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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6856296 No.6856296 [Reply] [Original]

Evening /ck/,

I just started working at a restaurant a week ago, and its great an I love it so far.
Now, I would love some advice from experienced cooks how they avoid health problems, because now that I have a free day my body is feeling like my knees are going to burst and my neck is broken (from looking downward all the time).
I dont want to whine around, because I absolutly can live with that things and also know it gets better with time, but there surely are ways to avoid permanent damage in the future?
Hope I dont sound to dumb asking.

>> No.6856298


>> No.6856305

You have to work out. When I first started I got severe back pain. Just taking a walk in the morning and working on my core like a faggot helped a lot.

I honestly don't know what to do about knees, they just get fucked and then you're done.

>> No.6856310

I'm 21. Wanted to be a cook but they are already fucked up. Overweight + accident + incompetent doctor who fucked my shit up.

Besides, yeah, you can't really do anything about your knees, just adopt a good position, don't be a fat fuck and don't get in a car accident.

>> No.6856314

damn, the knees are the worst thing about it.

Then its back to the gym for me, its even kind of welcome because I suddenly feel like I dont know what to do with a free monday/tuesday.
Anything for the neck thing?

>> No.6856771

good shoes...and i mean really good shoes ... sport, fitness, good physical condition is a must, drink a lot of water, eat a good breakfast, be happy with what you do ( if you stand up in the morning and the first thing you think is : "oh no.. not an other day at job"... : quit the place, look for an other job...

>> No.6856898

Yes, good shoes. Actually get a pair fitted, some with supports. Practice good posture, work out when you can, keep hydrated, get good sleep. Lots of common sense stuff like that. And yes, in time the parts that are site right now will get used to it.

>> No.6856911

vass, lobb, or lattanzi?

>> No.6857330

Bullshit. That fat on the back of you calves and thighs causes extra pressure on your knees, just like a walnut cracker. Weight doesn't help.

I completely fucked my knees in high school, but it only bothers me when I gain weight.

>> No.6857493

Harden the fuck up Stephans and walk it off!

>> No.6857599
File: 48 KB, 389x281, Millhouse-Calfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's possible for people to be so fat that the fat on their calves causes knee problems
and here I am doing calf raises twice a week and taking creatine and it's not adding shit

>> No.6857630
File: 2.50 MB, 269x200, jaylaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and it's great and I love it so far.


That won't last long.

>> No.6857866

Strongly recommend SAS shoes. They're kind of pricey at USD 150 a pair, but they are hands down the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn.

>> No.6857903
File: 37 KB, 625x416, 1437940886846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have naturally large calves and skinny jeans never fit right
>tfw you can never wear boots above the ankle

>> No.6859824

stretch before and after your shift.

Sure you look like a faggot, but its worth it.

Also good shoes go a long fucking way.

>> No.6861736

Expensive dress shoes in the kitchen, really? Just buy some roomy rubber clogs like a sane person.

>> No.6861750

Work out. Don't drink too much too often. Try to avoid blow as much as possible.

>> No.6861788


That's because you're doing it wrong. You know who have big calves? Ballerinas. Do you know why? Because they are on tiptoe all the fucking time. Start toe walking and you'll get big calves.

>> No.6861818

Crocs and cigarettes tbh

>> No.6861828

Kek'd at this

this is true

>> No.6861829


just get some fucking clogs

also the pain goes away after a few weeks, or at least it did for me