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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 600x400, avgolemeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6872727 No.6872727 [Reply] [Original]

Well /ck/, its starting to get cooler here so its time to start thinking about soups. What do you like in a good soup? what ruins one? favorite?
Avgolemeno here, the lemon with the chicken is great.

>> No.6872820

Beer n cheddar

>> No.6872960
File: 64 KB, 600x389, HotSourSp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

varying textures, with some things that are firm thrown in for example:

Potatoes with skin still on.
carrots that are not cooked until they become mushy.
extra-firm tofu.
thin julienned meats.
Lentils/beans/split peas

Bases that use one or more vegetables are nice, like bell pepper/tomato/carrot/split-pea/avocado/tomatillo

Strong and or spicy things to add flavor: ginger, fish/oyster juice, citrus, sesame oil, vinegar, pepper/peppers, celery juice,onions, herbs

for variety, bases that are not primarily:
common animal stock such as chicken/pork.

Soups that taste good cold are awesome.

>>things in soup I don't like
celery, mushy potatoes/carrots/green peas

Can't decide between hot&sour or french onion

>> No.6872965


>> No.6872974

i love to cook soup, its so easy and relaxing yet so yielding. the kind is secondary, but i love Balkan-Soup (hearty and meaty), onion soup and Gazpacho.

>> No.6873001

Mmm. Shitty mayonnaise soup. My favourite. Yum yum.

Literally whip egg yolks and lemon together with a little mustard, drizzle in some olive oil while beating and add warm chicken stock a little at a time to temper, then add the mixture back into the rest of the stock. It's literally mayonnaise soup. In most of Greece, though, they use whole egg, beating the white to a foam, folding the yolk mixture into it, /then/ tempering with stock. That makes it whiter in colour rather than yellow.

To answer your question without mocking your taste in soup (I do like avgolemono as a thick sauce based on fish stock rather than chicken and used as a dip for fried fish, though, I just don't like eating dips as a soup):
I just like soups in general. I don't think I really have a favourite. I eat so many. I eat tomato soup most often (three to four times per week), but the last non-tomato one I had was broccoli soup Sunday evening. I'm planning to cook spinach/bean soup (spanakofasoula/fasolada me spanaki) tomorrow, though.

>> No.6873186
File: 802 KB, 1275x4375, butternut squash soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current favorite.

>> No.6873236



sweet potato

>> No.6873304

This was the first soup I made.
It really opened my eyes as to how complex a soup can be.

>> No.6873311
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>> No.6873369

I post this semi often so some of you may have seen the recipe already.

I got the idea for this soup from the Legend Of Zelda The Wind Waker. Grandmas Soup

>1 Large butternut squash
>2-4 small-medium (orange) sweet potatoes
>Olive oil
>Sea salt + black pepper
>A little paprika
>A little cinnamon
>A little ginger
>Brown sugar (or honey)
>Cumin (optional)
>Any other spices you might like to add (optional)
>Sausage, or bacon [I tend to use slightly sweet sausage but spicy or regular can work just as well]
>Onion (optional, though I tend to add it every time)
>Orange (or red for color) bell pepper (2-3 depending on size)

>> No.6873374


Cut the bacon into small pieces and either fry or bake
If you use sausage make it into small balls or make sure it is cut into chunks and then fry in a pan
Cut the bell pepper into small or medium chunks, and then fry in the same pan as the bacon or sausage (use a pan with bacon fat or olive oil if you baked the meat)
Cut the onion into small or medium chunks/slices, brown them or just make them translucent

Cube the potatoes
Cut the squash either in half or in quarters
Rub the oil/spices/garlic/sugar(or honey) into the squash and the potatoes, if you would rather boil the potatoes you can as long as you add the spices to the water as well
Roast the squash until it is nice and tender, potatoes probably will take less time to become as tender so check and remove them when needed
Once they are done add them into a big pot together, mash them
Once they are mashed you can then add some water (or stock [I actually haven't tried it with chicken stock yet but it might be good]) and either milk or heavy cream
At this point you can either move everything to a blender/use an immersion blender to make it as thick or thin as you want)
Bring to a simmer over high heat then back it down to medium or low
Add the other stuff (onion, meat, etc)
Reduce until it is at your desired thickness or thinness
Taste for seasonings and add what is needed

Once everything is to taste and is hot/warmed through, serve and enjoy. One day I should make a vertical for this... or maybe a video.
(This also works as a stew if you add less water/milk and don't mash the potatoes).

>> No.6873413

I fell in love with sauerkraut soup recently. I could eat that shit every day.