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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6867039 No.6867039 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any actual Dutch cuisine? I just got back from a trip to the Netherlands and am really confused. I stayed at a 5 star hotel and the food I ate at the cafeteria there was mostly either whole sandwiches, or bread, meat and cheese separately or lasagna. Outside of the hotel I ate a steak and a burger and I also I saw people eating doner. Is there anything the Dutch have going on for them when it comes to food?

>> No.6867043

The Dutch make nice cheese.

>> No.6867046
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>> No.6867057

bitter balls and croquetje ...

>> No.6867062
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>> No.6867073
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Deep fried stuff, preferably "out the wall"

>> No.6867079

>nigger hand
lost my appetite

>> No.6867081

that's Scandinavia. Mudslime hand.

>> No.6867082

I too have been wondering the same thing. The Netherlands seems like one of those places that doesn't actually have anything of their own, they just steal ideas from other places. They have good cheese, but that isn't cuisine in itself. And everything that I saw in Amsterdam that was slightly "Dutch" just seemed to be a type of food from another culture/cuisine that was stuffed or covered in cheese.

They are a strange people. But what else do you expect from retards who wear wooden shoes

>> No.6867101
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>> No.6867119

We don't have any fancy cuisine. Mostly mashed potatoes with mashed vegetables (stamppot). Really. Maybe pea soup, but that's about it. You could try some Indo food if you're there, but it's mostly quite bland.

Only thing I could recommend is to get drunk. Between our beers and the Belgians, you could get drunk for a couple of weeks, and still never drink the same beer twice, and that's without going into liquor.

>> No.6867130
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>They are a strange people. But what else do you expect from retards who wear wooden shoes

As a whole I got this annoying fake politeness vibe from them which is a trait I cant stand. I come from Eastern Europe where everyone is vulgar as shit but is at least honest. All of the men look and dress really bad but the women were generally cute. As a whole I would probably go back and stay for a while, but living there would drive me insane

>> No.6867166

you can do that in german or france or even england

>> No.6867178

>tfw recovering /pol/tard
>tfw trying to accept other cultures have good things besides Scandinavians

I'm just so used to hearing how bad every non-Nord country is, I started to believe it for a while.

>> No.6867184

Nice try, shlomo

>> No.6867208

Well, Germany hasn't been all Nord for almost a thousand years.

>> No.6867214
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here ya go

>> No.6867241

This. Why people equate Europe's accomplishments with people from one haplogroup is one of the dumbest things ever.

>> No.6867251

Who does this? Anyone who claims to know anything about European history would get laughed out of a room if they said that.

>> No.6867323

From what I gathered:

Every day foods:

Most popular sandwiches are two slices of brown bread filled with either a slice of old Gouda cheese or chocolate sprinkles. I've also seen people eating brown bread without any condiments at all.

Stamppot is basically boiled veggies, with at least 50% being potatoes and the rest varies plus some kind of meat such as sausage of chunks of beef. The veggies are mashed together. Sometimes they add gravy.

Their to go microwaveable meal is bapao.

Slavink is basically mini meatloafs wrapped in bacon and fried.

Street foods:

Raw herring
Fries with various sauces, including one made from peanut butter
Kibbling which is basically battered fillet of fish with a side of garlic mayo (my favourite).
Croquettes are a mixture of meat and potatoes which is battered and deep fried.
Bitterballen are similar to corquettes but the mixture does not contain lots of carbs.
Frikadeller is another such variation.

Sweets and stuff:

Dutch pancakes
Mini pancake things topped with powdered sugar (forgot the name).



Indonesian is popular but I personally don't like Asian food.
Italian restaurants are plenty and basically your best bet for cheap western cooking.

>> No.6867367

Everyone on /pol/

>> No.6868712

Now go fuck yourself you fucking idiot

>> No.6868719

/pol/ told me that the Romans all had blonde hair and blue eyes. And that Latin is what "mudniggers" speak. and French people didn't contribute to England at all. All of this was in one thread by the way. That was over a year ago. Never went back.

>> No.6868725

All I see is peasant food, bread and cheese. Where's the fancy food?

>> No.6868758

dutch don't actually need to eat to survive. they are capable of living for weeks with no calories but rather by appropriating molecules from the air. The most coveted of these airborne particles are sulfur dioxide and methane, hence the term "dutch oven"

>> No.6868995


Went on holiday there for a week

Shit food shit beer shit people ok museums and buildings 2/10 other europe is far better

>> No.6869003

Cured fish, donuts, and thin pancakes.

