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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 1200x900, minimum-wage-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6872312 No.6872312 [Reply] [Original]

how do McDonald's expect us to live to be able to make burgers? When will the government force them to pay us $15 per hour. Its time already!

>> No.6872316
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>> No.6872317

not time
The more they pay you the more mcfatties charges for the food
The more expensive the food gets the more people opt for something better.
Mcfatties loses biz..and you lose your raise

>> No.6872320
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someone had to post it

>> No.6872324

the more you pay them, the more motivated they are, the better the food quality gets, the more customers actually order burgers

>> No.6872329

>better food quality
>more customers

that's not how it works. people only care about price.

>> No.6872330

I call bullshit

>> No.6872331

mcfatties story
>Go to get mcfatties
>free extra apple pie
>tell lady at counter not interested ill take the one,
>turns around
>yells"how this niggah only want one apple pie, niggah is crazy"
yeah these people deserve 15 dollars...fuck that

>> No.6872336
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>mfw min wage is going to be $13 here soon
>already $10

>> No.6872341

They should get paid a living wage. So should I, really, but my employer actually can't handle that. McDonald's fucking can, without raising prices.

Capitalism doesn't work, when your school system creates workers too stupid and inept to move up the ladder. If they're gonna be there for the rest of their lives, they should be able to live off it.

>> No.6872347


>> No.6872357

I've never actually looking into this, because every time someone posts something about it, it just seems like a joke.

I made $11 working at a real as fuck line cook job, which was pretty good for almost no experience. There aren't really fast food workers trying to get $15, are there? That's the last place you'd ever even find a union; it's kids and ignorant minorities.

So yeah, I guess it's just an internet joke?

>> No.6872363

Why don't you learn something useful to others so that you're not living on minimum wage and expecting government handouts?

>> No.6872366

I hope so

>> No.6872372

It's real. There's people protesting it and you'll find a majority of them supporting Bernie Sanders because they think free literally means free.

>> No.6872375

but people who work at the front in mcdonalds rotate around their stations, also they'd still have to put the food out for the fatties, they'd just have less work for more money.

>> No.6872378

I cant wait for the union dues to literally show them reality

>> No.6872380

>Capitalism doesn't work

Pure capitalism is shitty. That said, giving the government more control doesn't turn out any better. A nice mixed system produces the best results by encouraging entrepreneurial activity in the areas that most benefit society.

I don't know if upping the minimum wage to $15 an hour is smart, but something needs to change. The government is effectively subsidizing McDonald's labor costs because living off $7.25 part time simply isn't feasible.

Automation has destroyed large parts of the labor market, and it isn't cyclical in nature like it has been in the past. Manufacturing jobs are never going to come back to the US which means unskilled laborers are going to be in trouble. I think a step in the right direction would be to start spending more money on simple infrastructure work instead of dumping money into shitty military projects. It isn't a solution that would last forever, but I figure it could probably pull us through another decade or so.

>> No.6872384

Alberta is raising minimum wage to 11.20 next month with plans to be at 15 within the next 2-3 years.

>> No.6872392

Common core is the government attempt at trying to put more effort into education, and look how that turned out.
How can you have a successful mixed economy if half of the mix is Fancy Grade A chucklefucks?

this thread would be more entertaining, and more board-related, on /pol/ though.

>> No.6872401

It's really not, I've worked for them in systems and it's the same with "no child left behind," it's just a way to cook the books to make niggers look like that can pass in school. It's really a scheme to cook books to tax people and give jobs to useless federal government employees.

You don't have to believe me but it's true, I actually quit that shit book cooking company after about 4 months and found a better job. That company was so full of shit that I don't even put that on my resume.

>> No.6872404

What's up fellow chicagofag

>> No.6872405

Anyone against raising the minimum wage is effectively saying they'd rather pay for the workers themselves through welfare and food assistance because that's what people resort to if their job can't pay for their basic needs.

Anything beyond that is saying you don't want welfare to exist, because you have no idea what living in poverty is like and poor people should just starve and sleep in the broom closet.

