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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 267x327, Milk-date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6874701 No.6874701 [Reply] [Original]

In 20 words or less impart some food wisdom on us. I'll start:
Sell by dates are a scam, scrape off mold and use the smell test and you should be fine

>> No.6874712

enjoy your food poisoning!

>> No.6874716

Bad start. They're not a scam, they're just conservative because of liability issues.

>> No.6874719

If you overmix pancake batter, it comes out fucked. Leave clumps.

>> No.6874729

I've never gotten food poisoning, must have a kick ass immune system and gut flora.

Rinse rice before cooking to make it sticky. Add salt and butter while cooking.

>> No.6874732

Peanut butter is not a complete dairy source.

>> No.6874740

just saw a can of chefboyardee mac and cheese with use by or whaver date in mid 2014 and when I turned it over to check the date you could feel and hear the crap inside slosh around

>> No.6874742

Salt and season with each ingredient rather than all at once. It protects against overseasoning and helps bring the flavors together.

>> No.6874747

It should still be safe to eat, canned food rarely goes bad, canning is specifically intended to preserve the food

>> No.6874751

>scrape off mold
the "mold" is the fruiting/sporing body of mycelium. It only shows itself once it's infested the entire food item. Mycelium are fine almost invisible threads that spread through the food item collecting nutrients. You cannot scrape mold off of food, it's entirely gone.

>> No.6874757

I scrape mold off cheese all the time and I'm still here to talk about it, they must not be as scary as you think. For bread I just toast pieces with mold after scraping it off

>> No.6874760

When Sriracha, or any hot sauce becomes dark or brown it's lost most of its flavor

>> No.6874763

chef boyardee isn't supposed to slosh around in the can

I shoulda taken it over to customer service and asked if we could open it as an experiment

>> No.6874767

If it isn't black it probably won't kill you, but it isn't healthy either. Also, cheese utilizes good fungus.

>> No.6874807

Enjoy wasting money and food because of your own delusional phobias

>> No.6874841


I just got a gallon bottle of salsa 50% off because it's exp date was sep 2.

Tasted fucking great.

>> No.6874852

Cheese is made of fat and not very porous. It's one of the only things that you can scrape the surface layer (and half an inch around and into) and still eat safely - and only hard cheeses, not ricotta or brie.

You understand that things can be unsafe even if you don't die, right? You're taking a risk every time you eat expired food.

>> No.6874938

look, best by dates are about quality and not safety, but you really should avoid eating moldy bread.

>> No.6874981

Use by
Best by
and Sell by
All mean different things.

>> No.6875001

Keep bread in the fridge and it will last weeks longer.

>> No.6875016

Someone needs to fucking sue Walmart already. Their milk has been smelling really sour days before the "use by". I take that shit seriously.

>> No.6875032

>buying cold food at walmart.
I was there yesterday, and the cooler doors don't close all they way.

>> No.6875069
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You realize there are entire businesses built around selling food past it's sell by date because cucks like you have been so brainwashed to just throw it away, right?

Pic related, it's one of them

>> No.6875086

1. I'm not poor.
2. I'm not going to die of E. Coli like you.
3. I'm not poor.

>> No.6875149
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>> No.6875162

I saw one of those places in the ghetto!
I laughed at the name, but I might check it out now.

>> No.6875208

>throws away food
> respond by calling him a jew
I think the real jew here is you for eating expired food

>> No.6875211

takes one to know one

>> No.6875219

Boil pasta in the sauce for faster preparation and greater flavor penetration.

>> No.6875243

That's not you, that's the food industry making billions in profits because of a sticker with an arbitrary date on it.

>> No.6875251

does this really work? or is he trolling?

>> No.6875257

yeah but uppity italians will get mad at you

>> No.6875263

I still boil my pasta in water, but I leave it a little al dente, then put the strained pasta in the sauce to cook for a few more minutes. Not sure if this was what he meant or if he boils the pasta in the sauce for the entire duration, which sounds like a bad idea to me.

>> No.6875297


>> No.6875323

You don't think that milk be bad until you heat it up and it be STAAAAAANK

>> No.6875414

Don't eat sardines when hungover, they don't taste as good coming up as they did going in.

>> No.6876191

Buy from the outer walls of the store - deli, butcher, produce, etc. Avoid processed, canned shit.

>> No.6876195

My friend. You will get much further in life if you learn how to read properly.