>> No.6869007

That's all they have

>> No.6869022

What is it with dutch people and alcohol
Literally every workplace and school I've been all they can talk about is how they got shit faced and how many people they fucked. You literally can't have a normal conversation with those people without them shoving their night and sex life in everytime.

>> No.6869677

that feel when autistic manlet in Holland.

>> No.6869705

>Scandinavian countries
Okay Mohammed, go back to the welfare office

>> No.6869751
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A 'stamppot' is traditional Dutch.

>stamppot rauwe andijvie: mashed potatoes with raw endive
>stamppot boerenkool: mashed potatoes with kale (cooked)
>stamppot zuurkool: mased potatoes with sauerkraut
>hutspot: mashed potatoes wit carrots and unions

The mashed potatos come in variations (various consistencies), and/or with little pieces of bacon/little peppers/raisins/ananas/gravy. All stamppots are traditionally served with a 'rookworst' (sausage).

Because of the colonies the Dutch had a diverse kitchen (old dutch cookbooks include dishes and spices from Suriname to Indonesia). However, after WW2 all abundance was reduced to the absolute necessary and these dishes and spices were forgotten. The present Dutch kitchen is, what many people call, boring and has a lack of flavour.

>> No.6869770

>all they can talk about is how they got shit faced and how many people they fucked.
isn't this every country?

it will only bother you if you can't participate in the conversation

>> No.6869773

get out normie. ree.

>> No.6869783

>Where's the fancy food?

It's a northern european country. There's one thing in common with all of the northern countries; it's all fat & carbs, and no room for fancy.

>> No.6869795

That's nothing. Go into ANY pub in the UK and you'll meet at least 1 guy whose brother/uncle is in the SAS

>> No.6869822


Fuck you, fancy stuff doesn't grow here so there's your traditional cooking.

>> No.6869831

>fancy stuff doesn't grow here

I know. That's why I pointed it out; it's common to all northern european countries. You don't see much fine-dining coming out of Germany, or Denmark, or Scotland, either.

>> No.6870015

Cale (boerenkool) is such a meme food....

but not in Holland. Fuckers are eating it for centuries.

>> No.6870087

Don't forget the Dutch are a very practical people. Think of them as more cheerful Germans with bicycles. They do the bread, cheese and pickled fish thing as well as anyone. But when it comes to actual Dutch cuisine they're much more likely to cook at home than go out for it. Which makes it hard for the visitor to find. Because the Dutch enthusiastically go out for drinks (coffee, beer, gin) and snacks (especially fried stuff like frites and croquettes) they do not have the dining out tradition as strongly as French, Spanish or Italians. When the Dutch are eating Dutch food it's generally at home.

>> No.6870100


His big brother

>> No.6870123

But Germany at least has variety of sausages, black forest cherries, schnitzel, etc. Most of Dutch food doesn't even seem original or specific to their country.

>> No.6870312

Dutchman here.

Here's a couple of things you all ought to look up:

Andijvi Stamppot
Gevulde koek

And the list will go on.

We also use a lot of Indonesian ingredients like sambal and ketjap (because of dem colonies). People very commonly eat bami or nasi.

Of course, you might not be impressed with this. Just like people generally aren't impressed with English, Irish or American cooking. You don't learn what the natives eat by staying in hotels or going to restaurants that pander to tourists.

>> No.6870332

There's a whole bunch of stuff that's specific to the Netherlands posted right in this thread.

What's so special about schnitzel or sausages?

>> No.6870654

Mashed potatoes, croquettes and mayonaise on everything.

>> No.6871536

They aren't found in other countries? Are there even any foods that are exclusive to Netherlands?

>> No.6871557

That's mostly retarded American Southerners.

>> No.6871561

Damn, it's like the entire country is set in a generic fantasy videogame.

>> No.6871737

even in america, if you live in a city with enough hipsters and craft beer companies.

hell in my city alone there are 7 breweries, and i don't think a single one of them sells a beer outside of so-cal.

>> No.6871774
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>> No.6872781
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>You don't learn what the natives eat by staying in hotels or going to restaurants that pander to tourists.

Then how? Dutch people seem very private and introverted, I dont think they would invite you in their homes any time soon

>> No.6873023

You're just going to ignore the wikipedia page and anything thing that's going to be said to you anyways. Dismissing it as "other countries have that too" or "it's just a basic dish, anyone can make that!" even though a fucking schnitzel is basic as fuck too.

>> No.6873053

>Sausages are specific to Germany
>Bits of meat in breadcrumbs are specific to Germany

Are you a fucking moron or are you just pretending on the internet?

