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6871455 No.6871455 [Reply] [Original]

Do you tip the pizza guy if they charge a delivery fee?

Do you tip in general?

>> No.6871461


>> No.6871466

Yes, always.

>total is $18.42
>hand him a $20
>"hey man, keep the change."

>> No.6871489


literally a cheap fucker i have to be getting trolled

>> No.6871500

Yes. Delivery fee doesn't go to the driver and those fuckers are getting paid below minimum wage. If you are unwilling or unable to tip, you shouldn't be eating out.

>> No.6871516

you must like the taste of spit

>> No.6871535

shut up you fat, bald fuck.

>> No.6871542

I do this most of the time, but my country doesn't "do" tipping like the US does.

Are drivers at least reimbursed for petrol in the US?

>> No.6871546

Clappyfats really are the biggest jews on Earth.

>Defending begging

>> No.6871548

I doubt that since you pay after you get the food. Plus all you have to do is not go there for a bit and they will forget about it or just not work there anymore.

>> No.6871552

In my day delivery drivers were paid above minimum wage. If my food is still hot I'll give them an extra dollar or two, if it's not I won't tip at all.

>> No.6871607


>Are drivers at least reimbursed for petrol in the US?

no, they also have to clock out when filling up at a gas station

>> No.6871629

>actually getting shit delivered
Get off your asses.
I always just call my order ahead of time and walk in, I ain't paying any delivery fee.

>> No.6871640

>in my day
>under 30

You're just a cheap ass

>> No.6871659

God damn right, I work hard for my money, and if I feel like giving someone a decent tip because they did an exceptional job, then that's my right.

Service people are so entitled these days, they think they deserve an automatic 18% - 25% tip for doing a job a fucking monkey could do.

>> No.6871703

only people who dont tip are niggers

>> No.6871710

Glad someone said it. If you don't like the pay or not getting tips then find a better job or educate yourself more so you can make more money.

>> No.6871749

Delivery fees go to the restaurant, not the drivers.

I tip 10% for delivery drivers most of the time.

>> No.6871753

delivery fees are meant to trick the customer into thinking it goes to the driver to pay for mileage/gas etc

seriously. theres never been any reasoning behind the additional 2.50 that goes to the store on delivery orders.

>> No.6871757

never ever ever never have never will. They literally fucking drive around in a car listening to music and shit.

I assume they get reimbursed for wear and tear to their car through the delivery fee so that's taken care of. Their wages can pay for their own damn gas as well.

>> No.6871770

>if you aren't able to tip the plumber, you shouldn't be getting your pipes repaired

>if you aren't able to tip the gas man, you shouldn't be getting your tank filled

>if you aren't able to tip the janitors, you shouldn't be getting your shit posted

>> No.6871974

Except those people are all making minimum wage or more, unlike waiters and delivery staff, you petulant retard.

>> No.6871999


>tipping a percentage on delivery

Fucking why? They do the exact same amount of work whether you ordered a single pepperoni or a dozen pizzas.

I simply round up to the next dollar and add a dollar. Maybe one extra dollar if the weather is shit or I'm drunk.

>> No.6872032

> plumbers get paid a fuck load of money
>i live in a state where you fill your own gas
>janitors get paid a great salary for their qualifications

what is money?

>> No.6872208

1 2 topping medium pizza 1 specialty chicken $11.99+$3 delivery fee and $1.05 tax = 16.05.

Hand him a $20 and 5 cents take my 4 dollars and give him 2. "For you tip" If its a girl delivery "K-keep the change"

>> No.6872227

>I assume they get reimbursed for wear and tear to their car through the delivery fee

Not always, actually. In fact, I'd wager that it doesn't happen that often. Heard from a few folks that worked at delivery places; some got reimbursement, but by and large the delivery fee went back to the place they worked at.

But then, I don't order delivery very much. I usually go and pick it up, that way you avoid the whole situation.

>> No.6872240

pizza delivery driver here
2-3 dollar fee depending on how far the adress is (in a rural area)
The delivery fee goes entirely to me. As does the tip. we have a $12 minimum for delivery. I get 5.50 per hour tho.
I make more than enough from tips to make up for it

>> No.6872247

who tips:
>wealthy people
>drug dealers
>all the meth heads here tip well
who dont tip:
>low income/trailer parks

>> No.6872273
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I tip $2-3.

If it's a girl, I give her the money like this.

>> No.6872276


that is called not a tip. you must be poor.


you are poor.


