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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 98 KB, 500x500, mongolianbbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6855298 No.6855298 [Reply] [Original]

You've got an empty bowl.

What do you fill yours with?

>> No.6855304




>> No.6855315

A bottle of sriracha, toilet paper on the side.

>> No.6856110

I am so glad these kind of places never caught on where I live. The last thing I want is to choose every fucking ingredient in my mediocre stir fry. Part of why I go out to eat is so I can have a dish someone else worked out the details of, and hopefully the flavors and textures balance out in a way that's better than just a bunch of ingredients I would pick at random.

>> No.6856129


>> No.6856140

Babby can't fink for himself. Poor wittle guy

>> No.6856148

a bunch of random crap with too much hot sauce

>> No.6856193

If I wanted to think for myself I'd cook. If I'm paying for the privilege of having someone else cook for me I'd rather let them do the thinking for me, too. They do this shit for a living. They know what works and what doesn't in this scenario. That's part of what I'm paying for when I go out to eat: somebody's expertise in putting the dishes together. No way would I be happy going to a place that takes that away from the experience, because that's a huge part of dining out to me.

>> No.6856199

You're an idiot or a troll.

>> No.6856203
File: 643 KB, 1510x1098, 1312570624511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I kind of agree with him. If I wanted to eat my own cooking, I'd stay home. When I eat out, it's because I want to know what other people are doing with food.

>> No.6856211

>You're an idiot or a troll.
I'll give him a 7/10, it's almost like Irish Stew Guy who doesn't want to cook.

>If I wanted to eat my own cooking, I'd stay home
I have one of these places located very close to my workplace, it's great to go there for lunch. It's not really practical for me to go home and cook for lunch.

>> No.6856218

My point is that part of what I'm paying for when I go out to eat is somebody else taking the time to work out the fucking dishes. Hell, that's one of the things chefs take pride in. Doing it well comes from experience.

Turning all the choices over to the customer may seem empowering someone who doesn't feel like they have much control in their life. But to me all it means is your restaurant is going to turn out lots of fucked up food they customers can't complain about because they were forced to make the decisions that resulted in it being fucked up.

I have no interest in trying to think like a chef when I walk into a restaurant hungry. Because there ought to be someone on staff who does that thinking. I should just have to choose among what they come up with.

>> No.6856242

If you're so broken that you can't understand the inherent fun in the Mongolian BBQ concept, then, well, I don't know what to tell you. But this *is* 4chan, where broken people rule the day.

>> No.6856277

>you can't understand the inherent fun in the Mongolian BBQ concept
I'm definitely missing the fun in the choose your own adventure in mediocre stir fry concept randomly called "Mongolian" by some marketing guy. If I wanted to ignore thousands of years of culinary history and just stir fry random shit I can do that at home. When I go out to eat I want food that's at least informed by some kind of cuisine.

I've had Uighur food. Spicy, cumin scented lamb over thick wheat hand made noodles id fucking delicious.

Lame, random stir fries are not Mongolian. And they're rarely very good. Nothing about paying for that sounds like "fun" to me.

>> No.6856281

So, yes, you are broken. Seek therapy.

>> No.6856285

Well then you should continue going to restaurants where the cooks can take all of these incredibly difficult decisions out of your hands and make them for you.

>> No.6856316

I'm gonna have to upgrade this to a 9/10.

>> No.6856317

That's what I do. I go to places that serve an actual kind of food, instead of just putting random shit on a plate or in a bowl. This place does Neapolitan pizza, that place is Lebanese, this other place does Puebla style tacos. There's an Italian-American red sauce joint. Food that at the very least references some traditional kind of cooking.

Once in a long while when I have the dough to burn I'll go to a place where some talented chef with a deep understanding of food is getting creative. But I'm not rich enough to do that very often.

I have no interest in eating food that's randomly thrown together like a five year old got loose in the kitchen.

>> No.6856332

Oh hi! It's Irish stew guy!

>> No.6856349

I'm gonna have to downgrade you back to a 6/10, you're advertising the facts that you're a poorfriend and that if you try to make food it looks like a five year old did it.
If you want some pointers, look at the coastal homosexual vs. "flyover" threads. Some of those guys are good. I mean really good.

>> No.6856357

Then restaurants like that are clearly not for you. I don't know why you're still getting defensive about it, other than having an autism attack and feeling compelled to push your opinion on everyone else.

Just say that you don't like it and move on to another thread. Bonus point for hiding this thread so you don't have to even see it anymore. There's no reason to stay here and continue to argue about a restaurant that you don't like.

>> No.6856366

>I've had Uighur food. Spicy, cumin scented lamb over thick wheat hand made noodles id fucking delicious.
sooooo goooood

>> No.6857691

>mediocre stir fry

You complain you make it yourself, and yet the end result is mediocre.

That's odd. When I go out for Mongolian BBQ the end result is delicious.

I wonder how that could be.

>> No.6857898

Most likely we're operating under different sets of standards. Some folks relish the chance to customize their food in restaurants. They flock to places like Subway, Chipotle and Mongolian BBQ joints where they can "build their own" creations.

Good for you if you enjoy that sort of thing. When I look at a menu I expect to see a choice of dishes someone else has already "built", and just choose among them. Don't ask me to choose the ingredients that will make up the dish I'm about to eat. We have professionals for that. They're called chefs. They spend time thinking about this kind of stuff so restaurant goers don't have to.

>> No.6858147

As a previous anon already eloquently said.

>Babby can't fink for himself.Poor wittle guy

>> No.6858384

Possibly. But it may be equally telling that not one person ITT has offered a serious response to OP's question. It seems even fans of this kind of establishment don't give much of a fuck about what they're actually eating. The only praise I've read so far is that it's "fun" and "delicious". The same could be said of Chuck E Cheese.

>> No.6858386

no matter what i fill it with I'll end up with an empty bowel within 20 minutes

>> No.6859295


You are broken.