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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 450x600, Just-Mayo-by-Hampton-Creek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6853813 No.6853813 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really mayonnaise?

>> No.6853816

>cholesterol free

shouldnt there be an ingredients list somewhere?

>> No.6853817


>> No.6853825

Meaningless and furthers the pointless demonetization of technology that could save the world
>Cholesterol free
Cholesterol is not bad
>Gluten free
Any idiot who has celiacs/gluten intolerance knows mayonnaise doesn't have gluten. muh fad diets
Not mayonnaise

Fuck I'm not even finishing this, JFC

>> No.6853830

Sounds like those vaccines gave you some serious autism

>> No.6853835

>>6853813>"In August, 2015, the United States Food and Drug Administration sent Hampton Creek a warning letter for misleading labeling and that the product isn't real "mayonnaise" due to the lack of eggs and the use of ingredients such as pea protein, beta-carotene, and modified food starch, none of which are used in mayonnaise according to FDA standards."

>> No.6853840

I'm not sure what make something mayo or not. But I do know that putting a fucking egg on your packaging when your product contains no eggs is disingenuous.

>> No.6853847

Real mayo:
egg yolk

>> No.6853857

forgot: vinegar or lemon juice

>> No.6853867

It doesn't claim to be mayonnaise. I'm sure they considered that very carefully while intentionally being as misleading as possible.

>> No.6853880

this shit makes me so angry, im glad they cant do shit like this in my country or their product gets pulled for misleading consumer

>> No.6853886

to be real mayonnaise it has to contain 65% or more fat, that is one of the only rules for labeling

it's why miracle whip and light mayo aren't allowed to be called "real" mayonnaise

If you haven't tried it before, make some at home, it's really fucking good compared to store bought stuff and takes like 30 seconds with an immersion blender

>> No.6853913

Why are people anti-GMO. It's technology that will save billions of lives.

>> No.6853919

They think that the GMO food will reprogram their DNA or some fucking insanity like that.

>> No.6853929

>save billions of lives
That's why I'm against it. I don't think they are bad for you, but they have enabled extreme overpopulation.

>> No.6853947

no? and "MAYO" ? it's abbreviated from "may you go to hell" ?

>> No.6853960

>An English Admiral, stationed off Port Mahon and suffering from serious depression when faced with the standard naval diet. Since the only alternative to dried peas and salt pork was a few eggs and some oil, he instructed his cook to come up with something different. The man was suitably terrified and his shaking hands created sauce Mahonnaise, now known as Mayo.

>> No.6853995

Egg lobby groups joked about hiring a hitman to kill their CEO.


>> No.6854051


>> No.6854055


Stop making shills of those sites

>> No.6854070

>Can't refute arguments


>> No.6854075

The Guardian is one of the most well-known and respected journalistic institutions in the world.

>> No.6854097

>egg free
Is it also vinegar free?

>> No.6854109

Is this reality?

>> No.6854116
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>> No.6854119


>> No.6854125

Fuck off Monsanto shills

>> No.6854135
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>> No.6854136


>> No.6854149


>> No.6854153

if only they knew about dank memes

then they could avoid being sued

>> No.6854154


it's a liberal middle class circlejerk with low writing standards - but it is relatively candid and open about bias, so that's something.

>> No.6854161

Guardian is one of the only fucking places left to read non-shitty news and reports. It'd be worse if it was fucking CNN or fox.

>> No.6854625

>claims to be mayo
>has a fucking picture of an egg on their label

Why is this legal? Why can't the US have stronger false-advertising laws?

>> No.6854643


Remember the class of people you're dealing with on 4chan. Just make sure you hear banjos every time you post here.

>> No.6854686
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 69333-71-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cholesterol is not bad

How those arteries feeling?

>> No.6854715

Anyone had it? Want to know if it tastes good.

If the Egg lobby wanted to kill them, it must be decent.

>> No.6854732

Your "argument" was a complete fallacy in every single way

>> No.6854737

it has a picture of a plant, not an egg faggot

>> No.6854738

>Meaningless and furthers the pointless demonetization of technology that could save the world

>Has only the vaguest understanding of the science behind what he's spouting off about, tries to sound authoritative.
Hey Mr. Expert, canola spreads easily outside of farm fields and easily crosses with wild weeds. You think permanent genetic drift and herbicide-resistant weeds are smart?
Stick to whatever it is you actually know something about.