>> No.6872408

They way it is now they have to live off government hand outs, because McDonald's would rather hoard money than use it. So the government is subsidised by McDonald's to keep their employees just alive enough to make a burger. I don't understand why anyone would have a problem with McDonald's putting their fucking money back into the economy.

>> No.6872411

not much my fellow chiraq vet
getting ready to go to school and then my shitty job tomorrow

>> No.6872413

>It's really a scheme to cook books to tax people and give jobs to useless federal government employees.
That's my point.

>> No.6872416

At least any shitty job in Chicago is guaranteed 10/hr

>> No.6872420

yeah thats the good thing
i only stayed at my current deli job because it got me more than i was making at dominicks
now this job is shitty and i could easily get a job at my schools bookstore or something and do jack shit and get $10

>> No.6872422

I lived in Santa Fe, where the minimum wage was 10.50 an hour, some restaurant workers still got paid jack squat because it's expected in the tip.
Guess what, McDonald's and Carl's Jr. & Burger King all operated there because fatties gotta have their fix. Implying raising the minimum wage will destroy businesses has never actually seen the numerous real-world examples of why they're wrong.

> hurr durr where does it end, $1,000 an hour?
How about enough so they don't qualify for food stamps or welfare, chucklenuts?

>> No.6872424

Effectively it also devalues currency and causes inflation. It's a never ending spiral.

>> No.6872431

> but I worked doing this-and-that and only got paid $5 an hour, are you saying those high school teenagers deserve more than me?
It's called inflation, gramps. No sense keeping the rest of us underpaid just because you were and that hurts your feelings.

>> No.6872433

Nobody's forcing anyone to work for McD. Those line jobs were never meant as careers, they're meant for kids to take for a while until they find something better and get an education.

>> No.6872440

Yes, a loaf of bread costs more than a penny now, this is basic economics. Are you seriously worried the inevitable process of inflation is going to happen, in some sort of bad way America has never dealt with before?

>> No.6872448

> never meant as careers
That's a clever way of saying "it's a tradition to not pay enough to sustain someone's life functions so they can continue working, because in my fantasy world there are no unemployed over 18".

>> No.6872449

There isn't enough low-skilled labor in the US anymore. Manufacturing and automation took it all away. The system has fundamentally changed but nobody seems to realize it. Not everybody has the mental capacity to become an engineer, computer scientist, accountant, etc. You can't let them starve, so what do you do?

>> No.6872455

Send them to prison where they can make clothes for $2 an hour. I mean, we all agree poor people's lives are basically worthless, right?

>> No.6872456

In the grand scheme of things, raising the minimum wage isn't going to have a huge impact on inflation. I would be more worried about the effect interest rates are going to have.

>> No.6872462

> implying the "Federal" Reserve doesn't just set it to whatever they want

>> No.6872463

>Send them to prison

I know you're joking, but I laughed at this. Our prison system is one of the worst ways to deal with anything. Privatization of our penal system is such a bad fucking idea it keeps me awake at night.

>> No.6872467
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Nothing that I wrote is in disagreement with that, but it is a neverending spiral from devaluation of currency.

Here's a good book for you to read, it's from a master.

Secrets of the Temple, Greider.

That's not clever at all, that's a fact, if you're too lazy to learn stuff that's useful in the reality of our world and not care about yourself then why should anyone else?

>> No.6872468

I mean... yeah. That's what happens. What's your point? It's called a monetary policy.

I'm not going to start arguing with you about whether monetary policies are effective or ethical. That's not the point of the discussion.

Raising the minimum wage is not going to have a noticeable impact on inflation.

>> No.6872471
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>> No.6872495
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Just remember what happened to ZIM dollars.

>> No.6872501

You can't be serious.

>> No.6872504

>came looking for delish food
>got /pol/ instead
Thx OP I do appreciate

>> No.6872506

Hi friend, you must be new around these parts. There's this little minus sign on the left next to the thread, you can click it and the whole thread just disappears!

