aberlour - A'BUNADH was the culprit.

>> No.6883390

Does anybody know what brand of mead is best? Finally seem to have found a nearby store that sells the Viking drink.

>> No.6884378

Fernet Branca with Coke

>> No.6884633
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>just starting to get into drinking beer
>dad has been a craft beer dude for years
>ask him to pick me up something on his way home, i'll pay
>spend all day at work anticipating some beer when i get home
>"hey anon these bud light lime-a-ritas were on sale so you don't have to pay me as much"

how could this happen to me

>> No.6884643

Your dad thinks you're gay

>> No.6884657

I AM gay so whatever, but I don't want him thinking I'm a normie

>> No.6884658

It's not a normie drink, it's a chick/fag/kid drink

>> No.6884664

Sounds like a gay overcompensation drink

>> No.6884667

Find something to drink and try it

>> No.6884678


Well I mean... what did you expect?

Gay son asks to buy drinks = buy gay drinks

>> No.6884687

>Paying almost 20 dollars for a pumpkin beer

Are you a white girl?

>> No.6884704


>Gin - Tanqueray London Dry
Isn't Bombay Sapphire better than Tanqueray?
Busnel VSOP Calvados
Smirnoff Triple Distilled
Bacardi Gold Rum (not much of a rum drinker, so going with the most well known name)

>> No.6884711

Gosling's Family Reserve Old Rum. Pretty neat. It's a dry rum that has a lot of chocolate and tobacco taste to it.

>> No.6884719

I don't think you're pitching what I'm catching here:
It doesn't matter what orientation you are, only the godking of plebs would drink Bud Light, let alone bud light with lime juice to dilute the alcohol taste.
We HAVE tequila and triple sec, he thought that what he was buying was beer.

>> No.6884723

Water, trying not to be a drunk.

>> No.6884769

Nice. Will try and check it out if they have it at my old drink shop.

>> No.6884778

My friend went on an autistic rant that Jack Daniels isn't whiskey and is actually a liqueur. How do you even respond to that

>> No.6884803

By showing him the definition of bourbon in the United States. Unless it has sugar artificially added, he's just being a whiny autistic fuck. A liqueur by definition in the US has artificial sweetening and flavoring

>> No.6884813

>he's just being a whiny autistic fuck.
Thats what I said but he insists that they put sugar around the casks before charring them which I was unsure whether or not was true

>> No.6884814

I use to vomit after about 5 drinks, but now I don't. Somehow I think this is worse.

>> No.6884819

That is completely untrue. By definition, bourbon (which Jack Daniels technically is) in the United States must be placed in brand new oak barrels that have been charred, with no sugar.

Even if Jack Daniels did put sugar in the barrels before charring them or something, that still doesn't fit the definition for a liqueur because the sugar would be completely burnt off by the charring process and wouldn't end up in the whiskey. Your friend is an asshat

>> No.6884824

Thanks. That is what google said but I didn't know how strict American quality control laws are and thought he could be right.

>> No.6884827

Nah, say what you will about American whiskey, but we're pretty strict with our whiskey definitions. It is very tightly controlled. Now go, my friend, and BTFO your autistic friend

>> No.6884838

I don't know what people have against American whiskeys. They are probably the best after Irish whiskeys

>> No.6884843


>> No.6884874

What is the best mixer for rum? (Looking for something different from the usual plain rum and coke)

>> No.6884881

I'm Irish and I like American whiskeys.

>> No.6884895


It has nothing to do with the whisky, just the place of origin.

You drink scotch? must be a pretentious richfag
You drink bourbon? pigdisgusting amerifat
You drink Japanese whisky? WEEABOO

Its all just pure bullshit. Where a drink comes from isn't important, all that matters is the taste.

>> No.6884902

Yeah, I would agree. I honestly don't like Scotch whiskys very much. I don't like smoke in my whiskey. I'd prefer rum or a sweet and spicy bourbon over Scotch any day. And with craft distilleries becoming more and more common in the US, I'm really excited to see what people keep putting out.