>Are there even any foods that are exclusive to Netherlands?

Pickled herring
Dutch style apple pie
A whole bunch of cheeses, cakes & biscuits

You know: all the stuff everyone has already posted in this thread yet you're too fucking dense to recognise.

>> No.6873115

>then how?

by looking into the list of stuff he gave you

>> No.6873972

Sorry, I meant to ask if Netherlands have any ingredients that are unique to their country

>> No.6873987

Define unique.

It's got the same pool of ingredients its surrounding countries have.

>> No.6876010

These things are so good. My gf brought me back some when she went to Holland, I could eat them all day.

>> No.6876082

Are there any fish that you guys eat that other countries don't really, or fruits and vegetables that you grow that other countries don't really eat. Stuff like that. For example, Germany is the only country that really makes Kirschwasser, only Scandi countries utilize Cloudberry in their cuisine

>> No.6876090

>Germany is the only country that really makes Kirschwasser
What about Switzerland?

>> No.6876130

Ya. Vee have gyood foodings here in de Nederlands. Ma und Pa dishes dat are vreally gyood are surströmming und extra dupple chocolate cakies for da warm heart in vinter time by da fire to keep da goblins away from un chestnuts.

>> No.6876132

Wow didn't know that until now. Thanks anon.

But isn't Swiss German culture an offshoot of German culture in the first place? So it would make sense that the two countries share foods.

>> No.6876134

Discuss Beer!


>> No.6876564


lol you guys probably went only to Amsterdam, one of the biggest tourist traps of Europe. In large parts of the Netherlands we hate the people that live in Amsterdam. Because they are rude and always try to rip tourists.

If you really wanted to experience the Netherlands you would have visited cities like Arnhem, Deventer, Zwolle, Nijmegen, Breda etc. Friendly people, old buildings and nice places to eat.

Our food is basic, easily to make and fulfilling, not restaurant worthy although we have a few dutch restaurants in Amsterdam you could have tried.

Picture related (city Deventer)

>> No.6876566
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and now with picture :')

>> No.6876571

Fun fact, did you know :
An estimate is that 70% of all the vegetables grown in the United States have Dutch genetics.

>> No.6877115

Maybe socialize, make some friends and express your interest in their food? I'd be happy to cook for you and I have done so for foreigners but not randoms I picked up on the streets.

As most people have pointed out our food isn't very special anyway. It's kind of boring and most Dutch people eat a ton of foreign type dishes anyway (think pasta, pizza, rice etc etc).

I also think it's funny you call us Dutch introverted/private, I guess it's true to some extent.

Are you kidding me? Dutch people are notorious for not giving a fuck/beating around the bush and just straight up telling you how it is. I don't know what Dutch people you've been hanging out with but maybe they were just genuinely nice.

Btw our women are shit, give me some of them eastern European beauties.

>> No.6877152

we don't really have anything special besides our fast food and cheese. we're like the USA of europe, we're pretty good at copying other cuisines and doing stuff with meat.

>> No.6877163

>Mini pancake things topped with sugar


>> No.6877166

>You're just going to ignore the wikipedia page
Everyone knows people lie on wikipedia to be funny.
I mean, come on.
No one is fucking gross enough to dip french fries in mayonnaise.

>> No.6877168

>Btw our women are shit, give me some of them eastern European beauties.

Dutch women have this thing of one day just suddenly waking up fat.
On the flip-side Eastern European women have a thing of one day waking up looking like a babushka.

>> No.6877171

Dutch cuisine SUCKS.
Netherlands cuisine is the good stuff.

>> No.6877175

>French fries and mayo? Eww! Icky!

Never even tried it have you? It's okay, everyone values your opinion.

>> No.6877194

>Never even tried it have you? It's okay, everyone values your opinion.
It was a joke, Touchy.
Mayonnaise makes everything delicious
>except your mom

>> No.6877198


How did you know that's what the children at kindergarten call me?!

>> No.6877201

>How did you know that's what the children at kindergarten call me?!
Two words: Mayonnaise fingerprints.

>> No.6877236

>But isn't Swiss German culture an offshoot of German culture in the first place?
The Dutch are a Germanic people as well. Linguistically Flemish is very similar to German, and the two languages probably sounded very similar a thousand years ago.

Expecting Dutch cuisine to be wildly different from German would be like expecting Norwegian to be radically different from Swedish.

>> No.6877306
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>>6867130 here
I wasnt in Amsterdam. I went to Eindhoven and Veldhoven because of work

>> No.6877311

The "Germanic" people traveled along the coast through the Mediterranean region, then continued up the coast into the Netherlands.

