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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6871759 No.6871759[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just got back from Mickey D's with this JACKPOT. Bet you sorry fucks are jealous as you nibble on your shitty vegan soy embarrassing homemade (as if that makes it better) "food" and you see me about to dig into this amazing meal, huh? Oh well, sucks for you losers I guess. >:-D

>> No.6871776

shouldve gone to tac0bell smh

>> No.6871779
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1440, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy SHIT. This has got to be the best burger I've ever fucking tasted in my life. And trust me, I've eaten a LOT of different burgers at a lot of different places so you know it's not just me saying that.

>> No.6871790

>has never had a good burger in his life.
i feel... such an overwhelming all-consuming sympathy for you....

my heart aches.

>> No.6871791
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Greatest catchup in the world. You can't buy this ANYWHERE other than in a McDonald's located in the United States of America.

>> No.6871793

haha yeah man
Big Macs are fucking awesome

>> No.6871795
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'Bout to shove these all in my mouth at once :-D

God damn I am lovin' this meal, thank you Jesus for the existence of such a great chain of restaurants.

>> No.6871800

fuck yeah op destroy those faggot vegan cucks or /fit/ retards. F A T B O Y S

>> No.6871801

anyone saying they don't like mcds is full of shit. The food is quite literally chemically engineered to taste good. I fucking love it as well op. Making me think about a late night double cheeseburg run

>> No.6871812

I love McDs and I love Happy Meals. You fucked up though by not putting fries on your burger, that's what a pro does.

And Jones is a nice choice, but not the correct choice. Only a fountain drink poured from McDs is suitable for your meal.

>> No.6871815
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Mmmm mmm mmm. All done. Wow. Absolutely exquisite, and would buy again.

Honestly? Fuck the haters: McDonald's is pure happiness. Think about how much joy this brought me... hell, not just me, but millions, perhaps billions of people around the world over how many decades? Little kids. Elderly folks. Middle aged people.

McDonald's doesn't just sell delicious, affordable food. It sells happiness; memories; good times.

I fucking dare someone to trash talk McDonald's ITT or on this board period.

>> No.6871816

>eating myself to death will sure show those fit and healthy people!!
you do know dr. jon basso is a literal hero on /fit/ right?

we WANT the fatties to eat themselves to death.

tbh i am just butthurt OP didn't go to heart attack grill

>> No.6871818
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>> No.6871821

>McDonald's doesn't just sell delicious, affordable food
in fact... it doesn't sell delicious food at all!

no but seriously, OP must be a shill.

even people who eat at mcdonald's religiously will openly acknowledge that their burgers are objectively inferior to just about anything you would find at a real burger place (or even at home)

its about convenience and cost, nothing more, nothing less.

seriously i like mcdonalds from time to time, but nobody is pretending it's quality food... not even the people working there will make that bold of a lie lmao

>> No.6871825

>OP thinks this is worth the type 2 diabetes
how's that morbid obesity treating you, OP?
pic with timestamp to prove your bmi isn't well over 30

>> No.6871837

Joke's on you. I'm actually slightly underweight. Does that make you jealous, that I can eat like this whenever I want and still be thin and healthy, while you get all bloated and gain 5 pounds if you do the same?

Sorry sweetheart, guess you just lost out on the genepool lottery

>> No.6871839

I had a pulled pork poutine.

Then a tomato and cucumber salad. (homemadeveganshit)

>> No.6871869
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>I'm actually slightly underweight.
not very believable/10

also cal in > cal out applies regardless of genetics

also i could easily bulk on this garbage and stay at the same bf

seriously, i am eating 2,850 kcal a day... shit isn't even fun anymore, its a goddamn chore.

hence me coming to this board to learn how to eat enough protein to preserve muh gains without wanting to suicide

>> No.6871884

OP will you buy me one

>> No.6871901

top shill m8
how much they payin you per post?

>> No.6871915

>this is what people believe

I've had McDonalds multiple times a week, literally my entire life. I'm 5'8 and 140 lbs

>> No.6871927

my post didn't say or imply mcdonalds will make you fat.

you can absolutely eat at caloric maintenance with mcdonalds.

you can even lose weight eating nothing but mcdonalds.

this is what i mean by cal in > cal out.

that has nothing to do with my post.

also i guarantee OP will never post a pic with timestamp proving he isn't obese, because i guarantee he is obese

>> No.6871933

>I've had McDonalds multiple times a week, literally my entire life
of all the things that never happened in this thread, this never happened the most.

>> No.6871935
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>> No.6871940

>implying this is brilliant marketing

this is literal 4chan shitposting..

draper's techniques were actually effective

>> No.6871959

The way he worded it reminded me of Draper
>McDonald's doesn't just sell delicious, affordable food. It sells happiness; memories; good times.

Also it might just be shitposting but it gets people thinking about McDonalds. I wonder if anyone has gone out and actually bought a big mac or something after seeing one of these threads.

>> No.6871960

Twice a week I eat McDonalds in some way shape or form. Sometimes it's breakfast, sometimes dinner, sometimes lunch. It's a long running tradition.

Occasionally I switch it for Burger King, Taco Bell, or anything else I might want but usually I go with McDonalds.

>> No.6871990

>needing shills


How dumb are you to not realize that McDonald's is probably the most recognizable brand in the WORLD

>> No.6872013

they don't advertise so we go "oh shit, there is a burger place called mcdonalds?!?!"

brand recognition doesn't eliminate the need for advertising.

just look how many mcdonalds commercials you see on tv

100% of the people watching those commercials on tv know that mcdonald's exists and they sell burgers.

but its supposed to remind you and make you crave it.

do you seriously not even understand how advertising works?
you really think you only advertise a brand until you get recognition, and then you stop advertising it?!?

