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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6859084 No.6859084 [Reply] [Original]

Why again is this stuff considered a meme/hipster hot sauce? It's just hot sauce. And while I don't understand all the hype about it, I don't understand the hate it seems to attract on /ck/ either

>> No.6859103
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because its cool to not like what other people like

>> No.6859105

I guess it blew op thanks to the Oatmeal webcomics

>> No.6859119

The hate is because the hype is absolutely out of control.

>> No.6859142


Eh, it's the same with anything that suddenly becomes famous/fashionable. There so much drama around it, anyone that likes it, etc. etc. And 4chan, of course, loves to hate. Mercilessly putting things down is part of this place's culture, whether the put-down is sincere or not (usually not).

I like it. I have a bottle in my fridge. I don't think it's good for absolutely everything - no hot sauce fits that description, really - but like most condiments it has its place.

>> No.6859144

I think it's pretty cool i even bought the shirt at target now everytime i wear it my friends give me high fives and some girl even gave me her number. stay mad fag

>> No.6859234

thank u im wondering the same thing

>> No.6859336

Yeah I don't get the hype but there's nothing to hate about the sauce itself. It's just like the whole Pappy Van Winkle shit. Ever since the hipsters got hold of it it has made the price sky rocket and made it almost impossible to get the stuff, but you very rarely hear people say that it's a shitty bourbon or that anyone who drinks it is a hipster. My dad used to drink Pappy all the time and now he can never get it

>> No.6859448

Kentucky fag here, fuck all of you goddamn hipsters, you don't even like Bourbon, stop buying it
I can't buy any fucking pappy anymore because of these shits

>> No.6859454

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.6859456
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Maybe they lost and instead of finding a good one from Thailand such as pic related they sucked out on some rooster crap. It's not that it's bad but it has it's place. The real funny thing is why do you care so much? If you have a personal issue with the brand go for pic related and shut the fuck up you fuckin' faggot.

>> No.6859544

because its cool to have three different threads just to bitch about peoples opinions on hot sauce, such as the well done steak threads.

>> No.6859552

>it has made the price sky rocket
How fucking poor are you?

>> No.6859565

Never had it. But the 1 hipster in my class saw me scrolling through this thread and was like: That is the best sauce ever.

>> No.6859594

>sometimes upwards of $500 for a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle 20 yr

I'm not even poor and that's still a fuckton of money, retard. And just because a price has "skyrocketed" doesn't mean it's necessarily a lot, just a lot more than what it used to be. 15 yr is about $100 for a bottle which is way more than the $50-60 it was ten years ago

I'm not one of the hipsters stealing your bourbon. My dad used to drink Pappy back in the 80s and 90s because he's a big bourbon guy but he can never get a hold of it now. I've had it a few times. Good bourbon, but not worth the trouble. I enjoyed bourbon long before I ever had Pappy and I enjoy it just fine without it. But I agree that they are assholes for ruining it

>> No.6859605

Fucking Oatmeal comics, literally Reddit: the website.

>> No.6859608

Reddit: the website would be reddit you fucking dolt

>> No.6859611

I don't know, I use it on a lot of stuff. Eggs, potatoes, tuna, chicken, etc.. Also it's god tier with Mongolian barbecue

>> No.6859671

I too would have said this at 14

>> No.6859791
File: 69 KB, 570x200, Sriracha-Rooster-Sauce-Lip-Balm-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine hot sauce but because the hype train went off the rails and every mainstream company has sriracha flavored everything, all the food snobs and certain hipsters now act like it's the shittiest hot sauce around. There are definitely better hot sauces out there, many of them, but huy fong sriracha is available everywhere and works great in many recipes. Similar thing with Tabasco but because Tabasco has been a standard hot sauce for so long that it hasn't got the hype sriracha has recently.

A lot of people mention hipsters hyping it up a ton but it's actually mostly hipsters hating on this stuff. Most of the people/companies that I see hyping this shit up are very mainstream (ie: Taco Bell). So now there's the anti-mainstream retards lashing back against it.

Yeah there are much better hot sauces, key thing is you can get huy fong sriracha everywhere.

>> No.6859800

Answer right here. Good post.

It's just a simple, easy to get sauce that's good on a lot of things. It's like better ketchup. If you were going to have access to only one spicy sauce, you might choose this one because it's likely to work decently on whatever you're eating. Not the best flavor ever, but not bad.