> i work hard digging ditches

yes, we know you are poor (because you don't tip)


if you want pizza without my waste on it, tip.


they often make under minimum wage. you are poor.


autism and you are poor

>> No.6872284 [DELETED] 

a friend of mine mocks me because one time I didn't have enough cash to tip and I said "we can never come back here"

I am a well trained tipcuck

>> No.6872294

pizza boy gets a 5'er unless its more then just a pie then maybe more

15-20% at restaurant without fail

>> No.6872299

holy shit I lost
damn that was funny.

>> No.6872345

I usually just spend 15 ish on a large and maybe some wings or something i give them a 20 or sometimes if i spend 10 i'll give 5 bucks.
Cause they're the only ones i feel for.
I worked as aserver and they're all fucking whiny entitled bitches who get mad when they don't get tipped. ESPECIALLY the gay servers but that's just my experience, not bashing gays but idk they're fucking cunts where i worked.
I usually don't tip at sit down places here because they all get minimum plus tips so they can fuck off especially if they have the balls to ASK me for a tip.
Also i tip at my dispensary because the cute chick gives me more weed.

>> No.6872472


>> No.6872486

I usually just get my shit to go to avoid tipping

>> No.6872487
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I deliver pizzas. I make $3.65/hr and the state itself pays me 52 cents per mile I drive. On an average day, I'll make probably around $40 in tips off an 8 hour shift. Of course, everything you make in tips goes in the trash if anything breaks down on your car from wear and tear, so I guess it all balances out.

>> No.6872514

I usually do, $2-3 if around $20, $4-5 if around $50.

I used to deliver pizzas, quit that shit because I hated living off tips. Making more than the people I worked with was shitty, I tipped out all the time and still felt bad.

My place charged a $2 fee, I got $1.25 of that for gas. We delivered up to 10 miles away (in the suburbs) so that fee didn't cover gas a lot of the time.

>who tips:
>>wealthy people
Man, I don't know if it's just my area but anybody paying with a $100 bill was absolutely never ever going to tip. That includes million dollar mansion guy paying for a $12 pizza with $100 (fuck you) ,drug dealer buying some pizzas for his mom (I crossed my fingers for that bill being real pretty often, even if it passed the light check), and group of 20-somethings throwing a party (why does it take 10 minutes to get the dude to the door, fuck)

>> No.6872594

so many fucking retards in this thread, and every 'do you tip anon?' thread

delivery drivers around my area make about $15-$20/hr at the end of the week. L2 not live in a shit city.

And this faggot, >>6871500, thinks that if you don't give people extra money above the agreed upon price you shouldn't buy things. I don't have to tip a god damn thing, and no one forced them to work that job.

Stop taking shit jobs can blaming your customers for you not making enough money.

>> No.6872623

only when the food arives quickly, fresh and hot

>> No.6872695

i just go and pick it up entirely to avoid tipping

>> No.6872795

"Glad someone said it"

as if 50 other fags don't say that same exact shit on this board 3 times a day

>> No.6872816
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>watch Reservoir Dogs
>think parroting Mr. Pink's ideas on tipping makes you edgy

>> No.6872928

>Order online and pay
No tip

>Order online and pay at the door
Round off the price, ie £22 become £25

>Order in a restaurant
See above, maybe aim for 10% if service was better than usual

>> No.6872933

The fuck do you live that you don't get minimum wage for delivery? Where I'm from servers make 2.65/hr but delivery drivers make $8/hr. You best move son, that place you live in is a shithole.

>> No.6872944

fucking kek'd hard i choked on my garlic bread

>> No.6872948

I agreed to work for 12 hours a day getting $1 an hour

now everyone should give me free money because I can't live off of that

>> No.6872975


Why would someone choose a job if they don't like how much it pays?

I mean, maybe that's all they can do, but how is it my problem? It's like someone studying French feminist literature, getting a job at Starbucks and then getting the well paid job to top up their wages.

What happened to taking responsibility for your own life, instead of begging for handouts from others? If your job doesn't pay enough, learn another skill set and leave.

>> No.6872977


Should read

>the person who studied for a better paid job to top up their wages.

>> No.6872982

Only my fedora.

>> No.6872983

I always tip any delivery 3 dollars, unless I have like 20's and can't find ones I'll just give them like 40 bucks for something that was 23 and close the door. I sometimes go out to eat alone as well and I'll just leave a $100 bill no matter what the bill was. I usually rack up like 40 - 70 when I eat out alone.

>> No.6872985

The only skillset that matters is social manipulation. That's the world we live in.

>> No.6873064

Bong here

Only person i tip is barber at christmas. I let people keep the penny if i buy something for 99p or 1.99 or something, thats it. Nobody tips here it's great.

>> No.6873066

No, i am from europe and order with card always, not to avoid tipping, just prefer paying by card for pizza.

