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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 600x800, Byrne_Dairy-Chocolate_Milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6871295 No.6871295 [Reply] [Original]

I like cooking my bacon in chocolate milk.

>> No.6871304

That's gross

>> No.6871349

You hater! Try it out and thank anon l8r.

>> No.6871357

>chocolate milk

is it even possible to create a more memefied memefood?

why don't you add some sriracha as well man?

>> No.6871367


>> No.6871383


>> No.6871386

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.6871417

You never did that though. And even if you did how is that impressive or clever or funny.

>> No.6871446

No jellybeans?

>> No.6871456

Sounds good, I put that on my to-do list.

>> No.6871472

Someone better do this and post pictures. You can't reel me like this and not deliver.

>> No.6871479

I'll do it, I just have to get some bacon and chocolate milk, I got an hour to do that, the place closes at 9pm est.

>> No.6871483

It would be better if I did it during the day for better camera lighting but that's just an excuse. I'll get to it.

>> No.6871592

It took me a 1/2 hour to find chocolate milk because the local places were out of it. I got bacon and chocolate milk so will end up cooking the bacon in the chocolate milk in an hour or so, I'm gonna drink a beer first.

>> No.6871615
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Watching and waiting, anon.

>> No.6872214

bumping and waiting

>> No.6872914

You are a bad person and you should hate yourself.

>> No.6872951

"A naturally gluten free food"

This is what we've fucking come to. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.6873266

OP here, don't think I've forgotten, I got the ingredients and will get to it in a couple hours after a couple more beers.

>> No.6873297
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The ingredients are sorted

>> No.6873300

This bacon sucks but the chocolate milk is awesome, I wont use much of it because I'd rather drink it.

>> No.6873303

OP don't do this to yourself

>> No.6873308

I'll just do one or two slices of the bacon, that wont kill me.

>> No.6873409
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>> No.6873437
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Hurry up fag

>> No.6873443
File: 77 KB, 800x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the edge of my seat

>> No.6873711

still waiting... is OP a faggot as usual or will he deliver?

>> No.6874111

>5 hours to cook bacon in choco milk

>> No.6874125

OP got drunk and passed out

I'll bump tho

>> No.6874433
File: 434 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it begins, time mark at 4:29, this is a bit of chocolate milk and two strips of shitty bacon.

Wish me luck.

>> No.6874440

Stay strong OP

>> No.6874447
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>mfw OP creates a new meme food craze

>> No.6874449
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>> No.6874450
File: 371 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's looking nastier by the minute and really doesn't smell very good.

>> No.6874456

Well your gonna have to eat it, no turning back now.

>> No.6874459

Are you going to just boil the bacon in it, or cook it until the milk evaporates?

>> No.6874466

I was thinking the former but gonna do the latter since it's already started and can't hurt. I'll let the milk evaporate until it's syrupy, that should take maybe a 1/2 hour, I'm using a low temperature.

>> No.6874471

From that pic it kind of looks like quato emerging from the milk.

>> No.6874476

>can't hurt
Trust me, it can.

>> No.6874494

It's stinking pretty bad, I hope the neighbors don't call the coppers on me.

>> No.6874504

It must be the chocolate making it smell bad
Milk itself has a fairly faint smell even when cooking

>> No.6874527
File: 426 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's done the milk got syrupy so I turned off the heat. I need a couple vodka shots and few beers before I try it out, plus it's gotta cool down.

>> No.6874532

That looks like puke

>> No.6874534

You are a great photographer

>> No.6874542

You don't have to do this

>> No.6874546

I think I should go around and scare little kids with this stuff. If it was Halloween I'd dump it in their bags.

>> No.6874547
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>> No.6874558


>> No.6874562

But he has!

>> No.6874578
File: 400 KB, 1600x1200, Photo0560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reminants of the chocolate milk hardend up nicely around the bacon. I have to try it once it cools enough.

>> No.6874579
File: 51 KB, 1556x2766, Wirg3Yh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6874580

This is probably gonna be disgusting.
OP used too much milk, but even lessening the amount of milk wouldn't have saved this.

>> No.6874583

>Chocolate candied bacon
I'm telling myself OP is going to be alright

>> No.6874584

I used very little milk compared to what was in the bottle.

>> No.6874588

need beers first

>> No.6874591

>beer and chocolate milk covered bacon
I don't even have a reaction image for what I'm feeling right now.

>> No.6874605

>better give this bacon 20 minutes to cool off, dont wanna burn my tongue!

>> No.6874612


>> No.6874615

Don't even try it

>> No.6874618


>> No.6874619


>> No.6874622


>> No.6874626

OP is ded
lactose/alchohol poisoning got to him

>> No.6874634

I just tried it, it was so nasty that I almost heaved, I spat it out. I've got this super annoying neighbor, I'm thinking of dumping it out on his stoop.

>> No.6874637

... if there wasn't a camera pointed on his stoop I'd have done it already.

>> No.6874642

At least unlike on /b OP delivers here.

>> No.6874645

It looks like an ultrasound

>> No.6874647

OP is alive!

>> No.6874648

samfeafaggot faggot fkill faggot kill yourse

>> No.6874649

It does now that it's put that way.

>> No.6874650

next time go to /b/ then....

>> No.6874651

Now cut your toe off

>> No.6874654

Barely. I'm still rinsing my mouth out, with water, biotene, and beer.

>> No.6874655

OP didn't fucking deliver.
I want a pic of him eating it.

>> No.6874661


He probably died.

>> No.6874662

Next time coat the bacon in Nesquik powder then bake it

>> No.6874667

Naw, that would give away my anonymity.

>> No.6874671

At least cleaning the pot only took a couple minutes, I really expected some hard crust on it that would be tough to clean out, what was leftover cleaned out really fast.

>> No.6874687

I have to eat something, neither beer, biotene, or water got the taste of that one little bite out of my mouth.

>> No.6874746

On a similar subject, I once made bacon boiled in coffee; I don't know what I was thinking.
The bacon couldn't get crispy because the coffee kept the pan too cool, and the coffee itself became very greasy, so I couldn't work up the nerve to drink it like I had planned
Eventually I decided to just have the bacon; I dumped the coffee-grease in the sink and crisped the bacon like I would have if I had never added the coffee.
I don't know if any of the coffee was imbued in the bacon, but it certainly didn't affect the flavor; the boiling followed by the frying leeched out all the taste in the bacon and I was left with what, were I not aware of its origins, I would call charcoal.
TL;DR: stop cooking bacon in beverages it's a really bad idea

>> No.6874788

I feel those problems. I still haven't gotten that experiment's taste out of my mouth.

>> No.6875037

hmm i was at a customers house yesterday and cooking channel was on, and contestants were cooking ground up beef jerky in coffee for part of their recipe. thats all i saw but it was strange

>> No.6876996

How did it taste?

>> No.6877010

You forged this hell in your kitchen OP, now you have to live in it.