>> No.6884910

>Its all just pure bullshit. Where a drink comes from isn't important, all that matters is the taste.
Whiskey can be distilled anywhere. Aging is arguably more important than where the ingredients are grown

>> No.6884914

not your fathers root beer.
absolutely in love with this shit.

>> No.6884918

not the guy you replied to but I am a gin drinker, and honestly I like Tanqueray more than Saphire.

>> No.6884923

Took me a while to come to this same conclusion, but I agree with you.

I always felt with scotch that I would like it if I tried it enough, and to some extent I really do. But the ones I like are sherry aged, and I eventually realised that the flavours that typically come through there, are what you would find more commonly in spiced rum or bourbon.

I think that typically scotch is the superior product in terms of its quality, but I just happen to prefer bourbon or rum.

>> No.6884925


Aging, and all its processes, determines the objective flavour.

All that matters, is the subjective taste. If it tastes good to you, it doesn't matter if it's been aged 1 year, or 5 years, or 250 years in an air bubble of a lost spanish galleon 2 miles under the ocean; the taste is all that matters.

>> No.6884927

had some japanese whiskey and some friends made fun of me for it, made them try it and now it's their main drink of choice. japanese whiskey is objectively superior to other whiskeys.

>> No.6884930

>I think that typically scotch is the superior product in terms of its quality, but I just happen to prefer bourbon or rum.
same. Although i'v been told by a whiskey connoisseur that I would like scotch more as I got older and that 22 is too young to appreciate whiskey

>> No.6884932

Sapphire is gin created for people who don't really like gin. Tanqueray is a classic.

>> No.6884936

What a crock of pretentious shit. I've met 20 year olds who could sit and sip a peaty Islay malt, and I've met 40 year olds who grimace even from smelling a sweet and fruity rum. It just depends on personal taste.

The "age develops your palate" thing more refers to the fact that as you get older you expand the things you've eaten and you have built up a tolerance to things that are an acquired taste (beer, coffee, spirits, certain cheeses, etc)

>> No.6884940

What was it?

>> No.6884942


Sounds exactly like somebody who's so far up his own ass he doesn't even realize how stupid he sounds.

>> No.6884946

Is it distilled over itself 1000 times?

>> No.6884947

I kind of agree with both points.

My tastes have certainly changed a lot over the years. There are a lot of things that I wouldn't eat 10 years ago, but would now. And not through lack of exposure, just through a genuine dislike e.g. onions and baked beans.

But that being said, there is no specified age at which you can enjoy something. I started drinking j.d. at 18 and liked in instantly. I still don't like Islay whiskey.

>> No.6884954

I know it isn't something you can depend on happening but it does seem to be something that happens to most people. It doesn't really matter whether it is because of experience or aging.

>> No.6884957
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Good ol' Fin du monde

>> No.6884981

I live upstairs from a liquor store.

What should I get? I don't want to spend much money. Kind of want cider though.

>> No.6884996

Kill yourself, normie.

>> No.6884998

Probably buy cider then?

>> No.6885004

I suggest a cider that isn't too expensive.

>> No.6885009

buy real apple cider if you live in an apple area and mix with cheap vodka

it won't be carbonated

>> No.6885013

I'm a Unibroue fag. Its all so good

>> No.6885015

If youre in US then don't bother. The only good cider is produced in England

>> No.6885031

Buy popov!

>> No.6885041

Is there no good rum that comes from Puerto Rico or the United States?

>> No.6885042

I don't know if I should go. I'm pretty high tbh and I don't want the old asian couple looking at me.

But I do want some tasty cider.

>> No.6885049


>> No.6885057

What's a good brand of cider?

>> No.6885088

Unless you've got money to really blow, why would you chug through a bottle of single malt so fast, cask strength no less? You're objectively not really appreciating anything it has to offer in that timespan, not that I care how you treat your own purchases.

>> No.6885100


nah, just figured out a long time ago that not liking the things you like just because other certain people like them is a really pleb way to live life

>> No.6885109

there are none.

>> No.6885208

Does Chaucer's Mead expire quickly?
>Tequila - El Tesoro Reposado
Sauza Reposado is also good, yeah?

