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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6854265 No.6854265 [Reply] [Original]

what could it be??

>> No.6854268
File: 82 KB, 492x700, 1419527745352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot's OPs idea of a cheesesteak. I'm sorry but only niggers put cheeze whiz on their philly.

>> No.6854270

Whiz wit

>> No.6854284
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I thought the same thing until I tried it myself. Only way to go is onions, steak, and wiz.

Peppers and real cheese don't belong on a philly

>> No.6854290
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>> No.6854297
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This is the way I test if my pan is hot.... Needs to be able to make toast!!

>> No.6854299
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>> No.6854303

>Peppers and real cheese don't belong on a philly
then a philly is shit tbh

>> No.6854304

shabu shabu? what's wrong couldn't find a $10 rib eye?

>> No.6854309

A shit town with shit people = shit sandwich

>> No.6854330
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf am I gonna do with a ribeye? Make a steak hoagie? This is a fucking Philly! It's gotta be paper thin and I don't have a slicer

>> No.6854339

I wouldn't even give my dog cheeze whiz. Philly is made with Provolone, I don't give a shit what those niggers at Geno's or Pat's say. Fuck Philly.

>> No.6854345

philly as hates pat's and geno's m8

>> No.6854350
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is such a shit town... I'm not from philly but just came back recently from a trip there. Shit town, shit people.

And I mean there's nothing special about the sandwich except that it's surprisingly good.

>mfw it tastes exactly like White Castle burgers

>> No.6854353

there's this kitchen tool people use for cutting things called a knife anon

>> No.6854356

pretty rude. I live in philly and I didn't do anything to you. fuck you faggot ass tourists getting in my fucking way and fuck you assholes that are going to ruin my weekend when the pope visits

>> No.6854365
File: 1.42 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah every person in philly said pats and genos is garbage. I had it at Jim's which many people recommended.

It's still very very simple. Here's a pic from Philly

>> No.6854366

they should relocate your museums so there would no longer be a reason to go there

>> No.6854377
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Shutup asshole, all I meant was the weather was bad and the people are asses, and by calling me out in tha opinion you're just proving my point. Stfu and enjoy the thread.

ps. It was for business I'd never spend money to tourist in philly

>> No.6854378
File: 3.46 MB, 3588x2392, 1413375350382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you live? i ain't mad but is 99 ranch market a big chain? cause I got one where I live but i've never seen them in any city besides that.

>> No.6854382

Would probably have been better with moose "shavings" or whatever it would be called in english.

Basically thin slices of moose you can get in most bigger stores.

>> No.6854387

there are very few places you can get moose in the united states

>> No.6854388
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Mmm... Moose shavings sound like something I can dedicate my life to.

>> No.6854407

That's sad.
But not so weird I guess.

You can also get deer-, reindeer and wild boar shavings.
Shit's cash.

>> No.6854412
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Microwave for 4 minutes, mixing every 45 seconds

>> No.6854413
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Spread the bread first... Should be more liquid then this though.

>> No.6854415

With the lighting in that picture, it looks like peanut butter.

>> No.6854424
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>> No.6854427
File: 1.76 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's an AUTHENTIC Philly cheesesteak. Nothing else tastes the same. Add peppers? Killed it. Add mushrooms? Killed it. Use provolone? You are a murderer of cheesesteaks.

>> No.6854429
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Here's another before I ate it.

>> No.6854431

flavor is more important than authenticity, but by all means enjoy your garbage food

>> No.6854439

Look man... I like regular "west coast style" cheesesteaks too. They're good. I like peppers, I like mushrooms, and real cheese is superior.

However it just tastes like a steak sandwich. This weird cheese wiz philly tastes NOTHING like real food. It has its own unique weird flavor. So what I'm saying is if you want a good sandwich, you probably don't want a Philly, but if you want to try a Philly, come hungry as fuck, hopefully drunk, and try the REAL philly. It's like having a donut shop ham-n-chi at 3 o clock in the morning.

It's a different experience.

>> No.6854447

the weather was fantastic the past few weeks it was just hot you fuck. did you go to any restaurants philly has great food really

also what the fuck I just got a warning now for something I posted 12 hours ago

>> No.6854452
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>ruining cheese steak with processed cheese
kill yourself faggot

>> No.6854470

I could be wrong because I live in New York and not Philadelphia, but isn't the "real" cheese steak supposed to be made with that fake cheese stuff?

I thought gourmet fancy ass non-liquified cheese was considered heresy.

>> No.6854478

anyone who says peppers belong on a cheesteak is an idiot

italian beef = peppers

philly cheesesteak = cheese and onion

>> No.6854482


fucking americans are so autistic about their sandwiches

>> No.6854495

Fucking Europeans are so autistic about everything Americans do.

>> No.6854505

I live in philly. a cheesesteak with peppers is called a peppersteak. a cheesesteak with mushrooms is called a mushroomsteak.

>> No.6854507

milwaukee here

you phillyfags are bunch of fucking homos

>> No.6854512
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sorry my view is nice

>> No.6854540

Absolutely disgusting.
That's not a Philly steak.
Kill yourself.