>> No.6872507

>How about enough so they don't qualify for food stamps or welfare, chucklenuts?

>thinking they won't
10/hr part time is still poverty tier.
There's people already who purposefully work less hours so they'll qualify for welfare. The only difference is you're giving Monqueesha an extra $50 a week to go get her nails and hair did.

>> No.6872516

Solid /pol/ tier response, just because a few awful people abuse the system doesn't mean you need to shut it down. Also "cadillac queens" are a myth and the overwhelming majority of people on welfare are white.

>> No.6872527

>a few awful people
Yeah, as if you know that it's "just a few."
>abuse the system
So you know there's a problem with the system, yet instead of fixing the system your solution is to fucking throw money at people who ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM thinking it's going to change anything. No, it won't motivate people to work harder or change their situation if they dislike it. It'll just make them complacent to stay where they are. Especially when they realize there's always going to be some mouthpiece whitey like you around to manipulate and guilt.
>not even from fucking /pol/ you twit

>> No.6872534

Wow thanks faggot as if newfags don't know how to hide threads.

DIY Tutorials is more informative than this place

>> No.6872535

Here's my understanding of raising the minimum wage. It fosters stronger competition for jobs so people will actively look for work for $15/hour and have to compete to land even a fry cook position. They will have to maintain motivation for that position and actively work hard otherwise they can be replaced by people really needing that work. 40 year old Sally with two kids is going to work a lot harder than Boneesha who is on her phone half the time, so she will get the job and the subsequent welfare, which will be less than ever because she now has a "livable" wage. The people who can't find work will either have to seek application 40hrs/week to receive welfare benefits, or fuck off and receive nothing.

>> No.6872538

Sorry, I forgot to mention the scroll down feature on the mouse too or this thing called ignoring a thread.

If you honestly wanted cooking advice you could have gone to the booru or browsed the catalog, not purposely gotten in a tiff over a pol thread.

>> No.6872549

NO! I demand cooking, all the time, all the threads! I need to learn how to get gud. My gf (you even know what that looks like) says she likes a man who can cook. Fucking Barry from work can cook, and he's a piece of shit.

>> No.6872554
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Look back into history at say Turkey in the 1980's for instance, after their inflation you could be a Turkish millionaire, that would cost about 17 US dollars for a load of useless Turkish currency.

This Indonesian one looks valuable doesn't it but it amounts to about 70 cents.

>> No.6872563

I meant that if you think increasing minimum wage means the government will print more currency you can't be serious.

>> No.6872570

But that is what's been happening since pretty much 1973 when the US dollar was removed from directly tied to bullion. You should look into BIS, https://www.bis.org/

>> No.6872604
File: 96 KB, 800x800, Flexible_Vacuum_sealed_plastic_frozen_food_packaging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcdolans workforce is targeted to teenegers who have no work experience, not for grown man that wants to sustain a whole family. Wanna have a family of your own? Wanna marry and have kids and a house? Work hard for it. Find a better paying job before doing any settling shit.

>> No.6872618

>Automation has destroyed large parts of the labor market, and it isn't cyclical in nature like it has been in the past.

Automation is only getting more wide spread, too. It's not just manufacturing. America needs to stop worrying about social issues and start worrying about the fact that within 15-25 years we might be looking at 30%+ unemployment.

>> No.6874518

Thats not true for companies like McDonalds where they just want to maximize profit and will simply stick to the structure that they have now. AKA cheap ingredients to make cheap food. Raising minimum wage will raise the price because they have to pay their workers not because they want to make better quality food.

>> No.6874863

>Paying the workers more somehow makes the preparation of subpar goods better
A bigmac is a bigmac whether the "chef" gives a shit or not.

>> No.6874867


>> No.6874950

> × 37.5 paid work hrs in a standard American work week (40 hrs less 30 minutes daily for unpaid lunch breaks)
> = $309.375
> less 20% for income tax
> = $247.50
> × 52 weeks in a year
> = $12870
> ÷ 12 months
> = $1072.50 monthly

That's not an impossible amount of monthly income to live on. Seriously. While I earn several times more than that, I only spend about that much each month because I'm a miserly curmudgeon.
For one person, it's doable. If you have to care for a child as well, though, lolnope.