>> No.6885212

US makes rum?

>> No.6885223


Puerto Rico is part of the US, so yah, i'm sure they make some rum.

>> No.6885230

jus checkin in to alc thread, on 12 keysone light. i dont drink for flavor, only sedative effects agains crazy brain

>> No.6885235

Cheap vodka from the supermarket. Nothing in it; just vodka. I am washing it down with orange juice, and lots of toast so I reckon it all gets mixed up in my stomach.

>> No.6885238
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Mother fucking apricot brandy. I also have some St. George's raspberry brandy made 100 percent from raspberries. Why? Because I have refined and exquisite taste that's why.

>> No.6885270

i heard if you drink so much that you can start producing your own alcohol in your own stomach
how can i do this?

>> No.6885293

I'm working my way through a bottle of mediocre rittenhouse rye in old fashioneds.

>> No.6885307

Bourbon is whiskey.
Buillet Rye, Four Roses, Tillmore Dew

> Scotch

>> No.6885392

Four Loko.

Though I'm actually having a hard time and feeling pretty sleepy tonight. Probably for the best, I've been starting to gain a lot of weight.

>> No.6885394

haters gon' hate, but for most mixes I'd recommend Flor de cana gran reserva 7yr. Too much caramel and vanilla is godawful.

>> No.6885559

Straight manhattan? There are people who drink it on the rocks?

There are better $25 scotches

>> No.6885580

Steel 211. I'm poor and I hate myself.

>> No.6885593

I don't drink, and I've never been drunk.

Because alcoholics are the lowest form of scum, and they put me off drinking for life.

>> No.6885596

i got this stone variety 12 pack that was basically a way for them to sell shit that didn't sell on its own. was the best of a bad situation.

the new pale ale
arrogant bastard
go to ipa

its all pretty good but idk. ill finish it all off by tonight and im not even that drunk.

>> No.6885612

tbh sounds like a great pregame drink

>> No.6885638

cheap anything gives bad hangovers imo. ive had terrible ones from beer, wine and liquor

examples of beer that gives bad hangovers : earthquake malt liquor. liquot: burnetts vodka. wine: gallo in the big glass jugs

>> No.6885642

Join us. You don't know what you're missing out on. You think you understand the world, but you've never seen the other side.

>> No.6885664

Sounds logically flawless

>> No.6885700

No sir, heroin addicts are worse.

>> No.6885709
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>> No.6885720

After binge watching the fuck out of Parks & Rec, I really want to get a bottle of Lagavulin scotch.

Also Ron Swanson is my spirit animal.

>> No.6885725

Stop watching feminist crap, anon.

>> No.6885730

Would recommend Sobieski for vodka. It's like $20 for a handle but it tastes fucking amazing. Better than Goose in my opinion

>> No.6885734

Gonna take your ass on a weenie ride
Spread your cheeks and swallow your pride
It's scary like a rollercoaster
It will stretch you out so wide

>> No.6885738
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I can't drink heavily anymore, thanks to a "friend". That being said, I do very rarely enjoy some Tennessee Fire or some gin w/ ginger ale & lime (shit's tasty). If beer counts, I typically find the taste unappealing, but just this last Sunday, I got to try a glass of pic related, and holy Jesus I cannot wait for more. I just don't know where to buy it, even though I live in the fucking Nashville area.

>> No.6886033

Money to really blow.

A'BUNADH is widely available

did not chug. two hours is long enough to drink a bottle by glassfuls

>> No.6886314


Sauza is generally thought to be swill. I don't mind it though.

>> No.6886701
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Anyone tried this?

>> No.6886703

Get Sobieski for vodka.

>> No.6886710

how old is everyone here?

my liver was meh before i started drinking at 18 but at 24 i couldnt do it anymore.