>> No.6876202

Invest $100 in a chef's knife (and a steel), care for it, hone it regularly, and and invite anyone you know thinking of buying a stupid knife block set to try it out before they throw away their money on shit they'll only use when the "big knife" stops working.

>> No.6876210


It's sad that this isn't common knowledge when it comes to bread/fruit. It's obviously more complicated with something like cheese...

>> No.6876212

I would never use a chef's knife for carving, or for paring, or for slicing bread.

>> No.6876213


If you keep bread around for more than a week you're doing it wrong.

>> No.6876218


The only places I've ever been where Walmart was the only option was in farm country, where there was always another, local option.

Do you really have no other choice than Walmart? If so, that's depressing as fuck. Why do people even stay in places like that?

>> No.6876233


>literally no reason not to use a chef knife for carving
>a $10 bread knife is the same as a $100 bread knife

You can do pretty much anything with a good chefs knife you can do with a paring knife, but a paring knife would be the obvious second purchase. I'm still using a cheap paring knife, and I'm planning on making my next purchase a decent one.

Long story short: start with a chef's knife and buy new knives when you realize you need them.

>> No.6876275

The real scam is buying food in excess that you can't or won't eat before said expiration date

>> No.6876278

what's the physics behind this?

>> No.6876291

this. sporocarp is the final stage.

>> No.6876292

I think it's a ruse. It's true for bread doughs, for which you can overdevelop the gluten until it becomes brittle and will no longer contain the gases properly, but I see no sense in it for batter.

There does come a point where there are few enough clumps that you're just wasting time trying to get rid of the rest, mind you. They disappear in the frying.

>> No.6876297
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Not the anon you quoted, but I remember reading an article about canned food found in some strange place (some sort of wreck or something) dating back to the mid 19th century. Random shit ranging from meats to vegetables.

A few were opened and were found to be safe to eat. Though I will mention that they were held in a dark, dry, cool environment or something like that. Hell it might have been a shipwreck, I don't remember and google ain't turning shit up.

Idk, though, I'm drunk.

>> No.6876310

>Dark, Dry, Cool environment
1/10 apply yourself son

>> No.6876316
File: 39 KB, 520x390, 4595815_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go back and do it, take pictures and make a thread. Bonus points if you bring your own can opener.

>> No.6876317

It doesn't matter, all chef boyardee is unsafe to eat

>> No.6876319


Just ignore and report any joey posts, anon. It should be basic /ck/ etiquette at this point...

>> No.6876334

That depends on the type of food. If it is jam, then you can simply scrape off the mold and the rest is fine, the same with cheese.

I have eaten moldy bread after cutting off the moldy parts too.

>> No.6876336

>I think it's a ruse.
google it

>> No.6876339
File: 73 KB, 787x560, 1424543245873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's like the perfect condition for storing things. Fuck you, I'm drunk.

Anyway, found the source because I got really interested:


>Among the canned food items retrieved from the Bertrand in 1968 were brandied peaches, oysters, plum tomatoes, honey, and mixed vegetables. In 1974, chemists at the National Food Processors Association (FPA) analyzed the products for bacterial contamination and nutrient value. Although the food had lost its fresh smell and appearance, the NFPA chemists detected no microbial growth and determined that the foods were as safe to eat as they had been when canned more than 100 years earlier.

Actually a really good read. Has other examples as well.

kek, trufax.

I do indulge in a can of mini raviolis with meatballs or beefaroni every now and then, though.

>> No.6876342

I will, but there's something people like you need to understand. If everybody just ran internet searches for everything there would be no need for discussion boards. This place would just be shitposting and memes.

>> No.6876346

lmao i'm not gonna do your homework for you you cuck

>> No.6876349

Then don't talk about it at all, dick licker.

>> No.6876350



KEEP YOUR MEME IN /V/. Nobody wants it here. >:(

There's your advice in 20 words or less.

>> No.6876356

Skicky thread when?

>> No.6876359

I only come here for shitposting and memes, you have to be a damn fool to come here for educational purposes. With Google and free libraries all over the place there is absolutely no reason for people to get mad on here when they ask stupid shit

>> No.6876362

Put a wet towel around old bread and put it in the oven for a couple of minutes

>> No.6876363

I didn't ask anything. I made a supposition in response to another person's question based on what I already knew. Don't chime in until you know what you're talking about.