>> No.6874995

Nah nigga.

>> No.6875000

You get a job that pays you that much a year and report back in 12 months.

>> No.6875010

I'm an oldfag but new to this board.

So this is how >>>/pol/ shits up your board, noted.

>> No.6875017

>Multi-billion dollar corporation pays its workers scraps.
>People on top making a shit ton of money.
>People on bottom making pennies.
>People on bottom have to apply for welfare, food stamps, and etc. in order to make ends meet.

You know who pays for that? We taxpayers pay for that. So we taxpayers, basically, subsidize the shitty wages that multi-billion dollar corporations pay its workers. This considering many big business use lobbyists in Congress to help them secure huge tax loopholes so they have to pay even less money to the government. You idiots protesting this are just playing into the hands of the rich people who are against this, because it will cut into their profit margins.

That money can go into something else rather than finding already rich people more ways to screw over more people.

>> No.6875022

>Another answer not based of any education or fact.

This is what happens when the news opts not to inform people anymore.

>> No.6875036

I lurk /pol/, but I keep /pol/ in /pol. I think OP is just a troll.

>> No.6875040

There is literally nothing wrong with that answer.

Mcdonalds never has been or will be a place for a lifetime career. If you really want that within the fast food industry, you should be working at Chick-fil A, A&W, or some other fast food place with a better company culture. These places will hire from within, pay for your education, and generally help you grow with the company.

>> No.6875639
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>> No.6875660

>people took this obvious bait
That being said, if you live in a real state (meaning not a landlocked shithole) where things cost more, $15 is just enough money to get by on a low-income, but still comfortable lifestyle. Any large chain employer like McDonald's can afford to pay their workers a living wage. It's that simple. Even if you think the service sucks, or that the people who work there are idiots, they're still providing a service and deserve enough monetary compensation to afford being able to survive.

>> No.6876799

You are a complete retard.

>> No.6876803

why aren't these everywhere?

>> No.6876806
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>Mfw when it feels like a good thing, until you remember how inflation works

>> No.6876810

>prepares an entire meal for someone in minutes in a stressful enviroment and shitty customers
>makes $8


>> No.6876814

You literally have no idea how a Mcdonald's works

>> No.6876822

The problem isn't how much you are paid. It is the reckless greed of the elite. They want their profits to stay the same today and be more tomorrow. That is a systemic flaw in their character.

>> No.6876826

well those are the ones who get to the top

>> No.6876828

Well, inflation happens usually anyway and consists of many things. And inflation is not only dependant on people living with minimum wage but different income groups. But better minimum wage is always better than slightly smaller inflation without better wage. Mainly better for those people living with minimum wage but also for the market because people are buying more stuff. Because people living with minimum wage usually spend all of their money buying stuff because they pretty much have to because they are poor.

>> No.6876839

Boomers are a special kind of stupid. Just ignore them, they'll be dead soon.

>> No.6876840

but the consequences of their actions will live on forever

>> No.6876841

>There isn't enough low-skilled labor in the US anymore.

That's okay, President Trump will solve that by removing all of the Mexicans who do the low-skilled jobs.

No, wait, that'll make the situation way worse, won't it? Oh well, economics is hard, let's go bombing!

>> No.6876854

You aint saying nothing but you jealous of the evil ones at the top. Eww.

>> No.6876858

I am an electronics technician for private yachts and sailboats and on some occasions Navy and Police boats.
On any given day, I can be installing $5000 navigation displays, running hundreds of feet of cable on $6 million ocean going yachts, or mounting $150,000 military grade Flir infrared/night vision cameras.

The amount of shit I have had to learn to do all of this astounding...and I make $14.50.

How many specialized and in demand jobs are going to disappear when you can go flip burgers for 8 hours and make more money?

