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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6879424 No.6879424 [Reply] [Original]

Who has the worst diet on this board?

>> No.6879430

I might qualify. Nothing but frozen oily foods and ramen, and metric tons of sodium, and plenty of sugars. I'm hoping to delay the diabetes for another 3 years but who knows

>> No.6880698
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yesterday i ate two lunchables and half a pack of oreos. tube of lay stax and half loaf of raisin bread

>> No.6880707

probably that guy who are nothing but taco bell for a month

>> No.6880710
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i buy cases of chef boyardee ravioli, cases of ramen, cases of canned hormel chili, and pretty much only eat those things cold. I drink at least one liter of soda a day

>> No.6880714
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I forgot to include drinking a liter of cheap vodka everyday, its important

>> No.6880720

I sometimes consume nothing but whiskey and water for days in a row

It is a bad idea

>> No.6881708

probably anyone on alcoholics general

>> No.6881796

I dunno about on this board but I know this guy in real life who eats nothing but fast food.

He's 21 and for the past two years he has been getting money from his mom every day to live on. He eats fast food for literally every meal. This isn't the worst part, he actually has Crohn's disease and had to get a portion of his intestines removed after he almost died from shitting blood one night. He told me that he had Checker's every day for a month straight and hadn't gotten sick of it yet.

The good news is he'll probably die within a few years.

>> No.6881808

French faggotd

>> No.6881813

I usually drink soda(no water) and chase it with nothing. I eat maybe one meal a day, usually something easy like eggs or fast food. Occasionally make something "Decent" like a cheddar and broccoli soup but usually not. I don't expect to live long.

>> No.6881821

That's currently killing my uncle. Don't do it. He's a mess. Never did anything with himself since my aunt's a millionaire once her parents croak.

>> No.6881825

Why are you even on this board

>> No.6881829

I cook on occasion, like I said. Also like to bake when I can be arsed. I just usually have no desire to put food in me and when I do I'm so apathetic I just get the most simple thing available.

>> No.6881830


>> No.6881838

For the past week I have been consuming:

>Fanta, Dr Pep, choc milkshake

In pretty hefty quantities too. On top of this I have been eating family meals.

>> No.6881839

i drink a galon of pepsi everyday

>> No.6881840
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>mfw I read this post

>> No.6881850

i drink 10 beers a night to help me sleep

i barely finish any meals because my stomach cant hold food as much as drink anymore. its a cookie and milk for breakfast, and a half eaten tiny meat sandwhich for lunch. i eat a bite for dinner, and start drinking like crazy.

i have a friend that eats nothing but candy for a meal, he is nuts.

>> No.6881852

i have to stay alive somehow, i have been doing it for 5 years now

>> No.6881854


what are you stats? height, weight, etc.

>> No.6881857

1,78 m
almost 400 pounds
i lost 6 tooths because of it

>> No.6881867


fucking kill yourself, you waste of space and resources

>> No.6881872

i tryed, it dosent work

>> No.6881875

post pic, please, anon, do it

with time stamp

>> No.6881881

i only own a tiny mirror, its in the bathroom and at heads high and im afraid to detach it

>> No.6881888


>> No.6881895
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>> No.6881902

you shouldn't drink that much soda, mate. you're fucking killing yourself. honestly, just man up and start drinking water. you'll probably suffer through withdrawals, but your health is more important, anyway.

soda is just liquid sugar

>> No.6881905

im ok with killing myself

>> No.6882054
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I shit you not, I like to eat cat food. Meow mix taste the best.
Duck the wet stuff

>> No.6882074


Stop posting pictures of desRow

>> No.6882077

This made me sad.

>> No.6882081

dont cry for me anon, im already dead

>> No.6882093

I used to drink 12 cans of cola each day tbh

a gallon of Pepsi is brutal though make sure to post a thread when you begin dying

>> No.6882103

hopefuly i will die in my sleep, i probably have apnea so its likely to happen

>> No.6882110

Fat faggot, end yourself already

>> No.6882117

You first.

>> No.6882133

you the vending machine guy?

>> No.6882140

last time i tryed they wanted to have me comitted to the crazy ward. There are marks in the walls from people that tryed to scape there, my dad is a lawyer and saved me but he made it clear there wont be a second time

>> No.6882146


>> No.6882244

Fuck all you all. I ate fried chicken and a 40 of country club everyday now for 32 years. I haven't had a solid bowel movement since bush 1 was runnin things.

>> No.6882299

Literally no one cares, old timer. End yourself.

>> No.6882332

I just ate a can of potatos

>> No.6882340
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I drink lots of vodka. That cleans out my system, and even cleans my teeth (I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since).

