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6864246 No.6864246 [Reply] [Original]

Can we seriously discuss this?

>inb5 bougie restaurant that can get away with it

Why do places have a separate lunch and dinner menu and only serve those foods at the "appropriate" times? Why can I not get a large sandwich and fries for dinner? Why is that so unacceptable and only deemed a "lunch" food? Places that do this piss me off to no end. I have a job and work long hours. I do not have time during the day to go to your restaurant and try the one appealing item on your menu that intrigues me during a 3 hour window. Why can I not order this for dinner?

Exhibit A: I just moved to South Philly from out of town and this is near my place. I really want to try the Bomber specialty sandwich. Again, I have a job. I cannot stop by from 11-2 during the week and order this. The rest is all pretty generic stuff. I'm sure it's fantastic food, but I really love brisket and want to try their specialty sandwich which features it. Why can I not order this for dinner one night on my way home from work?


>inb5 go on Saturday
>pic semi-related

>> No.6864272

because places that offer huge menus end up sacrificing quality, and most people aren't like you, they want cheaper lighter food for lunch.

>> No.6864295

I get the whole cheaper lighter food for lunch thing. That's fine.

I just don't understand why they couldn't throw some brisket on a bun with onion rings at 7 for me. Maybe they only smoke their brisket overnight so it's ready by morning? That makes logical sense, but I don't know why the brisket would only be available for lunch and not for both? There's not enough BBQ places in South Philly, where there's an Italian place on every block. I just think it would make more sense to ax the Italian stuff all together and just expand the BBQ menu of ribs/others mixed with sandwiches and serve it all day, but that's a topic for another discussion.

But back to the main point, I don't like places that won't let me order a sandwich for dinner, because that's a "lunch" item.

>> No.6864300

I used to live around the corner from BombBomb and my ex lived next door. It's quite... well, there's no way to sugarcoat it: it's bad.
Well, for me, anyway. I know people, the sorts who seldom, if ever, buy any fresh groceries, who love the place.

Not too far from there is the Oregon Diner, which is leaps and bounds better. Better food. Better service. Whatever you want, whenever you want it. And it's not family owned and operated, so if something happens, like you get a bad meal or are treated poorly by the staff, someone is held accountable.

Welcome to SP. Pity you didn't move here sooner because there used to be a diner at 10th and Snyder that was very, very good.

>> No.6864304

Get fucked, nugger

>> No.6864306

BombBomb doesn't smoke anything. They boil it. If they smoked it, my ex and I would have smelled it all the time, but we never did. They don't smoke any meat there at all.

>> No.6864310


>I just don't understand why they couldn't throw some brisket on a bun with onion rings at 7 for me.

because they're working dinner service. they're busy doing something else.

if you want that, make your opinion heard politely, and maybe if enough people ask or somehow you get lucky, you'll end up getting what you want. but you're not entitled to it. restaurants are busy places.

>> No.6864664

OP here. I live on 10th and exclusively use the Snyder BSL stop. Small world.

>> No.6864692

>Why is that so unacceptable and only deemed a "lunch" food?
because people are willing to spend more on dinner

It has nothing to do with the type food, only with what they can charge

>> No.6865128

It makes food and equipment easier to prep/maintain you fucking numbskull.

>> No.6865329

I work at a restaurant like this. We don't serve lunch at dinner time because the line setups are completely different. The drawers have totally different items in them.

For example the top left refridgerated drawer at lunch has salad items: bacon, hard boiled egg, pepperoncini, parmesan, bleu, cucumbers. But at dinner time that same drawer houses 6, 8, and 12 ounce filet's.

The drawer under that one at lunch has 50/50 lettuce and romaine for salads. At dinner it has 10 ounce top sirloins, 16 ounce top sirloins and tritip.

It just wouldn't be possible with the size of our kitchen line to do both. Considering at lunch its mostly flat top grill typical diner lunch; and at dinner its our wood fired bbq pit steakhouse.

To make it possible we would literally have to have another cook on and another guy just running back and forth from the walkins grabbing shit everytime someone orders a lunch item. That would not only be fucking retarded, but also a bad bussiness decision.

Try this tho bro... Call that restaurant during lunch and order that sandwich to go, tell them to put it in the fridge and you will pick it up at 7:00... then reheat it when you get home. Toaster ovens are totally worth the money.