>> No.6854544


you guys completely ruin this board shitposting about pizza and whether or not mustard and onions belong on hot dogs and shit, it's inane as fuck. you also don't get anyone else shilling fast food ridiculously hard.

>> No.6854546

Fucking flyovers trying to cook...

>> No.6854548

looks dry and disgusting as fuck OP. should have bought real steak and pounded and sliced it on the flat top yourself. that top round shit ain't for sandwiches

>> No.6854557

Nah it was juicy as fuck and delicious. And it was flat iron not round

>> No.6854562

No it wasn't. It was dry and disgusting, just like your mum's rank cunt.

>> No.6854567

If it wasn't for flyovers nobody would ever go to fucking Philly. You thank us for idealizing your disgusting sandwich excuse as well

>> No.6854573

Lol sounds like you're jealous of my juicy steak and the fact that i got access to my moms juicy cunt any day of the week. Maybe I'll have her make me a cheesesteak while I use her cunt as an appetizer.

Stay Jelly my friend, and drink XX

>> No.6854575

Tell that to the Pope you stupid cunt.

>> No.6854579

>mommy issues
Yep, definitely a flyover.

>> No.6854581

loling out loud I have that same exact shitty Kiwi knife with the same exact broken tip.

>> No.6854582

yeah only an inbred could make a shit sandwich like that

>> No.6854587

i would but he would call me racist and demand I let refugees live in my living room

>> No.6854590

>using ellipsis on 4chan

>> No.6854592

chuck is for cooking in a stew anon, not for eating in a sandwich

>> No.6854601

>being elitist about a fucking sandwich

OP I hope you enjoyed what you made, you appear to have triggered a bunch of asswipes

>> No.6854605

Go to bed OP

>> No.6854608

>sucking cock for money...

>> No.6854613

Gross tbh
Looks like someone from Detroit trying to emulate a cheesesteak.

>> No.6854856

No cheez anon?

>> No.6854869

i researched philly cheese steaks after a stint in austin tx, where there was this great small strip mall deli place..


long story short. at the end of my googling, it was fucking chez whiz they said made the sandwich famous.

i kinda walked off after that. that was 10 years ago. thx for flashbacks

>> No.6854883

Nice blog post, faggot.

>> No.6854951

look it up, i dont know why chez whiz was the basis for it

>> No.6854979

Who are you talking to?

>> No.6854991

just reinforcing my beliefs fuck man why is everyone so tense

>> No.6854994

Provolone was and is the original cheese.
Bullshit cheese whiz probably wasn't even invented yet.

>> No.6855001

i blame internet, and i tried to do it right. if you live in that region i would believe you first

>> No.6855018

I do live in Philly. The only places that use big tubs of cheese whiz are tourist traps.

Most places use provolone, or REAL american cheese, the white kind that is sliced from a block.

I went to a place in the Midwest once who had an "authentic philly steak" on their menu. The meat was in huge strips, and the bread was wrong and It was slathered in cheese whiz.

Made me mad.

>> No.6855089
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1. You'll ruin a cheesesteak if you use provolone
2. You'll ruin a hotdog if you use ketchup
3. You'll ruin chili if you use beans
4. Soda is for children

>that feel when struggling not to break the cardinal /ck/ rules
forgive me padre for I have sinned

>> No.6855146


OP here, you're cool man. These faggots are so dumb they can only think one thought at a time. I think you get me though. Whether or not you like my steak pics or not, you know what a real philly is and is really shitty lol. Cheez wiz... man i eat blue brie on a $120 dollar board with salame and some weird olives that dong exist and cheese thats made from fermented extraterrestrial semen.

But here I am, doing philly a solid and making their disgusting " 'wich wit' wiz" for the heroes at /ck/

The truth is this steak sandwich could only be eaten once every 6 months because its so god awfully disgusting in its composition. But if that time you eat it coincides with being out with friends drunk as fuck and having too good of a a time to remember to eat until 5 pm.

Then this is the wich for you, bitch.

P.S. Fuck the east coast. It's muggy there. CAliforniaLOve

>> No.6855152

Looks terrible OP
You literally got every ingredient wrong.

>> No.6855155

That's not a philly steak.

>> No.6855161

>Cheeze whiz
fucking tourists.

>> No.6855162


its supposed to look wrong. it IS wrong.

Onions - caramelized - CHECK
Steak - paper think and pre-frozen - CHECK
Fake cheese only - WIZ microwaved - CHECK
French roll toasted on the onion pan - CHECK
Beef mixed in with onion right before done -
Wiz spread on bread first -CHECK
Pile on the meat and drip more wiz - CHECK

I did everything exactly like they did at Jim's Cheesesteaks in south Philly, bitches.

>> No.6855167


This man is trying to phillybuster my argument.

The truth is I agree with you, short sided opponent. In fact, all the philly locals are sick of cheese wiz and get it with real cheese and real peppers and sometimes mushrooms.