I wonder how long people in their 40-60's drink heavily will last

>> No.6886823

whiskey: black velevt canadian, its like $12 per 1.75 bottel at costco, best deal around.
when i splurge its with jameson.

gin is either seagrims, or tanqueray

beer is PBR because i fucking love it and its like $14 for a 24 pack.

i also enjoy regular budwiser, $18 for a 30 rack, but i am getting a little tired of it lately, so i think that ill stick with PBR for the time being.....

i do enjoy microbrews but they are ridiculously expensive ,and i cant help feeling like a douche drinking a fucking $12 6-pack

>> No.6886957

>Drink a pint of 7% beer and ~12oz. of 100-proof liquor after stuffing myself with fried chicken
>No hangover despite throwing up several times and waking up drunk

Thinking about this made me realize that no matter how blitzed I get, I've never had a stereotypical hangover; the worst I've ever had has been slight headache. Have I just not been drunk enough (I've been pretty damn drunk before) or is it an age thing and/or the fact that I don't drink in excess very frequently?

>> No.6886978


>> No.6887016


Just cracked open a bottle of red, will get pissed off it tonight in memory of based LeXplorer.

>> No.6887093

im 25, starting drinking heavy at about 23.
i actually just went to get a physical yesterday and alcohol consumption came up. they recommended me an outpatient recovery program and my parents have been pushing me that way for a long time. thats fucking gay though.

>> No.6887138

Is Bacardi Gold a good enough rum if you're trying to cheap out or is it too alcohol-ish and not caramel-ish/vanilla-ish like higher grade rum?

>> No.6887164

how is it

>> No.6887166

New amsterdam citron or svedka strawberry lemonade. The latter is fucking delicious in a bullfrog.

>> No.6887220
File: 28 KB, 500x500, sailorjerryspicedrum175__40862__15379.1358534207.1280.1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im drinking a rootbeer float with some sailor jerrys rum

>> No.6887230

are you struggling financially?
are you of drinking age and living with your parents?
take the hint anon your dad wants you to save up some money and move out

>> No.6887233

>caring what that old fuck wants

You do the crime, you do the time.

>> No.6887240

move out anon, start a life get a boyfriend live in your own dollar. or your husbands if your a sub

>> No.6887297

Pommeau. Stuff is dope.

>> No.6887302
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Forgot pic.

>> No.6887734
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Had one of these yesterday and it was wonderful. Highly recommend.

>> No.6887756
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Cheap bottle of white wine
just so I can get to sleep tonight
>tfw starting to get serious problem

>> No.6887763

Cinnamon whiskey, because I'm a pussy & too poor for mixed drinks.

>> No.6887803

McAusland master race reporting in

>> No.6887818


Tea now, but in a few hours

>straight up grey goose martini with a lemon twist
>some California white to go with Mexican Independence Day dinner


Try smoking CBD oil. Seriously it's helped me a lot. Legal in the USA and won't show up on drug tests.

>> No.6887819

I'm not even him, but the idea that you should oblige your parents is ridiculous to me. They felt like fucking, now they have to deal with the consequences. If his dad wants him gone he can pay for it.

>> No.6887828

Live in the netherlands, so probably legal'ish here as well. Could also just smoke weed I suppose yeah

>> No.6887834


Drank a bottle of pink wine today, fuck yeah pink wine. I feel like I'm slipping back into drinking every day because, well, I've been doing just that for the past couple of days.

>> No.6887852

Mah nigga. Are you in Indy?

>> No.6887855

If you wake up drunk, you won't be hungover..

>> No.6888701

No, I hear that is the shittier version of their apple brandy which alright. I am drinking a apple brandy called Calvados Morin. Its tasty. Just like your mother.

>> No.6888747

Well, you're young, you ate, you puked, and you didn't really drink a whole lot. That's probably why you woke up relatively fresh.

>> No.6888776

expensive. my dads a doctor and he drinks this shit. fuck you

i drink tecate because its cheap and i like the slow hike to being drunk before i sleep.

>> No.6888787

same here

although unibroue is also very good

>> No.6888954
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All my fellow alchy friends have sobered up. I'm proud of them for being able to quit, but god damn is this shit lonely now. Been drinking vodka all night trying to numb these feels.

>> No.6889011
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this is my go-to usually

i'd also like to throw out a warning of this one drink called "Great America"
i kept seeing it in grocery stores and got one against my better judgement

holy shit that stuff was foul, it was like drinking someone else's vomit and i felt ill the next day

>> No.6889016

>drinking alcohol
Sure is flyover in here.