I think the "not bad" versatility is one of the reasons it became so popular. It started as a bit of a joke with people saying to each other "hey, I tried putting sriracha on [unlikely food] and it was pretty good! Sriracha is good on everything!" and spiraled out of control from there.

>> No.6860107

How do you guys even distinguish between what is a good or bad hot sauce? I can taste plenty of nuances in foods, but when it comes to hot sauce or anything overly hot or spicy in general, I can't detect shit. It just scorches my taste buds and all tastes the same.

I really want to like spicy food, I do. But I just can't. Not that I dislike it, but it all just tastes like bland food that burns my tongue. For instance, my friend told me Cholula hot sauce was the best traditional style hot sauce. I had a blind tasting with it, tobasco, and a few other things. It all tastes the same.

Help me

>> No.6860151

Sriracha is sweet and tastes like slightly spicy, garlicky ketchup. It does have some heat but it's mild enough that even people who don't eat a lot of spicy food seem to like it. That's why I'm saying it's more "versatile" than other hot sauces. If spicy food just tastes "spicy" to you, sriracha might at least have a flavor, even if it's a run of the mill ketchupy flavor.

>> No.6860411

He doesn't have a problem with it. You seem to though since you're in every sriracha thread.

>> No.6860509

You need to calm down, autist. I never once said I have anything against the brand, and I don't particularly care a lot. I was just wondering.

You're the one that seems to care an awful lot about this.

>> No.6860623

Do I really are you tracking me like some weirdo? I really don't post or even see most of these threads, there are so many that I don't give a shit.

I wasn't excited you're the one that might need some shock therapy. One of you two brought up a thread in the first place, I simply suggested an alternative to rooster brand. I've tried a bunch and it's my preference, but what are you gonna get from any message board?

Just remember that I didn't make the thread, you did therefore you care about some stupid sauce.

>> No.6860737

In college, kids hyped the shit out of it. It's good, but nothing to write home about. I don't know why people keep cumming their Dockers over it.

Then companies and chains started making Siracha recipes. So now that is popular, hipsters hate it.

>> No.6860746

>made the price sky rocket
Where do you live? I can get a large bottle for $2.89, and this is fucking Calgary, food is expensive in Alberta.

>> No.6860748

It might sound stupid but I think the bottle contributed to all of this.

>> No.6861730

Meme foods like Bacon are cool to like just because it's what's in and hip, thus mass merchandising out of fucking nowhere

And this stuff isn't new, it's existed for a while. Sirachi is the Rare Pepe of food. It's not denoting the quality of the product, but it's just popular right now and a hip thing.

>> No.6861856

Calm down, gramps.

>> No.6861972

What's a good tomato based hot sauce, like the red sauce at chipotle. I hate vinegar based stuff.

>> No.6862248

Aussie here. The sriracha I buy is imported from Thailand. For some reason the sriracha my gf buys is from America. I was surprised by the contrast. The Thai one is much better imo because it's more hot.

>> No.6862264

People that can't handle the heat just talk down about hot food items. The sauce is actually really good, can taste the peppers unlike most hot sauces.

>> No.6862278

Because people have taken to adding it to EVERYTHING. It's not a bad sauce,but, like bacon, people have taken to turning it into the end all-be all of food stuffs.

>> No.6862281
File: 281 KB, 319x428, Sriracha-shirt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this shirt at target. I'm going to wear it semi-ironically. The funny part is I live in Europe, so these plebs don't really know about Sriracha, so it'll be kinda funny lol.

>> No.6862288

Well don't stop there lad, order some sriracha food products from theoatmeal


>> No.6862292

These edgy hipster sites always have the worst artists imaginable..

>> No.6862295

>hipster site

This guy pretty much invented online comics.

>> No.6862297

No, he didn't. Even if he did that's about as good as inventing those random fat dance parades

you're a pioneer for retards

>> No.6862301
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>> No.6862313


People would normally wear a shirt with a brand to support that brand and say "hey guys, I like this." But see, I'm wearing it to say "hey guys, this is a funny picture of a rooster, and I needed another red shirt." However I must profess that I do partake with the ingestion of Sriracha (in my eggs, in my veggies, in my meats). And since people don't even know what Sriracha is here (or speak English), it throws everything and meaning and intention up in the air.

Maybe semi-ironic isn't correct. I think I should have said "post-ironic."

>> No.6862475

It's okay, just way too sugary. I like the garlic aspect, though.