And even if i lived in america i probably still wouldnt. If i was a doctor and fixed that pizza boys leg with great survice, making sure he was comfortable and happy the whole time, would he tip me? most likely not. To me it just makes no sense to tip someone for a specific job when they would not do the same for any other job.

If i am a jerk for not tipping the pizza guy, are you a jerk for not tipping the street cleaner guy who gets shit pay but works hard to keep your street clean?

>> No.6873073

>If you are unwilling or unable to tip, you shouldn't be eating out.

What if I do anyway? All you or the driver can do about it is get mad or get a better job. Not my problem, I ordered a pizza not a sob story.
What the hell is 2.00 gonna change anyway? How much gas is that like less than a gallon? lol

>> No.6873075

supposedly it's to offset the operation costs.
I'm not sure how a "delivery fee" that doesn't go to the delivers at all has any effect on that what so ever though...

>> No.6873081

Actually that street cleaner dude can make upwards of 50k a year. Not bad pay at all for unskilled labor.

>> No.6873084

>getting paid below minimum wage
this is both the most popular argument for tipping food handlers, and one of the worst arguments ever because it isn't true. if you're actually getting paid below minimum wage, you need to take it up with your employer who's clearly fucking you over

>> No.6873092

Does not matter the pay, i worked as cashier for a year serving and dealing with thousands of customers one after the other, i would bag their shit too. Only tip i ever got was when i helped some old man carry heavy stuff to his car parked far away, i got 50p mostly because we chatted along the way and he found out i was on a 3 week long unpaid trial period for work experience.
I got paid min wage and my job involved every bit of work you can think of in the work place.

Why should i tip you if you are going to refuse to tip me? And no i never even expected a tip from anyone, i knew the pay and work when i applied to the job.

>> No.6873114

Yeah, and I'm sure you can afford a lawyer to fight your employer.

>> No.6873117
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I typically tip around 15%

Specifically, I'll round up or down to the nearest dollar and just tell them to keep the change.

>> No.6873118

unless you're shooting for a class action lawsuit, you don't need a lawyer to prove you're getting fucked over. you just have to not be a total dumbass

>> No.6873121

What are you going to do? Sue them yourself without representation?

Yeah, that'll go over great. You'll lose your job and you lose in court. What a win.

>> No.6873127

litigation isn't even necessary

>> No.6873128

>gib moni pls

fuck off

>> No.6873148
File: 108 KB, 400x381, err.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Local Dominoes delivery person is a fairly attractive girl
>Order two pizzas from Dominoes on the two for Tuesday deal
>Order 2 Meatilicious pizzas
>When she delivers them I take them
>''Thanks for the TWO MEATILicious pizzas...''
>''now for your tip..''
>laugh and tap the pizza boxes
>she doesn't laugh
>snaps at me to give her the money
>beta out, apologise, 100% tip with the pizzas

Dominoes delivery people are humourless and don't deserve tips

>> No.6873154

And what is then?

>> No.6873170

Gather all the documents and proof you need, then file a wage claim with the state labor department within the appropriate time period (procedures vary from state to state). How do people not know these things? That's why dumb fuckers in the food service industry get screwed over so much by employers and misguidedly just bitch about customers not giving them a few extra quarters instead.

If you really need to escalate the situation, then you can consider small claims court or greater.

>> No.6873187

This is true. I've been tipped at a job that doesn't even require one at all, It was mostly because I was a very likeable and helpful. It's insane how easily you can steer a person's mentality or mood if you really try.

>> No.6873219

i'm not even sure i get this, were you telling her that her tip was your dick?

>> No.6873228

Car salesmen use these sort of techniques very well.

>> No.6873233

As cringy as it was i understood it as he was the one with the meaty comments, she just requested her tip and ignored his autism.

>> No.6873251

Pizza boys bitch about making under minwage. The problem is they are not making enough money at work right? How are they to survive they cry? I figured out a plan to give pizza boys a tip knowing that the stupid teenager they are will spend it on junk and vidya.
Simply throw all your leftovers into plastic cups and freeze it up, tip them with this food so they can survive. I mean they should have no problem if the tips are all about survival with their low wage i stead of pure greed as most beleive?

>> No.6873260


> i am poor

we know, that is the only reason not to tip


you eat my waste if you do not tip


getting paid below the non-server ,minimum wage. try and keep up.


> things that never happened

>> No.6873280

>getting paid below the non-server ,minimum wage. try and keep up.