>> No.6889111

WTF Tanqueray and Bombay are both 15+ for a fifth. New Amsterdam is a much better value for the cost.

>> No.6889149
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just went to this place and brought some back. Also tried lagavulin 16 year.

>> No.6889183

A lot of people think New Amsterdam is a sucky gin.

>> No.6889274

Try getting drunk off mead and see which is worse.

>> No.6889292

Try a 3:1 ratio of ginger ale,black rum and a splash of lime.

>> No.6889335
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currently working on roughly 3 liters of pic related.

>> No.6889359
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>> No.6889369
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>> No.6889375

I can't imagine they taste nice one after the other.

>> No.6889483

My poorfag go-to hard drinks:

Rum: Bacardi Gold
Tequila: Jose Cuervo Silver
Whiskey: Wild Turkey 81
Vodka: Smirnoff Triple
Gin: Tanqueray Ten
Brandy: Busnel Calvados VSOP Pays D'auge
Cognac: Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge

Thought about Courvoisier VS, but I like Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge more.

>> No.6889501

Is that a good vodka?

>> No.6889596

Got 3 bottles of patron silver cafe dark cocoa on sale for $12 each, pretty solid coffee liqueur for that price.

My go-tos at the moment are Gimlets (Gordon, Rose's, a bit of extra simple syrup) and G&T. Need to get some cointreau so I can get back to Margaritas, but that shit's expensive.

>> No.6889631

It's so hard dealing with liqueurs. I basically have not seen even one of them that have expiration dates and I hear they expire fairly quickly compared to distilled spirits.

>> No.6889843

>Rum: Bacardi Gold
>Tequila: Jose Cuervo Silver

>> No.6889849

If you like fruity stuff, get that sour apple vodka and a little bit of pineapple juice, mix it up, then take a tablespoon of cranberry juice and drizzle it over the top.

Is fuckin bomb.

>> No.6890364


>> No.6890412

check the sierra nevada mix packs, different by region

>> No.6890430

Nursin some beers this morning. No work today. Switch to vodka at noon.

>> No.6890439

Mix it with sprite. If mixed with whiskey it tastes like bubblegum. Use that as you will.

>> No.6891281

There's really nothing that bad about Bacardi Gold and Jose Cuervo Silver even drinking them straight if you're just trying to cheap out.

>> No.6891333

Except for, you know, the fact that they don't taste that good.

>> No.6891354


How much and is it good?

I need a new rum, I drank a bottle of Ron Zacappa and I'm not over it, but I've had it and want something new.

>> No.6891527
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Got a bottle of this, excited as fuck to try it when I grill steaks this weekend.

Also got a bottle of Gosling's rum

>> No.6891737
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if you want something special and interesting look into this.

>> No.6891858

Dear al/ck/oholics,

Which is the better gin: Beefeater London Dry or Tanqueray London Dry?

>> No.6891878

Haven't heard anything bad about St. Remy VSOP

>> No.6891919

Generally like Beefeater better, but both are kinda shit.

If you want a London Dry, try Brokers.

>> No.6891934

Thanks. Will check if it exists in the drink shops around here.

>> No.6891938

I've seen those in my nearby supermarket and they are really cheap. Cheaper than domestic brandies that are simply VS. Not sure if that means it's shit, but people are probably not buying it in droves leading to that price.

>> No.6891949

true in general, but at 30% alcohol I expect these to last at least a year or two. At least one bottle is going away as a gift, as well.

>> No.6891951

IMO, if you're mixing it, few gins beat Gordons, even before you ignore price. juniper-forward or bust for mixers.

>> No.6892035

Unless you're making martinis.

I like both, Beefeater for a more bold citrusy approach and Tanqueray for a dry one.

>> No.6892182

>Unless you're making martinis.
Yeah; I'd barely even call martinis a mixed drink; 2 dry alcohols, mixed together with (often) almost none of the lesser-abv.

>> No.6892237
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Sipping on this with a little lime. Pretty good.