>> No.6863062

Like why I hate Taylor Swift

>> No.6863306

That's why I like it. It actually has a taste besides vinegar. While I do like a vinegry hot sauce, I prefer something with flavor. One of my favorite things is a sriracha mayonegg.

>> No.6864270


you don't see many hot sauces in plastic bottles, and that logo is pretty different.

>> No.6864285

Does eating large amounts of this stuff make anyone else's rectum burn? Also, my shit has an orange tinge to it.

>> No.6864288

If you can't understand why people offer a unified front against things that are more popular than they should be out of trendiness or hype, you're socially retarded. It's basic human behavior, you've probably done it for a ton of shit.

>> No.6864363


no shit with orange tint, sometimes spicy rectum though.

>> No.6864391

I enjoy a little spicy bum bum every now and then

>> No.6864396

Because people need to fucking grow up and this is absolutely not the place to find anyone remotely mature.

>> No.6864402

So I tried Siracha(sp?) at work a few days ago. A cook made cheese steak sliders, and she used a SHITLOAD of this sauce on it. I had one and it was much better than I anticipated, it was spicy and flavorful! Much better than the texas pete or whatever else we have on hand. I enjoy good hot sauce, and from the one taste I think this brand is ok, and i'm kinda glad if you can get it everywhere, it isn't texas pete or franks red hot!

>> No.6864426

fuck off Chad.

>> No.6864467

never heard of oatmeal comics and this blatant shill angers me so much, I'll never look it up. So fuck you, obvious creator of oatmeal internet comics.

>> No.6864481


Avoid at all costs

>> No.6864581

today is my first time on /ck/
it must be one of those 4chan things where something is so popular and widely regarded that 4chan users decide to hate it (which someone started as trolling, some idiot agreed and kept touting it, then people caught on and parrotted). its the same on every board

>> No.6864599

That's pretty much it. What board do you hail from, anon?

>> No.6865310

This sauce is so fucking salty it makes it taste like rubbish. its popular due to youtube faggots like epic meal time who now put it on everything. dont buy it.

>> No.6866788

A "meme food" is a food that is being shoehorned into dishes where it is inappropriate. I've been eating sriracha for about 10 years and is a good hot sauce (I like it on eggs or fried rice), but making "sriracha mayo" or "sriracha vodka" or whatever is just a gimmick to get you to give ad revenue to food blogs, buy a shitty burger at a trendy restaurant, or buy some kettle cooked sriracha chips

Like nutella bacon. Literally why?

>> No.6867032

I agree with all of this except the part about kettle chips. They make them because it's meme food, but hot sauce flavored chips aren't terribly outlandish in and of themselves.

>> No.6867038
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Change pic related to food and /ck/ and there you go

>> No.6867608

And you're a shitposter who doesn't have any success to distract yourself with

>> No.6867617

I've been putting Sriracha on my hot-dogs for nearly 10 years and hearing people talk about Sriracha like it's a religion makes me cringe so hard I no longer want to use it on my hot dogs.

>> No.6869808

I like the stuff but what is a good hot sauce if I love strong garlic and tomato taste.
Heat does not bother me so mild or hot is fine.

>> No.6870389

Don't really know and I don't really care to be honest. I eat that shit all the time and I eat all kinds of other hot sauce too.
They're all pretty good and each one goes with different food differently. For example, if I was going to put a hot sauce on some, say, eggs, I would reach for the tapatio, for a sandwich, sriracha. I dig the garlic flavor but it doesn't always work on everything.

>> No.6870405

Build a capsaicin tolerance by starting out eating some of the more mild stuff and work your way up until you can eat the really warm things.

I grow all kinds of chiles and every year I end up doing this. The first few, like jalapenos, are very hot but by the time that the season is over, I eat those like candy and I'm regularly using habaneros on everything without much trouble. Then in the spring I start all over again.

>> No.6870413

Sort of. For a while people used sriracha and liked it, it wasn't the greatest thing in the world, but it was pretty good with a lot of food. Eventually it became so popular that it became a fad to include sriracha in many recipes and restaurants started advertising "sriracha infused whatever", and it became too popular and widely spread in recipes it had no business being in.
This lead to the "hipster" response of "liking things before they were cool but now that normies like it I hate it" that is popular on 4chan, but also lead to a more objective view of sriracha, namely that it doesn't pair well with many foods and there are much better hot sauces out there.
By being on both sides of the issue you gain better objective appreciation for it, just like how bacon doesn't really go with everything but some people still swear by it and are incredulous how some people can't like bacon.