>> No.6876383

I'm not the guy you're quoting, but while I think the discussion you're both having is dumb, your original post was just you spreading baseless information that contradicts the person you who posted that tip. Not very good for a discussion either.

>> No.6876390



>> No.6876394

Let's see.

I just read it all over, and you're wrong. A person asked a question. I answered with what I did know, and extrapolated with what I thought, and made my uncertainty clear. That's a good basis for a continued conversation, provided the person responding to me says something more solid than "Google it."

I did Google it, by the way. Apparently it makes a difference for cake batters, but I saw nothing solid about overmixing pancake batters.

>> No.6876409

I found it in a few seconds, searching for "clumps pancake batter" Either way, you were still calling out that advice as a "ruse", as if the op was some clever rusemaster trying to pull a fast one when it's clearly not some made up bs.

>> No.6876421

I think I read something similar to that posted here on /ck/. It was food that was buried in Europe and it was a teacher and her students who ate what they found.

Can't remember what it was, but I remember reading something about that.

>> No.6876424

btw, I agree with the point you're making about the "just google it" attitude.

>> No.6876448

Please see:


It really is a good read.

Chances are the food inside was flavorless and sludgy, but proof that canning is basically go tier for preserving shit.

>> No.6876555

I've heard this before and it makes sense. But if this is the case, then how do you tell when food is moldy before it becomes visible? Isn't it likely you're eating mold quite often and don't realize it?

>> No.6876591

>Spices and rice are in the middle of the store
So are flour and some other good to eat things, but then I'm being a contrarian dickbag

>> No.6876635

He's saying that he's too drunk to really remember and it could have been in a shipwreck, or a good environment for storing canned food.

>> No.6876669

If you're a soda drinker, buy kosher-for-passover soda because it's made with real sugar rather than corn syrup.

>> No.6876673

pretty sure that mushrooms are mould

>> No.6876748

I usually don't buy more than I need so it doesn't go old before I eat it.

>> No.6876754

If you're a soda drinker, don't even live in Anerikkka where you're forced to drink that HFCS claptrap

>> No.6877847

>flour and rice
>good to eat

>> No.6877866

mixing too much starts to form the separate "strands" of gluten into one cohesive strand, giving it more structure and strength. this makes the pancakes tougher to chew.

i've heard of some people adding a shot or two of vodka to their pancake batter because it breaks down gluten apparently.

>> No.6877901

The only real trick to baking is preheating the oven and setting the timer.

>> No.6877963

I'm pretty sure they do that cause they're alcoholics

>> No.6878127

Alcoholics wouldn't waste vodka on cooking

>> No.6878129

>Sell by 06/14/11
Some of you asshats believe this milk is still edible today.

>> No.6879808
File: 414 KB, 600x600, 8AE_MountainPass3_20x20_cis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can confirm, did this once accidentally. knew i overmixed it based on the lack of lumps and the way i combined the ingredients lead to more mixing that time. the pancakes where tougher. use only if you want to melt a truly decadent ammount of butter on top of them and eat them in an ice cold log cabin in the morning with a view of a snow covered mountain. they tasted rustic, wheaty and heavy, but for general pancakes they aren't what you want.

>> No.6879816

Excuse me, I'm Jewish so I only eat expired Kosher food.

>> No.6879818

considering it's good until november 14th 3006, of course it is

bloody americans and their dating system

>> No.6879821



>> No.6879827

I think the non-autistic approach would be assuming 06 would mean 2006, not 3006..

>> No.6879840
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>> No.6879847

best badvice:
don't eat yellow snow...

>> No.6879850

Invest in quality knives, keep them sharp.

>> No.6879859

>20 words or less
Premade food is the devil's exploitation. With raw ingredients one owns the power to save time and money.

>> No.6879868

>save time
i am unsure how bad you are at shopping to qualify that statement but regardless, you can literally have food delivered completely ready to eat to your house. Saving money, sure, but cooking costs time, it doesn't save it.

>> No.6879917

Mold isn't mushroom. A fungus, yes, but not one with mycelium.

>> No.6880138

seconding this

>> No.6880296

If the noodles are fresh instead of dried it works perfectly.

>> No.6880496

It is fact, actually. Not ruse.