From there they branched out into Germany, and upwards to Scandinavia.

The true protogermans were dutch. So we should be calling them Netherlandic people instead. And we should say German sounds similar to Dutch. Or we could say, that Frisian, a dutch language is the most true to the old languages.

>> No.6877323

Pretty accurate.
Don't forget pepernoten which we'll eat in large quantities from start september to 5th dec in honour of saint Nicholas and his black Peters.

>> No.6877331


>> No.6877337

I second this motion. Fucking Dutchies man.

>> No.6877339

Perfect Itinerary

Fly into Amsterdam, immediately hop on a train for Utrecht, See some art. Spend the night. Hop on a train for Rotterdam. Do some shopping, hop on a train for Hoek van Holland. Smoke a joint, stay the night, go to the beach. Hop on a overnight boat to Hartwick. immediately hop on a train to london. Do whatever britbongs do, then hop on a train to paris. Piss on a frenchman, hop on a train to belgium. Drink beer until you run out of money,

>> No.6877342

yay for Dutch culture, you fucking drunk hobo

>> No.6877356

I wasn't going to go that far, but you're right. And if you follow the language history you see that the food unsurprisingly reflects the same history. Take the Danes, for example. The language they speak is pretty much a mixture of German and Swedish. And what's their food like? Pretty much a mixture of German and Swedish. Or Alsace, where they speak French, but many of the place names (and peoples' surnames) are German. What's the food like? A French take on German dishes, pretty much.

Don't Dutch is still spoken a little in Indonesia, and these days Indonesian food may as well be a branch of Dutch cuisine.

>> No.6877370

I was at an Indonesian restaurant a few months ago. And when I mentioned that my grandparents would take us out for Indonesian when in the netherlands, the waitress said "hallo Menneer" then laughed and said that was all the dutch she remembered.

Humorously, my Grandparents' generation called Indonesian cuisine "Chinese" even though many of them, like my grandfather, were born in Indonesia.

>> No.6878201

Not really. Sex and beer are shit tier hobbies when they're all you've got. Consuming sex and alcohol like they sustain you. Why not learn carpentry or drawing or something that requires actual skill? Nope too hard.

Lame boring people with no real value only talk about sex and booze.

And I love beer. Sex is fun, but it's much more meaningful when you share it with people you actually care about.

>> No.6878376

>Implying anyone gives a fuck about your hobbies.

I'm sorry, but people want to talk about common interests and the common things we all desire have to do with pleasure.

How do you get pleasure easily? Sex and booze.

Noone gives a shit if you own a boat or practice carpentry.

>> No.6878388

>Noone gives a shit if you own a boat or practice carpentry.
This. Also no one cares about what you find "meaningful".

>> No.6878790

Wait...doesn't the Netherlands have a lot of Indonesian food because of their colonization there back in the day? Or am I think of another Scandi country? Because I know one of you fishmongering, blonde, bork bork countries eats Rice Table and stuff like that.

>> No.6878849


>> No.6880139

Yes, the Dutch did colonise Indonesia for a long time.

Sambal and ketjap are very common ingredients here

>> No.6880181
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Is there any actual USA cuisine? I just got back from a trip to The US of A and am really confused. I stayed at a 5 star hotel and the food I ate at the cafeteria there was mostly either whole sandwiches, or bread, meat and cheese separately or lasagna. Outside of the hotel I ate a steak and a burger and I also I saw people eating doner. Is there anything the Americans have going on for them when it comes to food?

>> No.6880190

it's fucking not scandinavia, m8

>> No.6880193

no kidding, I met a guy the other day whose dad was in MI6, lolzzz

>> No.6880221

there's not so much of a general US cuisine, but rather specific region's cuisine, for example my region, the southeast:
>biscuits in gravy
>spicy sausage patties
>mush(Indian porridge)
>chicken fried steak
>ham steak
>sweet tea

>basing country's food off of shitty hotel food

>> No.6880227
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>> No.6880305
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Burger King
Deep fried cheese, croquet (basically flavourless meat goo) and frikandel that looks like old man's burned pencil dick and tastes like nothing.
Get out.

Good thing you at least imported plenty of foreign foods.

>> No.6880328

why did u meme arrow MCDo but not Burgerking?

R u some anti Mcdo faggot?

>> No.6880434

Had to copypaste cause of some captcha bug and it got all messed up.
I love stuffing my face with all kinds of fast food occasionally but I wouldn't post it in a thread about country-specific cuisine.