>> No.6876903
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>> No.6876910

I seriously doubt the average mcdonalds customer can figure out an interface like that

if they had an IQ over 50, they wouldn't be eating at mcdonalds

>> No.6876913
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This is actually word for word what the average midwesterner believes

>> No.6876923

Fucking this. I'd be okay with minimum wage being where it's at if the cost of living in most places wasn't so damn high.

>> No.6877108

>There isn't enough low-skilled labor in the US anymore.
>You can't let them starve

yes you can. adapt or die, that's the name of the game.
wasting public resources on carrying failures only serves to weaken the people at large in the long run.

>> No.6877117

>Raising the minimum wage is not going to have a noticeable impact on inflation.

then why dont we juts implement a $1000 minimum wage so we can all be rich? :^)

>> No.6877124

>adapt or die
problem is that's not actually how it works. let me explain how it actually works since you seem to have a very poor understanding of human nature
>have job
>no longer have job
>about to die of starvation
>get gun
>rob people instead of working
oh, what's that you say? you can just get a gun and shoot at robbers?
yes, that is how they do things in shit holes like guatemala. great quality of life they have there in guatemala, eh?

personally I'd rather just pay more for a hamburger than have every day be a shootout like in the old west, but I realize that's your ultimate fantasy so I guess there's nothing I can say that will change your mind.

>> No.6877143

>No one wants to buy my shitty overpriced burger
>My McDonalds shuts down
>no longer have job
>about to die of starvation
>get gun
>rob people instead of working

>> No.6877147

>that's not actually how it works
of course not. it's how it's supposed to work.
enabling the weak and useless to thrive and reproduce at the cost of the strong and productive only weakens and subverts a society by creating a steadily increasing amount of leeches who live off other peoples work.

the most simple way to deal with these people wouldnt be prison. that just wastes even more public money on them than welfare.
either enact conscription and make use of them in the military, or exile them to some place where they don't fuck shit up for the rest of us.

but of course nothing like that will ever happen. people are too soft for that, so instead we'll just see society keep declining further and further, the tax burden on the remaining productive people rising further and further, the state becoming more repressive as things slowly turn to shit, until one day it all collapses and anarchy ensues. but hey, at least we'll have plenty of useless leeches around! great success!

>> No.6877173

>completely ignores my point
>goes off on some rant about the prison system and the military

you're still not getting it. when a job disappears, that person doesn't magically disappear, whether you throw them in prison or not. the only possible solution that works with your plan is if you create a system where if someone loses their job, they are summarily executed.

look up "informal economy" since it doesn't really seem to mesh with your poor understanding of the real impact of unemployment

notice how it's a higher % of GDP in shit countries with high unemployment

enjoy your criminal gangs while you boast that "they should of [sic] got a real job"

>> No.6877237

did you even read my post? i explicitly said that incarceration isn't a solution.

it really would be extremely simple - it's everybody's personal duty to make sure he can sustain himself. how he does that is his own choice. those who resort to serious crime are exiled.

society does in fact self-regulate according to the circumstances. those who can't support themselves receive aid from friends, family, charity, and whomever else they can convince to voluntarily assist them. just like they did for the thousands of years before the modern welfare state existed.
only the absolute bottom of the bunch, those who can't support themselves and whom nobody else views as valuable enough to aid, will end up being exiled, thus ridding society of them.

>> No.6877238

It makes sense for people who live in cities with a high cost of living
It doesn't make sense when you live in Reno like I do and can find an apartment for $300-400 a month

>> No.6877245

just say executed. it's the only way to make your plan work.

'exiled' isn't a thing in the 21st century, unless you have a good plan to convince some neighboring country to voluntarily accept a busloads of criminal scum for resettlement without paying them assloads of money

>> No.6877259

>'exiled' isn't a thing in the 21st century, unless you have a good plan to convince some neighboring country to voluntarily accept a busloads of criminal scum for resettlement without paying them assloads of money

i assure you, there's plenty of room for that. the plan isn't to dump them into some other civilisation's town, but to have them either make a life for themselves outside of established civilisation or die.
russia and canada alone contain a fuckton of unsettled land, plenty of room for penal colonies there (and no, it's not all uninhabitable permafrost wasteland)

>> No.6877263

> I'm underpaid
> if the minimum wage is raised to a reasonable level, it will make me seem more pathetic
> therefore, let's not change anything so my ego is protected

>> No.6877265

Russia and Canada are also sovereign countries who aren't going to take kindly to another country using them as a dumping ground for unwanted criminals.