>> No.6892299

Has anyone tried adding essential oil to their spirits? I want to try it with bourbon but not if it sucks. I could do it with vodka for unsweetened schnapps too.

>> No.6892403

Bitters are a time-honored tradition in cocktails, and the difference between "essential oils" and "bitters" is "one flavor" vs "many flavors".

I'd say go ahead and experiment all you like.

>> No.6892616

I seriously don't get why Bacardi gets shit on /ck/

>> No.6892736

Well, the white one barely tastes like rum. It's more like a sweet vodka for people who want to drink alcoholic coca cola.

The aged stuff is pretty nice though.

>> No.6892739

Sapporo and Johnnie Walker Red. I have a thing for cheap scotch.

>> No.6892752

That's good. when you are drinking cheap, hard stuff daily youre in a bad place.

>> No.6892760

cinnamon schnaps retard

>> No.6892785

Yeah. Bacardi 8 Year is a pretty good rum. Their younger rums just barely counts as rum.

>> No.6892789

Well to be honest is probably true, ya'll act like you could appreciate beer when you were twelve.
The probable reaction is "wha, it's bitter" people developed a wider range of things that they like, like some adults love liver and broccoli and raw onions, kids have more sensitive taste buds or something. And with time people develop new tastes.
It's ludicrous to believe this shit doesn't apply to you, and that somehow you are a connoisseur of all things good in life by the time you are 20 something.

>> No.6892981

I have always wondered this but, when you drink hard liquor, should you eat something before/during? Or is it like beer and wine where you can drink it while eating, and the meal blunts the effect of the alcohol?

>> No.6892990

Mojito using Stevia instead of sugar and heavy on the mint leaves. Extra dry martini w/an extra olive. Maker's Mark 50 yr aged. And then also Screaming Orgasms, which are basically a walk me down that tastes like chocolate.

>> No.6893012

>50 yr whiskey
Does that even taste good?

>> No.6893154

Whiskeys tend to get more wood-tasting after 10 years. 8 years is actually a good starting point before that happens.

>> No.6893202

Ramen broth mixed with stolis is pretty fuckin good.

>> No.6893268

Having a James Squire 150 lashes pale ale.
Good shit.

>> No.6893808

just do vodka waters with a little lime or lemon in there. cheap and i bet way lower on calories

Stoli is my go to vodka if im not buying shatterproof. Titos is 2nd.

what the fuck are you even saying? of course eating before/during drinking will keep you from getting as drunk as fast.
If you want to get real drunk real fast, don't eat for 5-6 hours (at least) and then take some handle pulls. dont be a pussy about them either.

>> No.6893865
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quite nice

>> No.6893890

>100% de meme

>> No.6894163

>dat feel when drank vodka til i passed out, woke up at 7pm thinking it was 7am, got in the car and made my hour long commute to work with surprisingly little traffic, got there and realized my mistake. on a saturday.

think it might be time to admit i need help boys

>> No.6894316

>driving drunk
No sympathy. I wish you died.

>> No.6894762
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I just took a multivitamin with a vodka shot

gotta stay healthy

>> No.6894766

>tfw my favorite brand was acquired by brown forman
Herradura is dead to me

>> No.6895391

So which one is better, Flor de Caña 7 Yr Gran Reserva or Bacardi 8 Años Gran Reserva? My local liquor store has both and they're both around 20 bucks.

>> No.6895403

currently drinking some gin (tanqueray) and grapefruit juice.

also making some rice with hot curry powder, cayenne pepper, and garlic salt (usually just have plain rice but trying it with the spices i use to make my egg sandwich for breakfast) and gonna top the rice with two eggs over easy and some Franks hot sauce

>> No.6895415
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Cheap 7.5% beer(or 15 proof for you whatever country you're in-faggots)

and also shotting cheap whiskey. I'm all about cheap right now, but I'm gettin fucking drunk that's for sure

>> No.6895421

what is this magic cheap 7.5% beer? Malt liquor?

I need to get drunk on the cheap and I'd rather have beer.