>> No.6854741

The fun angle is that the egg board is funded by and part of the government, and is barred from lobbying other government agencies, or trying to inhibit competitors in any way.
And the dummies on the board left quite an email trail that came out through FOIA.
Eggs can be good. The egg industry is disgusting and cruel and stupid.

>> No.6854743


It just tastes like regular mayonnaise, if you just randomly picked up a jar and didn't know any better you wouldn't attribute it to being egg-free, just to being a different brand. The chipotle version is pretty good, though.

>> No.6854746

What's behind the plant?

>> No.6854750

Just Mayo is delicious. It's the only brand I buy. Stay mad, /ck/.

>> No.6854751

The people all upset about the egg on the label do realize that many vegetarian products use meat shapes, right?
Seriously, how many of you really think consumers are being tricked here?
How many people who want traditional egg mayo are accidentally picking up this?
Totally appropriate outrage. Totally.

>> No.6854778

>Is this really mayonnaise?

Mayonnaise is a thick, creamy sauce often used as a condiment. It is a stable emulsion of oil, egg yolks, and either vinegar or lemon juice, with many options for embellishment with other herbs and spices.


>> No.6854779

>Seriously, how many of you really think consumers are being tricked here?
literally no faux meat actually calls itself meat

mayo has a legal definition bruh

>> No.6854782

white background

>> No.6854789

Hippy please, the adults are talking

>> No.6854790

>This product recently replaced all of the mayo used in 7-Elevens.

boycot 7-11

>> No.6854794
File: 661 KB, 499x754, Captcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see why they're worried then, thanks.

Also, dat captcha...

>> No.6854799

GMOs as a concept are fine. Tomatoes with a salmon gene so than can be grown in colder weather? dank. papayas that can't get ringworm? dank.

plants that have been altered so that they cannot produce new seeds, and can survive heavy duty toxic shit, that is then sprayed with said toxic shit, is bad.
Monsanto is a poisons company, they only sell seeds so they can sell more poison.

>> No.6854888

Overpopulation is a myth you cunt

>> No.6854900

it's not a myth it's just not an issue yet. The earth as it stands now can support something in the range of 10-20 billion people, and there's currently about 7.

>> No.6854924
File: 11 KB, 271x271, 1395695239462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The earth as it stands now can support something in the range of 10-20 billion people

>> No.6854937


>> No.6854939

We just need to gas all the shitskins so whites can have a better future

Just imagine a planet full of glorious Aryans and what they could do for the galaxy

>> No.6854943

no, we should keep the strongest and the smartest of all the races and purge the autists, fattys and downys. if we 'gas the shitskins' we doom ourselves to a slow extinction due to lack of genetic diversity.

>> No.6854963

this. so much this. If people actually did any fucking research into anything they would be able to make logical conclusions about shit. Instead everyone just picks a side and memorizes a list of buzzwords.

>> No.6854969

You really cannot be this bluepilled.

>> No.6854972

Pretty much need everyone. Humanity is successful because of how good it is at playing the odds. Basically we're so diverse that any one thing could only kill most of us. Not all of us.

>> No.6854975

you know you redpill folks are in the autistic group right?
please tell me you're aware of your autism.

>> No.6855193

Spotted the niggers

>> No.6855204

Is /ck/ seriously this autistic? It's a good product.

>> No.6855230

not vegetarian. i like this stuff

>> No.6855239

I had it and it does not taste like mayo. You can taste that there's no egg in it. The texture is about the same though. Imagine a slightly salty oil spread or something. I'm never going to buy it again. If you like that miracle whip salad dressing stuff then you might like this.
I'm not saying it's bad but it definitely didn't taste like mayo at all.

>> No.6855257

>The texture is about the same though.
Now that I think about it, the texture was how do I say the knife went through it much more smoothly but also easily. With regular mayo you can hear the mayo pulling apart and rolling onto the knife whereas I didn't hear it all with this stuff. I guess it felt very thin and extra smooth.