ALL employees, whether tipped or not (including 'servers' and 'non-servers') must legally be paid at least up to the federal minimum wage. qualifying tipped employees may be paid in cash at the tipped minimum wage (which is less than minimum wage), and whatever tips they make up to the minimum wage will count as 'credit' toward the minimum wage. whatever tips are not made must be paid by the employer to make up for the difference.

in the end, all employees, tipped or not, must be paid up to at least the federal minimum wage regardless of tips. are you able to keep up now?

it's the fact that a lot of retards don't understand this concept that makes the tipping culture in the united states so volatile and retarded.

>> No.6873309


you have confused yourself.

the job ONLY exists because of tips. we know you are poor, but that has nothing to do with this.

>> No.6873318

clearly there is no point in trying to even attempt reasoning with you. have a great day. keep slaving for tips, I guess.

>> No.6873320


thanks for quitting, poor faggot

>> No.6873346

I tip the pizza guy...[spoiler]over[\spoiler]

that motherfucker never saw it coming he fell right to the ground

>> No.6873912

It's ironic that all you chuclefucks talking about "personal responsibility" and "just find a different job" clearly have no experience trying to find work. Jobs don't fall out of the fucking sky you morons.

>> No.6874815


CanadaGuy here;

I use a scaling system when I tip delivery drivers. The faster my food comes to my place, the larger the tip.

I hate tipping, but I do tip when it comes to restaurants and haircuts.

>> No.6874831

>getting paid below minimum wage

Do you understand how fucking retarded that sentence is? Do you? Do you even know what the word "minimum" means?

It's not my problem that some people are so fucking idiotic they can't comprehend the idea that they should be paid a fair wage; that there are people so fucking dumb that they're willing to work for free and then depend on handouts to make any money to live on; that these people are so breath-takingly stupid that they continue to support the very system that denies them a living wage.

In b4 "waaah but i gotta!". No you fucking haven't.

>> No.6874832
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The Mexicans that deliver my Pizza have never asked for tip. So yea.

>> No.6874837

>Jobs don't fall out of the fucking sky you morons.

If you're not a mouth breathing retard you'll have no trouble finding a job.

If your name is Cletus then I guess your options are pizza delivery or meth dealing.

>> No.6874866
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>see this shit on box
>don't ever want to tip again

>> No.6874910

What jobs do you work?

>> No.6874947


>> No.6874966

>Do you tip in general?

Yes, obviously, and make it a CASH tip so the delivery guy can report whatever he wants...

>> No.6875003

Yes. If I'm actually lazy enough for someone to use their own vehicle and gas go bring me my food, I'll tip em at least 15%.

>> No.6875031

>Get a better job.

thats my tip to any prick who gives me this pizza box.

>> No.6875227

why are they even charging for delivery if they force the drivers to pay for their own gas?

>> No.6875239
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>this sentence of all things coming from Pizza Hut, one of the biggest pizza franchises in the world

>> No.6875382


> fair

spotted the retard


pizza hut represents about 8 percent of all american pizza stores

>> No.6875404

i tip because i'm not poor, and because the guy brought me a pizza. i just order a pizza so that it comes to 17-18 bucks and give him a 20. besides, its nice. the pizza guy appreciates it. why not be nice? if you're too poor to tip you probably should be eating beans and rice, not pizza. i'm a generous person. if i thought it'd offend them i wouldn't. just why not? its custom here.

>> No.6875611


>> No.6875615

I just ordered a pizza not 5 minutes ago total was 30.51 i hand him a 2 $20 and 51 cents he hands me the pizza i turn around to put the pizza on the couch next to me while he situates my change i turn around i hear thanks and my door closes and he is gone.

I wanted to tip $5 not $10 at this point i am irritated.

>> No.6875693


learn how to not be a slow faggot

>> No.6875696

Yea i did make a mistake, the next 2 times i order im not going to tip and tell them why, then im only going to tip at most $2 from from this location.

>> No.6875707
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>Live in a third world nation that allows restaurant workers and delivery drivers to be paid a fraction of it's already laughably low minimum wage
>Expect customers to make up the difference through mandatory tipping instead of simply requiring restaurant managers to stop being greedy cunts and pay a living wage to their employees
>Autistic right wingers see this as some kind of extortion
>Take it out on the overworked, underpaid workers instead of the people who created the situation in the first place

>> No.6875710


i always love to see people telling me they have chosen to ingest the spit and feces of pizza place workers

>> No.6875717

thats only in some states. in states that aren;'t shit, people do get payed their minimum wage. it just so happens that I think your fucking boss should be paying you a livable wage.

>> No.6875853

If I can't tell, it might as well not even be there.

>> No.6875920
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>messing with peoples' food because they don't give you extra money
This immature mindset is exactly why you and most of your generation are stuck with dead end, minimum wage jobs, and will never get ahead in life.