>> No.6895422



lonerider sweet josie brown ale

>> No.6895425

malt liquor is just another name for high gravity shitty beer

drink a 40 and get over yourself

old english is actually p tolerable

>> No.6895426
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i dont drink too often but i normally drink pic related, but i've got a lot of shit to do this weekend and beer gives me shitty hangovers compared to liquor so im switching it up

>> No.6895432

old english is fine, i was just curious if it was actually real beer or malt liquor. I'll probably just spend the $3 and get two 40s

>> No.6895434
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it's just strong beer. but it's not expensive ale or ipa or whatever. just simple and for some disgusting beer. But I learned to enjoy it and now i love it. Im pretty sure its the equivalent to malt liquor but im not sure as it doesnt exist by that name in my country. Cheers mate

>> No.6895442

yeah, it's just beer. nothing spooky about it.

enjoy your sound investment, homie.

>> No.6895448

also rice is great as fuck, will make again

>> No.6895545
File: 1.67 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150904_185640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is pretty good.

>> No.6895554

One of the best mass - marketed marzens.

>> No.6895555

yeah it is pretty good. is it new this year cause ive never seen it before.

>> No.6895573

Yeah they've brewed marzens before but this year they collaborated with a German brewery in making one with a different recipe. Supposedly they'll be doing it with a different German brewery every year.

>> No.6895579

thats awesome

>> No.6895582

I'm chugging Chablis Blanc and I wanna wretch

>> No.6895606

nahhh, they didn't lmao..idk wtf i was thinking.

>> No.6895609
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Imported from the U.S.S.R

>> No.6895610

>Brandy: Busnel Calvados VSOP Pays D'auge
This shit isn't poorfag. This costs 50 dollars.

>> No.6895623

It's a cheap brandy that doesn't suck

>> No.6895681
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>> No.6895686

If you're drinking this you've hit rock bottom.

In fact no, you've hit magma.

>> No.6895687
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I'm pretty keen on this stuff.

>> No.6895705


>> No.6895706

i'm balls deep in a bud ice six pack.

>> No.6895708

Umqombothi (it's African beer)

>> No.6895709

eh I don't want to look like a total pussy. I hate the taste of alcohol and pretty much drink screw drivers because they are simple as fuck and hard cider.

>> No.6895710

Fifth of Smirnoff straight from the bottle. Two shots in and already have a dull headache. Cannot alcohol like I used to.

>> No.6895727

are you an oldfag

>> No.6895732

Rebel Yell bourbon.

>> No.6895743

yep, 28. shouldn't even be drinking at all, I'm a dryish alcoholic. went through detox because I was drinking a liter of vodka a day and was nonstop drunk for over a year. I'm pretty much over booze but occasionally get a little because I feel like it. Doesn't take much these days to make me feel like shit and swear off alcohol for another extended stretch.

>> No.6895842

Is Hennessy XO Cognac really as good as its price tag or is it overrated cognac?

Wondering if I should save some money to taste it or just not bother with it at all.

>> No.6895873

>buy fifth of whiskey today for myself
>already drank it all
>no more alcohol in house
>bar too far of a walk, no drive
>full blown fucking PANIC
>buzz already wearing off, can't go to sleep

On a scale 1-10, how fucked am I?

>> No.6895883

You literally drank an entire bottle of whiskey and you're still losing your buzz?

>> No.6895888

I started 5 hours ago

>> No.6895895

It takes 1 hour for 3 percent ABV beer to get out of your system. Whiskey is generally 80 proof and a fifth is a lot of 40% ABV alcohol.

>> No.6896140
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What does /ck/ thinks of this?

>> No.6896186

Nice, but over priced for what is essentially whisky with a bit of cinnamon in it. I can get a full litre of Bells whisky for the same price of that half litre Fireball.

>> No.6896459
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Liqueur Shiraz

>> No.6896760
File: 481 KB, 2000x1650, olddrunkguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok alcoholics I have a question. I've been sick for a few days and my throat is very irritated. I want to get drunk tomorrow, because i won't be able to til next weekend if i don't, so give me suggestions on what to drink which is smoothe on the throat. Beer is out of the picture.