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.6882358
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are you 12 years old or retarded?

>> No.6882375


>Be me employed at big pizza store
>We have an elderly customer who orders 8 2 liters of diet pepsi every 5 days

I'm 100% sure she consumes it all herself, pretty sad tbh. Found it she had been hospitalized recently wouldn't be surprised if it was all the soda.

>> No.6882386

Probably not elderly, just looks that way due to malnutrition.

>> No.6882387


My diet is pretty poor too though, I'm there 7 days a week and eat free so it's usually two meals of pizza a day.

>> No.6882774

Is this a joke?

>> No.6882783

10/10 made me laugh my ass off

>> No.6882896
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>> No.6882899

I drink about 150 cans of soda a week and eat mainly string cheese

>> No.6882939

post cans

>> No.6882943

That's not true. I work my liquor into my daily alcohol intake. I eat mostly green vegetables, bourbon and some meat. Fairly healthy according to my doctor. I'll drink like Hunter S Thompson until the doctor says to check into AA.

>> No.6882946

Tell the doctor how much you drink faggot. He'll say you should be in AA.

>> No.6882956

In this last week, I've literally ate nothing but 4-6 Totino's Party Pizzas a day, due to them being extremely cheap because of a freezer malfunction. I feel, smell, and look like absolute garbage.

To make matters worse, sometimes I grate really nice parm on them before they bake.

>> No.6883178
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This is $180/mo for me:
4 42oz oats = $32
20lbs rice = $9
8 bags broccoli = $48
4 tilapia = $48
4lbs fresh chicken breast = $2/lb = $32
28 bananas = $8
2 gal milk = $8
2 32ct eggs = $17

1 cup oats = 300 cal
2 fried eggs = 160 cal
1 banana (in oats)= 110 cal
1 cup milk = 150 cal

8oz chicken breast = 240 cal
8oz broccoli = 30 cal
8oz cooked rice = 200 cal

8oz tilapia = 200 cal
8oz broccoli = 30 cal
8oz cooked rice = 200 cal

Totals are 189g carbs, 1620 cals, 123g protein, 37g fat per day. I can’t find any better for the price, if someone can improve this please tell me. Also protein powder is like $0.88 / 30g protein 100cal per scoop and tastes like a chocolate milkshake.

Do this for me man, i was the same way drinking one of these every 2 weeks but i quit and i've lost all of the weight the alcohol brought on, i don't know if you are having that problem or not but its a plus to stop drinking- or stop drinking as much. I've moved from my moms and had 3 job interviews in the past month, still looking but hey at least i'm trying. Keep drinking water at the very least but i have to say that i've definitely gotten minor probably not temporary brain damage. I can't remember things well and i feel dumber (although i still feel that i'm above average iq) I started because of anxiety problems hardcore but i've come to some realizations. Once i have myself financially where i want i promised myself i can then find some sort of balance.

>> No.6883189
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also that sandwich stuff isn't counterbalancing the effects on your liver to any noticeable degree please don't believe that.

>> No.6883678

McDonald's every other day. X2 hot n spicy mcchickens with sweet tea

2oz of tortilla chips with salsa everyday

2x cheese burgers a week

1x borderline rotten turkey sandwich every month

1x a month I indulge at subway and order the steak footlong with provolone and then toast with jalapenos after it toasts wit jalapenos in the cheese, then with green peppers, spinach, tomatoes, their special chipotle sauce, and siracha mayo, also with double meat and on wheat.

1x bag of cheese Doritos per month

Fuck my life. Doc says I got high cholesterol. I'm fucked until I get a job. Fuck merica ' this whole planet is fucked. Y can't I just go plant my own garden on my own land, grow my own food. But no... Got to Work as a slave to live.. while 90% of this globe is uninhabited... Fuck this planet.

>> No.6883879

I was doing this on accident for a while before i realized it
Wake up
have a glass of milk
Go to work
Don't eat lunch because i don't like interrupting my work
Go home
Have a glass of milk
Go to bed.
Wake up
Eat around 4000 calories in assorted foods, usually a mix of cooked stuff and junk food
Do nothing to work any of them off
Go to bed
I was losing weight though so i had that.

>> No.6883886

Why did you have ~30 totinos party pizzas?

>> No.6884071

whats wrong with that? If you think thats bad you know nothing.

>> No.6884135

Like I said, they were cheap. Normally they're about $1.50, but because they had a lot of inventory to get rid of quickly due to the freezer malfunction. But for 50 cents apiece, my self-respect goes out the window. My skin feels like it's seeping grease.

>> No.6884138