>> No.6875937
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Just a reminder that tips really are just 'extra' money, and that the businesses are legally obligated to compensate workers up to minimum wage on their checks if they don't get enough tips.

>> No.6875961

I feel that if they're already making minimum wage like that, then tipping is just a retarded arbitrary social construct.
>tip this minimum wage worker but not this one

Its fucked up that americans are so fucking brainwashed into thinking they 'must' hand out extra cash that they don't even question the system.
I remember asking my parents about it a long time ago, and they'd just get upset and say "Because you're supposed to."
And i'd ask "...but who says?"
...and they'd just get angrier and angrier about it, like they either didn't know, or couldn't explain it themselves.

>> No.6876025
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>not supporting the delivery driver economy

>> No.6876120

I know right. What a fucking loser lol

>> No.6877376

No. I live in a country where you a paid a decent wage, even as a delivery driver.

>> No.6877456

Better than the people who
>keep the change
>here's a bag of quarters i

>> No.6877518

I usually tip 20% if I'm ordering pizza at some ungodly hour.

If it's normal hours that fucker gets howerevr many nickels and dimes I happen to have in my pocket

>> No.6877525

I have never seen a pizza place offering below $10 an hour plus tips and gas compensation in my area. You can't be paid below minimum wage. You're a tard m8

>> No.6877529

>50c change
>keep it

I did that once but it was my first time having pizza delivered in America

>> No.6877535

If your tips equate to below min wage the employer has to compensate to the minimum wage. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.6877544


> im poor

kill yourself, poor person

>> No.6877551

How shitty is your car and gas prices if 1.25 doesn't cover 10 miles wtf.

>> No.6877559

> be delivery driver
> pothead opens the door
> bill was 24.60
> hands me 25 and says keep the change
> snickers as he closes the door
> call up the cops with an anonymous tip there is a drug dealer at his address
> see on the news a few days later that he was in jail on drug and weapons charges

felt so fucking good to see a poor person where they belong

inb4 never happened

>> No.6877563

How is saying keep the change bad? Unless you mean people who do it and that is their only tip but I live in a no-tip country and if it's less than a dollar I just say don't worry. It's not meant to be a tip though.

>> No.6877580

Have you ever had a job? Every place I've worked There have always been a shitload of posters in the break room explaining labor laws and what to do if your employer is fucking you. Pretty sure its mandatory to hang those posters. You don't need a lawyer and you don't have to go to court. God isnt summer over yet?

>> No.6877589

Up to 50% on bills under 20, usually reserved for places I regular that know me by name (and share the tip pool with boh). 25% for friends/particularly good servers.
Usually 10% regardless

>> No.6877608

I'm not poor. I live 2 miles from the pizza joint and if I'm drunk as shit at 1am and want pizza I'll tip, because delivering pizzas in the middle of the night is dangerous. If it's during the day I couldnt be bothered to give a single fuck about tipping.

>> No.6877615

>see a poor person where they belong.

Why aren't you there too pal

>> No.6877632


> i do not tip
> i am not poor

pick only one, poor faggot

>> No.6877640

>If you are unwilling or unable to tip, you shouldn't be eating out.
Unless you live in any country in the world besides the US.

>> No.6877645

Water is dihydrogen monoxide

>> No.6878031

No, I pay the legally required minimum and not a penny more. Here's a tip: Get a better job.

Don't cry to me because you decided to take a job where you depend on the generosity of strangers. Even without tips employers are required to pay minimum wage if your tips don't bring you up to the bar. If your employer refuses to pay you minimum wage quit and report them to the better business bureau.

>> No.6878070

Nope. But if there's no charge i give them a quid.

But we actually pay our workers a proper wage here so they don't have to rely on tips to survive like in 'murrika.

>> No.6878085

That never happened

>> No.6878100

I never tip. But it have a system of staying below the radar so no one spits on my food. I only order once every month, and every time I do I pick a new pizza place. Once I do the same place twice I make sure to call a different restaurant than the last one. It's fool proof guys

>> No.6878103

>the look on the guys face when I hand him a $20 and I let him take a few steps before saying, "change?"

Priceless, it gets better every time

>> No.6878104

This isn't true.

>> No.6878125

Hey there pizza delivery boy. Kek I never tip. Why would I? I work at a beer shop and I don't get tipped so why should you? If you're making shit money get a better job and stop demanding more for a job a fucking retarded teenager can do.

>> No.6878143

What you fail to understand is that it is a system that works and servers would much rather get tips than a regular wage because they make a lot more money that way not to mention its easier not to report on taxes.