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6850379 No.6850379 [Reply] [Original]

Does it really taste like throw up?

>> No.6850383

apparently if you're a pussy european not used to high quality chocolate

>> No.6850401

It's not bad but nobody in their right mind thinks it's high quality


>> No.6850403

When Americans throw up, do they think it tastes like chocolate?

>> No.6850404

Cute. It's funny how the cheap chocolate in the rest of the world doesn't taste like vomit. Silly clappyfat.

>> No.6850407

Hershey is the only cheap chocolate that taste like "vomit"

>> No.6850409

dont you have some refugees to house?

>> No.6850410
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>> No.6850413


You're twice a retard. Aside from the fact that Euros have pleb tier cheap chocolate to compare it to, kids have pretty discerning tastes. Any candy maker thinking "it doesn't matter that it's disgusting, we're selling to kids" isn't gonna stay in business for long.

>> No.6850414

Don't you have some Mexicans to house? Maybe they can improve your abysmal food situation.

>> No.6850418

In that case Hershey's can't be considered disgusting. What's your point again? It doesn't sound like you're disagreeing with me.

>> No.6850422
File: 50 KB, 586x475, 1440356228266.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats rotten cheese
>complains about chocolate with fermented milk in it

European logic ladies and gentleman

>> No.6850493

>implying that every person in Europe's approximate 50 different countries actually has/eats rotten cheese as a delicacy in their culture

>> No.6850502

>50 different countries
There are britbongs, the french, and then the rest of you are all the same mud farmers and sheep rapists

>> No.6850507

Europoors would know since they vomit in the street so much.

>> No.6850517

>the fact that Euros have pleb tier cheap chocolate
and murica never lost in 'nam, right?

>> No.6850526

>and murica never lost in 'nam, right?
we chose to leave, it was a tie

>> No.6850543

Don't you have some BBC to worship

Europe 1 USA 0

Every time

>> No.6850545

What does that have to do with chocolate ?

>> No.6850552

it tastes like cheap, mass produced chocolate, which it is. not inherently bad but not a first choice for anybody who actually enjoys chocolate.

>> No.6850571

Cheap chocolate in Europe doesn't taste of vomit though.

>> No.6850580

>Does it really taste like throw up?

The correct term is "vomit wax"

>> No.6850593

Hershey is the only chocolate

>> No.6850596

It tastes like sugar

>> No.6850628

...that tastes of vomit, yes.

>> No.6850631

it ain't me

>> No.6850656

Why do you eat vomit and wax?

>> No.6850661

When did I say I ate Hershey's anon?

>> No.6850664

What? Did you eat Hershey's then?

>> No.6850678

Of course I've tried it. How else would I know it tastes of vomit and wax?

>> No.6850681

I've never thought about it much, but it actually does taste a bit like sour vomit that's been sweetened. It's also not creamy at all, it's powdery and grinds on your tongue like fine grit sandpaper.

I don't think it's possible to make chocolate worse than hersheys. Every other cheap chocolate manages to be better.

>> No.6850689

its chocorific

>> No.6850693

I have boycotted Hershey's

>> No.6850697

Why are you eating vomit and wax?

>> No.6850702

>it's powdery and grinds on your tongue like fine grit sandpaper.
They must use a cheaper recipe for Europoors.

That or it gets fucked in shipping.

>> No.6850709

I'm not anon. You seem confused.

>> No.6850711


tip top kek

Hershey's doesn't even qualify as chocolate in Europe. You can only buy it imported, if you're insane.

>> No.6850712

W- what? Hershey's chocolate is great, the hell are all you people talking about? I mean there are better chocolates but Hershey's is still excellent.

>> No.6850713

>I'm not anon,
You said it

>> No.6850715

Good for you. I'm sure they'll be filing for bankruptcy soon due to the lack of your business.

>> No.6850720

Yes anon, Hershey's tastes of vomit and wax. That does not mean I am eating vomit and wax. You are very confused anon.

>> No.6850721

>You can only buy it imported
Then it's a shipping problem.

Hershey bars are not gritty at all.

>> No.6850725

>They must use a cheaper recipe for Europoors.
I'm not europoor. I've lived in the US my whole life.

The texture is horrible because it's insufficiently conched. It's not smooth like proper chocolate.

>> No.6850726

Then how do you know it tastes like vomit and wax?

>> No.6850730
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>Hershey's is...excellent.

Is that you with your eyes closed?

>> No.6850732

Where in the US?

>> No.6850734

>How do you know a thing tastes like a thing?

Because I have a palette anon.

>> No.6850736


>> No.6850739

You mean experience. Experience eating wax and vomit.

>> No.6850740

Why would I need to eat vomit to know what vomit tastes like? Do you understand how vomit works anon?

>> No.6850745

Maine, Florida, Colorado and California.

I've eaten loads of the stuff, often as halloween candy. It's just a very bad chocolate. It's sweet and fine for kids or something, but once you have good quality chocolate it's hard to pretend hersheys is even half way decent.

>> No.6850746

>Do you understand how vomit works anon?
Yes. Do you understand how combinations work?

Mustard and mayonnaise are two separate things, but if you mix them together you get something else.

>> No.6850747


By that standard, any good quality cheese tastes and smells like BO. Funny how chemicals work like that huh? Ohh, did you know that there is this element called carbon that is in dog shit is also in broccoli?

>> No.6850749

Like for example, if you mix vomit and wax together you get Hershey's "chocolate"? Thank you for agreeing with me anon. We shall leave it there.

>> No.6850751

Milk chocolate and real chocolate are different things. You know this right?

>> No.6850753

So you admit to eating wax and vomit. Got it.

>> No.6850754

>Because I have a palette anon.
What does painting have to do with tasting things?