Cause they live in philly and wiz is disgusting if you have it all the time. Same reason I get sick of In-n-Out all the time. Haven't had it in 2 years. Because its so delicious i ate like 30 double doubles a week for a while.

>> No.6855170

You didn't even do half of that.
Bread is wrong
Meat is wrong
Cheese is wrong

It's not a Philly, it's some retarded attempt at one.

Kill yourself

>> No.6855173

>Cause they live in philly and wiz is disgusting if you have it all the time.
Only tourists get wiz.

>> No.6855175

Philly cheese steak = trash

Cheese steak sandwich = bretty gud

Learn the difference anons that filth OP made is the epitome of a city; shit.

Cheese steak has been improved decades ago, face it your tastes are flyover level. Come to California if you want a better tasting cheess steak.

Inb4 muh memories of cheeze wiz no faggot cheese wiz and other processed foods are attributing to the destruction of American superiority.

>> No.6855177

How can we ruin our board that we made and we maintain that you're just a visitor on?

I don't see your countries' *chan. Please, tell me where it is so I can go shitpost on it? Oh, what's that... you don't have one?

You're in the wrong hood, friendo, not me.

>> No.6855179

That's not a Philly steak.

You've never had one.

>> No.6855180

Jesus Christ.

That's an Arby's sandwhich. You fucked it up OP.

>> No.6855183


>foreigners in a nutshell

>> No.6855207

OP here. This man is speaking 100% the truth.

This man is also speaking 100% truth.

You made this board? this board? Wtf are you wtf are you talking talking about about?

Are you are you fucking drunk fucking drunk???! How many fingers am I holding up holding up? FINGER FINGER FINGER FINGER?

its SUPPOSED to be an arbys sandwich. Thats what a philly is. city and wich.

>> No.6855210


>> No.6855212

>ts SUPPOSED to be an arbys sandwich. Thats what a philly is.
No it isn't.

>> No.6855228

If you're not using the following ingredients for a steak and cheese you're doing it wrong.

- Filet Mignon
- Provolone
- Raw onions
- Briefly Grilled Jalapeno Slices if you're into heat, Banana Peppers work too.
- Buttered Pan Toasted Wtvr Bread U Want.
-Squeezed 1/2 Lime On Top.

Thank Me Later After You Make This Tomorrow.

>> No.6855243

Pennsylvania IS flyover anon.

Philly thinks its East Coast, when its Mid-Atlantic at best.

>> No.6855259
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>banana peppers

>> No.6855301

jarred shit banna peppers you would get from a pizza chain are shit, I agree. however fresh ones are quite nice. Same applies to jalapenos. Way more flavor and texture.

>> No.6856023

looks awesome, would eat 10/10, 11/10 if drunk

>> No.6856030


>how can we ruin our child's life? we GAVE him life! i'm gonna shake the tar out of him for saying that!

>> No.6856042

>comparing shitposting on an imageboard to rearing a child

this is how fucking retarded you are

>> No.6856045

>Whiz wit

Is this something that locals in Philadelphia actually say? It just sounds so dumb. :(

>> No.6856057


it is perfectly possible to make a comparison between two very different things if they have at least one common element that serves your point.

>> No.6856126
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Stop boasting your own shit tier food OP, your shilling is blatant.

>> No.6856198
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He's not selling it goy

>> No.6858224

$13/Pound for flat iron steak is criminal. Why the fuck did you buy it pre-sliced? Buy the whole steak (probably around $7-9/Pound) and have the butcher slice it thin or do it yourself at home.

>> No.6858243

>being this dumb
Don't they teach geography in flyover land?

>> No.6858252
File: 72 KB, 600x439, penn-station[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dis nigga gets it. this is what a real philly is supposed to look like. none of that "cheese whiz" bullshit.

>> No.6858264
File: 62 KB, 512x383, i-came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Penn Station
Holy shit my fucking absolute nigga.
>12" Cordon Bleu
>large fries
>large lemonade
Pic absolutely related

>> No.6858268

This looks close, but the steak looks thicker than it should be.

>> No.6858446

I'm currently making the filet mignon steak n cheese I posted, however I forgot to buy good bread so I'm gonna have to use the left over baguette from spaghetti dinner last night TT; will still rape though.

>> No.6858555
File: 725 KB, 597x547, f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here we go lads. Filet mignon on a fuggin baguette in three pictures.

Step 1, the filet chillin on a plate.

>> No.6858558
File: 791 KB, 601x516, f2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips ftw, and step 2: added jallies / raw onion / lettuce provolone and the meat to heat it all up.

>> No.6858560
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Step 3, heat it some more. then untie and enjoy. Fuggin baguette I had to use but it's all good.

>> No.6858582

you live in Las Vegas?

>> No.6858604

that's just shit anon

don't try so hard

>> No.6858617

Was amazing tasting, but ok lad.

>> No.6858620

honestly he needs to be trying a lot harder

>> No.6858625

The same fag is strong.

>> No.6858916
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Just no

>> No.6859124