>> No.6872028

This. How many times have you scrolled through /ck/ and seen some McDonalds thread or Taco Bell thread and been like "man that sounds pretty good right about now".
Now think of out of all the people who thought that actually went out and got something from there.

>> No.6872046

>How many times have you scrolled through /ck/ and seen some McDonalds thread or Taco Bell thread
fair amount
>and been like "man that sounds pretty good right about now".
literally never.

but then i make my own mexican food and hamburgers.

>> No.6872132
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>> No.6872143

please use catsup or ketchup. don't combine the two; it triggers my autism

>> No.6872145

These shills are trying harder and harder every day, it seems.

>> No.6872148

Whenever I want fast food I come here to see what shills want me to eat.

It's working.

>> No.6872158

It's pretty normal, you're just a special snowflake weirdo who doesn't eat normal food

>> No.6872166

>normal food

So, how overweight are you?

>> No.6872177

The guy defending the midwest in the other thread detected
Having a 43 inch waist and a 43 inch chest is completely normal, you hippie elitist coastie

>> No.6872198


No, right leaning here.


No, I just don't like McDonald's.

>43 inch waist is normal

If you're not taller than average, this is overweight. I'm half convinced this is bait, and if it is, well done because I believed it for a bit.

>> No.6872215

>Being obese is completely normal
yea... in the land of mcdonalds.

>> No.6872246

>43 inch waist
>men with a waist circumference of 43 inches (110 centimeters) were at 52 percent greater risk of death than men with a 37 inch (95 centimeter) waist.

...enjoy your fast food, fat boy

>> No.6872250

>If you're not taller than average, this is overweight
more specifically, if he is under 6'10, he is overweight, lmao


>> No.6872264

I'm not in the Midwest thread, but I am from there. Detroit city has better food and restaurants than where you live, guarantee it.

>> No.6872274

I'm not sure whether you all just jump at the chance to make fun of fat people or if you really do get baited this easily

But according to the IP count, there's a select few real idiots here, not counting OP.

>> No.6872423

>not getting a munchie meal from Jack
smh tbh doe fam

>> No.6872443
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>Bet you sorry fucks are jealous

Yeah, all that sashimi and oysters I had for dinner tonight just PALES in comparison to a vomit-smelling Big Mac.

(Such a fucking bait thread, I can't believe I actually responded).

>> No.6872466

Well shit, I was just giving a general guess. I suppose he's even fatter than I thought.

>> No.6872497

>op made a point to have blue, "sugar soda" clearly in focus
>/ck/ has fallen so low so many people don't recognize obvious bait

>> No.6872602

I did.

>> No.6872635

>IP count
And where the fuck do you see this?

>> No.6872636

>Yeah, all that sashimi and oysters
>eating bottom feeders
>eating any creature without bones, much less without a face

purely low, a man should feast as a top predator on the largest land dwelling creatures

>> No.6872645

Blah blah blah, keep shoveling that fast food down your jigging gullet, you fat little prick.

>> No.6872652

fast food is even more classy than creatures of the ocean and shelled being....there is more dignity in eating the testicles of a bull

>> No.6872682

You're a faggot who loves testicles, go suck some more cock, pleb.

Seafood and fish master race.

>> No.6872691

fist full of ketchup and airplane noises plz

>> No.6872694

disgusting. i bet you eat bugs too and bat shit

>> No.6872699
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Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6872702
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"Ha! I'm dying alone, and you aren't!"

>> No.6872713

>he doesn't like jones soda

>> No.6872717

huh? you've never seen that soda before faggot? where do you live? probably not the US? no wonder you're such a faggot.

>> No.6872721

why does that have the old mcds logo?

>> No.6872723
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>> No.6872724
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this pic is you

dumb fuck, what kind of pleb doesn't know what jones is

>> No.6872742

>Home made worse than McD's
You must be a really shit cook

>> No.6872745

You can't make mac sauce nor can you make a good french fry

>> No.6872770
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>> No.6872772

How the fuck would you know?
Like making bottom-tier food is the mark of a cook.
Enjoy your early death.

>> No.6872796

Found the underage b&

>> No.6872800

You're not a cook.

Literally everyone under the age of 40 knows what Jones soda is...it was extremely popular amongst cool alternative kids in the 90s and 00s. You're just a fuckin' geek

>> No.6872804

You sound like that fat kid in high school who picked on everyone then graduated and now works at a gas station or convenience store.

Jones is good though, except for all those novelty flavors around the holidays. I still have bad memories of that Thanksgiving turkey flavor......

>> No.6872814



>> No.6872827

I'll say what I say in every McDonald's thread: McDouble & small fries is one of the best value meals you'll ever get; I think they're fantastic.
Also: never heard of Jones Soda, disregard that 12 year old "alternative" anon

>> No.6872835
File: 2.39 MB, 2800x1620, McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>McDouble & small fries is one of the best value meals you'll ever get
>best value

For me it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>Also: never heard of Jones Soda, disregard that 12 year old "alternative" anon

Um I'm a 90's kid so I know wtf Jones is pleb.

>> No.6872931
File: 457 KB, 390x293, 1374710533402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jones soda is for people trying to race towards diabetes
I used to eat those constantly, however I only eat it if I go for the McGangBang but I have to be out of this world high to get that