Can we just be done with this meme? (This is what "ruse" looks like)

Mushrooms do grow from mycelium though. A mushroom is just the fruition of two mycelia mating, the mushroom grows tall enough to distribute spores effectively. The spores have traits of the two different mycelia that met and made a hyphal knot, which is where the roots of each come together to tie into a "knot". Cool stuff. Not sure, but also, I think it must be made of chitin to be called mycelium. Visible mold is only the fruition of two other spores that took hold and mated, it just isn't as effective at distributing its new spores.

>20 words

>> No.6880558

You fucks are delusional. Expiration dates on there on shit for safety reasons. Yes, milk is still good for probably a week or two past its expiration date, but scraping mold off of your fucking bread or drinking curdled milk just because you think you're pulling a fast one on the food industry is autistic and retarded as fuck. Nobody thinks you're clever or funny, everyone is just going to laugh at you when you get food poisoning or botulism.

>> No.6880564

There are different types of exp dates, you blithering cunt.

>> No.6880599

I am aware, dumbass. Which is why I said milk and shit is still good 1-2 weeks past its sell by date. But bread it going to be stale past its best by date and if you fucking continue to eat shit that is moldy or something you're a fucking retard.
>hurr scrape off the mold
Yeah, that works great. If you get bit by a black mamba you can prolly just scrape off the bit area, it'll be fine

>> No.6880611

>milk and shit is still good 1-2 weeks past its sell by date.
No it isn't.
And no one eats moldy bread.

Are you autistic?

>> No.6880636


Not the other Anon, but milk CAN be good past it's selling date.

And several people have already mentioned eating moldy bread after scraping/cutting the mold off. Read the thread bruh

>> No.6880639


It doesn't break down gluten - alcohol doesn't produce gluten when it's mixed with wheat. The most effective way would be to add it at the same time as the water.

>> No.6880650

I've eaten the army's canned food that was best before 1967.

I wouldn't recommend it for regular canned shit though, they use cheaper cans.
Protip: If the can bulges, throw it like was a live grenade.

Unless you're some sick fuck swede eating Sürströmming.

>> No.6880857

Fuck you Ill put it on whatever I want

>> No.6880914

Not much does, and you made me remember...

>> No.6880923
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Everything can be an fajita or omelette as long as you have peppers. Everything.

>> No.6880989

>Can we just be done with this meme? (This is what "ruse" looks like)

It will never be a lie. You're just a retard.

>> No.6881035
File: 572 KB, 496x1130, SOISOISOISOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking actual milk

I drank a few of these at work when I worked dairy that were well over a month passed it's sell-by date. Delish.

>> No.6881053

I'm going to trigger the antisemites, but National dogs are the best too.

>> No.6881082

>Live near a family dairy
>They deliver milk pretty much fresh out of the cows tits
>Doesn't have a smell unless it's like 2 weeks old
>Refuse to drink my friends store bought milk that smells worse "fresh" than my old dairy milk
>They all tell me that's how milk is and I'm being a bitch

Jokes on them, they've never experienced how good it actually tastes

>> No.6881110

I posted the soda tip.
I can't stand beef hotdogs but most of /ck/ actually loves Hebrew National. I brought up my displeasure with pork hotdogs on /ck/ before and was met with plenty of people professing their undying fealty to Hebrew National.

In America, I know I'm alone on my aversion to all sorts of beef sausages, especially hotdogs.
Americans are weird about their love of beef over all other things, even if the beef version is fucking awful versus the traditional. Beef hotdogs are pretty terribad. For me, my hotdog rating goes any 100% pork >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good chicken ones > oscar meyer mixed meat (pork, chicken and turkey) >>> most 100% chicken ones > most 100% turkey ones > any beef ones = dollar store/bargain hotdogs.

Beef sausages of all kinds just taste odd to me and I don't like them.

>> No.6881140

Ya I agree, even the texture of beef hot dogs is weird. They're like coarse and tough.

Don't even get me started on hot dogs that have been frozen, they all get the fucking nastiest texture. Everyone insists I'm just crazy even though I could probably pick the frozen one out in a blind taste test

>> No.6881177

No, I was giving an example of a ruse, by saying that something obviously true was a meme, like so many rusemeisters do on this board every day.

>> No.6881233

Oh. that's dumb.

