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File: 322 KB, 2000x2000, veg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6874226 No.6874226 [Reply] [Original]

I just got a jar of this stuff through Amazon. I tasted a little bit straight from the jar. Death. But I'm aware it is meant to be eaten as a condiment, not something you just down a spoonful of like you would ice cream - Unless you seek Australian citizenship. I read this one article by an American chef who cooks with it. That is likely how I'll be getting my money's worth. Unless you have other ideas for using it.

teach me your vegemite ways.

>> No.6874236

Better to ask later m8, it's in the early AM over there.

>> No.6874239

I've heard you're supposed to spread it lightly on a piece of toast WITH butter, not alone.

>> No.6874241

A guy made me a vegemite sandwich once. He was 6 foot 5 and full of muscles.

>> No.6874242

This, but not too lightly. It's not as strong as Marmite.

>> No.6874247
File: 79 KB, 460x521, Vegemite_on_toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use it almost as a substitute for Soy or Worcestershire sauce. The canonical way to eat it is spread thinly on toast though.

>> No.6874250

Was it in Brussels? Did he speak your language?

>> No.6874260

Yea he smiled and said he was from straya

>> No.6874268

Could you hear the thunder?

>> No.6874275

Yea I had to take cover

>> No.6874293

I would have ran. Although he probably mentioned that.

>> No.6874394

Ah, I didn't think of that. Oh well.


Thanks. Its much less offensive this way vs straight up. But I found that for me there is a very fine line between applying not quite enough and holy-shit-too-much. I don't think I'll be eating it on toast again unless there is some other recommended way than just it with butter. Not that I hated it. More that I never make toast, and only bought the bread for this occasion. But since I've got this bread now, suggestions are still welcome.

Moreso suggestions that involve cooking with it.

>> No.6874420

>Moreso suggestions that involve cooking with it.

Granted, I've never tasted it before, but judging by what Google is telling me regarding its flavor, you could probably use it sparingly in beef stew and/or pot roast. Apparently it tastes similar to beef bullion.

>> No.6874531

Have it on a sandwich with cheddar cheese. I find cheese is the only ingredient that really complements Vegemite. When I was a kid I also had lettuce and/or tomato, but trying that as an adult I find it revolting.

People who have it thin with butter shouldn't bother getting Vegemite. They just don't want to admit they don't like it. I have it thick enough that if there were butter I wouldn't be able to see the butter, but I don't use butter.

I've tried cooking with it, but it never turns out much good. Adding a few spoons to a stew tastes alright, but not as good as using a good selection of herbs and spices and no Vegemite as all.

>> No.6874553

A cheese toastie with marmite/vegemite under the toast is awesome.

I'd also support the suggestion that you could use it with beef.

>> No.6874592
File: 14 KB, 200x269, interest19717[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was fascinated with Vegemite when I saw the Rocketpower movie and Tito was obsessed with this shit.

>> No.6874843


If it's at all similar to marmite you should spread butter on (fairly hot) toast first then a thin layer on top of that.

You can also use it to make an acceptably meaty stock if you haven't got any/are a vegetarian.

Again I've never tried Vegemite but I hear they're similar.

>> No.6874859


Oh and you can also make a drink of it though Bovril is better for that.

>> No.6874870

Most yeast extracts taste similar to Marmite, but Vegemite is less comparable to them. It's much more tangy. The flavours common to all yeast extracts come through as a faint bottom note.

I'm not sure why you'd want to insist on Marmite being spread thin. Vegemite can be overpowering if you're not used to it, but Marmite is mild enough for anybody.

>> No.6874909


>Most yeast extracts taste similar to Marmite, but Vegemite is less comparable to them. It's much more tangy. The flavours common to all yeast extracts come through as a faint bottom note.

Probably not so suitable as a stock replacement/in stew then.

Depends what you define as 'thin' I suppose.

Thinner than the layer of butter certainly.

>> No.6874992

Also when making soup, instead of salt put a bit of this in, much better

>> No.6875758

You surely meant "under the cheese" Right? Because otherwise, that does not make sense.

>> No.6875762
File: 8 KB, 183x275, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect with coffee. The Vitamin B in it energises you. It's a shame not many people think to eat this stuff.

Doesn't matter if it's vegemite, Marmite, Promite, Mightymite, whatever, it wall works. Why can't we just have a Yeast Spread thread?

>> No.6875771

Put some cheese in the toasty

You can use a bit of it in soups or any dish you'd add a pinch of salt into.

I'd imagine it'd go nice in Chilli, if people can put shit like coffee and chocolate in it.

>> No.6875928

Do vegemite and marmite taste similar to nutritional yeast? I use nutritional yeast sometimes when I've made a vegetarian dish that feels thin and really neds something "meaty" in it, maybe vegemite could act as a buillon version

>> No.6876918

Met someone that like to eat it in sandwiches with mashed banana. So revolting.

I find it has a similar flavour to miso paste and have used it in meatloaf with success before.

>> No.6876919

Fuckin ruined it.

>> No.6876930

Thin bread toasted with butter melted and a light spreadig across the top. Only way to do it if you ask me. Different people like different amounts of vegemite. Start off small and work your way to a point of enjoyment over several breakfasts. Its literally a breakfast/sandwich spread, don't overthink it too much. There are vegemite scrolls and they can be nice but for me it will always be reserved for a bit of hot buttery toast and a cup of tea.

>> No.6876937

>You can also use it to make an acceptably meaty stock if you haven't got any/are a vegetarian.

This. You can also make a decent pie or tart by frying some mushrooms and onions before adding water and marmite then letting it reduce.

>> No.6876939

vegemite goes well on plain crackers and crumpets with butter

when i was young i would have vegemite+ham or salami sandwiches, uber salty, I was the only one i knew who did that but

>> No.6876954

Works well as lube.

>> No.6877074

>Vegemite can be overpowering if you're not used to it, but Marmite is mild enough for anybody.

Marmite is stronger than Vegemite . If you think the opposite you've probably tried the New Zealand marmite which is a different product.

>> No.6877095

Vegetarian who uses this regularly. Tried it on toast the first time with butter. Excruciatingly thing layer. It was alright but wouldn't do it again. It probably enhances any beef dish, I use it as a beef flavor substitute in gravies, stock, Sheppard's pie, with beans for burrito filling. Pretty much everything suggested in this thread is legit.