>> No.6855276

You can't criticize someone elses argument claiming autism and oh its all wrong
You have made no effort to put up an argument against it and just claim its all wrong
Make specific points or fuck off
Not even the person you were replying to but holy shit you look like an idiot

>> No.6855403

except it doesn't and won't. that's a cover story and I am continually surprised people swallowed it so easily. hopefully it is being parroted satirically. the goal is most certainly not humanitarian, so even if the technology could save the world (HYPOTHETICALLY because right now all they're doing is selling more Round Up), that salvation would actually be extortion.

this issue wouldn't piss me off so much if THIS >>6854738 wasn't happening. but it is. right fucking now. not illegal, and nobody cares.

>> No.6855414

Not that guy but "argument" is right, considering the original anon merely spat out the party line that is based solely on hypothetical situations and not what is actually occurring.

Also it is highly suspicious that any calls for safety and caution with new technology are met with
>you don't believe in the technology?!

If propaganda is required to defend something, you better fucking wonder.

>> No.6855418

I don't get why people are so afraid to try new things. This shit is delicious. Who gives a shit if it's not made with eggs?

>> No.6855435

Holy shit. The employees in the comment section is pretty hilarious.

>> No.6855541

Reminder that only fatties get legitimately upset about this shit.

>> No.6855583
File: 103 KB, 678x960, 1439729203438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People who don't make their own mayo.


>> No.6856156


> mayo has a legal definition bruh

Technically, mayonnaise has a legal definition - mayo is implied to have a legal definition but it isn't literally spelled out in the FDA regulations.

Of course, they could just add "dressing" under the label in small text and that would be sufficient to avoid any FDA shenanigans.

>> No.6856802
File: 44 KB, 680x510, c7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can now write and argue reel gud.

>> No.6857250

I tried an egg salad with this in it, it just tasted like regular egg salad. I don't get why people are getting so upset about this stuff.

>> No.6857284


because it's vegan

>> No.6857297


>> No.6857313


people hate vegans

>> No.6857343


People automatically assume that the vegan version of something is inferior. It usually is, especially if you see it as an imitation of something inherently non-vegan. I used to be super butt hurt about it to the point that I refused to eat anything with "vegan" in the name.
I used to hate almond-based vegan cheese until I started thinking of it as its own thing rather than an imitation of cheese, now I actually like it.

>> No.6857443


what? I never heard of this.

>> No.6857446


mustard in mayo is ridiculously common

>> No.6857456

I understand people mix them together when they make a sandwich, but I have never actually seen (ok, looked for) the two combined in one package.

I have seen "Hellman's Dijonaise," but I have not seen other brands combine the two. I have only bought regular Hellman's.

>> No.6858425

cholesterol is vital at a cellular level to strengthen cell walls all throughout your body. You'd know this if you payed attention in Biology instead of wacking off to Julia Child all day. Moderation, as with damn near everything, is key.

>> No.6858430
File: 73 KB, 392x560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mustard is an emulsifier—i.e. it combines fats and acids extraordinarily well, but it isn't essential to mayo

>> No.6859072

Most mayonnaise has a dash of mustard for taste.

>> No.6859141


...Pig Pen?

>> No.6859286

>employees mad that a company that makes mayonnaise is not a tech company

Holy shit, what a bunch of idiots.

>> No.6859363

The implication is that it's masquerading around as a tech company and the company itself is probably over valued.

>> No.6859404

>the comments sections
LOL HC has a internet defense force.

>> No.6859507


>> No.6859577

ayyy lmayo

>> No.6860035

Because surely this this the first company to do such a thing!!

This is garbage journalism and you know it.

>> No.6860076

Tried it, tastes like shit.

>> No.6860077

That shit is literally Hipster: The Mayonnaise. Using buzzwords to justify a higher price. Sad thing is they're probably making millions off of that shitty mayonnai-
>egg free



>> No.6860110

but... they can't call it " 99% emusified fat".. it wouldn't sale...

>> No.6860386

benedict cumcumber

>> No.6860399

Says the current employee of the PR department.

>> No.6860452

Nearly all mayo I can buy in a store has mustard in it.

>> No.6860646

Oh I'm not doubting the shit-post quality article, lets not be confused about that.

>> No.6860975

or paprika

>> No.6861038

The "feeding masses of people" part isn't what gets more, nor do I think eating GMO crops is bad for you. But I dislike the branding of seeds that don't regen, and the cross-pollination dangers with wild flowers and such.