Or did you mean palate maybe

>> No.6850757

>throw up
>chunks of half digested food

>tastes like chocolate

no you fucking retard

>> No.6850764

No I didn't realize that. You know not to stick forks in electrical outlets right?

There is decent milk chocolate out there. It will never have as much flavor as real chocolate, but it can be much better than the abomination that is hersheys

>> No.6850767

There are also worse things than Hershey.

>> No.6850768
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>you have to eat vomit to know what vomit tastes like

>> No.6850769

not him, but that isn't a good point for making shit quality chocolate. There is good quality mil chocolate out there

>> No.6850776


He said he ate vomit AND wax, anon. keep up.

>> No.6850777

>There are also worse things than Hershey.
Like genocide or something?

>> No.6850778

Hershey's Internet Defence Force

>> No.6850779

Yeah... but he was comparing milk chocolate with real chocolate.

>> No.6850785
File: 371 KB, 543x415, legit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is impossible to identify two distinct flavors without having tasted both of them in that exact combination previously

>> No.6850787

>triggered autismo

Like your mom's rank vag

>> No.6850790

>eating wax
Literal retard detected

>> No.6850792

No he wasn't, he just said good quality chocolate.

There is good quality milk chocolate.

>> No.6850793

no he didn't, oh great lord TurboAutismo.

>> No.6850794

Yeah, like Hershey's.

>> No.6850795
File: 121 KB, 273x225, waxed-apples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't even know he's eaten wax

>> No.6850799

Yes, he did.

>> No.6850800

you win this round

>> No.6850802

>waxed apples
Maybe in some shithole flyover area

>> No.6850803

are you really this stupid?

>> No.6850806

go read the post again you retard

and quote where he was comparing herseys to proper dark chocolate

>> No.6850808
File: 1.55 MB, 4000x3000, waxed-cheeses_march.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no wax on any of the high quality jewish deli imported organic whole food i've ever eaten

>> No.6850812

>comparing herseys to proper dark chocolate
No, he was comparing it to REAL CHOCOLATE, he didn't specify milk chocolate.

>> No.6850814

>eating old ass Washington apples
a man's man, if there ever was one.

>> No.6850818
File: 67 KB, 640x480, no-wax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wax? on my food? never! i have no idea what the taste and consistency of wax is!

>> No.6850823

>eating hard candy
gross tbh

Also, according to that logic, Hershey bars taste like life savers? Lol

>> No.6850828
File: 1.09 MB, 1868x1632, never-ever-waxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to eat candles or something to understand what wax is

>> No.6850830

You eat lemon skin? What in the world?

>> No.6850833

So all candy tastes like wax now, not just hershey bars? ok...

>> No.6850837

Oh no! Palm leavings in my food! Gummies are kind of gross though.

>> No.6850845
File: 193 KB, 1300x980, jar-honey-honeycomb-17533610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating wax is impossible no one can ever eat wax!

>> No.6850856

>eating wax is impossible
I never said that. Are you autistic? For real?

>> No.6850865

>why no one can possible know what wax tastes like, and what vomit tastes like, and be able to identify the taste of wax and vomit combined into a single bar of Hershey's "chocolate"!
>for such a thing to be possible, someone would have to eat wax and vomit! at the same time!
>no one would ever eat wax!

>> No.6850869

But he said he did, anon.

>> No.6850873


>> No.6850877
File: 9 KB, 303x166, hershey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6850879

Weird fetish you got there.

>> No.6850889
File: 48 KB, 600x373, roman-shower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6851137

I miss when they had the foil under the wrapping. I remember the bars themselves generally being bigger, too. When did they cheap on on these?

>> No.6851146

>gets his news from BBC

America 3 Europe 0

>> No.6851154

>posts on 4chan

America -6589 Europe 245701236091241982

>> No.6851295


Literally shit reformed into a candy bar-like shape. Avoid it like the plague.

>> No.6851319

I like hersheys

>> No.6851325

It tastes good to me and that's all that fucking matters.

>> No.6851328

its chocorific

>> No.6851340
File: 10 KB, 200x200, Laughing in tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The burgershoots are actually defending Hershies chocolate flavoured food product

>> No.6851348

damn, I thought I was the only one who noticed that hershey tastes like puke. Disgusting.

>> No.6851353

It tastes pretty bad compared to Cadbury's chocolate. If we're talking mass produced anyway.

>> No.6851356

I want to make a hi-end chocolate with fermented milk now. Some of us like the taste, just wish it was higher quality. I can't stand European milk chocolates, taste like the cheap dollar store chocolate to me.

I do like Ritter though.

>> No.6851400


>> No.6851419

>The yuropoorans literally have nothing to be proud about besides chocolate.

>> No.6851514

Being better than you in every way is pretty decent.

>> No.6852372
File: 172 KB, 1500x996, cow_autist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i only buy this stuff so i can give it to my neighbors kid and not feel bad for wasting money. the kid isn't an american so he doesn't know that it's pleb tier. i guess everyone has to start somewhere.

>pic related, mfw people actually thing herseys is anything but the whore of babel of the chocolate world.

>> No.6852379

>throw the product in the trash then fuck the side of the trashcan

>> No.6852385
File: 25 KB, 461x495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a Hershey's with nuts in it actually a couple hours ago, it's been forever since I had one. Anyway it honestly tasted pretty shitty, nothing like chocolate. I don't know if it's because it's been sitting on a shelf in 7/11 for a year or it tastes like corn syrup more so than chocolate.

>> No.6852388



>> No.6852389
File: 208 KB, 354x534, 1429918232824.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tastes like the smell of dog shit to me

>> No.6852465

hershey's had butyric acid in.... that make it smell a bit like vomit ...

>> No.6852488

Didn't they actually remove cocoa from the recipe at one point