>> No.6881340

Milk+few tbsps of white vinegar=buttermilk
Gotta let it sit for a few minutes though

>> No.6881377

▲ ▲

>> No.6881609

>A mushroom is just the fruition of two mycelia mating,
NO, the mushroom is the reproductive organ of one mycelium.
Or so I've been told, but I now have some doubts about what my teachers told me.
One of us is wrong, and you don't sound like a troll...
I'll Google when I'm less drunk.

>> No.6881616
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>> No.6881625

Go back to bed Mrs. Reichl

>> No.6881860

That does not equal buttermilk.

>> No.6882159

Hell yes it does, try it and you'll have your mind blown. Never have to waste another half gallon of buttermilk again

>> No.6882173

If girls are constipated, they can stick their finger in their hooch and push against the colon to move the poop out.

It's why pregnant women shit on babies when they give birth.

>> No.6882253

Top notch culinary knowledge in this thread. /ck/ does it again. First for foodborn illness prevention and cooking techniques!

>> No.6882301

When cooking duck, score the skin so that the fat can render through the slots

>> No.6882376

my ex did this
she showed me it was incredible
never was constipated though

>> No.6882521

I assure you, I'm right. Go read about it. It is the result of two mycelia reproducing.

>> No.6882718
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>she showed me

>> No.6882729

If the mold isn't in the stage where it starts distributing spores, it's relatively safe to eat it since it hasn't fully matured yet. If mold has become about the size of a pinhead, removal of a ~5cm radius of matter around the growth should keep you decently okay. If the mold has grown any larger, throw it away. The entire piece of food has effectively been contaminated already, and the mycelium of individual fungal growths have most likely already joined together.

>> No.6882754

20 words or less you newfag. Read the sticky.

>> No.6882762


Anyway, I was going to add fuck the rules, but that would have added more words.
Plus, I thought it would be funny to trigger some autismo, and it worked!

>> No.6882816

I second this. Cook's Illustrated explains it well in one of their articles, but I can't find the source atm

>> No.6882820

Alternatively, keep bread in the freezer until consumption

>> No.6882971

Gah sorry anon I can't imagine how much being poor sucks.

>> No.6883096

Put your mixer and mixing attachment/whisk in the freezer for at least half an hour before whipping cream for better results.

>> No.6885484

It does that even when it's "fresh". Just the nature of the food.

>> No.6885493

But I have anosmia.

>> No.6885495

Microwave your icecream scoop for 30 seconds to make scooping easier.

>> No.6885503

Better yet, microwave the ice cream in a cup, then just drink it

>> No.6885514

my friend actually does this

>> No.6885552

When frying in oil toss in some icecubes to make sure it's ready, if it dissolves instantly you're ready to fry baby!

>> No.6885556

Soak your oven mits in cold water before removing a hot tray from the oven.

>> No.6885560

>put brownie batter in oven for half the time it takes to cook
>enjoy delicious brownie soup

>> No.6885622

drake bell, don't you have bills to pay?

>> No.6885651

No. I do what I want and always get by, Josh. You know that.

>> No.6885658


>> No.6885838

Generally, cut off an inch of each side with mold, and discard. The rest is fine.

I do it with cheese. Sometimes it tends to taste a little "riper" after the fact but still. What the fuck do you think they make cheese with anyway? Cut off an inch and you're good to go.

Doesn't work with creamed cheeses, or whipped products, though. But anything hard, fruits, or veg, yeah.

Granted if you just can't stomach doing so and still eating it, whatever. Sometimes I get that way too.

>> No.6885843


>> No.6885850

Or, you know, have a decent discussion with others because even though we have access to an unparalleled amount of information thanks to the internet, it's nice to get multiple anecdotal experiences in one place.

>> No.6885859

mushrooms are fungi. molds are also fungi. But mushrooms are not molds and molds are not mushrooms.

yeasts are a fungus, too.

mushrooms = large fruiting bodies
molds = filaments
yeast = single cell structures

>> No.6886050

The health inspector says that cheese is okay so long as you cut off one inch away from the mold.

>> No.6886784

This vid is relevant to dates

>> No.6887107

I can confirm this, the first time I made them they were dense and flat. And they were supposed to be blueberry for fucks sake, make sure to throw them onto the batter just after pouring it into the pan.

My first post in months and it's giving advice about pancakes, what the hell.

>> No.6887119

Even the FDA says that food is good for at least week past the use/sell/best by date if it's refrigerated.

>> No.6888075
File: 710 KB, 3888x2592, egg-carton-expiration-date-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]