If you're going to attempt to sound reasonable then try to at least think it through a bit more.

If you're going to fantasize wildly, as you are now, then just say "execute them all". It's more fun that way.

>> No.6877269

are you at UNR

>> No.6877274

yeah bruv

>> No.6877278

I used to have frequent conversations with someone who was largely responsible for the private prison system in my state. He was a part of the team who literally wrote the statutes regulating that system. It hurt so much to bite my tongue, but he was also a close friend of the owner of the bar I always went to.

>> No.6877279

me too :3

>> No.6877281

nice dude what year and major?
I'm sophomore chemical engineering

>> No.6877297

Lets do this the correct order
8.25 hourly
37.5 hours
=309.375 weekly
50 weeks (if not taking days off for a vacation or family matters, then for sick days? not unreasonable)
-959 Social Security
-224.50 medicaid
-518 federal tax
-758 state tax (average tax, could be higher or lower depending on specific state)
12 months
=1084.10 monthly

Holy shit, your 20% is pretty damn accurate

>> No.6877300

If this is true, then why have I never seen anyone under the age of 20 working at McDonalds?

>> No.6877301

>paying state tax
stay pleb

>> No.6877304

because people who work at mcdonalds are retarded and can't figure out they should get another job
instead they complain about the one they have and expect more money

>> No.6877305

Stop buying Macdonalds
Don't encourage their shitty business practices

>> No.6877397

ok bye bye reno bro
maybe i will see you around campus

>> No.6877418

I think one problem is that as mcdonald's constantly messes up orders there's noone to deal with that

>> No.6877426

>Driving 6 hours back home
>Stop at McDonald's drive through for quick snack
>Get chicken nuggets and ask for honey mustard
>They give me honey
>Politely tell the basketball american lady working the window that I asked for honey mustard, not honey
>"So why you gotta come in here all rude and shit? Did I give you honey? No? So what's yo problem den?"
>she comes back and tosses a few mustard packets through the window into my car
>"Make yo own damn honey mustard nigga"

I can't tell if I hate McDonald's or niggers but I think it's a bit of both.

>> No.6877491
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>if the super left wing party wins the next federal election they will make it $15 nation-wide
>almost as high as the average wage in some provinces
>this is literally higher than the average wage in many towns

>> No.6877498

Considering the average wage in Calgary and Edmonton, that's actually not that high, especially considering that in 2-3 years Alberta will be doing much stronger - assuming the new Federal government doesn't stop our pipelines for no fucking reason.

>> No.6877598

To be fair, $15/hr in 2-3 years is super aggressive considering how shit their main industry is doing right now. Sure it will bounce back eventually, but it'll probably be a slow rebound rather than a sharp one.

>> No.6877603


based NDP

although mulcair is probably going to have renege on that particular promise

>> No.6877604

We've been here before, it usually only lasts 18-30 months, it's already been ~12.

>> No.6877612

$15 simply cannot work in the Atlantic provinces, that would be like making a $30/hour minimum wage in Alberta, the average wealth is waaaaay too low, especially in Newfoundland.

>> No.6877774

Unless you live in very few places in the US, you can absolutely survive on that amount. I survived on $8.75 for a year and I live in one of the most expensive cities in the country.


This except the cost of living isn't that high in most places.

However by "survive", I do mean that everything has to go right in order to get by. If you develop some medical ailment or anything happens that requires you to spent any more than a couple hundred dollars, you will be shit out of luck.