>> No.6896766


>> No.6896775

>beer is out of the picture
>not having smooth pints of guinness to cure what ails you

>> No.6896782

I can't fucking buy that
tbhonest even if the beer is not cold it still fucks up my throat.

>> No.6896803

Schnapps ya cheap ass

>> No.6896860

>drinking anything other than popov, barton, gran legacy, or steele reserve
>considers themselves poorfag
Step up your poverty nigga

>> No.6896939

Just drink it straight or with ice.

>> No.6897202

How does beer fuck up your throat? It's mother's milk. It's gentle and kind and beautiful.

>> No.6897211


had other stuff earlier, plum wine and some beer.

Fuck it, its saturday.

>> No.6897236

Half bottle of whisky, two waterglasses of vodka, bunch of beer.

Feeling good/bad.

>> No.6897263

That's actually a good mix

>> No.6897279

First person I've seen ITT drinking red
What you drinking?
I've just opened a 2009 reserva rioja, it's delicious

>> No.6897291

Shit tastes like soap

>> No.6897304

Ah the mighty 3bomb of foosty Jacobson's the memory's are flooding back

>> No.6897307

Crispin is my favorite mainstream brand. Try some regional ciders around you if you can

>> No.6897608

I have a simple question mates. If a drink is supposed to be shaken, would putting it in a blender do the same thing, or would that somehow ruin it?
Assume that there are no solid parts that would get shredded by the blender.

>> No.6897613

Would you blend a baby? No, you'd shake it.

>> No.6898122

had some cream left over from making pumpkin soup so I qhipped up some self styled white russian, using actual coffee instead of Khalua

I also have a variety of good Schnapps from a local distiller (Austrian), but I try to stay off them, to not become too much of an alcoholic like most people on this board

>> No.6898245

Why wouldn't you just shake it? It's easier and better.

>> No.6898261

Yea, something about molecularly ice and alcohol and shit. I wouldn't risk it

>> No.6898287

I can only drink beer and vodka. Vodka is literally the best hard drink, it's just water and alcohol, without any shit in it, it's the most effective way to get drunk.

>> No.6898310

im with you buddy. the other cool thing about it is that it's the most nondescript kind of booze.

so your girlfriend won't be able to smell it. she'll probably be able to tell that you're completely fucking wasted, but she won't say shit. that's because she really loves you.

best of luck to you buddy.

>> No.6898333

I like how clean vodka is. I drink everything including a lot of brown liquors, but it's sort of magical how you can drink a bottle of russki standart and feel decent the next day.

>> No.6898361

You could. It's not like it takes a lot of effort to shake a drink though, unless you're making a Ramos Gin Fizz or something.

>> No.6898464

with cream soda is solid

>> No.6898540

he was making fun of you for wanting to drink idiot tier flavored vodka

>> No.6898548

look up cocktails with absinthe in it as well.

>> No.6898562

Tanqueray is awesome.
I'd get El Buho Mescal, cointreau (triple sec), both vermouths, some bitters, bulleit rye whiskey
by dumping it in the toilet
sapphire was made in the late 80s to bring gin back as gin wasn't very popular. They created it very low in juniper in order to cater to people who didn't like real gin basically.

>> No.6898569

notice how when you shake and strain there's still ice left? yea, if you just blend all that ice you fuck up the ratio of alcohol to water/ice.

>> No.6900101

Because I love myself

>> No.6901117

We just picked this up kinda recently at my work, and I tried a hard root beer by mission brewery and it was good at first but it has a strong anise flavor at the end.

Does it have that shit flavor at the end too?

>> No.6901137

>but it's sort of magical how you can drink a bottle of russki standart and feel decent the next day.
i drank probably a fifth of watermelon smirnoff throughout the night at a party once, came back to buddies house and started throwing up so hard he came in the bathroom to tell me to keep it down

woke up drunk and didn't have an appetite for like 2 days

>> No.6901680

That would be from the flavouring, most like.
Some girl dropped a glass of peach flavoured absolut in my keyboard ones. Smelled so much I had to replace the thing.

>> No.6901711
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Trying to be a whisky man because of vidya games.