>> No.6877781

When I lived in San Francisco a few years ago it was $11 and it was still tough as shit to afford to live there

>> No.6877784

You don't have a family. The cost of raising a family in the US is a bit silly, as Americans often have to pay more for family related things than people of other first world nations, and sometimes have to pay for things that other countries simply don't have to pay for at all.

>> No.6877787

San Fran's cost of living is the highest in the country, it's not a good example to compare other cities too because of its own brand of unique expensiveness.

>> No.6877788


it's nearly impossible to even find a tiny shitbox studio in the sketchy part of my city for less than $1100 a month

>inb4 move

you need money to move; just relocating with no fallback money is fucking insane

there's no way that minimum wage workers deserve $15 an hour though in most places in the country, I may be fucking poor but if I can get by as a line cook making $12 an hour in a California vacation city, you all can shut the fuck up

>> No.6877801


Why anyone with a family should even be having to worry about those sorts of things in this context is beyond me.

I don't have a family because I'm responsible enough to not start shitting out kids when. And while I realize that it is necessary for me to pay for these people via taxes because it is not the kids fault that their parents are irresponsible pieces of shit, it's hard to feel sympathy for people whose situation is the direct result of their own poor decision making.

I am poor both because I grew up poor and because I chose to go into an industry where I would not make a lot of money for a long time, but I understand and accept that. It sucks, but it is what it is.

>> No.6877803


*when I have no money to pay for them

>> No.6877810

These people exist and keeping them in poverty is just making it all worse. It's not ideal, but it's the world we're living in, and dumbass poor people popping out too many kids is a part of life, and one we have to deal with.

>> No.6877814

Yeah no kidding. I had a tiny ass studio downtown and it was $1500 a month. That was like 3 years ago. I'm sure that spot is well over $3000 a month now.

>> No.6877837

> I'm poor also so you can't be mad about being poorer than me
>not realizing that both you and fast food workers should be making well over 15/hr

If the minimum wage rose with worker productivity and inflation it would be 20/hr. Pretending that you're not getting fucked out of a living wage is just dumb.

>> No.6877905

>You literally have no idea how a Mcdonald's works

hell, he has no idea how economics works, and how bottom barrel employees don't

>> No.6877911


There's not really a good way to deal with it though. Keeping them just well enough off to care for their kids is the only fair thing we can do, anything they choose to do beyond that to improve their living situation should be their own responsibility. If it's hard to do so because they have kids, they should have thought about that beforehand.


I didn't say that other people can't be mad about being poorer than me, but that most of them are not relatively AS poor considering the high cost of living where I am. Yet they claim that you literally cannot survive, which is untrue for most people (who don't have to deal with lots of medical costs etc).

Of course I'm being fucked out of a living wage, I'm just saying that $15 across the board is not that number. People could get by on less in most parts of the country, and in others $15 is still not enough.

>> No.6878702

>the more you pay them, the more motivated they are

>> No.6878709

who /ck/ here

>> No.6878880

>it's hard to feel sympathy for people whose situation is the direct result of their own poor decision making.
eh. abstinence only sex ed + limited access to abortion + no money = ???

even if America I can understand how people end up with unwanted crotchlings before they even turn around

>> No.6878895

>How about enough so they don't qualify for food stamps or welfare, chucklenuts?

The only correct answer in the thread.

Increasing welfare payouts is hard, and they are not tied to any free floating metrics. If you can raise min wage and get them off welfare the state will save money over time.

>> No.6879019

>hurr durr people are literally too retarded to know that cumming in a pussy forms a babby

If that's the case, they should be neutered/spayed and/or institutionalized.

>> No.6879104


>prices get raised
>people opt for something better

Yeah, except every other restaurant will have higher prices as well. McDonald's would still be among the cheapest.

>> No.6879110


>> No.6879173

Mcdonalds doesnt expect you to do shit but come in on time and serve food / make food without any bullshit that can cause they grief. YOUR families and hopefully yourself should EXPECT you OWN SELF to do better.
frick off

>> No.6879174 [DELETED] 

except by better he meant not fast food dumb ass
get real